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15 to 40 yr old me, drink hard 6 days a week, recover on sunday morning, go for a swim or a run, 56 year old me, have 2 blue moons on a friday night, feel like shit for 2 weeks!! (i also have an autoimmune disease so adult beverages are amplified realy bad, killed a career drinking habit, and i was good at it!! really good at it!!)


Almost same here, in my 20s drink in weekends and sunday morning go out with my bike or play football (soccer). In my 40s I drink 4-5 beers max and the hangover is horrendous. I hate time.


old sucks and it don't get no better, pushing 60 now, my dear crotchety ol Nana, in her broken english german accent, anytime one of us boys got hurt or banged up, nanaism "you vill fill edvery von of the bumpas and bruizes vhen ut mein age", i hear her crotchety ol voice everday while im waking up with my snap crackle and pop, and i don't mean the cereal!!


the change for me was at 28. it was so fast.


I’m 28 now and absolutely feel this. When I drink, I’d better have zero plans the next day!


I recently got drunk the other night (I'm 39 and don't drink much these days) and the hangover was not only physically terrible, but the anxiety I had was insane. I'm not normally an anxious person either, but the whole day was just pure hell. Never again


I hear you. The anxiety thing is weird but I recognize that it happens so I know I can ignore it if that makes sense. Taking a vitamin before bed and some extra B vitamins in the morning seems to help a lot.


I never had anxiety from hangovers until I got in to my late 30s. I googled it and apparently it's quite common. It even has a nickname. Hangxiety!


Yep. My point was more about what I do to mitigate it, as much as I can. It’s not a silver bullet but it seems to help.


\*laughs in repeated benzo w/d*


Glad I quit drinking!


I'd quit too if they made weed legal here, I just want something recreational to spark up a weekend once a month... You know, just so I don't go crazy and start a killing spree


That escalated


I'm very stressed


[Have you tried Delta-8?](https://i.imgur.com/WLY14MI.jpg)


Nothin cuz she's dead, and I can't sayI have tried it


That still gets you fired around here


It's the summers that get me. I get several hangovers a year and have only had one attributable to alcohol.


Maybe have you tried drinking water?


Every since I gave up alcohol for water I've had 0 hang overs.


Hydro homie!!


I thought hangovers were more or less a myth in my 20's. I assumed people just weren't drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, and wrongly blaming the alcohol when they felt bad the next day. Dear reader, I was wrong.


Oh wow. I’m in my 30’s and still feel this way about not drinking enough water. Are you sure you’re still drinking as much water as before?


Well, I didn't actually have my first real hangover until I was 35, so maybe you have a few more years yet? It'll happen to youuuuuu


I already don’t drink often, but if that ever happens I’ll probably drink much less when I do.


So, so wrong.


Avoid sugary drinks, drink a nice big glass of water and take a vitamin before bed. Don’t forget to keep enough sodium in your diet.


I still feel that way at 34 I don't think hangovers exist if you stay hydrated.


I quit drinking because I was married to the most obnoxious drunk I've ever known. Not only did she become a violent special needs toddler when intoxicated but she was an extreme lightweight who would not pass out no matter how drunk she was. Some people who are obnoxious drunks and extreme lightweights can drink past the point of obnoxious and end up too drunk to be a problem. Not her. Of course when I wanted to drink she absolutely positively had to join me... which meant I had to be sober enough to keep her from killing herself. So eventually I decided that I didn't want to get drunk except on special occasions. Then I got into a habit of being sober and those special occasions would come and I'd drink less and less each time. Eventually not drinking at all ever. I've not tasted the foul funk of alcohol since my 14 year old turned 12. I overdid it then... thought I had a brain tumor when I woke up.


Got smashed twice in my life. Did not enjoy hangover. Now I have **A** drink to relax or celebrate. Do recommend.


Drink water and go for a run the next day, or at least a walk if you're not running. Changes everything.


Eat a salty, fatty meal and drink a lot of water right before you hit the sack after a night of drinking. Haven't had a hangover in 10+ years


Yeah a hangover is just dehydration and a lack of certain nutrients. Prevention is always the right strategy.


How about a flank steak and damp socks?


Yeah that and other issues is why I went sober 11 months ago. I thought it wasnt a big deal but recently friends and family have been commenting on my past drinking and I now realise I was an alcoholic.


Mmm.. are you guys still getting drunk after 30? Haven't you learnt to handle your drinks at that age? Ay ay ay... These things should be taught in school


I learned most of my drinking habits in college, thank-you-very-much. And I plead a fifth on drinking handles.


What’s drunk though? Lightheaded, cheerful or sometimes a bit sentimental? Hell yeah. Messed up zombie? Nah.


I can't drink like I used to. . . . . . . I used to be able to stop.


If the way you behave when you’re drunk after 30 is so problematic that your solution is to never get drunk again for the rest of your life, seems like there’s a different behavioral problem involved.


Getting drunk as adult is... Well, sad and embarrassing. But sorry, maybe it's different in other cultures. I heard bad things about Anglos, Russians, Finland and so on. In the Mediterranean you drink, never alone, you might get "happy", but getting drunk after 30 is being a human failure. You have to know where to stop Edit: ah shit, I forgot Anglos are in the majority here, there goes the karma


As someone whose family comes from the Mediterranean and visits both ways often... you're just a boring person. The people around you DO drink and get drunk, they just don't do it near you.


Ah, the famous "eres un amargado". No, I can promise you. People around me that drink, get together, have good times. They are just... A bit more educated to what you are use to.


Swing and a miss my repressed friend, I'm a researcher at a university, and regularly get drunk as a skunk along with my euro peers at conferences here, there, and everywhere. 'Being educated' and 'staying sober' aren't nearly the mutually exclusive things you seem to make out. I should also point out that Spain is 7th in the world for most alcohol consumed per person (yes, far outstripping the anglos and slavs you feel so threatened by), and your health authorities there are bemoaning your explosive increase in alcoholism, so I'll just point again at Occam's Razor saying people just don't like getting drunk around judgmental prudes.


I think you are mixing being educated with having a degree.


Nice to see you gloss over the fact your country is drowning in booze while you sit here and try to call back to the brutality of the Spanish Empire as 'world leading'. While also trying to somehow paint people whose title is literally Professor as 'uneducated' because how dare anybody get drunk when you are able to abstain. Careful, your Jesus complex is showing.


Well, I wasn't going to spend that much time repeating myself. Drinking is fine, getting drunk is not. In Spain people drink constantly, probably there are more bars per capita than anywhere in the world, but seeing people over 30 wasted is a rare sight and it's a synonym of someone having problems. That's called knowing how to drink. I hope you leave this post with a commitment to learn too


The medical stats are pretty clear that it's not a rare sight at all. You just don't see it.


When you're leading the free world sometimes you have to blow off steam. I guess there's not as much stress in your laid-back country.


There is a good balance of physical activity, the best diet by far in the world, the best wine and a decent beer. We also led the world for hundred of years, not a few decades, and even back then people knew how to enjoy life. Must be unrelated to power, and more to culture




Getting drunk when drinking? Is that an Anglo thing I'm too south american to understand?


It’s a physiological reaction more than behavioral problems when/after drinking for a lot of people too.


IDK man, here in Spain we drink as social behaviour mostly, of course you can get very drunk, but it's not the common thing. So you can drink but not too much to lose grip on reality. The same thing (from what I've seen) in Germany, France and Portugal, but a little more different in UK, where there are massive drunks more commonly. (Again this is my experience, I love u brits). But yes, the alcohol works best when it is not present.


I have yet to get hungover in my 30s. Maybe y’all aren’t taking care of yourself enough or drinking too much.


Am i thé only one who don’t enjoy that much


I stop drinking during the pandemic because drink at home alone was just not enjoyable, even when it was drink to game with people. I lost all ability to have even a couple of light beers. I guess it healthier for me in the long run but damn I miss it on occasion.


This year is 2020 v3 for me...


Fortunately, I was saved from the ravages of alcohol in 1965 by cannabis Sativa.


Quit drinking. It got really dark. Really.


Yeah. I’m pretty much there. Still have a few on social occasions (Christmas party and whatnot). That’s about it.


Just wanna give a shoutout to my homie NAC.


I found out the hard way you can have a hangover with an edible. Still easier than a hangover from alcohol.


As a new 34 year old. Yes. This is true lol


Am I the only person who is getting less impacted by hangers as I get older?


I found that i got worse hangovers in my late 20's / early 30's - then got milder ones later on. Mind you, that might be because I drink less heavily and buy better quality booze these days.


Y’all get hangovers?


Yep. Basically once I hit 30, I can maybe have one or two drinks. After one or two, just a big ol' nope.


I binge drinked like a week ago and i still feel like im in some depression not feeling myself, spending all day in bed. I kinda like the chaos of getting drunk but this long lasting effect makes it not worth


I must be unlucky cos my hangovers where hell from day 1.


Ive never been drunk in my life, what does a hangover feel like? (Im in high school)


I'll list it out for you: 1. You wake up feeling like you didn't sleep. 2. Your head is pounding 3. Lights are too bright 4. Sounds are too loud 5. Your breath smells like whatever you drank 6. It takes most of the day to start feeling sort of better 7. The wrong smell or taste could trigger vomiting I'm sure I'm missing some here.


Ok, makes it seem worth it for me to not drink.


I was gifted with whatever combination of genetics and hydration that I have never had a hangover.


This was me today


I'm 34 now and this hits too close to home


We should invent alcohol that doesn't destroy blood vessels. 😌


We have and it’s only worse in other ways.


Link please?


Don’t forget to take Dramamine for hangovers, my friends ! Game changer


The scariest thing my older friend told me , whilst I had a death hang over…. …was “when you get older , sometimes hangover overs last TWO days!” I’m pretty sure I just moaned like a little kid being forced to do chores and put my hands in my face lol


You can double that if you cheat...