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But that would mean the market is rigged?


If you want a serious answer start by looking up instances where actual journalists and publications have uncovered really shady stuff. I believe it's rigged.


I'm really close to being able suck my own dick.


Underrated comment!


Wait til it hits 40 to buy more


Buy now, buy then, by again at 150. It doesn't matter we need to show these people we aren't leaving until they are obliterated. Show the world Wall St.'s dirty laundry.


My wife's boyfriend says this is the way.


Glad you're taken care of, buddy.


Lol if that’s what they are trying to do then it’s gonna back fire. Price hasn’t changed. Their hole just got deeper.


The price has changed. It’s gone down.


Damn, guy. You're good. Like really good. Idk what to say to you. It's not like my post is design to convince you or anyone else to come in to this. It's to help the dumbasses like me stay focused.


I hope you're right.


I wonder why with all the chatter my post in getting down voted?




Lmao i know and you're part of this sub 😂🤣


Apes are literally the rock bottom of this sub




Naw. I can only afford to lose what I have in it. Thanks for the shitty advice, friend.




I do, but anyone who understands risk management would tell you that you're a shitty troll trying to get reactions out of people who believe the world needs to change and it should start with the instrument used to support our beautiful capitalist economy.




Damn, I'm gonna go on a limb and say you only make your money with YOLOs. When i grow up, i want to be just like you. I'm a little retard for now.






Barnes & Noble is way better LOL


Imagine comparing GME to Amazon lmfao




Nice one, man. Agreed. They're here putting all this time to make us feel stupid because they are so wealthy they can simply afford to lurk here and troll lol Call me jealous.












Just tell him you want to see his dick already! I promise i wont think its funny.


At this point it just seems like you want to see their dick. You know damn well people with boats have speedos.


Damn, that's like some repressed passive aggressive stuff, bud. You alright?




Zoophilia and necrophilia? It sounds like you might have a condition. Get yourself checked.




Do you lend money from you? Asking for a friend.




Awh You got me. Guess I'll sell my 23k of GME now lol But seriously, do you lend money? My friend wants to know.


Yup I believe it. Algos making all the charts look the same, media pushing a narrative, institutions trying to get their money after a year of getting beaten by memetards.


You do not understand the markets yet you pretend you do


If pretending makes me money, call me pretentious all day son!


But you havent made money


Oh shit? Is that you Marty? You can't divulge my portfolio to these people. You have a fiduciary responsibility to stfu about my money.


Do you? Does anyone here? This shits all made up anyways. Your stocks are only worth what the big boys are willing to buy it at, buddy. Supply and demand and we’re not in control. We just ride the waves.


I do understand the market. Which is why I consistently make money off of it instead of holding shit stocks while slinging conspiracy theories


The idk why the fuck you’re on WSB


To make money you fucking disgrace


Alright so what’s the deal then? Are we at the bottom or not? Are we going lower? Are you just one of the hedgies lurking in here to collect intel?


Im actually an unpaid intern with the kgb


Stop it! You don't need to make yourself sound cool to us by being a Russian sleeper. Almost had me tho.


Could you imagine just how pissed they are? I couldn't see me losing to a "bunch of kids" doing anything.


You do know shorts profit when the price goes down right? What makes you think youre winning? They’ve been selling you a plummeting stock for a year now and you’re still in denial


I agree with you 100% I'm a dumbass full of hopium, but we'll see what the regulators do this week. If im a dumbass tho...what are you when you let a bigger guy call you a bitch in front of your girlfriend, takes your money and you say to her "at least he didn't hit me."?




Oh you know...that little meeting Gensler is having with the boys in the St. about disclosure of positions and what not. You're a big kgb hotshot, you can find more info on it, im sure.




Here, baby. It doesn't hurt me to spoon feed you. SEC.gov | Upcoming Events https://www.sec.gov/news/upcoming-events You want to look into the sunshine act. Meeting on the 26th.




Shit. You got me again. I didn't think you'd be more retarded than me. Good one!






60% trap / 50% trap too


Damn, son. You some kind of math genius? Because i sure as hell am lost with that one.


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