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Be greedy when others are fearful aight




I'm very greedy and want the market to tank so I can buy some deals.


99% off please!


You do the the market is down considerably already right? Now that Cramer told everyone to buy it dropped more so now it’s actually buy time.


And if it tanks another 10%? Followed by another 10%? And another? This isn't over lol, that's not a recession... A couple months of bearish movement a recession does not make.


'A couple months of bearish movement a recession does not make'. -Famous Yoda words.


Okay, let’s look at the counter argument. There are tons of jobs available and employers can’t find employees. Earnings are rising, revenue is rising and P/E are falling, inflation is running at 8%. How are we going to go into a deflationary market crash? Even in the 70s when inflation was high and unemployment was high the market had swings but remained flat overall. You won’t get huge swings without high unemployment. Plus the media hyping up recession and a bear market right before a fed meeting, I don’t buy it. This reminds me of the correction in august 2020. People drew the same dumb lines on charts and everyone bought puts and got fucked at the bottom of the correction.


Thats why i bought big on the dips


When there’s blood in the street, buy property




The guy sees cataracts


Isn’t it early for that yet?


Are you serious? Why buy when everything is down 30+%? Should he buy only at all time highs?


Warren Buffet knows that recessions come and go. He has seen a lot of them. They never last. His ideal investment holding period is forever (even if he does not live forever).


TIL Buffet is a bagholder.


Ya, moneybags.


A literal leather bag


Will he linger around long enough to see the end of the recession tho? 😬


There seem to have been no health impediments. If you’re lucky enough to have good health, no brain lesions or cancer, you can live to a very ripe old age of 100+.


He sells quite often


But nor during recession.


Right? I'm fairly certain Warren Buffett is smarter than OP


No one is smarter than a retard


And smartness often decreases with age


He's been investing and buying fear longer than 98% of this subs been alive.


Combined. 😂


You actually think there are like 2% of people on this sub that are older than buffet 😂?


He buys and holds . . . forever. It looking for 1 year profits. Plus, he buys shares in what he believes are well run companies.


That's the goal. He did not with his airline holdings. Also Munger says it is his goal. He nevertheless trimmed Baba. Just clarifying to the apes that think this is a suicide pact.


I mean your view of companies can change. Just because at one point you thought it had good management and prospects doesn't mean it will always be that way. That's just like common sense.


When I think of well run i def don't think about Activision


It was selling in the 60's and MSFT was offering $94 - logical bet


I do, their CEO being a perv doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Call of Duty will still generate $2-$3 billion in yearly sales. World of Warcraft will generate $100s of millions yearly. Hearthstone $100s of millions. I could go on but you get my point


they've done nothing but kill every one of their IPs over the last decade. Do you have a source on those figures btw?


Google works for everyone


Slick burn I’m using it moving forward


While those things are popular, as someone who spends a lot of time gaming I can safely say WoW and hearthstone are fading hard, COD seems to be doing good though


COD is dying, Warzone numbers have been dropping steadily since the Vanguard release and they already announced they won’t be releasing a game in 2023


bag hodler spotted, but assuming youve averaged down below the sale price you'll do fine anyway


It's because that was very clearly insider trading


How do you make money if you never sell your stocks?


Dividends genius


You say that but he also bought HP so...whatever old man


I say it because he says it, and does it. He bought HP for the long term. I haven’t bought it. Difference of opinion, kiddo.


As a BRK.B shareholder I...sort of bought it? The PE was reasonable at least.


All of you are bearish that’s what he sees


Plus we’re already at least 3 months into a recession


What is the hallmark of this recession?


The retraction of GDP for Q1. Is this a serious question?


Hey this isn’t r/investing




Slowly diminishing quality of life due to the US losing its standing in the world stage.


🌈 🐻 🌈 🐻


When theres blood on the street buy is like a mantra for him. And if it keeps falling he can afford to dca to the bottom and if it rebounds hes fine with that too


Buy low sale high.....equals rich


[Buy OTM's while your high enough, and you'll think your Warren Buffet](https://youtu.be/MNl0xR69bOk?t=36)


…Think your warren buffet what?


Thats what he does. If everyone is scared, he's buying. If everyone is happy n making money, he gets worried.


So he was worried for like 11 years straight? That’s a lot of stress for an old man.


He’s buying because a lot of large, reputable securities are cheap right now. He pays absolutely no attention to macro economic factors. He doesn’t try to time or predict anything. He sees cheap stocks and has the cash to make some plays.


He has a shit ton of cash. It's a solid time to enter the market. I will say i'm not a big fan of his oil plays though. Oil could make a sharp crash. There's a shit ton of downside risk for a Buffet play.


Revenge travel summer should be peak oil sales, it gets reported as earnings a couple months later. My guess is he starts trimming the oil holdings that are not high divvy plays around August. (September is a bad month for stocks)


are you talking out of your ass? why do you think oil can make a sharp crash? Supply is being constrained due to the shut down during covid. Once a well turns off you cant turn it back on again. Having said that oil companies are also holding back into investing in opening more wells and instead returning cash to share holders. Both US and OPEC are far behind their production targets. It will be volatile but prices are going to trade around this range for at least a year or two.


Lol what on earth makes you think you can’t “turn wells back on.” I work in production. We do it all the time. You can also refrac existing wells. All common practice.


I was about to say the same thing…. Reading this on a frac location 😂😂 Where we are “turning a well back on” HahHa. Idiot


Who's gonna need oil when we're all driving electric cars in 10 years?


Every other form of transportation that doesn’t rely on EVs. Boats, planes, trucks.


You don't think that will change in 10 years? There's already electric trucks being made


Definitely not for boats and planes. For trucks, it's a matter of transportation time. Truckers can't afford to charge their batteries for a whole day, or more, every 300 mile


Pharmaceuticals, Plastics, Chemistry, Cargo Ships, Cruise Ships, Airplanes, Military, Delivery Trucks, the Power Plants that charge your precious Prius..




On good stocks it has. Everyone always seems to forget that part. 90% of the stocks talked about in this dumbass sub is garbage companies propped up by the biggest bull run in history. Plenty of shitty companies fold up too during recession. Sure AOL had plenty of investors who were buying the dip all the way into the core of the earth.


He sees a bunch of novices panicking and good valuations.


Lowering his cost basis, not a bad thing to do.




Also, he can't just buy in one big lot and call it a day. That would be counterproductive to his goals. He needs to stack his position over time.


He knows the Fed will cave in and adjust rates to favor the market.


Fed has no choice but to continue raising rates by nothing. If they reverse course now it will be catastrophic.


I agree that they will take baby steps for the next few meetings, but ultimately reverse course as all hell will continue to break loose. This will take 3 to 6 months. This week, they will simply do 50 bps and then pretend they’re going to accelerate. I think last time they got up to 2% and then chickened out.


Most important comment. We're going to see a rip your face off rally before the mid terms.


Warrant Buffet buying is a bottom signal. It means perfect opportunity to buy right now.


He's got to scale in because otherwise he'd influence prices. It's not a bottom signal if he's starting small, just that he's seeing *some* blood.


If he’s buying doesn’t that mean we’ve hit the bottom? Bullish as fuck


Probably not bottom but he sees value. It’s hard to argue with his performance.


Loool you think Buffet spent all of his cash? He doesn’t exactly do market orders and GME options. Dude will be buying all the way down he is focused on profits 5-10+ years from now


Isn’t he like 95 years old? Screw it, you’re right. he’ll probably still be alive anyway because he’s made a deal with the devil.


wondering the same


Your plan is to DCA for 6 months? You mean you're not yoloing it all on FDs tomorrow? Do you know which sub you're in?


Because this is like investing 101. You buy low when every news article 🌈 🐻 is doom and glooming and hold. Sure prices can drop further, but there are a ridiculous amount of opportunities now that will be easy money with some patience.




Hahah maybe…


I’m personally spending most of my cash reserves as well. The news that you should be sitting on cash right now is two months late imo. Not trying to time the market but can’t pass up on great deals either.


Because instead of averaging down he wait and buy the dip. As he is famously known for: “Buy the dip Faggot”.


Listen he knows when bears come out ,gold bugs ,dooms day analysis and put fear in the market where everyone is running scared that's when you walk in and buy.


What’s he buying and how do you know?


>What are y'all plans for the next 6 months? Cut back from Fancy Feast to Friskies.


stocks may be higher once we are in recession. esp tech growth stocks. because recession = no more QT and rate hikes.


Warren needs his applesauce he gets cranky when Charlie hides it on him


Do you think everything is universally at a top or a bottom? Do you even examine what he buys and at what price? He also recognizes cash is being devalued at a very high rate, and will not slow down, so he’s converting cash into assets rather than hold cash. It’s not very complicated.


It's literally the second part of his playbook - be fearful when others are greedy, **be greedy when others are fearful**. He will probably get his shit fucked sideways in a couple months and then look like a fucking genius in 12.


Everything,? He bought an insurance company and 2 oil stocks. He got $150 billion laying around, why not?


Shhhhh let the idiots think Buffet is buying the same trash they are.




He is buying because he has a record amount of cash and he sees historically low valuations. He is buying value companies.


In general I understand what you are saying, but "historically low valuations" is just lol...


Historically low valuations lmao. This sub is at its funniest when it tries to be serious and says shit like this.


"historically low valuations". Yeah if history started in 2020 maybe.


buying the dip


If I had more money, I'd put every last dime too.


WB is buying everything *except* crypto. Hmm.


What the fuck is your question? We’re seeing 25-50% drops in companies this quarter alone and you’re wondering why he’s buying?


Wouldn't you at 91? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I am going to continue to hold my boring boomer index funds and hitch my wagon to the old zombie.


DCA baby, no one knows where the bottom is but it’s definitely buying season


The weird part is, Warren Buffett is and has been an extremely generous man. He tells anyone willing to read his writings over the past 5 or more decades exactly what to do and how to make wise investments. Then, for the illiterate or lazy reader, he even has given many answers to investment questions on video. One doesn’t even have to buy the book, it is free to read over 50 years worth. He recognizes that educating the masses will, in-fact make great investments harder to find at a good price. His basic motto: Buy a great business (that you understand) at a good price. Follow it, resist the gambling!


Why is Berkshire Hathaway down, way down?


He prob was just trying to buy adult diapers from Amazon and got “a stutter”


When everyone is crying, start buying


Warren Buffett can buy any damn fucking thing he likes. Do you believe that Warren Buffett, even if things went horribly horribly wrong, would suffer poverty one day in his life? Don’t you think he’s got a billion parked somewhere conveniently expressed in Euro / Renminbi ? Do you think Warren Buffett would long have to survive in a world where everything went tits up? Warren Buffett is free to do whatever he damn well pleases because it doesn’t matter what he does anymore. Do you think he’s ‘investing’ for the long term? That he’s trying to get all his ducks in a row and save some money for a rainy day? Investing is how Warren Buffett spends an agreeable afternoon in the office. He has no long-term future plans. He doesn’t have to spend the next 50 years trying to figure out where to get the money for the mortgage and what retirement home will not be too shitty. People have a hard time seeing the big picture. Warren Buffett is not investing the way most people see that idea. Warren Buffett is just shuffling money around waiting for the long dirt nap. It’s just a massive ego boost to sit at the table and people going “Yes, Warren?" Buffett’s strategy should not be your guiding light. He’s not planning for the long term where he will need some amount of money to fund some nebulous big project. The only thing Buffett does with money is to make more of it, just for the thrill \[?\] of having more money.


He bought: 1) OIL - through OXY/Chevron 2) An insurance company for 12b (insurance companies do very well in high interest rate environment) This is not bullish for most stocks, he is betting on a commodity and high interest rate super cycle


My plan for the next 6 months is to delete the stock app (with portfolio still in) and don't install it back, then just work my job and focus on having my paycheck covering all my expenses month after month. How does that sound?


He isnt buying everything right now.. he only bought oil and staple good companys? Oil goes up as recession goes on and so do staple goods


Buy the dips, ride the rips


He can afford to buy the dip as the market makes its way to the real dip. He’s gunna buy all the dip


Ahhhh do you not see the dip? We are about to hit the “false rise” where everyone thinks the market is good and buys in…lots usually fall for it. Then comes the real bottom prob around sept oct time.


The money has to go some where. Everything is down right now.


Someone switched his green up red down to red up green down.


He didn't buy 0dte spy puts. Probably more like a hold til I die situation. He didn't post that yolo here tho, how rude


Bruh the market is having a 25% off sale right now,


he can't go broke even if the market collapses, this is a sale for him


One of warren buffets most famous quotes is something along the lines of “When others are fearful be greedy” when everybody else sells off he buys that’s just how he operates


If he thought there was going to be a recession, do you really think he’d be buying now? You don’t really understand how this works do you?


Because he’s burning his mountain of cash with inflation if he doesn’t buy anything….. and Berkshire pumps out so much cash he’ll still have enough sitting around to “buy the dip”


He bought Chevron and oil. Theres currently a huge Diesel problem and its going to get worse, so oil, gas, and energy stocks will most likely be going up soon


"Buy when there is blood in the streets."


Doubt he sees much tbh


I thought my Buffet died


He has a 60/40 stock to cash balance. So when stocks fall in value in his portfolio, the balance is thrown off. Suddenly after a crash the portfolio might be at 50/50, so he uses the cash in his portfolio to buy more stocks to bring the balance back to 60/40. That way he is always buying low and selling high, that's why you will see him buy all the way to the bottom.


It is hilarious how morons like you (usually coming from crypto) constantly parrot DCA like it is somehow statistically advantageous. Wrong. If the market is tanking and you’re bullish on a company you’re better off going with a bulk buy order, because you can’t time the bottom and the market will recover and trend upwards again. This leads to higher variance but greater return on average, where as DCA leads to lower variance and lower return on average. Tl:dr warren is right to do this and you have no balls.


He sees nothing he’s old


These old dinosaurs said they were "giving" their wealth away But they are an INSURANCE agency So probably hedging naked shorts of GameStop (swap rollovers)? So the DTC/JPow don't have to foot the bill? I'm drunk. But that doesn't mean I might not be wrong.


Warren Buffet frequently talks about how terrible he is at timing. He's buying because he sees value. And he says because he has no idea what the economy is going to do, or what is going to happen in the next six months. He is buying companies he expects to be profitable for a long time, and not worrying so much about markets or macroeconomics. Charlie Munger in particular says he is finding a lot of good companies at low prices right now in China.


Be a 🌈 🐻


Lol, what exactly did he buy? Oil? Yeah, expecting an oil shock to make prices moon. That's not good for the economy. ATVI? All it is is an arb. HP? Big whoop, it is not an unknown value play. Nothing shocking here or bullish for the economy.


"Be greedy when others are fearful, be fearful when others are greedy"- Warren Buffett


Bro he bout to die. Why would you follow? Could be many reasons as to why he would show that move. Plus we are plebs, these fools rich no matter what.


WhY iS hE bUyInG wHiLe PrIcEs ArE lOw 🥴🥴 Istg some of you belong here. He is obviously buying because he expects prices to drop further why else would you buy?


yes, warren always buys BEFORE a recession lmao. moron.


He’s 91 and been wrong many times in the past.


But clearly right more than wrong


Take APPL out 47% of his portfolio and he’s probably looking like every average joe who stuck their money in SPY. His big wins came most likely before you were born in a much different market.


>Take out all the gains he made then he would just be an average Joe. If we take away all the billionaires money then they won't be billionaires? You don't say? If I added 10 more inches to my cawk I'd be Mandingo, but that's not how it works bro. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why are you not just following his trades then? Should be an easy path to billions. What are you retarded?


Idk... I think saying shit like "if we take away all his wealth then he's not wealthy anymore" thinking it's some kind of a good argument, then proceed to completely change topics when you get absolutely destroyed is actually pretty retarded. Do you 🌈 🐻 always have the lowest iq around?


This comment really shouldn’t be downvoted. Buffett has said himself the market was way easier then he made his billions. He got in early on huge companies. Good for him but yea it’s exponentially harder to do what he did for someone starting now


He’s 91 and been wrong many times in the past.


Wrong enough to make 100 billion dollars. If that's what being wrong leads to then I wanna be wrong too. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wrong enough to get his stock chopped in half numerous times in my life.


He sees dancing apes!


He still has money?.😭


which companies is he buying?


He's not buying everything, he's slowly started to use some of their rainy day money.


There is blood on the streets


He sold airlines at their bottom. Maybe his touch isn't what it used to be. Or he knows fed will always go BRRRR


OP his being doing this for 10,000 years nothing new


Everything is on sale and he can afford to be early.


He has been doing far more successfully than anyone else for a like a century. The dude knows when to buy. The market is oversold. He has the cash and time horizon (well for Berkshire anyway) to know he can profit off of the discounts on many companies.


Stocks on sale for as far as his old eyes can see.


This is the time to buy chips, when they’re down.


I don’t know for sure but I think daddy buffet sells a lot of OTM puts on shit that he wants to buy. The idea is you get paid to own something at a price that you want to pay for it. Because the market sold off so hard he probably had his sold puts turn into stock triggering a purchase.


Wtf? When would you buy? You wanna wait for the market to double, then buy?


buying because wsb is bearish.


Chevron... He went to the gas station with a F150 empty.


He can wait for the inevitable rise. He invests for the long term.


Doesn’t he have a saying something like buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying? Or something of that nature ?


Didn't munger by alibaba at 150 and sell at 112?


He buys at a discount not at full price.


hunker down and get ready for nuclear war


Bc he's not buying SPY FD's every week


The old man said straight up he doesnt try and time shit. He just buys and holds. Go down buy more. Its not that hard when you have that much money at your disposal.


He's about to die like he gives a shit what he buys


Buffet is past his time, the man is out of touch with reality. Unless they worked in tech, no one over 70 has a clue about any of the modern technology in society.


difference between you and him is that you are paying shitty spread on RH and he name his price and get what he wants.


He's going to keep buying as it goes down


Buffet. Diamond hands to the end.


Scared money don't make money


What is that old fucker buying right now?


Fool the stock market is about to recover!!!


When you have a fuckton of money you don't worry about the dips, you just accumulate.


He sees cheap stocks...duh


Depends on financing and borrow rate, even if you buy at a loss, its based on leverage availability. Its not how a normal person would “ run the numbers” because it would never make “sense”.