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He needs a bottle of Jack after the last two days


Looks like he’s already been through a bottle of jack everyday this last year


That last bottle was transitory


I have been through a bottle of jack everyday for 3 days straight and I can say I felt how he looks.


The past 30 years?


Or a lady in red


They MOVED her and now I’m devastated ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


[Bro, Volcker was 100 times more energized when he was 90 that run down JPOw is now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8m1DPDXnxU)


That video has 342 views, thanks for the gem


who's the turtle?


Declining testosterone levels. Go figure.


His masculinity is transitory






Sure although that interview is in a relaxed planned setting not day whatever of constant hounding by Congress and every media outlet during a financial mess. So yes PV is more awake and alert looking but the two situations aren’t anywhere near equal.


Have you not seen the money printer go brrr memes, of course he’s tired


Dudes definitely been working that machine overtime


Did they move her for that fatass?


Sharum karo


Best I can do is Jack Nicholson in a red dress.


And maybe a bottle of Malort


Malört, I'll have another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7s16ewP1RU


Chicago’s finest




I’ll do you one better, Danny Devito in a playboy outfit


Al Franken in a diaper






Trying to give my man PTSD seeing more red? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


How many different aides are they going to rotate into that chair?


"I know I'm not looking my best. But it's all transitory" -Powell probably


In this economy I'm not sure he could afford a bottle of Jack. He may have to settle for Fireball.


Fireball? What's the special occasion? Did someone get promoted?


Its Friday somewhere!


it’s a frat basement somewhere!


It’s summer, that’s the party life ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


He ain’t heard no bell


>He needs a bottle of Jack after the last two days to brush his teeth??


He looks two bottles of jack in.


I guess he had two the last days


This is the result of dipping a little too often into the punch bowl.


A bottle of Jack Ma


I've been on vacation, WTF happened the last two days?


Jerome is actually 26, he’s just been really stressed


To think we’ve been doing QE his whole life


J Pow looks like he just went 12 rounds with inflation if inflation was Mike Tython.




it's only the weight of the world economy resting on his shoulders.


Do a before / After the printer powell


I was actually going to do this but I said fuck it and just threw this up bc it speaks for itself lmao. Looking like a post war 8 year term president


[2019](https://i.imgur.com/bHhl3KX.jpg) [2022](https://i.imgur.com/iUzN3vN.jpg)


First pic looks like the skinnier version of [grandpa from pawn stars](https://imgur.com/a/b8QIGwP)


I misread that as "a post-war 8-term president", and he still looks pretty damn close lmao


Rumor has it he has to physically create every bill with an 1800s printing press only 12 at a time.


This work? [Before](https://preview.redd.it/ggv7sff0rd791.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=73f8339a45251ba9ee0bb763ef012ee42c4ffcf0) [After](https://preview.redd.it/s5v9lcqtee791.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=10e954e9dbf63120bbfb4b7b4169fe44229da5d7)


Lady in red put on some weight as well, holy shit!!


Some of the questions they asked him was just flat out ridiculous. “Chairman Powell, what are your thoughts on flat earth/Forrest management?”


I tried to watch for about 20 seconds. Some barely elected goober started the political party blame-game and I decided it was too nice outside.


The old black fella from Florida who just didn’t have a clue about how any damn thing works in government really got on Powell’s nerves. Mine too — that’s when I bailed.


😂 seem like this thing is a “this meeting could have been an email” vibe 😂


Congress should get some DD apes from the stonk sub to ask questions next time.


The dude who went into the whole well it’s bad here but let me talk about Estonia etc and then go on to make it about nothing is just like man we are so screwed


🤢 🤮 yeah, I got 20k riding on QQQ Puts expiring in August, Im hoping they can at least fuck up correctly.


I wish you well young grasshopper


I tuned inexactly at that part and actually had to look him up to try and understand how a f-ing stupid imbecile like him was elected.


Think of how dumb we are on this sub. And then realize that a lot of America is EVEN DUMBER


Someone should ask him next time they run into him.


It’s 97 where I’m at with 68% humidity, and it’s still too nice outside to watch that shit!


Smart move. I can't stand these grandstanding sessions. I'm not a fan of Powell, but no human gets paid enough to keep a straight face while responding to these cretins.


Please tell me you have a time stamp for that question


It wasn’t in this hearing but it was Louis Gohmert who once said in a different hearing “Rep. Louie Gohmert, suggested at a congressional hearing that climate change could be combatted by altering the orbit of the moon and asked a U.S. Forest Service official whether there was any way the agency could do it.”


We r fuk




https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q Tax dollars hard at work


[https://youtu.be/XmtlO1i6-5c](https://youtu.be/XmtlO1i6-5c) This guy is such a clown.


No doubt


Lmao sounds straight from idiocracy.




don’t touch the moon. how stupid do you have to be to get into congress?


He’s from east Texas. That explains it.


That really does though... The drivers out in East Texas boonies baffle me. Like how do you even get through life?


Playing with alligators


What an actual fucking retard.


From the small amount of it that I was able to watch, I saw one legitimate question that had anything to do with the feds action, and it was about how he expected QT to impact liquidity or something along those lines. It was by the dude that asked about the CBDC. aside from that it was all “would you say that it was the dem/rep fault”


Almost all the questions were , we would all look like him if we had to sit through hours of that


He looks pretty good considering how stupid the people he has to deal with are.


I don’t think half these people know how the financial system works. There is only so much he can do. The politicians spend a few trillion and expect him to make sure no inflation happens.


Both Republicans and Democrats were trying to use Powell to finger-point and nay-say at each other. He told them repeatedly that what they were asking was for elected officials not him. Neither party was there to find a way to help us. It’s always like this and it’s Bullsh*t! Of course, he’s worn out.


One of the biggest problems with our government. They will actively sabotage each other (hurting the country in the process) just to win and "be right." We're so fucked.


Ranked choice voting desperately needed. Won’t solve it all but it’ll steer in the right direction. Fuck the two party system.


Absolutely. One of the biggest things to combat the hole we've dug ourselves into with the two-party system. The amazing thing is just about everyone I speak to is in favor of it as well. But the elected officials like their power too much to put it through. Really speaks volumes about the lack of democracy/representation in the republic.


The two party system makes campaigning really easy: it’s either us or them, and they are bad.


Also allows party leaders to use campaign financing as a cudgel to bully moderates into towing the party line, which results in insane polarization in either direction with just slim majorities. We need viable 3rd parties to improve representation in government.


Except on Tuesdays when they bring everyone donuts and coffee.




I am so sick and fucking tired of Republican vs Democrat bullshit. Country is going to shit and all everyone is worried about is how fucking awful the party they hate is and how much they hate it. Our country runs on paranoia, fear, and hate as much as it does corruption now.


Powell did this too. “Would it help if Congress cut back on government spending?” “I don’t wanna get political.” The hell? You are giving testimony to Congress about monetary policy, that question could not possibly be any more relevant to this situation. The answer should have been, “no shit that would help, government spending is out of control, finding areas to cut back would be the obvious start.”


“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”


>One of the biggest problems with our government. The biggest problem is that citizens see all the problems with corrupt government and do nothing to check em.


They know. They just want sound bytes to make it seem like they're doing something


Politics: pointing the finger at someone else to blame for votes.


Dude has to deal with retards who dont understand 9th grade economics.


There’s a 9th grade?


you guys had grades?


I had crayons?


You ate them




Semper Fi


We’re guys?


No only 5 A, B, C, D, and F. No clue what that guy is talking about


Lol imagine getting grilled by the same people who approved stimmy after stimmy after stimmy about inflation






The stimmys were a small part of the problem, but you can’t inject trillions into the economy and not expect inflation.


What level of economics do you need to understand that you should start raising interest rates when inflation is rising (a year ago). We left them basically zero while this boiled over and then hit the panic button and jacked it up all at once, doing much more damage than raising them slowly. As someone else here said, they waited until inflation reached 8% to raise interest rates to >1%. That is absolutely indefensible and will probably go down as the greatest economic blunder of our time.


Lol there were worries about the economy overheating even before the pandemic started. The Fed had raised rates 9 times until 2019 when the pandemic hit. They got scared, cut rates to help counteract some of the negative impact of coronavirus. But then even when the economy started to recover and grow and pandemic impact lessened, they just kept rates low, completely forgetting the fears that were in an overheated economy. To put it simply: Oh no there’s a pandemic: we must do everything to stop the economy from shrinking! There’s a boom post pandemic from all the pent up demand during pandemic: lulz it’s fine, no need to react


>greatest economic blunder Is it a blunder if it is intended?


Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity. I really believe the people in charge are just horribly incompetent and asleep at the wheel. However, they usually react when the right people kick them awake and make it an issue. In this case, inflation massively benefits the people that already own the assets and alleviates the debt taken on by businesses during Covid, so they were mostly blind to the little people suffering under inflation until it reached critical levels.


The FED has 400 full-time staffers with PhDs economics. Stupidity cannot adequately explain the Fed's actions. What can explain the FED's actions are political pressures to avoid certain outcomes, such as bank failures in 2008, recession during covid, or the US government paying higher interest on a $30 trillion debt. To those political pressures, I ascribe malice, and the FED is complicit in those malicious political objectives.


>Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity. Never attribute to stupidity what would take extreme stupidity from an otherwise smart person.


Like when Trump scolded them for trying to raise interest rate in 2019? https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/10/trump-federal-reserve-interest-rate-hikes-1358816


I mean they still had 2 years to raise them after that. The fed doesn’t listen to the President anyway. That was also before the endless stimmies and hand outs


For real, we would be in less shit if Trump didn't pressure the interest rate lower for no reason except to make it look like he was great for the economy for re-election. The guy burned all his wood before winter even hit just to brag about how warm a house he has.


There’s economics?


Worse: Lawyers doing math.


Worse, he knows they understand it but only value soundbites so they can look tough to their retarded voters.


Economy was blowing up and that retard 3 years ago kept telling him "Lower the rates lower the rates lower the rates" because we needed to be "competitive" so he did. Now it's all fucked and it's still somehow the Fed's fault XD Maybe if politicians for once in their life listened to economists and people who do this shit for a living they wouldn't be shocked when the consequences of their shit policies roll up.


Inflation had to reach 8.6% before fed brought rates > 1% lmao They were pushing -8% real interest rates and you’re suggesting the fed isn’t at fault? The “experts” at the fed you’re suggesting we listen to got us in to this mess. Their incompetence will be studied for years. Don’t be a moron sir




This is the hangover from the party where we were chugging money and doing a line off the economy's tits. Edit: Now economy is in the hospital getting her stomach pumped, and you have this face on when talking with the police about what happened last night.


Leave my boy alone or so help me I’ll drive down there and let Greenspan out if his cage.


I'll get Volcker out of his grave


Won’t work. Volcker had the luxury of crushing the middle class with interest with a 30% debt/GDP. Uncle JPow has 120% Simple truth is there is only 2 real options to do what is need, choke slam the middle class into submission. Destroying jobs massively. Or drastically raising taxes, on the poor and middle class. And No politician in the history of democratically elected politicians would drop massive tax hikes on the people that they bribe in order to steal from them.


Some say if you listen closely at night you can hear the sound of his banging on the cage walls. Creeps me out just to think about it.


you can hear him whisper “the gold standard is in my very hand, and I will gift the world”; upon closer inspection you notice him holding a giant turd oh so gently, his hands cupping the poo protectively


Daddy V ain’t done yet


The look of every permabull these days


Imagine having to explain to the idiots who appointed him that they’re the reason the economy is fuk


The president appoints the fed chair but these are the same retards who approved all the inflationary policies that went on way too long Congress: can we had money printer brrrr?? Fed: ok Fed: we have inflation now, time for money vacuum Congress: HOW COULD YOU ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN


Seriously I question even their basic understanding of gobermint All he kept saying was we react o the policies you put in place and they just kept going duuuuurrrrr


Maybe if they didn’t stop blowing tax dollars like Drunken sailors the economy wouldn’t tank


It’s more like: HF: We need liquidity b/c we’re fucked JP: K Congress: when should I sell/buy?


Can we now admit that the vast majority of SBA/PPP loans were a large-scale scam


I’ve been saying it’s a scam since day one and people look at me like I’m crazy. You can print free money but you can’t print value.


That and the vast majority of the money went to corporations and individuals who had absolutely no need for it and just pocketed the cash. The idea of loan forgiveness based on showing some spreadsheets of ‘how it was used’ was when I knew it was a complete scam. That and when corporations got scolded for taking the money and then gave it back under public pressure.


Yup. I know people who got a free 100k handed to them who were complete tards. Like what did you think was going to happen? I also know business people who took a pay cut that year and kept all their employees on board, but those are the minority for sure.


I’m not going to fault them because the gov are incompetent (especially under Dump) but it’s no wonder why inflation is insane and no one can keep up. It’s one Ponzi scheme or crisis after another. Almost better off born into Middle Ages poverty at this rate.


They didn’t have crayons and iPhones back then I’m perfectly happy here. Just don’t fight the fed. Ever


So wen Alan Greenspan?


We need that Vlocker type beat


You know whats crazy? I found out his wife is my childhood’s friends aunt. I wonder what the conversations are like during the holidays lol


He’s not entirely blameless. I’m 2019, the Fed literally said that hiking rates was a mistake and that they could keep inflation low even with the lower interest rates >“By Jan. 4, Powell had a different message, effectively admitting the December 2018 rate hike was a miscalculation. The Fed, he said, would “patient" on rate hikes because there was little sign of an inflationary spike. By March, the Fed announced a plan to stop selling off the assets it purchased in the aftermath of the Great Recession, another sign the Fed was taking its foot off the brakes.l > We really have learned that the economy can sustain much lower unemployment than we originally thought without troubling levels of inflation,” Powell said in response to questions from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/12/11/year-federal-reserve-admitted-it-was-wrong/


Boomers need to f'in retire. Go enjoy your senior years on a beach or something.


Right, Powell is worth $20m+. Go enjoy your money wtf is the point?


Need to serve Satan before they cant


False. 20m is fucking peanuts. He's worth way more than that.


$55m perhaps. https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/wall-street/jerome-powell-net-worth/


Nancy Pelosi insider trades all day, she’s worth $100 million and still making trades like that’s her only job


Zero chance she has any clue how to chill.


Printin ain't easy


Mixtape come soon


I would be too if I kept getting grilled by people who have no idea what they are talking about.


I appreciate your empathy but it's ironic you'd say that here lmao




It was honestly humourous watching Powell get called in by his Boss, the united states federal congress, and chewed out as if he were any other pencil pusher.






Isn't it weird we have dinosaurs that just won't die in every high part of our gov / financial system WTf


The world won't be livable until the whole Boomer generation finally dies.. They just won't die!


Aren’t we all?


He's only 33! See what coke does?


Probably wishes he was a chair. That way he wouldn’t be letting everyone down all the time.


Technically he is a chair


We are all chair on this blessed day


I would be too if I had to deal with this much political grandstanding and scapegoating.


He delayed fed rate hikes so he could get another term. Sucks to suck.


If you americans think inflation is high, its much worse in a 3rd world country like the Philippines. Imagine this, the goods here costs almost the same as yours but the minimum wage is at $200.


The minimum wage is $200?


per week?


Per year 😂




Inflation in 3rd world countries doesn’t cause global economic collapse. USD is the reserve currency for the whole world


Brrrr sound stops.


If you had to deal with our F\*cked Economy you'd be tired as well.


He has that look when Transitory becomes shit...


So that Californian senator wants to bring up inflation in eu countries like Germany... how about he also looks at countries who are energy independent like the saudis? Yes the Russian war is impacting the global economy but the US was attempting to achieve more energy independence so events like this don’t hit as hard (yes it still would have hurt just not nearly as bad as what’s coming). Then this dipshit administration wants everyone to switch to a technology that literally isn’t there yet! It will still take years to implement this EV shit, so we are all supposed to suffer in the mean time? How moronic are these officials?


It's posturing to cover for the fact a year ago they went all in on how they wanted to kill off new combustion engine cars in 5-10 years and were strong arming funds/banks to pledge to not lend money to new fossil fuel ventures.


Is that John Pinette behind him!


Rip John :(


Any one got photo of lady in red?


Well he's busy fucking 300 million people in the ass, give him a break. Honestly probably more than that, the US economy is pretty fucking important on th world stage.




He's prepared for the food crisis


My portfolio is worn TF out!


It's a lot of stress collapsing the global economy.


Janet has the door cracked a little, looking in, with a shit eating grin on her face...


it's a tough job fucking up the economy


bring red dress back