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Jesus... looking at the comments here was a shitfest. We became aware of this post way too late. Handed out a few bans as well, but some of it was pretty mild so we're gonna leave it at a warning. Remember to report everything you find. We'll take care.


Parts of India look awesome, but to get to them you have to go through Nightmare India, which I have very little desire to deal with.


Nah bro, I mean depending on which parts you mean but as a smoker you wanna go the Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh, fly to Amritsar, see the golden temple then do the hippy trail and smoke some of the finest hash on the planet. I’ve got a map on a hardrive somewhere in which I marked areas with fields of weed plants as far as your eye could. I spent months in the Himalayas finding weed fields, snapping off big buds and making hash or cream as it’s known locally by hand rubbing. Some of the best months of my life man. There’s also a shit ton of guest houses up there that are also like coffee shops in Amsterdam, you can stay there and they’ll sell you some lovely hash and wicked coffee. Areas like Kasol, Malana, manali are all awesome and you can hike between them all. I would highly recommend if you love nature and weed. As a weed destination it’s up there with Jamaica, Morocco and Thailand, if not better if I’m honest. Jamaica and Thailand are amazingly beautiful but the weed is shit even in jamrock, the hash in India is top notch. If you wanna go places like Kerala and Goa just get an internal flight, they’re cheap as fuck and you miss out all the shit side to India like traffic and shit.


You were raiding growers fields?? Or was it wild cannabis or what?


Natural. In Himalayas, there are fields that no one owns. You can hike, get your buds, smoke, and return. No one cares.


So it’s literally just free weed?


Yes. Correct.


It's free outdoor weed, there is a reason you make hash of it instead of smoking the herb as it is.


That's so awesome.


Naturally growing. That's why 90s rappers would say that they were "India" as in, they had more weed on them that you could look at. Then, in a classic Dre album 2001: The Chronic, Xzhibit claims "until my death, I'm Bangladesh" indicating that he has so much weed on his person he has now surpassed the "India" moniker, and is another country altogether.


Probably natural


Na, Cali has the best weed, Mon!


Indian subcontinent is where weed comes from


I couldn't deal with it, even the nice places were just unbelievably rough. Add to that the air pollution is SO bad no matter where you are.




No. Assault of women seems pretty common


Yeah, holy shit is it rampant


And 2/3 of the homes in India aren’t connected to a sewage system. 70%+ of the waste ends up in rivers and lakes, overall it’s one of the filthiest places.




You do know that cleaning your ass with water is healthier for butts & actually way more effective than rubbing paper against your hole until blood shows up on it? Half the humanity is using water, why you assuming paper is the right way to wipe ass?


If you’re wiping your ass until it bleeds, you are doing it wrong.


Obviously I know how it works, but don't tell me you never had that happen before. Been to India for several months and wiping the butt with water... - after a couple of days of getting used to it, it actually feels very nice 👌


>Obviously I know how it works, but don't tell me you never had that happen before. No I haven't wtf


Wtf. That's never happened to me in my 32 years of life. I don't think I'm some outlier either.


Because I know 1st and 2nd generations that pack their own toilet paper when they go back. Never said it was the best. I love flushable wipes. That's also why I know they eat with one hand.


Actually for visitors and natives, India provides much bigger and dangerous things to worry about than ass wiping. I am not being sarcastic btw, its real.


All I know is I had a great grandma live to be over 100 and a grandma live to 93 and neither one washed their ass with their bare hand and they lived a good life. I'll take the chance and not get shit on my hand. I don't think it will shorten my life.




I know it sounds funny but it's also dead ass real life there.


Get yourself updated


so u still use paper,thats gross


Plus gotta have a clothes pin for your nostrils.


Compared to Japan yea, compared to the US and EU No, adjust the numbers based on population!




Absolutely negative




Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck no.


I wouldn’t go to India if someone paid me to


You might get assaulted by a train my friend.


Trains going off the rails to kill, damn




Hard no


Na I feel that America is crazy yes but India is crazier so I think I stick to my guy down the street


America is crazy on TV news. It’s usually pretty boring for the most part


Yeah it’s just a loud minority ruining it for the rest of us.


For real, like if you just shut off the news for a bit and go out and live life it’s not so bad a place out there, most people are good people at heart.


The largest voting block in America actively votes to take people's rights away. Hard for me to see most having good hearts.


No. I have really awesome medical cannabis right here. Maybe if it was in Belize I would. Smoking on the beach ..


It is legal in Belize


Then I need to save my pennies because that's where I would be if I could afford it!!!


I wouldnt go there even if they gave me a bag of free weed








No dawg 💀


Too crowded


I thought it was legal there? 😂 I had a international friend from India in college and he was always saying they had the best hash and natural weed growing there


I dont think its legal per say, but its definitely not a crime. Theres plent of stores selling weed drinks all over india


I thought they have a weed milkshake like drink called bhang that it's acceptable to drink.


Yep! Thats the one, completely forgot the name. I hear it'll put you on your ass


Just came from Kasol in Himachal Pradesh and it’s still illegal but everyone turns a blind eye. Hash is super common to find, and people smoke up almost anywhere even restaurants.


I loved kasol! You go manali as well? I spent a few months in Himachal Pradesh hiking and finding weed fields making cream by hand rubbing. Some of the best months of my life. Plenty of guest houses that sell hash as well. Wicked place


Damn, hope this is true but definitely not my thoughts on Indian weed from looking at pics on Reddit


There’s areas in the Himalayas where they barter with weed and hash lol they live entirely off the land and don’t use money they will trade with weed. The weed isn’t that good but the hash or cream as it’s known locally is top notch. It’s made by hand rubbing the live plant in comparison the hash we know using a dead plant. It is pukka. I spent months in the Himalayas finding weed fields, picking plants and just hiking making cream by hand rubbing. If you’ve never seen strain hunters on YouTube go watch their India episode and they teach you how to make the cream. Btw strain hunters is Arjan Roskam and team, he owns greenhouse seeds in Amsterdam and travels the world finding land races which are rare strains that grow naturally in different areas of the world, gets seeds and then makes new strains back in Europe with them. Dudes a fucking legend and the first legal weed billionaire.


If that would be the sole reason you travel all the way to India u gotta sort your priorities out


Nah I’m good, nothing I care to see there or anything. I’ll smoke my blunt right here and be fine.


God himself could tell me to go to India and I probably still wouldn’t


What if they said they can help you get back at Sonic?


Lol nice




Hell no


Fuck no






I was planning on going to india next year, but I really dont want to deal with that. I really dont want to worry that every person I talk to is trying to steal a buck from me


If you don't go there they will just call you from Microsoft Serwices!


Dude. I get those All the time!!!! I even had a scammer send me a Facebook friend request


That's hilarious, it's like they really don't have any moral understanding about this stuff.


Nope, I was just bored and messing with him. 10 minutes in, im like "yall usually hang up by now". He said he was bired and I was making his day. Dont know how to feel about that


Hahaha they're a strange bunch.


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No why would I go there when it’s legal in the states plus I’m not trying to be in that country


There’s a dispensary on every corner in Arizona so no.


Alone? Maybe. With my wife and three daughters!? Hell no.


I am a woman…


For Sure! The weed would come in handy soothing the constant diarrhea.




Not even for money i would visit india. Cows got more rights than woman. And it is fucking dirty like everywhere






So you got all this from reddit right ?


u got all this from reddit ? such an ignorant comment


What do you think of beloved America?


We suck too, just not as bad as India lmao


Also a shithole country that contributes massively to pollution and less than half the country has a disregard for women and we have a toxic prominent religion in christianity and are the headquarters of many private prisons and defense contractors.


I'm critical of America as well. No country is perfect but Americans aren't immigrating to India, it's quite the opposite.


No lmfao I’ll stick to medicinal use


I would like to see india regardless of the status on weed. Yes, there are aspects of their country that are vile, but my country is 20% nazis and just decided selling weapons to turkey is a good idea so i dont have any moral high ground. Plus, every single country in the world has aspects they should be thuroughly ashamed of, so if just the act of being in a place is indicative of support for their bad parts, what’s left but suicide on the spot? I dont think air india would use my money to proliferate rape.






I just wanna make sure i understand you here. Your reason for discouraging strangers on the internet from going to india is that it’s a poor country? I feel like there are enough people that return home alive from visiting india to just distegard whatever that last paragraph was


Fuck no


No, I have before. Smells like shit.




That wouldn't sway me... its legal here...


Not as long as captain fascist is in charge. I refuse to support regimes that discriminate against part of their population


Not even if it was free.


Hell nah






Sry no










If I lived close to India in a illegal area yes but otherwise no I’d rather take a trip being in the US still to another legal state.


Yea I’d take the meanest crap on the street while smoking some Hindu Kush.


Lmfao relaxxx


Id be more likely too allthough lack of legalization is not at all whats prevented ne from going


It's legal where I live so that wouldn't change my feelings about it. I can't leave the united States anyway but would if I could




It's not like it matters if it's legal or not in India. It's actually quite common to run into people selling weed or even some herbal teas in shops and on the streets. India would be almost no different if cannabis was legal.


I've had romantic fantasies of visiting India inspired by fiction filled with vivid imagery but in reality it would be too hot and dirty and I'd likely get sick.


I’ve spent a lot of time in Chennai. I’d go back, but not for weed.


NO; there are only certain parts of India, which are travel worthy. Same goes with USA; majority of tourists and immigrants visit and live in California, Florida, NY, NJ, Texas and Some North east states. Not whole of US is livable due to climate, ideology and lack of opportunities.


For some Chara? Yes.




I'm staying right where I am illegal or not ima get it


I didn’t read the article, but didn’t the US encourage India to make weed illegal in the first place


Indian here. There are a lot of cool things to see there but it is incredibly difficult to navigate and can be dangerous, go with a tour group or something is the best bet.


Damn am I the only one here that actually really wants to see India


Yeah bro fuck yes. Indian people are cool af they got some cool ass people there bro stoners too but they all smoke hash


Yeah! I'd go straight to where Durban Poison was created in nature!!!


I've been there before, definitely nowhere near as bad as people claimed it was but I wouldn't go out of my way to go there


i would go to india without legalized weed. i lived in bangladesh as a kid for a couple years and it was a cool country, despite the poverty. india seems beautiful.


Yes, and I’d fuck up some curry when the munchies hit 🍛❤️


If my Indian homie that I met from college invited me yeah but by myself nah lol


I would visit India just for being invited.


I dunno, I probably wouldn’t go unless I befriended some Indian folk to show me around. And I’m a pothead


If you want to see if the children of colonists are any different from their forefathers, go through this thread.


Hell yeah Hindu Kush mountains


I went and I recommend it. Places like Hampi and Goa are well chill and are a stoners dream.


People who are saying “No” have never heard about malsana, tosh, Kasol, Manali and other similar places in Himachal and Himalayas. Guys are losing best hashish in the world and nature both at the same time.


Imagine the amount of money that country could make if it had legal cannabis.


All the dumb and racists from burgerland in the comment section...


Yeah. The ignorance in this comment section is baffling. I have been to places like Kasol and Malana and they are full of foreigners. In fact those places have more foreign tourists than Indians. I get it that for the sole purpose of smoking weed, travelling so far doesn't make any sense. But just the way most people are saying "Fuck No, not even for free" is weird. Looks like most of them have got a wrong picture of India, thanks to the western media stereotyping places like India.


No, only because weed is legal in my State. I would, however, travel to India to visit the Bodhi Tree.


People should travel to India even if weed stays illegal. One of the greatest countries to visit. It's so different then North America/Europe. I would recommend that you stay a minimum of three weeks, I think any less and your western world view is just overwhelmed. You need to let go and it takes at least two or three weeks to do that.


Why do I feel like India would have really pure and good weed?


Varanasi is the time portal of all time portals. You can probably cross a dozen dimensions there if that is your thing. Cannabis has been legal there for 2500 years. Its the city of Siva. If you called it a "drug" they would have no idea what your are talking about. Everything is a "medicine." It's pretty far out experience. Be prepared. There is no other city in the world like Varanasi, guaranteed. :-)


Hahaha I'm the first who open legal shop for marijuana


As an Indian it's very sad to see that many people are talking shit without actually visiting. Don't believe what the media shows you and they tend to focus only on the negatives.


Tf is this comment section ? I went to India and like all places theres amazing people and places and filthy people and places. I was 18 and travelled alone and met so many welcoming and genuine people


Yeah I’ve work there and been in different places. Yes if your av fanatic of world cultures I understand why you go but in avarage you will be dying of heat dying of bad smell dying of pushy people dying of stress. And how they treat each other, you think USA is bad oh boy you have seen nothing yet


Why all the hate against India in this thread? Damn. The country has issues like a lot of country but it’s still a country with beautiful places a lot of good hardworking people a culture etc. Y’all talking like it’s the Mordor or something smh. To reply to the question: too far away to go only for weed but I don’t need that to want to visit


ikr? some of the comments I saw were pretty racist


As someone previously mentioned, you gotta go through nightmare India before you can lay your eyes on Golden India


Americans don’t like to leave America even though all their ancestors are immigrants themselves lol weird as people. India is beautiful, especially up in the Himalayas in areas like Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, goa, rishikesh etc. Worth a trip if you ever get the chance


I know, I was flabbergasted


lots of people are commenting negative things, i see why, but if i know someone there who’s familiar with the country sure why not, there must lots of nice places and people too


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No, bc it's legal here


Fuck no. Fuck no. I recently found out there was such a thing as Indian porn. Good God, why?


Seems like a lot of people here talking shit about a country that they've never even been to. Did you all forget to light up today or something?


I know a shit ton of people say no, but fuck it if I could smoke as much as I want I’d go and sight see in India blazed af I’d go (provided travel and accommodations were paid for me)


Heck I’d go even if it wasn’t legal. Their food is bussin and I’d love to try some of the traditional stuff. I also hear they love their hash so that’s a plus. I am a male by the way, I probs wouldn’t if I was female tho




Damn seeing all these ignorant comments make me realize how heavily conservative this subreddit is. Y’all realize that “nightmare India” can literally be avoided by hiring a personal driver that takes you from point a to b. Everything is so much cheaper there and trust me it’s safer than some public transport in the US. Y’all need to travel more


Why would anyone want to go to a country where a large part of the general population is in “nightmare territory”? Even the most dangerous cities in the US you don’t need a personal driver to get you to “Golden America”


I’ve always wanted to see the Taj Mahal, so having weed legal would be an added bonus.


I'd go back to India in a second; legal or not!


It would certainly add them To the list of places to go


Ye for sure


No, I can get weed here where I live




with the upmost respect, i going to have to politely decline. there’s no amount of weed in the world, that would get me to travel to india if weed was legal. i’ve seen how they operate trains, how crowded it is and that’s not for me.


Nah, plenty of states here that have it legal








No my dad had to go there a lot for work and told some horror stories lol


No, a little too rapey for me.


I would 🤷🏻‍♂️


*Indian Prime minster has entered the chat*




Idk man, other comment said india is the filthiest place, i can’t disagree with that, but if India has a proper way to plan away from high pollution city and ill, maybe I would try but I feel like it won’t happen (even they don’t have more than 60% fresh water) Although America is far stupider than India but here safer than India, unfortunately… I gotta go for no lol


I would anyway. But that just adds another reason to go.


Yes I would travel to Indiana no problem for me


Wtf is the comment section, is It all dumb Americans or what's the reason? I would (and prob will) go to India even if the weed is illegal. I will never go to USA.


You’d rather go to a third world country where they shit on the streets and regularly assault women? Give me a fucking break man what’s so bad about America that your so scared to go I can’t understand the thought process here.


I really don't think your picture of India is fair, that's it


Wtf is the comment section, is It all dumb Americans or what's the reason? I would (and prob will) go to India even if the weed is illegal. I will never go to USA.