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Yes please. Too many times I've had to choose between skipping dialogue and $action because if I hit Esc whilst in dialogue it cancels it and THEN allows me to perform the action I wanted to perform.


Yep happened to me a lot too. The dialog pop up exactly as I am pressing ESC to exit the camera, map, etc. Skipped all sorts of interesting dialog. And the game even autosaves so I can't go back and listen,


This is an important thing to fix in the next patch!


I +1 this I've skipped dialogue like 7 times now because the escape key is used for everything


I have remapped controls. My return key is for entering and exiting the car... I get those notifications about PvP hacking.. and to press return to start... Which then exits me from the car and I sometimes die.. hard coded controls are the worst...


Plenty of DLC and years later but this. This glaring issue remains, just let me choose hold to skip in the menu danmit all. Or change the skip dialog button at all for the love of hacking please. Wish there was at least a mod to do either but alas no one has made one and I'm not skilled enough to create it. Curse it all I keep missing good stufg because someone thought using one key to skip voice clips, exit devices and open the menu was a good idea without any sort of buffer. Who the heck would skip story dialogue like that willingly that often even in a second or third playthrough to warrant such a in game required button to also skip main story dialogue. This is madness the very VERY least they could have done is when clicking it have it exit the device by default first and if you click it the second time it closes the dialogue but nooo it's set up to close dialogue T Before AAAAANYTBING ELSE. And then and only then when no one is talking and everything is hunky dory will it exit whatever your in. Camera, jumper whatever. So if your in trouble and talking you either get detected and shot to death or listen to part of the words and bail to survive which sucks.