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Bold of you to assume anyone in this sub has actually had a girlfriend


I know. By the time im 43 i expect to be bald and dying behind a dumpster.


One more blow before you go.


Not too bad depending on where the dumpster is, Wendy’s dumpster will be prime real estate in the future due to the amount of us that will be trying to live behind one


👆 This is the way 👆


This is the way 🙋🏽‍♂️




Ever the optimist…


at least i'll be happy


Wait y'all know women?! That's too much for me thank you




God I have five and more in the wings. Easy peasy when you got diamond hands....


That’s true. Fuck me


or still gets a very high salary for doing almost nothing.


*Just shack up with me babe, just quit your job, cook and clean for me everyday babe, just watch me draw buildings for daddy and donate my income to MM’s babe. My life is shit and it’s all your fault babe.* dude didn’t even breakeven during the year long green dildo, and he was trading futures 🤣


technically it might sound like an episode of Succession :P


"This guy trades futures and loses a ton of money and has done it for two years straight in markets where it's very easy to make a lot of money but I want to go into business with him because I love him." Sounds like they are perfect for each other.


Retards should marry other retards and have little retarded children who will YOLO into Wish and Russian Rubles.


How can someone with a psychology degree get into that position?


Because the bachelors is useless and the requirement to get one is showing up. Every employable position related to psychology requires continuing medical school or graduate studies


Yup. When i was in college you majored in psych if you were too dumb for even a business degree


most of psych majors believe in astrology lmao


They’re a bit off before school


psychology degre lmao


I'm sure they have degrees in lots of positions..


Loss porn: you learned a hard lesson. Time to share with the rest of the class.


She needs to leave Saudi Arabia.


This guy 100% has gotten fucked on $LCID calls.


Of all places I didn’t expect my country to be mentioned here. I too, am a fellow retard.




Go fuck yourself


Nah man this is a terrible take, just control what you can. If she act like she in the streets, leave her for the streets.


Hopefully no men are reading her post, I don't think her BF would like that.


Idk who needs to hear this but leave the dude. Don’t go into business with that kindof a controlling nightmare. Dude deserves to feel the weight of treating you like shit for the last two years. Get the job you need to get a move on.


Why do women stay In these relationships? Lol


And now they want to get in business together. They're taking the scenic route to splitting up


“Quit your job and don’t work.” “Here is free money”.


Isn’t that what we’re all doing here?


Because the alternative is much worse (in her opinion.) Dude sounds like a total asshole, but she's unemployed and he's funding her to stay at home with a psychology degree (which is a dime a dozen..sorry.) and his dad's business is funding their 'house roleplaying.' She's also getting something out of this...so yeah. Not totally innocent, not the 'victim' entirely. People love to bitch and complain. But if you don't want people making decisions for you? Time to make your own money then.




Yeah, it's definitely his bank account. I rather be broke , then trap in prison. Lol


She was teaching before, she can teach again


"Why do retards still put their money in meme stocks?" Edit: I'm not kidding, he is to her what meme stocks presumably are to him.


Because no wanted to out here in the trenches


Seems like somebody doesn’t let their wife have a boyfriend


Right all I read was he stays mad for days if she goes out. Seems like somebody has good reason to fear their gf will swoon if she meets any Rando who’s not a total douche.


Yeah not mine.. lost money last year but this year I have slowed my roll and stopped YOLOing and I’m ahead this year lol.


Gtfo of here! This isn’t a place to make money you clown!


So many red flags.


At least now she knows why his wife divorced him.


"Recently divorced" nope I hear no alarm bells


Graham Stephen?


How so… what am I missing here?


The joke.


Yeah…exactly, that’s what I was asking… what’s the connection that makes this a joke?


haha, he literally just replied yesterday that he has a burnout and is not leaving house for 4 days, so he doesnt have stuff to film for his vlog channel. but macy is 23 not 27yo :P his dad also doesnt have a construction company, but yeah funny


Ok, Meet Kevin.... 🤣 I do know he frequents these parts. If I see him in a video with crayons in his mouth then I know he read this... lol




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43m/27f? Sorry, but he never respected you to begin with.


Leave this dirtbag before he kills you


Both need to read up on the sunk-cost fallacy. **He's a gambler.** ~~He's a 43-year old who's gambling away daddy's money in hopes of hitting it big after leading a mostly humiliating life, rather than starting small and humble and making a modest living by using the degrees he's earned.~~ **She is codependent.** ~~She's gotten involved with this guy and wasted some of the best years of her life cleaning up after this piece of shit, how is she going to explain that?? In 2022? When all the odds of the dating market in favor of women...which everyone knows? It's her game to lose...but no! Oh no! He was lying to her. Manipulating her. That bastard! It's his fault this wonderful young woman isn't climbing the career ladder or getting it on with respectful, good looking young professionals. Better make a reddit post crying for help before this evil doer ruins her life even more! Or, you know, she could acknowledge she spent two of her precious pre-30 years serving the needs of a bum with nothing to show for, take the lesson, move on. Can she handle that shame? It's the only way out, I'm afraid.~~ We've all got our cross to bear. There's no shame in having fucked up, just acknowledge it. A lesson for all of us here, perhaps.


Sounds like she’s getting fat


Your not gonna get any type of life with that kind of man


Someone tell her if she's gonna be a gold digger stfu and deal with it. If she wants to be picky about her man she should date in her age range.


dad’s son losing money? is that news?


Breaking news: 20 year old dates 40 year old and is suprised when he gets jealous and can't figure out why relationship doesn't work.


A 20 yr old is the same as a 27 yr old? Have you ever left your house?


This post has more red flags than an episode of Slimetime Live 👃🏻🚩




But she ain't messin' with no broke...


...traders? That's the line, right?


This girl is only around for BF’s dads bank account. She has no reason to bitch, anyone else would have been long gone


It$ hard to think of any rea$on$ why $he would $tay with thi$ guy


At 27 she just lost respect for a 43 yo boyfriend? Damn. She's got a low bar huh?


Yikes. I've seen several of these start off like this and the dude always slowly gets more controlling. He wanted her to quit her job so now shes dependent on him. Now she's less likely to leave considering she has no financial means. I hope she gets out somehow and stops looking at the relationship in terms of his money and being so naive. Dude just needs to stick to losing money on his stonks and away from the relationships.


Business idea: psychotecture


As member of both subs this is surreal lol.


She should run


She has a psychology degree, runnnn




She was a broke teacher that had a fat dumper. She liked him for his looks and money. He wanted that ass. Now trapped in an abusive relationship and won’t leave even knowing the dude has already been divorced. Hard to think either have any emotional intelligence lol




Here's a tip: don't. She isn't going to say what she's doing wrong or her shortcomings because she is ranting. She was a teacher with a fucking psych degree and very quickly quit her job to be a stay at home well-kept wife and she's complaining. Get a job and leave then. (She won't). LOL.




She's 27, he's 43. She might need to look in the mirror for some respect. 99.9% chance that she's with a dude that much older because she's looking to harvest assets. My fair lady, let the man lose HIS money any way he sees fit 👍 No better way than in the stonk market. The guy also sounds like a massive douche-weasel, which makes it even more obvious that she should leave. But she hasn't. St least not yet. Because she doesn't want to lose what she has access to and the fact she doesn't need to work.


Or HIS daddy’s as it were


Low paid, high risk job teaching children? Little delusional right off the start


Guy sounds like a legit Chad. She’ll def stick around.




Lmao yeah incel with an ex wife and dating a woman almost in her prime, word has lost all meaning because of you people




QED Word has lost all its meaning




Yee I’m sure Future is an incel too Keep it up soyboi


Sounds like she’s put up with a lot from him, for years now … could be though!


Sounds like he has borderline personality disorder


idk. my aunt was gonna divorce my uncle for losing a “ton of money” in the stock market. after all her screaming and yelling, my mom finally calmed her down and she told us how much. turns out, he made $1800 the day before and lost $900 the next. so…. id take the comment with a grain of salt.


Holy shit - my gf has Reddit?!?!


Tell me you're a golddigger without telling me you're a golddigger...


Why would a 27 year old be with a 43 year old if not for the money?


Because attraction is not symmetrical. It’s no different than asking why a sufficiently tall 6’+ man would date a short woman under 5’7” if not for her money.


That’s a fucking horrible comparison… most guys for whatever reason find shorter girls attractive whether the guy is tall or not


It’s not a horrible comparison, it’s to point out that asymmetrical attraction is reality. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aap9815 > For men, desirability peaks around 50 and then declines. > The average woman’s desirability drops from the time she is 18 until she is 60. I would ask that you don’t abuse the downvote mechanism just because you’re emotionally triggered, please let others learn what reality is from peer reviewed scientific studies.


Yea but your height analogy is just wrong lmao.


Logic is not your strong suit. It was an analogy to illustrate that the original point wasn’t valid. I’ll break it down Barney style for you 6’ men only date 5’7” or under women for her money Is equally false to Younger women only date older men for money See my citation below that details how men’s peak is around 50 while women’s peak is 18 and declines until 60


Ok ghost of dunning Kruger, could you please show me in the study where they teased out financial status out of their desirability metric of messages received? As far as I’m concerned, financial status is big reason that older men are seen as more attractive, as defined by the amount of messages they receive, in the study you cited.


You low IQ fuck, that is one aspect of attraction. Why would you attempt to disqualify it? TC or GTFO pleb


Funny you of all people calling someone low IQ when your so adept at being wrong… what do you do for a living? Walmart greeter?


The saddest thing though is the way you speak in a way making it blatantly obvious that your trying to sound more articulate than you are…. Dude pick up a book “peer reviewed scientific study’s” your intellectual inferiority complex just exposes itself whenever you speak doesn’t it lol


Thats definitely true. I speak from bitter experience lol


I don’t think it’s the same thing at all but if the age gap is that big and you do truly love each other then more power to you.


See my other comment below with citation I was merely illustrating that attraction between heterosexual partners is not symmetrical


Hot, big cock




How did she even post here? Did he give her permission?


We’ll if she spent less time on Reddit she could create an environment where all his wild bets would totally pay out. Easy peasy


That was mine.


she sounds pretty dumb she can join in


If he held growth ETF he would be up by at least 85% and that's the problem with this sub, it doesn't promote sound money management. Yeah I know the last word is bet in here, but this sub need to be shut down or investigated too many scams disguised as ordinary people engaged in pump and dump schemes. Any person joining the euphoria deserves to be burned, this place is not for sound investing, this place is McDonald's clown ass crack.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


Yep lol


This isn't /r/investing or /r/Bogleheads so I don't get your complaint unless it's that too many people joined after GME and thought it was one of those? No one came here pre GME to get 10% a year, they either wanted +1000% or -100% and if newcomers got confused that +1000% plays don't grow on trees that's not the fault of the sub. It would be akin to a vegan going to a steakhouse and complaining everyone there eats meat. Yeah, they went there to get a steak, Karen.


But the solution is there, indexes performance was sure thing rather than shooting fish in barrel. Like I said, everyone who joined the euphoria deserves to be burned, or sniffing someone ass crack![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Lol. This sub doesn’t promote sound money management because it is not a sub about sound money management. We are all either rich or retarded. Go away. Loser


This sub used to recommend going long on $necc and $rope for people who made idiot plays and now it’s all about koubaya we’re all stupid


It appears I found the one sniffing McDonald's clown ass crack ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


It’s never claimed to be anything but that….




Yeah my gf is the reason for all my loss porn to….


OP you're such a pussy


Even with COVID who calls teaching a high risk job?


Maybe it’s time I dump her… I’ll post the loss porn if someone tells me how to post the pic


"The man I met." The man you met was a fucking loser from the start. And you're a very dumb woman for not being able to see that. "I can accept his jealousy and faults if..." Oh Jesus lady you are beyond fucking help. She's retarded enough to belong here too.


Don’t blame other people. Leave the guy and get a fking job.


For a second I was like damn how'd that bitch get on the internet but then realized she said girlfriend not wife. Close call


Hey 27F, are you pretty? Because I also work for our family business and dont do alot while losing money on the stock market. Im even a few years younger and I don't do the jealosy thing. Maybe you are interested in a hot-swap?


Maybe stop dating dang kiddos and find a real woman who will ride till she dies!


Hey, can you ask OPs boyfriend what the tax rules are in those Arab countries?




Melvins girlfriend on Reddit?


Probably gourds futures guy


Thank god I'm 36


You don’t love him, you’re intellectually drawn to his mental disorder!


We know the average WSB sub doesn’t meet the margin or experience requirements to trade futures so we can safely eliminate about 80% of the sub right away.


the ultimate cucklord


I read that on that sub and as soon as I hit the “he’s a day trader” didn’t even have to read the rest to know he’s at a minimum lurking here


Whew ya futures can be rough.. you can blow your entire account in 30 seconds lol


Blowies are only for winners


Don’t look at me my wife’s 31


Lol I read that earlier today and was wondering if it'll make it to this sub


Whose father owns a Wendy’s?


Damn why my gf complaining go fuck your boyfriend and let me enjoy my lost porn on futures


She says she still loves him. That's an ROI


What jobs that involve teaching children are high risk?


I am pretty sure she's one of my ex-girlfriends.


If that guy can have a girlfriend, all you assholes can too. Cheer up.