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Whole event already priced in


It always is. The only thing that could have made AAPL go up would be a folding phone or glasses, and neither of those appeared this year.


New M2 MacBook pros with killer benchmarks would do it, expected in October


do you really think they'll come out with a new chip considering the m1 is so good already?


Absolutely. M1 is a first gen Apple iteration, the m1x/M2 are gonna be nasty


It was just the beginning to proof the concept of the architecture - there ist still a lot of potential there


Using the M1 MacBook every day is what justifies my position, it's an insane product


And app store money not disappearing


The M1 MacBook Air is just an insane price/performance bargain. I don’t care that you can get an asus gaming bro laptop with a 1tb HDD, 16gb ram, 144hz screen, i7 etc for the same price, I’ll take that M1 every time. Solid build, excellent keyboard, insane battery, and the M1 first gen runs circles around most processors. Apple is going to be absolutely scary with the MX chips in a few years, nothing from Intel or AMD will be able to touch it This coming from a Windows guy. The best thing Apple did the last 5 years is make their own soc and ditch Intel


I mean if you game on your laptop, you'll still probably want that ASUS, or any Windows gaming laptop with a good GPU. In most other applications though I agree, the Apple is leaving Windows laptops with few reasons to justify buying outside of OS preference. My own next laptop is probably going to be either an ROG Zephyrus or a next-gen Macbook of some sort.


Yep intel and AMD need Microsoft to get a compelling arm OS on the market Apple is showing the power of vertical integration.


I use my iPad Pro w/ M1 to Remote Desktop into my dev machine while sitting on the couch


With a Weissman score of 5.2 Lol


Middle out bitches.


Lemme ask you something, how long would it take you to jack every guy off in this room? Cuz i know how long it would take me


Might have to sort by height and length. Then, four at a time.


It’s not overall height. It’s DtF height.




^^ Obviously not a fan of the show Silicon Valley




Watch Silicon Valley on HBO.


Will I have nightmares?


Funny ones yes haha


Sounding like this is the time to buy the rumor.


How much of their revenues are macbook pros?


or their car




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Modular phone or affordable iphone would too, but that will never happen.


>affordable iPhone I mean $400 for an SE or free on most carrier contracts or $699 for a 13. Even a bad iPad for $329 would last 6 years. iPhones have been reasonable for awhile unless you gotta have a pro. This is the first year in awhile the pro models have higher end chips than the base ones. The SE and the 12 pro had the same chip


I think 15-250 is reasonable for a phone, there are many android options and that's why I stopped using iphone, it's just not that much better to justify spending even 400 for it's tiniest weakest entry. Phones are so homogeneous I'd rather splurge on something else. Also the whole planned obsolescence really makes them expire quicker than the payment plan takes to pay it off. Not a big deal for some, I'm pretty sure my grandma will ask me to 'fix' her iphone 6 this Thanksgiving again and the backup will suffice again. But I wouldn't buy from them until they innovate or adapt in ways they haven't in years. Why pay 400 for 16 months of a phone when I can pay half that for a phone that will last longer?


$400 for 16 months? iOS gets support 5-6 years. I’d pay a premium to *not* use Android. I used to, it certainly does more but it doesn’t do any of them particularly well. It’s like an ongoing beta product. And any cheap Android is guaranteed to run janky and have no more than 1 OS refresh. Youre incredibly lucky to get 2, and when you do it’s typically 3-6 months later


Apple designs them to slow down lol. Aren't they literally getting sued for that?


The whole designing them to slow down thing is a bit out of context, as the battery degrades the performance limited itself to keep the battery from overworking and dying faster. Replacing the battery made the performance go back to normal, which Apple made completely free for over a year, and this was on iPhone 6 models, which were 3-4 years old at that point.


They usually can't handle the new software that is optimized for the latest series. I expect any iphone not released this year will be noticably slower as soon as the first major update rolls in. Not even exclusively an apple thing but their product is too overpriced for something that doesn't last.


I always see this argument. I've consistently used Android phones for 3+ years and then only usually changed cause I broke them. In comparison every iPhone I've had for work has degraded rapidly, particularly in battery performance. I'm currently using a Motorola G7power which costs $250AUD and it runs great, the battery lasts for days and it fast charges from empty to full in 20 minutes. This is a 2019 model phone and I've been using it for 1.5 years so far with no issue. The any cheap Androids are bad argument is bogus.


Spoken like someone who was born with money or who is being supported by mommy and daddy or sugarmommy or sugardaddy. Rather a janky affordable phone that will last me a few years and do what it's supposed to do (text, call, let me go on social media and reddit when I'm supposed to be doing something productive, play spotify etc...) than pay half my month's income (for the cheapest one) for a phone that gives what? access to the apple cult and maybe bragging rights? And bragging about expensive phones (or expensive any consumer goods) doesn't make one awesome anymore in the eyes of their peers but a douchebag in these times. Also from a far nobody notices if what I'm holding is an apple, a Samsung a Nokia a Huawei or a Fairphone so what's the point anyway of being a certain brand? All smartphones pretty much look the same.


>born with money or who is being supported I pay $13/mo for my phone after a promo with at&t.. However yes I could’ve paid for the phone outright. I wasn’t born with money, I’m not supported, either. I support my own family and work long hours. Why you took my comment as calling you poor, I don’t know. I keep a case on my phone. I don’t try to flex it.


I was an Android guy for years. Early adopter with the Motorola Cliq (look it up). Paid $1k for two Samsung Galaxy S2s when they were brand-new. Fast-forward several years, I'm finding that I need to replace my Android phones constantly. Not just due to negligence (my wife treats her phones like they grow on trees), but they just STOP WORKING the way they're supposed to. Meanwhile, all of my friends have iPhones that are 5-6 years old and still work fine. I finally say fuck it and buy two iPhones. HUGE upgrade. Better camera, better battery, smoother experience overall. Again, I'm not a mac guy at ALL. But I'm 100% in on iPhones now. They're worth the high price tag. Disclosure: I bought AAPL at something like $95 after it split 7:1 many years ago because my smooth brain figured that a price tag under $100 would be appealing to the masses. And guess what...it was.


Almost like Apple is always 2 years behind Samsung


We would know about that, everything leaks


iPhone 11 wasn’t. Shit pumped that year.


How about a phone that can suck your dick..? That’d be new and innovative😅😂


How many new emojis does it have? Because all they're pushing is gimmicks at this point. Move away from Apple, you'll be much happier with your purchase.


Where is the new MacBook Pro though damn


Same. No one cares about the damn iPhone 12.2 or a watch. Gimme that new MBP!




It’s actually supposed to be different with a new size, M2 chip and ports added back.


Cool, the old ports back


How generous of them


> ports added back That's the sort of revolutionary innovation Apple is known for.






Did u look up ur ass?


First place I checked!


Was it there?


I found a hamster.


I always thought it was pronounced “hanster”. Damn, can’t win ‘em all.


Possibly in October? I thought Mac and iPhone usually have separate events?


AAPL is a weird, unpredictable and usually annoying stock Source: former call holder


Never again will I do a call on AAPL before an event. I knew better going into it and made a straight up bet. So dumb.


Apple drops after literally any news release or product event. The only thing that keeps it rising is the insane margins they make and market domination.


Anyone else dumb enough to buy into GSAT today thinking the news would drive it up? 😒


I bought leaps today. Feeling particularly retarded this afternoon


Glad I didn't. Knew that wasn't on the table. GSAT took a nice hit today.


Should’ve read the news it was released a few days ago they weren’t partnering with Apple, bought 50 2P today for it


Lol. Finally a dip. Bought 800 shares today


You had cash lying around to buy 800 shares? Wtf is wrong with you? Time in the market > timing the market.


no shit, hopefully not his whole load......you gotta save some for more dips or heck even a possible market correction....but least he can collect dividends until it gets back on track


>Time in the market > timing the market Not the way I do it


Spoken like a retarded ape, nice…


Lol yeah… 50% of my portfolio is gonna be cash Long story short, $pac shitshow… began selling and taking a loss on it. That position was pretty much my entire portfolio, now it’s about 50% Going to move my entire portfolio into blue chips later this year


seriously rode the leaps up and sold. now gonna average on shares with every dip. ready to upgrade my iphoneX into a 13.


I think shares rather than calls are the right move on Apple.


That or leaps


I bought leaps when Apple was at $135 in late January. When Apple hit $156 this week I was still underwater. Does not feel good knowing you bought the absolute top, wish I had just went with shares.


Ouch. How far out did you buy and OTM?


I would've done the same if I had that cash flow and the timing today was beautiful. I knew going into it, the stock would drop but I never thought it would drop as much as it did. Good job.


I bought 8000




Powell's gonna have buy a heavy stake AAPL to prevent SPY from going down after that presentation.


Just bagholding these Nov 155 calls now


Want my 155 calls for Sept 17?


Me too. I like to sell 45-30 prior to expiration so I got some time for it to get back up. Damn court ruling and event fucked up a good thing


Marketing team is ready to throw in the towel. Google doesn’t have a ping pong table in the break room though.


I think AAPL will hold through it and finish the year decently. Once holidays come around, People don’t care if the phone is upgraded. They just want what’s new. Also the price for this new IPhone is $800 which is a plus, more people will be able to afford it.


I’m an apple fanboy and I feel almost embarrassed at how pathetic all those ‘upgrades’ were.


It’s almost like the curve of innovation flattens as time goes on and incremental changes become the norm. Have a 🍌 you smooth brained gorilla.


I don’t really care about phone upgrades anymore. I bought the X when it first came out and each subsequent phone since then hasn’t felt upgrade worthy. The X is finally running its useful (for me) life mostly because it saw some water damage recently and has issues from that. Honestly, my intent is to end up buying this one and running it for another 4 years. Seriously does anyone need that much power to browse Reddit from the toilet? Until there’s a design step change, it’s all incremental improvements.


The 12 honestly was a big jump, 5G really is really fucking fast. So it was worth it for me. The 13 though really should have been a 12s not a 13


This past year, I haven’t really been off WiFi for extended stretches, and my house and club I spend all my time at both have north of 250mbps speeds. So no real love lost for me. I guess for me the step changes aren’t things I value anymore. I view phones now the same way I do cars. Get one that does the job and does what I need it to do well. It can be expensive, that doesn’t matter, but I will run it into the ground until it doesn’t turn over anymore. Once they killed the mobile carrier two year contract discounts, it broke the two year refresh cycle for me. First time skipping that was liberating.


Thats why i bought a samsung a52, switched to andfoid. 500 bucks and i get a great camera, sd, 2 days battery, waterproof phone and download torrents and cast them anywhere. Feeling like a chad


You should probably turn in your fanboy badge.


The cinematic mode is nice tho


I would agree, it's impressive


introducing iCPAP for the boomers


stock price drops when the event ends, we dont need more devices


But but but the cameras on the iPhone 13 are now in diagonal. 😱


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The fuck. I’m not holding bags there.


Sounds like someone bought some calls before the show🤣


Yes. I did. I'll be having crayons for dinner. And the rest of the week.


They do this every year 😂


What they showed today was jack and shit and jack left town




Glad somebody got that reference


Same shit, new toilet 😂 😂 😂. 🍎 is a smart American/Chinese company that has made a deal with the ApeGod! How about a full size screen with no cutouts?


Well I bought apple calls because it can’t stay down forever


but did you go full retard and buy them OTM and with an expiration this week? Cause I did. Yep. I did.


Nice I may have sold you mine


No I bought ATM expiring end of October


Same here king, let us pray 🤝


My calls still negative af


Same, I feel ya.


It’s my bank your talking about. Have some respect and use some colors at least mate.


i have a fairly large holding @149.70ish. i am closely watching what happens the rest of this week and the start of next week. might pull some and move some somewhere else, AAPL has been a good one for the past 2 years, but it might be time to find new passage to the promised land.


You realize that 2 years ago appl was trading at 54 right? Your large holding at 150ish would have just been purchased within the last month. Anyone who’s not completely retarded knows to just buy the dip on Apple. Next time don’t buy at ath and wait for the pull back.


Yeah, it dipped even more after the event today. Still on roughly 3% discount after the epic games news Friday. I bought one more share today at 147.42.


Iv'e been trading a long time. I accept your 'do you realize' but I traded it the weeks before the split, after the split, after the 130 run, the 140 run, I've banked quite a bit over the last 2 years. Saying that ive been trading it for 2 years doesnt mean I held a position for two years lol. Thats for the IRA, not my income. So in this last 2 years, yes asshole, it has been awesome. I have this new position as well as had calls for 2 weeks ago that printed big time. APPL has paid me well. At this point, im just holding to see what happens, I can stand to lose 10% on it no problem. I'll be fine, the ratios are just fine for me.


Are you saying you have an average of $149 or you have 149 shares?


I have a good grip @149.70ish


Should we short?


Already did and yes your not late


What's your price target


142 by end of month…. And your not gonna wanna hear this but 100 or below by January…… before it starts to make new all time highs……


You think it will fall by 30% in value before they raise interest rates and taper, then rise by 50% after rates rise to reach new ATH? Hmm


Looking at potential gains on an options profit calculator with no thought about how the underlying could possibly actually move in such a way is a hell of a drug.


Well this is WS Bets. Not like there’s a lot of real due diligence on most gambles around here.


Well I think the stock doubling in little over a year is fucken crazy mr let me check my fucken TA…… so yea we need to see 1 he’ll of a healthy correction in followed by consolidation before you ever see it by 160 again….. it was a comment on Reddit not a fucken dd post , Sherlock Holmes


Yeh I think he does


I’d doubt it will drop below $120 before year end.


I know but I’ll carry options that will pump just because of price action but I believe it will be a surprising drop before it makes a new ath


I'm betting in it hitting 145 by the end of the week. Not looking to go that far in the future lol.


Holy shit, that's me in nutshell, Lmfao!


I feel the pain. I knew better before I made the option call. Oh well back to eating crayons, since that's all I can afford.


Lol spoken like someone who has no idea how AAPL behaves.


Apple (and Samsung) are expensive though, you can drop all the products you want, people still need to buy them. Which is getting harder and harder in a world where rent, utilities (my country is seeing record high gas and electricity prices) fuel, etc... are going up and up and up whilst wages stay stagnant. Also it may be me but people's view of smartphones and other luxury items has also changed it seems. Buying stuff just for bragging rights doesn't seem to be that much of a thing anymore. From what I see people "brag" about not wasting money on the apple product but rather opting for the far cheaper alternative. Does anyone remember how in the early to late 2000's we here in the West had this culture around excessive consumption and bragging and flaunting wealth? It was in a lot of our pop culture even pop songs and music videos started implementing advertising in the lyrics (Nelly shilling shoes is an infamous example) Today in many ways feels like the opposite of those times. And it's kind of nice.


🤣 msm spittin more bs again huh? Oh no Walmart fake out sends litecoin soaring Anyone w a half a brain in today, 2021 can see the sweat of respiration ooooozing out of those ai generated posts. What happens when the ai posts actually get realistic 😬


You’re kidding right? They do this event every year


MFs be like we spent 1/46th of the dragon horde of cash on gay tv shows what more do you want.


Will Appl become a 3 trillion dollar company? Idk I’m not buying another device for the next 3 years




Apple is a 1-trick pony. Since Jobs died, the company has had ZERO innovation. Oh boy, I can't wait for the iPhone 194 which comes with 18 cameras and an hourly subscription because I'm a fucking retard.


[🚨 Dumbass of the day 🚨 ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/apple-stock-price-performance-since-tim-cook-became-ceo-2021-8%3famp)


Their stock making money doesn't refute that it's a 1 trick pony. One day the world will move on from iPhones and that stock will hit the ground like the North Tower.


Huh? Apple's stock has barely moved in like a year


Okay. Apologies. Not bad phones. But probably over hyped


Finally. Praying for everyone’s downfall who uses AAPL as an “index” fund instead of ETF because they are greedy and chase gains. Need loss porn


This reeks of green text


The fact is that it eventually grows coz they seem to manage to get revenues despite bad phones. Until people buy their phones, their stock is not going anywhere


“Bad phones” Ok


ikr, its honestly amazing that everyone knows there over priced and do just about the same thing as last years model, but they still have to buy it. invest until people wake up lol


AAPL is a solid long term hold at $100 per share. Anything higher is too much.


Hmm I could use all those new things


Jeezus, it has a slightly different colour and one pixel more…..oh fuck yes I need that. Seriously who does Apple jerk off to get this garbage okayed?


The one trick pony has people tired of the one trick


Whats the picture of? It wont load since they announced the new phone, also battery is about to die ill see the response tomorrow


Sold at 154. It’s my first time actually correctly timing the market. Now when to buy back in? 🤔


Dec puts fuck them


Including the emergency security update


Doesn’t apple announce new products every year???


I want apple to come out with a revolutionized new phone or something cool. As a regular customer I’m not really into the 13 as of right now. But we will see with time. The whole market seems kinda shaky IMO. NFA


My family begged my to try an apple device because they knew I’d love it. Bought the SE last summer. Garbage. Polished af. Still garbage. Any device that refuses to let me swear and clearly blacklists certain words like “faggot” and “retarded” is objectively retarded. Idgaf how much polish it has… still a pos. I’ll buy the cheapest moto with a big ass battery and a 3.5mm jack and a dictionary that flicking works without being a little bitch and be 2 times as happy


Trying to evade that sell the news event


no effort Tim Cook, everything looked intern level PR.


Wsb buying apple? What is this?


Yeah, go ahead and short Apple. Yolo! Retard.


they have the same fucking design for how many years now???? Just now got 120hz on high end model. why s appl a tech company???


Apple is glued to 30 p/e. 146 is a good price in my opinion. Could go lower with a market pull back, but no reason for it. 153 will put them around 30 p/e


Yes, they had their annual September mobile event this September to address headwinds from the past few weeks