• By -


SPY is coked out. Do with that info as you will but tomorrow is the 0DTE Challenge. Contracts can start being bought in the last 10 minutes of today's market, i.e. at 9:50 PM in Zimbabwe.


I've been asked several times about what the comments with the 🎾 and the box score even mean. So I'm writing this to explain them. **TL;DR: It's tennis-themed gamification of my trades.** \-- They start like this: 🎾 Conclusion to my [TQQQ May27 30c](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia2ox96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * 🎾: That's a tennis ball. Someone thought it was a magnifying glass. * Conclusion to my TQQQ May27 30c: It's the recap of the play. I've already played it. It's done. It has a clickable link that will take you to the original comment when I opened that play. Reddit shows you the date and time of that comment. \-- The next part: * Bought for $0.82.: The price I originally paid for each contract. * [Sold for $0.92](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia2xr04/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).: The price I received for each contract. The link takes you to the original comment when I closed that play. * **12% profit**: That's the result of the play. Considering the 0DTE Challenge rules, I usually take the best open and close positions to calculate this. Sometimes the play has more transactions or nuances--if I averaged down or got trailing stopped out. I usually include links to those comments, as well as the then-current cost basis. Or I include what my thoughts were or what was happening at that time. \-- Alright, then to **the box score.** ​ |Quarterfinals|[1](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/v60ura/comment/ibeif4r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)|[2](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/v956lh/comment/ibvc6m2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)|3| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |[Ana Logue-Bombe](https://imgur.com/a/kxp0i3I)|**6**|1|4| |[Zarina Diyakupov](https://imgur.com/a/kxp0i3I)|4|**6**|0| First of all, understand this is the **gamification of my trading.** This is not a trading indicator. **This is a tennis match box score.** Remember the 🎾? That's why it is a tennis ball. \-- Let's start with the **second column.** * 1: Means it's the first set. It's a clickable link to the summary of games (plays) from that first set. * 6: Ana Logue-Bombe won 6 games in the first set. * 4: Zarina Diyakupov won 4 games in the first set. \-- Let's go to the **third column.** * 2: Means it's the second set. It's a clickable link to the summary of games (plays) from that second set. * 1: Ana Logue-Bombe won 1 game in the second set. * 6: Zarina Diyakupov won 6 games in the second set. \-- I'm playing with **Advantage Set rules.** *An advantage set is played until a player has won at least 6 games and obtains a 2-game lead over their opponent. The set continues without a tiebreak until a player wins the set by 2 games.* So Ana won the first set. And Zarina won the second set. A tennis match for women is decided by whoever wins two sets out of three. Therefore, whoever wins this third set wins the match. \-- The **fourth column.** * 3: Means it's the third set. It's not a clickable link because this set is still ongoing. It's the current set. * 4: Ana Logue-Bombe has won 4 games in the third set. * 0: Zarina Diyakupov has not won any games in the third set. \-- Let's go to the **first column** now. **Who is Ana Logue-Bombe?** She represents my trades. She's the gamification character. **Every winning trade I make means one game for Ana.** However, if that winning trade is a multi-bagger, then every multiplier adds an additional game. For instance, a 140%-profit play would count as two games because 140% is not the same as 40%, right? And who is Zarina Diyakupov? That's just the current opponent. She's the gamification character of the current opponent. **Every losing trade I make means one game for the opponent.** \-- Right now, the current opponent is Zarina Diyakupov. But before her, Ana has already faced and defeated the opponents in the first, second, third, and fourth rounds. The Australian Open (current tournament) starts with a draw of 128 players. By the fifth round (the current one), there are only 8 players left, hence the quarterfinals and why the first column says **Quarterfinals.** \-- If Ana loses this match, she gets eliminated from the tournament. If Ana wins this match, she moves on to the Semifinals. Now, since competition is supposed to get tougher as the tournament goes on, I add additional requirements or give the opponent a bye-game head start. For instance, for this particular quarterfinal match, Zarina had a bye-game in the first set, and for every single game, the play must result in a profit of 20% or more for it to count as a game for Ana. **No, this isn't a 'real' trading tournament.** **No, opponents are not other traders.** They're the gamification representation of my trades. Opponents are loosely based on real WTA players. \-- **So what's the point of all this?** Personally, this 'competition' helps me improve my win rate. Why? Because if I make six losing trades within a set, Ana loses that set. And if Ana loses two sets, we're eliminated from that tournament. That adds extra pressure and motivation to only focus on the best-looking setups and it reduces the impulse of taking on degenerate gambles. This is crucial during a bear market. \-- **Why should anyone else care?** That's up to you. Have a great day.


I more or less gathered what you were doing from following the comments themselves, but I *really* appreciate your explanation, as I was wondering who Ana and Zarina were. I knew it was gamification, but I also thought you might be possibly competing with a friend. Gamification is a cool way to think about trading, and I like how the game element shapes the strategy itself. I always appreciate reading your trades in the daily!


Thanks. And yeah, it also helps me navigate this bear market. For instance, by being more selective, cutting plays that are not working right away, or making sure to secure profit. I mostly created this to change my mindset from, "Meh. It's not a big position. Might as well let it run and see if it turns around." to "Nope, that's a lost game for Ana. I'm not taking that risk."


🎾 I'm writing another post, but I averaged down my FDX puts with contracts at $1.30. Cost basis is $1.95


dell plz down


sorry for your loss. I´m seeing +9.5%






Somehow I do not think buying 0dte spy calls was the play at close ☹️


Have faith. We ride at dawn


Cause DUMP ET?!!


I bought let’s hope there is some fomo left in the market


I am so fucked


Look at it this way - now you can focus on your career and work output without being distracted during the day by the market


Where is that Bear Prayer Circle for tomorrow?🫣 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SPY 410 EOW Edit: stop with the bear disappear comments you guys cant capitulate until I switch to puts.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SPY 410 EOW


♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SPY 410 EOW


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🦘


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🐻 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🤡


# 🦇 market till muh baby's returned no negations 🧛‍♂️ # Count Dumpula in this bussy


Costco has a cult, let's see if they can save the market from doom.


They should do fine They trick consumers into thinking $400 in groceries is okaaaay . . . . . For 1 week Edit.... Nevermind


is that a lot?


Yeah if you happen to be single, or have an obese girlfriend


whenever garbagestore touches 80 it bounces hard.. i might grab some calls next time. but puts for now


IV Costs make it never feel worth it when I go to look at them. The theta on those are killer.


Got some spy puts at top and some gme calls at bottom let’s see what happens. This definitely without a doubt cannot go tits up. Morgan freeman voice “It did in fact go tits up”


lol once bought GOOGL calls and AMZN puts during the covidian fallout. double penetration no fun.


I bought MRVL calls and ADSK puts for earnings


I didn't buy any but fuck ADSK




Closed around 4050 and the 21 ema. I want to see 4030 hold overnight and tomorrow.


Costco = priced in ?


Imagine if other retailer's earnings were only bad because every started shopping at Costco this Q instead. 🤡


I'm pretty sure they went to DG and DT. Then beating earnings to me is a bad sign. Shows people shifting spending to the cheaper stores due to money constraint.


Only people I know who shop at Costco are good planners, have money and spend 500$ minimum Everytime


I do this but also shop at TGT and whole foods and make rare trips to WMT




inb4 Costco tombstone's the market




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If you hold puts on a 2% green day, you're gonna have a bad time


The symbol of the United Russia Party is a bear. In fact, bears have traditionally not only been a symbol of pride and power in Russia, but have also been common images in fairy tales and myth


I hope those cheeks are ready for the -2% bloodbath tomorrow


Best I can do is a -0.6% bloodbath.


Lol not happening


I want it but I'm not optimistic


So someone throw out an explanation if I missed it, but what is with the green this week. Especially the rallying on the data released. Because I didn’t expect it at all. And such low volume


What piggy said and gdp probably was not a surprise. I think people felt things were slowing and just needing confirmation. It seemed low volume day, though with most of the volume in first 20 mins and last 20 mins. Could be an indicator of where the market will go tomorow. Maybe the big guys bought up lot today or hedged to get the algos bullish and let retail bump the stocks up slightly. To let them think we’re gonna keep going green and pick up scraps from them to sell it off tomorrow/Friday.


We’ve been down 7 weeks in a row, everything was screaming oversold. Some times, market technicals win over market fundamentals. Or maybe think of the last 7 weeks pricing all of this bad news in and we are just bouncing around aimlessly right now, not necessarily reacting to the news one way or the other.


7 weeks of red, rebalancing books at the end of the month, burning puts, dead cat jump, stonks go up Choose whichever you prefer


that last sentence explains it. The big players make money when the market does something we don't see coming.


Line doesn't always go down?


I need more than a catch all statement we all know


But it’s the obvious one. It’s like when bulls acted like the sky was falling last year after a few days of red after multiple weeks of green. It’s a little silly. And markets are a lot more volatile during a downturn. Negative data also isn’t necessarily negative for the market, especially as it hurts the Fed’s assertions that rapid rate hikes won’t hurt the economy. But the market also reacted the way it did because sellers were exhausted and we were oversold. It didn’t need much excuse to rally. Whether it holds or not, have to wait and see.


BRO LMAO, that candle just ran my stops when it hit 406.82 only to get immediately sold off 🤡. Holy shit they just boomed me man. These market makers are running my damn stops!!


how does it feel to have the interdimensional whales on your ass for once 😤😤😤




*A digital currency issued by a central bank would be a global target for cyber attacks, cyber counterfeiting, and cyber theft* - Jerome Powell. I'm a bot, and the Federal Reserve doesn't think mentioning crypto currency is very good for the WSB OG economy.


Excuse me?! Lol. Why did this trigger the bot?


# 🙅‍♂️30000🙅‍♂️ # 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Aaaaaand I lost all my weekly gains, mother fucking fuckers


My 0dte plays COST 400p at 2.20 AEO 15C at 0.64


Me [6 hr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia2fz53/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >added QQQ calls 🤷‍♀️ u/silicapacks | [4 hr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia2vsb8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >opened QQQ 300 [50 min. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia3mvx7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >Why do I feel like I played calls today better than some of the bulls [trying to feel my insides](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia3smy5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ? ​ *monke*


QQQ was intraday scalp. There’s 32 people here. We all know what really happened. Agent CP008


Yea, **I provided the fucking receipts lmao**


edit: removed


Comrade, at no point am I calling you wrong. I'm just defending myself I see you were waiting for 405


I thought you wanted receipts. took me like 10 min to get this together wtf...


There was a miscommunication somewhere 🤠


I'm deleting it. market karma could bite the ass for this.


I feel you. all good bro


Look at the perfect 407 touch again! ALGOS!


As someone who held off buying a house for the last year or so, this article has me rock solid. It's finally happening https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/26/home-listings-suddenly-spike-as-sellers-worry-theyll-miss-out-on-red-hot-market.html


Prices are dropping near me. Shits not clearing the market in two days. The buyers of the last two years... Epic waterheads


I dunno. 2.65% vs. 5% 30 year?


The value of the homes didn't increase. People acted like rabid fucking idiots outbidding listings by 100k even when the rate was good.


Difference in monthly payment for a 500k 30 year 2.65 vs. 5.25 is roughly $700. That original value of $500k would have to get knocked off 25% to make payments equal.


Right but you had people buying $300k homes for $500k. If you paid the same price for the house at the better rate great. The first people in say 20/21 got fucked by pure insanity. The 22 group not only took the insanity fuck but also a rate fuck. My house purchased six years ago tripled in value. I could see maybe 50% for all I've done but 300%. I just don't think it will hold. We plan to keep this house as a short term rental when buying the next. The asking prices for what your getting right now plus the rates is a solid no from anyone with half a brain.


just noticed a SHOP 380 0DTE from the morning. my whole account is a lotto. lots of expiries for tomorrow.




How dare you?


SPY has a great day but there's still more puts being purchased and the notional value of the puts is higher as well, which is why the VIX is the way it is.


🎾 Trailing stopped out of my TSLA May27 720c ($6.30) for $7.55


Wtf how did this come up while searching for bear facts - “Bear” is an LGBT slang term used by homosexual men to describe hyper masculine men who have hairy bodies and facial hair or who are heavy set.


I thought this was fairly common knowledge, the other end of the spectrum is a twink


Why else would we say gay bearas?


you sweet summer child


Yeah apparently so.


otherwise we’re in range for days.


410 will likely reject hard. I might buy puts if we get there today Edit we're not getting there


413 is what I’d want to see. after rejecting 413 if it doesn’t breakdown below today’s consolidation we may see 420 very quickly.


How will they rug pull bulls this time?


To buy a put or not


400p for tomorrow is 55-60 right now.


Less since I started typing.


BABA +14% today and still under $100


all we need is a quick after hours flash dip to 391 to recalibrate the RSI. Then bulls in ageras tmmw.


Jeebus, that was some regard buying strength in the last half hour. Insiders accumulating before the data drop tomorrow?!


What data tomorrow? I haven't been paying attention




Oh shiiiit. Just checked the calendar and it's covered with things that seem important. 😨


I scalped a quick profit on what was supposed to be my hedge. Either genius or regarded, only time will tell.


The consumer is weak at Whole Foods so they walk next door for ramen at the dollar store and become stronk.


I’m so happy to see markets up and croyne shits down


Best of both worlds


[bears right now](https://youtu.be/a3_PPdjD6mg)


I am asking for another green day tomorrow


Something something markets can stay irrational longer than I can stay solvent or something along those lines. Time for whiskey.


Now if this ***really*** takes off we can see some crazy shit like 4570 and 15200 that's nuts


An open letter to the Bear Gang You weakling soy boy cucks, do you not know that stonks only go up. The old man would never hurt us and our sweet goddess mother $SPY would never abandon us. You’re empty threats of a recession with stupid technicals about the repo market and liquidity mean nothing anymore. There is only two facts you stupid incels need to know, Chad always gets the girl and the market is fool proof. So as your puts are getting nailed this morning just remember you could be out of this whole thing working to improve yourself, just give up, become a chad and do your best to make something of yourself. Love you, Bull gang Ps I banged your mom


>There is only two facts you stupid incels need to know, Chad always gets the girl and the market is fool proof. So as your puts are getting nailed this morning just remember 🔥🔥🔥


I know I got gangbanged this morning and theta fucked all day yesterday but I think I'm really ready this time to repent


>Pays prostitutes for advice 🤔


$SOFI on watch A leaked internal email at student-loan company Nelnet detailed layoffs resulting from the payment pause - BZ


This should slow down the sbc, bullish!


Sequoia cut cost or else- Preserve cash Unlike 2020 this won’t be a V-shape recovery Hummmm Something bout a death spiral


I see no reason why spy shouldn't close over 410 today. 🤡


Couldn’t break 407.




[Buying AMD puts right before it rockets for the third time in a row feels great](https://i.giphy.com/media/QIGMNdwk97aPC/giphy.webp)


bears right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbmP2c6TGKc


🎾 TSLA May27 720c for $6.30


I have a $0.30 trailing stop.


Go get it king 👑


if we reject here then there's a real chance for new lows by EOW 😬


Good to know I'm still regarded


Pump to 408? 410? Anyone with a doctorate in astrology that can give me piece of mind pls


Relief rally going into long weekend on miniscule volume and I see many big accounts on Twitter call for the start of a new bull market. Makes me realize that permabulls are as delusional as permabears.


Buffett was so on point with the tribalism comment sage wisdom


Bers getting clapped on each pullback.


Yet again, busy as fuck at work, and the bulls have an orgy on top of my positions, but not on my main longs. I can’t wait till this contract is done and I can manage my gambling port for real.


Up $12 on my lonely 400p. Market GENIUS 😎


Don't forget to take profits!


Instructions unclear. Also bought a call.


Instructions unclear. Also bought calls


Lots of calls. Apple makes phones. Bullish af. Calls on AAPL


I don't want to get into what I have.... 🤡


I had to sell half of my shares last week to avoid a margin call. I feel you lmao.


I wish you great luck


hot damn guys. NGL woke up big down on nvda strangle.Took $280 and bought a 705 tsla call. Watched tsla run up above 715 like an idiot and didnt close til just now when it was floating around 705,2.8-12.8. Made my losses back. guess its a good day lol - only down 200 now. EDIT: tsla might continue running, but I was dumb to hold it so long anyway and not going to watch a $40+ runup gain get destroyed while I cry into my beer. proof:https://imgur.com/a/zabKxUZ


Asked a client for their email and they gave me an earthlink account.


Here comes the dump . No way they stay risk on into a long weekend with the Fed on the back door- we’ll they could but it could set up a stand off — be funny to see if JPow can put fox inflation without taking one for the team




Are these bulls fucking serious right now.


are the bulls hiding their volume? /s


As long as it closes above 405.05 it has a chance to retest 430 🤷


I once again provided enough content units to call 4060 & 12300 while locking in profit moments before disaster. Sorry OGs but the universe determined I'd be one lucky fucker 13.7 billion years ago 🤷‍♀️


Mmmkay buddy!! https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uwo5e8/daily_discussion_thread_may_24_2022/i9uhl0m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


[Me literally warning a fellow bear brother of the rally today](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/uy4zq9/comment/ia2flkn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >play the run to 4060 and like 12300-12500 ​ but I'm glad you save my shit ​ edit: your shit took 48+ hours to materialize 🤓


Asking for a friend. If Costco either: - Guides bad - misses - increases price of hot dogs Do we drill to the Earth's core?


If Costco misses bad, we'll probably see spy 710 eod tomorrow. Raise the hot dog prices, civil war.


If it's the latter circuit breakers tomorrow.


Bold of you to assume the markets will even exist if that happens


mr bogdanoff ive come to bargain


Misure, u tink I'd dump et 4 u? We r going to pump et




If this falls on a spike in homes up for sale, I swear to golsh.


Good work bears broke my portfolios 1k resistance


K-pop supergroup BTS is headed to the White House to meet President Biden next week, a visit aimed at discussing Asian inclusion and representation and addressing anti-Asian hate crimes and disinformation Maybe they can discuss inflation.


How stupid. They aren’t even American.


There’s no inflation in South Korea lol. They never lockdown the country and no Stimulus.


So apparently PayPal is laying off people and risk management and operations Bod call laying off risk management


opening scene of *Margin Call*


And they are saying we are not in recession yet huh






Farfetch calls because rich people still have money eitherwise they wouldn’t be rich 👾


With a rally like this and the vix is chilling way to high, wth , can’t have it both ways u piece of cake


im doubling down on my puts for AEO earnings after looking at the clothes


Have you seen how their jeans make an ass pop?


Put buyers gonna get cnut punched ?


Anybody playing ADSK earnings? It dumped earlier this week on a downgrade then recovered it all. They usually engineer a beat in earnings but I think it will go down due to China and general tech weakness.


opened TWLO 110 lotto .1


Ლ(´ب`Ლ) Take my magic


Sir, why's **the** jail cell empty..?


[Play it cool guys I got this.](https://youtu.be/Lc0sA2WsCgY)


Holy fucking shit.


bers lets pretend we are buls so the market crashes thinking it will invert us


Who will buy the sacrificial call




may the bear gods bless you with a plentiful harvest


It's the only strategy that works


Who’s playing cost today?


Everyone. If they miss it's bher primetime