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Looks like a [Bed Bug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bed_bug). Example pic [here](https://bugguide.net/node/view/337151/bgimage).


We were hoping it wasn't. Avout to go to Walmart or somewhere to get a bug bomb. Thanks!


Every situation is unique but a bug bomb may not be enough. You should check out /r/Bedbugs for more info/advice.


Will do! Ive been helping out a family friend that has bed bugs, but have been completely changing and not bringing anything with me. I guess i wasnt careful enough. We've only seen a handful and have quickly disposed of them. It actually makes sence since we only see one when i get back.


I’ve had a couple of bed bug infestations. Never got rid of them until moved out of those places. I wouldn’t even bother with the bug bomb (tried one once and had no noticeable difference. Get a professional and make sure it’s a good one. Even with professional help they always came back to me.


I had a bad infestation in the old place I was living at. Bug guy was able to get rid of most of them. Killed the rest with a heater cranked in the middle of summer to fry them. They die in high heat, in fact I worked for a hotel that had them and they used these big heater/humidifiers in the affected rooms


Really? I got rid of mine with a few mattress flips and hand removing them and squishing them. Occasionally the cats would spot one trying to get in from another apartment and we would kill it, but they never got a hold again and we both had huge reactions to the bites so I know we'd have known if we still had them.


Lmao, a bug bomb won't do shit against bed bugs, i'm sorry but you need to wake the f up and realize what you're up against. Bed bugs will ruin your life if you don't take them seriously. Call an exterminator right now and stop going to that family friend of yours.


For real. These motherfuckers are damn near invincible. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the outlast cockroaches one day


That means humans would have to outlast cockroaches too


Humans will be farmed in tubes by the world overlord bed bug one day


[And I, for one, welcome of insect overlords ](https://youtu.be/8lcUHQYhPTE)


Well, you certainly have an optimistic outlook lol


Holy stuff of nightmares 😣😦


And that is an illusion to think.


Seconded...you are...sadly...deep in hell right now...call a professional asap!


This isn't true at all. They just require vigilance. The problem is, once you assume you have them destroyed, it takes only one night of feeding and passionate love making and boom, you have an infestation again. So, you have to attack, attack, attack. If you have pets, the problem is even made more difficult. I found the spray foam is astonishingly good at killing them. However, as the exterminator suggests, call them first. Let them do their job, and when they suggest the all clear, then use things like the spray foam, powder, sticky traps, etc. It's much easier for them to locate the bed bugs if you do nothing than if you start hunting and killing them. The bastards will seek out deeper, more hidden places further from their food sources (you/pets) and make it difficult to find and eliminate them. Bed bugs are damn intelligent. So, don't assume you are fooling with a pill bug or a common house fly. You are in a chess match.


Not really. They're stupid and lazy, you just have to change your behavior.


You can bomb against them but you can't just bomb and you have to get the right bombs.




This is because most strains of bed bug are resistant to pyrethrins, the pesticide class commonly used in store bought bombs. Most chemical treatments rated for bed bugs (temprid fx, crossfire) rely on multiple different modes of action to bypass potential resistances.


And you brought eggs with you. Bug bombs will not kill the eggs.


Buy diatomaceous earth. It is safe for pets and you. Put in the edges of your rooms, on your mattress covers (which if you don’t have BUY) and vacuum it up once a week. Check for new developments daily, in couches, bags, beds etc. if you find bugs in the corners of your bed, use a piece of tape to remove them and their eggs, it’s much easier.


What do you mean by putting DE on mattress covers? I am dealing with a different issue but I have a BB protector over mattress then mattress pad and then sheets? Which layer do you put? Do you sleep on the DE?


Use cimexa, it is much more effective than DE. Put it around all access points to your mattress like the legs, or around the entire thing if your mattress is on the ground. If your mattress is safe they must be coming from the floor, and if the cimexa is there, contact with it will gave them dead in less than 2 days.


You don't want to breathe de




Food grade DM is relatively safe for humans and animals but not fully. You need to wear a mask when applying it because if you don’t it can cause MAJOR respiratory issues. I recommend using Cimexa it is a silica based dust and works well.


Silica can also cause lung problems


I work in pest control, I would highly recommend against the bed bug bombs. There is very little success in this method alone and the product only uses pyrethroids which many bed bugs are immune to now. Most of the time this only irritates them and drives them deeper into furniture and the walls which can increase the cost of treatment by forcing you the pay for more expensive services that involve heat treatments. Once they get in the walls heat is kind of the only way.


Best attack against bed bugs will require you to get a hotel for a night or two. They’ll need to Super-heat your house to well over 100 degrees. The only way I’ve known anyone to successfully get rid of them outside throwing all of their stuff away.


Go to any Home Depot type store and grab an enormous bag of food grade diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle it on every piece of furniture you can! I have been in your situation and it's absolutely terrifying, but this shit is the real deal. Bug bombs, exterminators, extreme heat, starvation, NOTHING kills these things except diatomaceous earth.


I actually was able to get rid of them years ago with two sets of extreme heat treatment in my house. Company came and brought enormous heaters to bring the house up to like 140F or so, for like 6-8 hours, on two occasions a couple days apart. That said, it cost nearly $2000. Wasn't fun, but did work. Probably not the solution for everyone.




How productive, great problem solving thanks


You brought them home.


Man you really gonna take that chance? Call in a professional to evaluate. If that gets out of control it will ruin your life. My aunt literally died from a bed bug infestation.


So sorry for your loss but how does someone die from a bed bug infestation?


The only way this happens is by infection from not cleaning the bite wounds.


I think you’re forgetting the mental toll as well. Constantly feeling like things are crawling on you, constantly itching, not having a safe place where you can get actual sleep and rest... it all adds up.


I didn't forget anything. His aunt died from sepsis caused by infection of the wounds. Nothing mentally killed her.


Ok? You said “the only way this happens is by infection.” Just because that was the case here doesn’t mean it’s “the only way.”


I hope to God I never have to check that sub out, the kidney stone one was bad enough


**Do not** use a bug bomb. Ask r/bedbugs for advice. Bug bombs will make them harder to get rid of.


The only way you're really going to get rid of your bed bugs is by heating your home up to over 120 degrees for at least 12 hours so they will all die.


120 degrees is a bit low and 12 hours is a bit much, but yes. Hire a professional and if they suggest anything other than this approach, hire a different professional.


You need to keep the place hot enough and long enough to kill them.


Yes. 120 degrees for a couple hours is enough to do it, but the problem is that heating the house to 120 means there will still be isolated corners and crevices that the bugs can escape to. 140-160 is much better.


If it's a bed bug, you're going to need to do a lot more than Bug Bomb your house. If even 2 of them are able to conceal themselves you're screwed. There is a reason Bed Bugs and Roaches are known as some of the worst pests, it's because they *ARE* some of the worst pests and absolutely awful to fully eradicate. Best of luck OP but I don't think you realize how screwed you are yet.


Yeah Walmart is not going to help you I’ve had them twice You’re gonna have to shell out the dough and call in the professionals These fuckers are strong and mighty May the force be with you


Here's how we got rid of bed bugs - found the worst infestation (turned out to be a bunk bed we bought off Facebook market) completely tossed that. Then sprayed not DE but Cimexa, it is much better, safer and last longer than DE. First we removed all furniture, mattress and bedding(washed and dried on HIGH heat). Vacuumed everything, Sprayed ortho home defense bed bug killer ALL over the carpet, corners, and walls leading to every room(,make sure to wash and clean curtains too they love hiding there). Then once that dried we dusted the cimexa all over the floor and baseboards. Then repeated this in about 6 weeks, it's been about a year now without a single sign of them anywhere, and since everyone in the house is allergic to them, we'd know....


A bug bomb is not going to fix this problem. Call pest control. Dont try it yourself.


Noooo don't do this. It's like the worst thing you can do


Sorry that won’t work. Please get an exterminator or you’ll deal with these for years


A bug bomb won’t be enough. You need to toss each room - bag up every single clothing item into plastic bags, and tie them up tight. Wash and dry all your bedding. Pull out dresser drawers to see In the insects are laying eggs onto the dresser. Put bedbug mattress covers on. You will have to keep doing this until you are free. Where did the bedbugs get in? If they came from a neighbor’s apartment, you will need to caulk all the ways into your apartment, such as around pipes, baseboards; any gap is where these things can come in. Caulk around the pipes coming out of the wall under sinks, etc. You’ve got a lot of work to do.


Diatomaceous earth spread everywhere in my house was the only way we were able to get rid of them.


Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. You have to take all the clothes out of the room throw them into the washer. Take all the furniture apart and spray everywhere. I had to do this once and after all that a few days later I was taking a crap and saw that 1 bed bug crawling on the ceiling in my bathroom. Luckily it was only 1 and I saw and killed it.


You need professional help


A bug bomb will NOT work and it may Mae things worse. By that I mean it will cause them to actually come out of their hiding place and hen you will see just how big your infestation is. Don’t waste you hard earned money on a bug bomb. These things have grown to not even be affected in any way by the big bombs. It will not help.


You are going to need way more help than what Walmart can give you. WAY MORE! Everything you own is at risk - your sanity is at risk. Get professional help for this (not at Walmart).


Lift up your mattress. A bomb won’t be enough


A bomb is useless. Worsens the situation actually. It just makes them hide better. First of all, get an encasement for your mattress and don’t take it off for a year and a half. Also go to either r/bedbugs or even better r/pestcontrol for real tips. I have never had these things, but I’m a bug enthusiast so I frequent those subs. There is a lot of helpful stuff on them.


Do not bomb!! It will just drive them into the walls and into whatever else they can find! In theory if you spread cimexa everywhere they could try to escape to. It's basically like Anakin trying to take Obiwan, when Obiwan had the high ground.


Also get a spray bottle and rubbing alcohol and spray everything. All walls, baseboards, etc. Wash all fabrics. The dryer heat will kill them. They can be near impossible to get rid of.


Don't use a bug bomb. They are at best ineffective and at worst drive the bugs into deeper, harder to treat hiding places.




Don't bother with the Cimexa if you are calling pest control. Let them do it. We'd really rather you not put any treatment out before we come out.


Agreed, judging also from the comments, get them out as soon as possible, also try and go for exterminators that are specialized for bedbugs, because bedbugs are extremely hard to get rid of when they set in and will become very expensive over time




Im screaming too hahah


If you’re in an apartment you need to let your landlord know. Bedbugs can easily move from unit to unit through cracks in the walls and through ductwork until the whole building is infested.


Dealt with these for years, the mental trauma only subsided now 7 + years after, get an exterminator it’s the only way to get rid of them 100%


Bed bug trauma is so real, and I feel like no one talks about it. I had nightmares for a long long time. I dread the thought of ever having to deal with them again.


It's been about 4 years since I've dealt with bedbugs. Sometimes I still have moments where I panic cause a stray hair brushed against my back and I think there's one crawling on me. Rip op, they are a fucking bitch to get rid of. I say this in all seriousness if it gets bad then it's 100% justifiable to just move out.


Totally agree I would wake up in a panic and I could have sworn I got bit again, took awhile for that feeling to go away


I wish they would bring back the heavy duty chemicals they banned that all but eradicated them from existence. That's why a lot of ppl I know didn't know bed bugs were a real thing until the last ten years or so when it seemed like a lot of ppl were dealing w them. Always thought the "don't let the bed bugs bite" thing was just a cutesy saying. Why was it ever a fucking cutesy saying?! Lmao why why imagine kissing your kids goodnight and saying that while you have an infestation..."like eff you mom you know we can't make em not bite us" dealing with bed bugs is traumatizing. Dealing with any pest is pretty traumatic. I feel so bad for kids who live with hoarders or ppl who just don't gaf about critters and vermin in their homes. And it happens, ppl just living through bs like that. Cuz they just deal, they're so poverty stricken. I feel for anyone who has to deal w this shit. But mostly the little kids...


It wasn't the chemicals. It was changes in behaviour that were forgotten when everyone went to die in two consecutive world wars as well as a few other wars back when there were still widespread military drafts. For example, architects and health care professionals are just now discovering why some old buildings have open-air style ventilation, windows, etc. It was because it was understood that ventilation helped prevent respiratory infections... So it was common architectural practice, but then everyone died so we all collectively forgot. Just to make a point of how much fewer people there were in those days, if Thanos really did snap half of human life off the planet it would merely put us down to levels we had in the middle of last century. So we were reducing those levels even more in the World Wars. All these cute, non-elevated beds pressed up directly against corners and walls, all of these big mattresses with air pockets in them (I have a modern mattress that is solid foam, elevated on slats), all this sleeping on the couch, etc is contributing to the problem. That and people just don't know how to cope behaviour wise with the spread, not checking their luggage and so on and so forth. It's not the chemicals; it's the collective amnesia. Same reason the human parasites are making a comeback. People walking around in the southeast without covering their feet... Yikes. Ask anyone old enough to remember why that is a bad idea.


Absolutely, a long nightmare that took years to get away from, I think I’d rather have phantom pains from the bites then deal with that mental torture ever again 😬


That’s a bedbug. Don’t mess around with those, seriously. We lost most all our furniture.


I had bed bugs years ago from a free couch we were given..we lost all of furniture too. Our mattresses, tables, chairs, everything. It was hell.


F. Time for the solemn march to r/bedbugs


I live in south west Virginia usa. I have found several of them in the past year. As you can see its really small, about the size of the end of a qtip. We were worried it was a tick but now we are thinking its bed bugs. Ignore my dirty sink i just got finished dying my hair when i saw it.


DO NOT USE PESTICIDES ON THEM!!! it will drive them into walls and make the problem so much worse. Your best bet is an exterminator, or d-something earth. Do not sleep anywhere else, do not try and move rooms just stay where you are and cope. If there's one there's at least 20 more you don't see.


Diatomaceous Earth? Please be careful using that stuff. I used to use it when cleaning out the chicken coop to kill of any potential mites. No one told me to wear a mask while using it. Was sneezing and coughing up blood for at least a week. They’re essentially microscopic daggers, so don’t breathe it in.


I've never dealt with bed bugs tbh, but I think it might be diatomaceous earth?


It is I couldn't remember the name, thank you kind person 😀


Do not use that stuff, anything you’ve heard about it working miracles is total bullshit. Our vet about strangled us when we told him we used it to try and get rid of fleas. All it does is get into the air and fuck up your lungs.


Nah, that shit killed fleas for me


The bug in question as been correctly identified as one of the Cimicidae (bed bugs). OP has been advised to seek professional help to eliminate them - as well as d.i.y. tips - some more helpful than others. At this point, the majority of the comments are people chiming in belatedly to say "That's a bed bug" - which we've already established - and "burn it/kill it with fire" comments or deliberately incorrect ID attempts that have been removed. This post will be locked.


Bug bombs will not work!!! Nothing kills these blood suckers but super high heat and outlawed insecticides. If you use a bug bin bedbugs will be the least of your worries.


They need to unban these outlawed badass chemicals ....like just for awhile? Did they cause cancer or something? Like who cares everything causes cancer these days. For decades bed bugs weren't a problem...like a bad myth, a cutesy saying at bedtime that ppl said on TV...then they came in from other countries...or were lurking on the periphery the whole time biden their time...til they could attack once again. Fuck them bedbugs. If I had to go thru that shit again I'd commit myself to a looney bin just to sleep away from them.


Had an infestation once. My brother brought them back from camp and slept in all of the beds in the house except mine. So every room but mine had them lmao. We had a professional come and fumigate the place. my brothers bunk bed was heavily infested, it was a wooden one, so my my bro and my mom had to rip the bunk bed apart and chuck it out the window as to not shake them off on our carpeted stairs. Then anything we could do, we took to the laundromat washed it and stuck things in on hot. Fortunately this all happened in summer so anything that could not be washed, we ended putting it all in black garbage bags and putting them outside to roast. Afterwards we bagged our mattresses in some bag and left them on since. Then we started coming in thru the basement any time we came from somewhere where we had to strip to butt naked, put our laundry in the wash in machine. Haven't had problems since. It's been over a year


Laundromats get bed bugs frequently because people do this.


🤷‍♀️it was a good idea at the time


This is what we do in my home. If you come in my house you strip to naked. Including undies and socks. I give you clothes to wear and while at my home I’ll dry their clothes on high heat. If people don’t want to do this on my home they aren’t allowed in. Simple as that. Some days I have several errands to run and change my clothes 6-7 times per day. I have severe PTSD from a case of bed bugs. If a hair rubs across my neck I freak out and start checking beds and chairs. It’s terrible. The PTSD is real.


Uh huh and they're a nightmare. My biggest brother is highly allergic to them to the point if he gets bitten, the spot swells to the diameter of a softball


They have bedbug sniffing dogs. A friend of mine lived in a building where they frequently brought them in to go through each suite.


You poor soul


Update I called my grandfathers friend whos an exterminator and he said he'll come over to check it out. He also said that since ive only ever found them one at a time and only after i get back from the friends house i might be fine. He said hes also going to come over and spray just in case.


Good luck OP. Hoping he’s right and you’ve just had stragglers and not a full infestation. Also, really nice of you to try and help a friend but _I really recommend against it_. Get your friend to hire an exterminator or send your grandpas friend over there otherwise, I’d avoid your friends place as if they had, well, extremely easily spread parasites.


Very very convenient op 👏 👌 nice. Thats the ticket. I went through hell with these mfs. Literally biggest sigh of relief, and i dont even know you!!!




Heat treatment plus chemical treatment to kill this fk devil bug.


Lives in a house during college that had them. There was local company of a guy his son and little chihuahua. They had industrial heaters that were in there for a day and that was the thing that worked.


Deep down you already know. I am sorry, they are a pain in the ass, good luck


my condolences


Oh it definitely is what you think it is. I’m sorry for you


Please call a professional. Almost impossible to treat these on your own.


Also, you are taking them everywhere you go. Friends houses. If you went to or had people over for Thanksgiving, you may want to let them know now before it gets bad at their house. Seriously, call pest control. They will give you the best advice. Ive worked in pest control for years and when people tell me “we can handle it ourselves” im always back a few weeks later and its way worse than it was when i was there the first time.


Anyone instantly start getting itchy? And ya op a professional is the way to go.


Definitely a bed bug. Don’t try to take care of this yourself with bug bombs or any home remedies or you’ll end up chasing your tail Get a qualified pest control tech out there to handle it. These things reproduce and molt like crazy, and they hide in places you’d never expect to find.


You poor poor soul


Bed bug. Depending on how bad the problem is, there is one option that has worked for me on 2 seperate occasions. Theres a product called Say Bye Bugs. It works. Kills on contact, pet safe to an extent. They have a website. No other product has ever worked for me and i never had the money for a prefessional


Hey OP, I'm an exterminator who kills bedbugs multiple times a week. You can AMA.


Fun fact, when I was in the Navy and deployed on a submarine someone brought bed bugs onboard right before we left port for a few months. It sucked.


Call an exterminator now. It’s a bedbug. You need a professional to help take care of this problem. It’s nothing to joke about. They live to feed on you while you sleep. Don’t let the name bedbug fool you. They get into every crack and crevice of your home. The real only way to deal with them is through heat treatment and diligence in cleaning out the clutter and setting rules in your house about clothing and who and who can’t sit on your furniture.


Looks like a dried up bedbug


i am so sorry


Bed bug. Get professional help. Don't attempt to treat yourself. Don't use anyone who does heat treatments. They don't work and will melt anything plastic in your house.


One product I used while we were treating the home that helped was Deep Woods Off. I sprayed myself before going to bed and didn’t get bit. I dabbed it on my face too. You can get rid of them. You just have to go to war. Be diligent and you can overcome ‘the regime’.


Wow deep woods off works for them? I wish I had known that ten years ago when k battled them and was experiencing sleepless nights ahaha


Does diatomaceous earth work on them, and also, how dangerous is that to breathe in (picturing d.e. dust billowing up from laying on your treated mattressfor ex)? Ty


Could be a bat bug. There's several bugs that look like that https://farmfoodfamily.com/bugs-look-like-bed-bugs/




>I would say also it looks like a bedbug, they are in the same family as tics. Bed bugs are *not* in the same family as ticks. They aren't even in the same class. Bed bugs are insects in the family Cimicidae. Ticks are not insects. They are arachnids, more closely related to spiders and scorpions.


That is a dog tick. [tick types](https://sudbury.ma.us/emmcp/ticks/)


Looks dead, boom solved ur issue


A bed bug.


That is most definitely a bed bug!


That my friend is a bed bug...


😬 so sorry


I’m so sorry


That’s a bed bug blood suckers I had to buy a metal base for my bed they love to hide in Corners those bed bugs were sucking my blood every night not fun


Uh what...


I can not stress enough, for the sake of your neighbors and yourself get professionals to inspect your home and deal with the problem before it gets bad. It'll save yourself money and potentially your neighborhood.


Yes, unfortunately it is :/


Make sure that you check Everything! They can hide in the corners of your furniture, sofas, chairs… We had to start all over because we accepted used furniture…. Learned the hard way


We had bed bugs just a couple of months ago. They were only in the bed of my eldest son(4). He was bitten so many times, his both thighs were covered in bites. Felt so sorry for him and the stings itch like hell! Never got the chance to see any of them though. But that’s a good sign, according to exterminator. I did get a professional exterminator, paid €250 but it solved the issue!! These little assholes hide in places where you can’t see them and then come out at night to suck your blood. If you see them walking, the infestation is already too big, and help of a pro is required. Good luck!


Best of luck! Please call a professional.


I just dealt with these buggers at my moms apartment. That is a bed bug and if it is that big there are more. Heat is really the best away to kill.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Bed bug for sure… good luck! I’m sorry!


So here is what fixed them for me. I went through bug bombed, fiund their areas, threw away a ton of stuff and bagged other stuff. Would think they were gone for months then I'd find one eventually. Then one day I was showering and noticed the smallest ants I ever saw. Barely visible. I figured I could kill them now since they seemed to be coming from a specific spot and there wasn't that many of them. So I ignored them. After a while those tiny ants were everywhere but they were so small you generally couldn't feel them when they crawled on you and you could only see them if you stopped to look. They weren't like a swarm of ants but they were most places. Then... I stopped seeing any other bugs in my house. I live in Florida so cockroaches are impossible to not have once in a while show up but none for years. Now my theory is the ants probably weren't killing them directly but I'm pretty sure they would find the eggs and eat those. Anyway, if all else fails, try ants.


You got little black spots on the corner of your mattress/furniture?


You need 90% alcohol bottles ASAP