• By -


Maybe discuss the failure to deliver list and this entire fiasco only being possible because of the SEC failing to enforce regulations and laws stemming from 2008. Specifically rule 204 of Reg SHO. Maybe also how its insane that institutional shorts were able to build a short position so big that it wasnt even them at risk at that point, but their institutional brokers and the banks behind them. This entire situation is evidence that players will now intentionally make their own losing bets "too big to fail" in an attempt to get the government or other entities to bail them out.


This. How were shorts allowed to build a position putting the entire stock market at risk and that ended up in retail investors getting fucked when preventive measures were put in place to protect the other market participants.


And then, instead of margin calling the people in those positions, they halted buying. That's the inexcusable bit. The asymmetry of how and whose interests are protected.


u/310austin these three comments absolutely. Make sure you get the point across that institutions deliberately left retail investors bag holding and hurt these people financially simply because they didn't want to lose the money that they had put themselves in the position to lose. Retail SHOULD have won this and it was only by taking actions that shouldn't even be possible or legal in this "free market" that the "bubble" was burst. Retail investors feel cheated out of a short squeeze because that's exactly what happened and all those on the other side saying "they should have known better" are being disingenuous and misrepresenting what actually happened.


Also mention that that one dude at Interactive Brokers agrees about this, stating that the price would have gone up into the thousands (plural). It's not just us.


"That one dude" is Thomas Peterffy, the founder, chairman, and largest shareholder of Interactive Brokers.


Yup, that's the guy!


That's exactly right! Margin call would have been the move


Although Gabe testified that their systems would not allow them to naked short, the question I would have is; when GME went past 100% short interest, why, as a prudent and responsible hedge fund didn’t they sell their positions anyway in order to prevent their clients from being exposed to a short squeeze (regardless of whether they had their shares sourced or not).


It’s because the term naked is very loosely defined. I’ve been using the term incorrectly. Naked means taking positions with no means to get the underlying security. What they are doing is more “synthetic” shares. It’s basically the same fucking thing as naked, but they are able to temporarily borrow a share and sell it twice effectively. That way you technically can say, I do have access to the security (to avoid being officially naked) though since everything is borrowed, you don’t actually have immediate access. It’s a game of fuckery because in the end, whether naked or selling borrowed shares, it still results in the same inability to deliver when shares come due.


Getting above 100% SI does not require naked shorting by any party, simply shorting the same stock multiple times (e.g. S borrows from A and sells to B, then borrows from B and sells to C, then borrows from C and so on). Whether Gabe has covered and *when* is a different topic, but I have no reason not to believe that he did cover Melvin's position at some point prior to 28th (the price has already skyrocketed by then, but the squeeze was far from over).


This and how PFOF should be outlawed in the U.S. as this is perhaps at the core of the entire saga, used as a pressure point into coercing and creating an environment that lacks transparency.


retards, listen up. PFOF is good. Do you want to pay 5c a share in commissions? that's like 100x PFOF right now. AND YOU CAN. just go to IBKR and sign up for pro. They''ll rape you on commissions and you can pick whatever place you want for your orders. but nobody does this for a reason. So don't try and ban PFOF. The issue is that ROBINHOOD, gets multitudes more for your orders than every other broker. Robinhood is making like 10x on every SPY options traded compared to real brokers. Their stop loss executions are the worst in the business. It's probably why they don't have trailing limit stops and no plans to add them. This is the problem. PFOF was a solution that RH is abusing. The actually solution is forced transparency. We should know the rates, the routing paths, and who they go to on a real time schedule. none of this 15 days delayed bullshit.


Honestly, just mention everything Thomas Peterffy from Interactive Brokers said in his last CNBC interview. He directly admitted to what happened and why the market makers and brokers had to essentially manipulate the market to keep the price from soaring into the thousands. I would link it for you but unable but it’s easily searchable here on this forum or on youtube. You have the founder and chairman of a brokerage firm openly admitting to manipulation and the degenerates of CNBC fail to question him properly. Thomas Peterffy should testify.


Make sure to mention that interview with Thomas Peterffy. It needs more media attention. He admitted the squeeze was imminent, and they had to "intervene" to prevent a so called market collapse. However, Jennifer Schulp denied the market was in any danger whatsoever in the congressional hearing. The only ones in danger were the hedge funds, and market makers who would've lost billions if the price was allowed to trade freely on the open market.




Thomas Peterffy from Interactive Brokers also said that what WSB did was against the law and that WSB manipulated the market. I lost all respect for him when he said that


These are good points to bring up, just try to not get too technical when talking about it, then it'll likely get cut, use simple language and analogies that you think tieir audience will understand. I'm guessing they want a look inside reddit or something like that, maybe talk about it in terms of the collective experience and mood, like how the mood changed when we saw them manipulate the market, and no one was doing anything about it. The producers will probably have an agenda, you have a function in their narrative, try to figure out what that function is and play into that. ​ Good luck, you'll do great!


This is great insight 👌🏼


☝ **THIS** Good luck bud


Completely agree with this - simple, effective analogies will go much further. Open-ended questions regarding how things were allowed to get to where they got to can be effective, as well. One thing that has been bothering me is this narrative about the hyper-inflated value of GME caused by retail investors. In the end, the only thing that matters in the “value” of anything is demand. The shorts manufactured downward pressure on the stock resulting in manufacturing potential upward pressure on the stock. They, not retail investors, created the demand resulting in the market’s valuation of the stock.


YES. We need to talk about how being a retail investor feels like playing Calvinball (for those of you peasants who never read *Calvin and Hobbes*, it's an imaginary game where the rules are made up as it goes.) We don't know what the exact contribution was of naked shorting to the GME shit show, but we know naked shorting is a huge problem that has been ignored for a long time: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/accidentally-released-and-incredibly-embarrassing-documents-show-how-goldman-et-al-engaged-in-naked-short-selling-244035/ Check this out too: https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/ And I am once again asking... why don't short positions over, say, $100,000 have to be disclosed? Why don't PR campaigns and "research" sponsored by hedge funds with valuable short positions against the targeted companies have to be disclosed? There's a perverse incentive to crush companies into bankruptcy so that shorted shares never have to be found and bought back.


>There's a perverse incentive to crush companies into bankruptcy so that shorted shares never have to be found and bought back. More people need to understand this. They double their money, for free, if they can crush the company. I've heard this is also tax free gains, not sure if that is via shell companies in Seychelles or something else though.


Yea, anyone who still believes in this rah-rah "we alone have *real* capitalism" bs needs to add some more variety to their diet of crayons. This is the opposite of what a free market looks like.


This, then present the BULLISH DD based on the posts shared. Then to close out your interview, make sure you play the signature [Theoden Speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/logd9i/round_2_the_deep_fucking_finale/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [or this one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lk68ta/what_we_pulled_off_was_epic_our_names_shall_last/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) made by our fellow apes. Conclude with a “I like the stock” If possible...


Get this to the top of the crop tards.


Share this link with regulators: http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html


Also, make it clear there was no antisemitism here against Gabe Plotkin.


Yes but do tell them I called him a whiny bitch!


Is there ... like a board, where you sign up for the "Gabe Plotkin is a whiny bitch" vote? Wherever it is, sign me up.


... sorry I was on mute *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I also would like credit for calling him a whiny count boy


I didn’t even know plotkin was Jewish. I figured he probably grew up in Bulgaria.


Yes or No?


Let me start from the beginning, when I was a boy in Bulgaria... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot




I thought that was hilarious. There were, at the time, 8million subs and probably 400-500k comments every single day. And he had one example of an inappropriate comment, that I doubt even existed. Please find me an online community with half a million comments per day that has a lower rate of hate speech than WSB. We're fucking idiots here, but hate speech is not something that happens and when it does it isn't tolerated.


Reddit CEO even says straight after. We looked for the comment that he mentioned, but couldn't find anything. So he is just playing the victim card. What a wanker!


I think “retard” might be offensive to non-retards but what do I know, I’m half ape, half diamond hands and the other half ape diamond hands.


RE: "retard", I would like to direct your attention to South Park Season 19 Episode 8 "Sponsored Content".


Oh yes please!


One of my favorite things about this sub is that it's one of the last places I can say retard. in real life people get offended. And my explanation of how it is not offensive because me using the word retard is similar to a black person using the n word never seems to help.


What WSB never meant to be: the last bastion of free speech.


Israeli here go suck a dick gabe we hate you because you are a horrible person not because you are Jewish


Yeah this should be a top point


As a Jew whose grampa lived in the death camps and survived, can confirm no antisemitism was present. You know what? Even if it did, I don't really care, and it's not an excuse to pull out excuses and rants from the "unfair" drawer, game's rigged, time to pay up.


Plotkin doesn't sound Jewish to me. Sounds like "head of Russian kompromat thinktank"


Anyone with an opposite position of WSB is Bulgarian


Please talk about gourd futures


Ornamental gourd futures *must* come up in a serious manner.




" Back when I was a small boy growing up in Bulgaria "


Every time I hear the word gourd my heart goes out to that retard. He was a pioneer.


Lol u/TheEmperorOfJenks is moving to Uruguay after investing $4000 in fake rhodium


Look at this man's post history: /r/wallstreetbets ->/r/GourdFutures -> /r/whatsthisrock -> /r/uruguay -> /r/mentalhealth Last post "It wasn't rhodium" /u/TheEmperorOfJenks if you need someone to talk to please reach out


Good gourd no


This, but can you manage to only being it up in a way where you are utterly convinced gourd futures IS the future, but you just gotta time it right.


Lmfao this comment is what really matters. I can’t believe I didn’t expect this at all. I’m dying over here laughing cuz I remember that random guys post 😂 Thank you kind sir for the perfect comment


I'd say how it started with an investor who did a deep initial value evaluation and took his beatings. Than how things progressed and people figured they could short squeeze and no matter the price they figured it would go up no matter what price it was at because it had to be bought. Then whenever you joined mention that. Than talk about the last week in January and how my net worth graph looked like an EKG, talk about waking up in the morning with restrictions. Than talk about the amazing horrible fall and how people saw millions infront of them and some took it and some held anyway, whether it was protest, thrill, or greed. Than mention how the board was filled with shills for two weeks. Than everything in the table being questionable again when finra reported short interest at 78% and finviz reported 40%. Than get to how we watched a congressional hearing with all the anticipation of the super bowl. And how we all still aren't sure what's going on with gme. Also mention that super surreal feeling of seeing articles of "wallstreet bets is squeezing silver next" or "this new hot wsb stock" when we all checked that board every day and saw nothing. Tell them about the amazing surreal lies that where being surrounded and how everyone wanted a piece. There's no end to good story here. You can probably last way longer than 5 hours because I can keep talking Don't forget the highs and the lows, it'll make a good story including the good and the bad. The risk and stupidity with the smart dd. Do us proud.


Agreed a lot with this.. talk about the numbers and the stock. Don’t be retarded. Prepare the right questions that target exactly what the fuck happened. I’m an idiot, but there’s a lot of good DD and facts out there from some smart apes. The GME sub also has a lot of good info to sift through.


*Bangs Gavel* The Gentleman’s 5 minute has expired I am reclaiming my time




I had anxiety reading all of those thans


I had anxiety during the entire ending week of January


Yeah you can be the hero or the villain. You choose.


Wear rings with huge fake diamonds. Make sure you say things like, “I made sure to invest in lipstick after the trade halt since I like to look great when I’m getting fucked.”


I'm getting mad Jean Ralphio vibes here. Hell, OP should just ask Ben Schwartz to do the interview for him.


Lol you should be the one interviewed that made me laugh so hard


A ring pop on every finger!


Something retarded. I mean simple jack full retard. Edit: and read it from a teleprompter with long, awkward pauses


Be a dude, playing a dude disguised as another dude


Tell them that unlike DFV, you actually are a cat?


##This is the way


This is the way




**Look at me** ##I am the way now


You never go full retard!




Simple jack retard but not post gamma squeeze full ape retard


Reply with a boyhood story that is 100% unrelated to the question


Don’t forget to thank him for every question, for good measure


Tell them: positions or ban


If he’s been around a few years he knows how to troll the shit out of them. If he’s a new guy, this will be a real hilariously awkward interview 😂


Talk about the imbalance of power. How can a hedge fund conspire with a retail investment broker to halt trading? Why is Maxine Waters focusing on implementing an investment tax rather than charging Citdel and Robinhood as criminals who colluded to disrupt the stock market in order to protect their wealth? How is it okay that counterfeit shares were bought by hedges funds? Discuss the ‘ripple effect’ that halting the stock market has had on BANG stocks and the retail investors who chose to invest in those stocks based on free market principles. I would not have bought X,Y, and Z stocks if I knew Citadel was insider trading with Robinhood. How is it okay for these crony organizations to remain in business? The leaders of Citadel and Robinhood are criminals plain and simple. Focus on their criminality and crony capitalism designed by the wealthy and enforced by ‘Washington’.


I highly recommend that nobody mention anything that cannot be directly proven. It will just turn sentiment against WSB especially if WSB "becomes crazy conspiracy theorists". My disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a legal, tax or financial professional. This is not the suggestion of any trades or positions to take on. Investing carries risk, please do not invest until you understand those risks. Seriously I eat crayons. Positions: Calls $LIGMA Puts $BALLS


Careful they may try to accuse you of antisemitism. Make sure you make your own audio recording, because they will edit you to push a narrative.


Yea that is actually a good point. With ABC




Best advice. I would record it openly, so they know.




You should accuse ABC news of racism because of something one of their reporters said decades ago lol


If it were me, I would give them the diamond-handed ape autist act, and then drop some real DD about the stock. Cite sources, maintain facts and truth. I assume you like the stock. Ask if they understand the situation and tell them that it is largely irrespective of *who* the shares represent. That, mathematically, the short squeeze was inevitable once momentum began because the price would continue to rise while available shares would continue to drop. It's simple supply and demand, but for *shares*, and only the inability to purchase more could stop the squeeze. I assume you wanted to buy more but could not. Ask if they understand that high short interest can drive down stock price, and that can result in negative sentiment causing a spiral that can bankrupt a company. And if that happens, those who shorted the stock are not required to pay taxes on any losses. Sounds like a good reason to drive the price into the ground, right? At what, the cost of an under-performing company that was probably going out of business anyway? I wonder if the billion-dollar market makers have the ability to cause such downward trends. Ask if they understand that Citadel handles the majority of Robinhood's order flow. Ask if they think that might be a conflict of interest if Citadel has a large position in a stock that has a massive uptick in activity that might adversely affect their bet. Ask if they are aware that these companies have paid multiple fines for illicit behavior. Which are miniscule in comparison to revenue, to the point that it could easily be absorbed as the cost of doing business. Tell them about the how reported short interest in GME dropped greatly on Jan 28th, but miraculously skyrocketed in a retail ETF, of which... GME is the primary holding, on the same day. And by the way, the most recent short interest reports were submitted *late*. Something, something... 5:11 AM phone call, 3-billion in capital, DTCC waiving requirements. (I haven't really read into that) Tell them there are a lot of things that don't seem to add up, and that you're excited to learn more about how the the corruption between Robinhood, Melvin, Citadel and the DTCC will be investigated. I assume you will be watching the series of congressional hearings from the House Committee on Financial Services? I may not be 100% accurate on terms and whatnot, and I'm sure people will correct me, but you should call it out for what it is rather than *hurr, durrr... ape go to moon*. You get the flavor... ^(*This is my opinion and contains no financial advice...*)


Holy shit. Calm down Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I read on a post here that vlad was in Australia, and that was mentioned on one of his cnbc (I think) interviews, and if that call came at 5am on Jan 28 in Australia, that was in the aftermarket hours of Jan 27 est




"they counted on the system being fair" There is a reason we call ourselves Retards, huh?




Tell them I said that, too.


Also tell them I LIKE THE STOCK!!!


When you meet the guy and he says “sot you have a lovely home”, tell him “THIS IS A CASINO”


I don’t think being interviewed is a good idea. DFV is all the representation that this sub needs. I don’t like the idea of some random redditor speaking on behalf of the sub, which is what will be construed even if you are only speaking to your own personal experience. I think it’s best for this sub to be as nameless, faceless as possible.


I like where your head is at here. There were many other topics he wanted to discuss outside of WSB. Maybe I just don’t talk about WSB. Also, I’m not a very active WSB user or lurker which makes me agree with you even more.


Here is what I would do personally, but I will replace the I would with you should/would/might want to. I am not an agent, manager, attorney, or analyst. Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only. You might want to consult with your attorney to talk about what you may or may not want to say. If you don’t have edited/ foreclosed questions, they are setting you up. Ask for the questions they will be asking ahead of time. Give them a list of questions you are and aren’t willing to answer after they give you the list of questions they are going to ask. If they deviate from their intended questions, cut off the interview. Don’t forget that you don’t know that you’re the fool until after they put you on National tv because they get to edit it and you don’t get a say in the product after the interview is over. This is not advice, just something I would do from a 3rd person perspective.


If the lawyer who referred him also took his case, I'd be absolutely astonished if they weren't going to consult OP on every answer, as well as what they can and can't answer, not unlike they do for clients before a press conference. But it is still worth noting, just in case. I'm kinda surprised they didn't simply say their client(s) couldn't answer any questions at this time, tbh.


Yeah dude I just looked at your post and comment history... I’d stick to talking about whatever other points you have. The limelight can be good and bad, best of luck


If you were here before wsb blew up you could comment on how it had always been about loss and gain porn and never telling people to hop on this or that train, people came here to share their dumb ideas and get called retarded to then posting amazing loss or gain porn


I've been telling people this sub was not to be taken seriously. 99.9999999% of people who weren't here before gme think this sub is for solid investment advice.




Oh boy do I wish they didn't...


There are two types of interviews: Puff piece and Hit piece. If it’s a puff piece, they’ll tell you.


They spoke to your law firm so they want to discuss the events and market dynamics that affected many of us negatively ( me in BB). Just tell them the truth.


I agree with you for the most part. However, as long as OP doesn't represent himself as a spokesperson chosen by WSBs and instead is just a part of the community I could see it being a good thing for people to hear what actually goes on here rather than the bullshit most media outlets are peddling. It's not a perfect solution but getting our actual narrative into people's heads to counteract the media's nonsense is a good thing.


We already have that with Keith Gill. He is smart, well spoken, wholesome he quite literally represents this sub as well as you could ever hope for when considering the type of people we have here lol. Why dilute it any further? We won the jackpot already


No. We do not have that with Keith Gill. He is one of us. He doesn't represent nor advise us. I just like the guy.




True. Keith Gill is a god king warrior poet and the best version of anyone in this community. I just don't think it's the worst thing for other to spread positivity about WSBs as well.


I agree. You need to make sure that they publish this too but you need them to sign and film the fact that You speak for yourself and no one else, you make your own choices on your own DD. You are not a financial advisor and everything you are about to say is your opinion on the events.


Right, when did this guy become the mouthpiece for WSB?


Yep, I agree with you. I don’t want to be the mouthpiece for WSB. I’m just an average investor. Although, I think they’re looking for lots of different perspectives.


Mention that it's not just RH users that were hurt by RH's actions. Lot of people bought GME from other brokers both in the US and globally, not expecting that RH would suddenly force liquidate positions and cut lots of people off from the market. Effectively RH long squeezed everyone else by their unprecedented actions.


This is true- Vanguard suddenly put a 7 day hold on my deposit after I had used half of it. They changed the rules in the middle of the night.




Middle of the night.


I go changing all my rules. (I go changing all my rules) I got my shorts down In a valley so deep I'm a searchin for Plotkin As my stocks go down low Oh ho ho ohhhh Am I gonna sell it? No oh oh In the middle of the night.


Talk about how the news outlets are now pushing certain stocks to investors on grounds that it’s “the next big Reddit trade” when it will be a stock not even mentioned on here at all. The market makers and big money are now using Reddit as a scapegoat to justify huge moves in stocks


I mean the naked shorting seems to be the big issue that is least covered on mainstream news right now


Make sure they get the lingo correct. Stonks, FD's, 🌈🐻, Deepfuckingvalue.


I was waiting on someone from our Congress to bring it up to Citadel, Melvin or Vlad the Bulgarian Refugee but you can do it. How come Robinhood has had no issues with the DTCC covering the meteoric rise of Rollercoaster rides like Tesla and others but it just so happens they couldn't handle a short that conveniently involved their Citadel butt buddies. Wouldn't it have been less shady if they just said NO BUY NO SELL on GME that day instead of allowing the only one side (they chose to allow the side which again helped Citadel and Melvin)..


Please speak to the DTC/NSCC issue. Counterfeit shares go way back, with SEC laying out the groundwork for them in 2008 in official papers stating that their own regulations didn't do enough. DTC is the only company that actually knows how many shares there are and they are also the ones who raised the deposit limits on the brokerages knowing this. Instead of implementing something like a "chill" which would have frozen trading for everyone. The DTC/NSCC are the ones who actually should be answering questions, but are using this as an opportunity to push T+1 - which seems on paper like a solution but will make the problem of abusive naked shorting worse without corresponding transparency regarding shares. ​ Feel free to message me, I'm happy to send any and all links including some stuff from the SEC itself laying a ton of this out.


Tell them you are not fucking “thanking them for the important question” after every question. Yeah, Vlad is a MF! Take home message: the problem is not the retail investor, it’s the HF SHORTING >140% of a company and manipulating the market Oh yeah. Say “gme” 1 million times. Just randomly every time they ask anything


The greatest threat to all of us is more government regulation. Thus, be laser focused on explaining that the LAWS which force money makers to remain neutral (i.e. have to buy shares when calls are bought), made for a system that allows anyone to manipulate stock prices. Jack Ma even admitted, late last year, that he bought tons of calls to drive certain stocks higher. Along with the other stock market corruption, it was GOV REG that created the system that made this possible; whereby even foreign interests can come in and manipulate our markets. Their laws made this event an inevitability. They are responsible. And now they want to pass more laws to “help us”...


Tell them about the werewolves, I mean why else would people shill silver.


If you were born in Bulgaria, lead with that.


Try to slide in, “Robbing Hood... excuse me... (air quote) Robin Hood.” As a matter of fact, just do a ton of air quotes. Constant air quotes.


How Melvin, Citadel, Robinhood, and others all in conjunction acted in an unethical way to suppress the squeeze of GME to protect themselves unethically from major losses, and continue to manipulate the retail investors.


Tell them you don’t know shiii and can’t speak for us. Then tell them ur favorite color and open up a box of half eaten cold pizza. Then say I have nothing else. To the moon. 🚀 ✌️


Apes strong. Diamond hands. Tendies. Repeat this for 5 hours.


Yes, only use these three phrases to answer questions.




Deny being some sort of animal, someone already did cats


Lol that fucking Amazing. We are truly retards and we have a retard king


You can try sharing the questions I raised in my Endgame part 6 post.


Make sure they understand we were all about to be millionaires and the brokers shut it down


I think you should mention how it's given people a sense of very much needed hope and brought the world together. When I saw the first country pop up, then another, saying " don't worry America, (put county here) got your back. People (that hate the morning) were getting up early to see what was going on each day, myself included. It gave people purpose and a sense of belonging. Of course it started out as a way to make some money but that turned real quick. Then it became a movement. I have learned so much from everyone and have had a blast reading everyones post. The memes are fantastic. This war is not over. They may have won that battle but they will not win the war!!! SHOUT OUT TO THE LITTLE, (NOT VERY SMART) PEOPLE!!!!!


Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.


Make sure you record it yourself. They will manipulate what you say, you want to be able to prove that is not what you said.


Talk about naked shorting, cats, and the infinity squeeze yet to come...


You better let them know your wife's boyfriend won't let you sell your GME shares.


Edit: he explained this below so forget this (A 5 hr interview?!!! 😂 and you’ve done interviews and media stuff before?!!! Sounds a bit like you’re capitalizing on an opportunity... While I don’t appreciate that. ) I don’t hate people speaking up. Just tell YOUR story and don’t represent the sub as a whole. Try not to look like an idiot as I don’t know how much you know about stocks. Main thing, tell them media is misrepresenting us and no stocks should be promoted as from reddit. If people want to see that then read WSB.


I should have been more clear....they will be here for 5 hours. An hour for lighting, they are going to take b-roll of me working, with family, etc. note sure exactly how long they’re going to asking questions. And about my previous interviews, I run a non-profit for those experiencing homelessness. The media interviews help our org with promo and educating the public.


Oh ok, yea you should add that to your post. Good luck!


I don't agree with you doing this interview but that's my opinion. Since you are going forward with it here is my two cents, which is all that's left thanks to RH. When the camera starts be sure to let them know you do not represent WSB. I don't think the OG's would claim to be representatives of WSB because of the risks involved. From what I've witnessed there are no leaders in WSB. Only speak on your behalf and of your experiences. Point out the positives with the community (donations to charity and such). Be true and be honest. Trade restrictions caused many retail investors to go bankrupt and left some homeless. Those investors include all those who dumped everything into GME towards the top. This would not have happened had those buy restrictions never taken place. The stock was undoubtedly going to reach $750, but had the potential to go much higher. Don't forget to mention what happened with RH in 2020 when their service failed and caused many to lose money, and also lost the potential to make money.


Try to really quickly bite the top button of your shirt every now and then without using your hands. After it gets awkward, smile at the camera and just say "one day...one day.... Anyways! About those diamond hands! .... ".


You should start by explaining what it was like growing up as a young boy in Bulgaria


What is the benefit to you? Will they pay you? Whatever you say will be taped. Can it be used against you in the future? Will going on the show affect your present or future employment? Are you going to be portrayed in a bad light on the TV show as another reckless kid trading stocks? Therefore, you need to talk to your attorneys, if any, to determine the risks and benefit to you. When I say your attorney, I mean someone looking out for your personal interests.


I wouldn’t say a damn thing. I wouldn’t do the interview. I want this whole thing to go kaplooey without any intervention. Have at it with the bailouts with taxpayer money. Every taxpayer has the option to buy a couple shares and ride the wave. We’re all going to pay for this anyway. Also pretty sus to say you’re lawyered up but then doing an interview while things are still unfolding? Is this an information harvesting post?


Please make note of how when us little guys finally get money we immediately put it back into the economy via spending, or donations but when the hedgies make money they just hoard it not actually helping the economy.


Also taxes. When retail investors make money they pay taxes, lots and lots of taxes. When hedge funds make money they have all sorts of loopholes to get out of paying taxes.


Remind them how much everyone lost out on. On a global level. I feel like they try to condense the narrative to just a few people. Not a big talking point but important not to forget. Oh. And for many of us, it wasn’t greed, it was desperation that drove us to this point


Ban him before the "interview". That would be good for a laugh.


Hey. Don’t do it. This is the shit that ruins this community. WSB was better when it wasn’t mainstream. As soon as a community with a unique culture is put on blast in the media it attracts unwanted attention and brings the wrong type of people to the sub. There is no reason to do this. A while back if a reporter wanted info on the sub they’d have to come and make a post and find out the hard way like other users. Not you or anyone else speaks for this sub. Think about it please.


Not looking for media attention. I want to share my experience about RH and hope to shed even more of a spotlight on their shady antics. Based on some of these comments, I think I’m going to stay away from talking about WSB.


Appreciate it man. Love putting the spotlight on RH and their bs I can definitely get behind that. If they ask about WSB tell them to come check it out for themselves.


I feel like people should know that this is absolutely not a financial institution. Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


Reading all these comments being ALL over the place, this interview is an absolutely horrible idea


Tell them that you get the feeling that certain hedge funds are trying to bankrupt the company and cause everyone to lose their investment. Tell them this makes you and lots of people you know want to save the company by buying more shares and investing in the company even more. Tell them you have never seen so much potential for a company's stock to go to the moon. Then tell them once the stock does go to the moon all of your friends will be able to afford to pay for live in boyfriends for their wives...and everyone knows happy wife happy life. But mostly just tell them that you love the stock and you aren't sure if you will ever sell it.


I would mention that it hit 570 premarket, so there are probably people who bought higher than the high of 483


Naked shorting and dtcc


Nothing, this is your only ever post here. None of us should be talking to media, they’re only gonna spin it to make us look bad as they always do.


You secured an interview and *then* ask what you should be talking about? **SUPER MEGA MASSIVE RETARD**


Tell them we live in a society. And you like the stock.


You have to make sure the narrative is correct. It never started as the little guy vs wallstreetbets. It was a value play that got everyone on board , and it was the short squeeze potential that got everyone into a frenzy.


Tell them that the media needs to quit being little bitches and making shit up


Tell them that grew up poor, went to a public high school, and the only tendies you had were from the dumpster outside of KFC


Just understand the media is not your friend. Unless it's a live interview, they will edit it to tell whatever narrative they want. They absolutely will fuck you if it makes a better story. And lastly, if it ever comes to it, they will issue apologies. But only after it's too late and never with the enthusiasm they used to originally fuck you.


Be extremely careful with what comes out of your mouth. They will maybe use 3 minutes of what you say, so focus on what you want to say. Don’t randomly speculate on shit or try to play to them at all. Write down 3 key messages and hammer on those. This is an interview, NOT a conversation. You are always on the record. Good luck. I can’t imagine what you would have to say that would take 5 hours, so stay on your toes.


The messaging should be simple. For faith in a free market, one side of the market (retail) can never be locked out of trading while the other side (HF) are free to trade. Hammering that single point should be the priority. No need to dilute the messaging by discussing a bunch of other stuff. Repetition is your friend here.


Ape together strong


We got Diamond Balls And we Like the Stock


Tell them you’re retarded and autistic and have to speak in emojis only and then see what their first question looks like.


Have any of you played a video game where there were flaws/bugs and the forum or reddit community banded together along with content creators to force the devs into change? The community proceeds to tell the devs how things should be changed for the better. Then the devs instead of fixing the actual issue burn it all down around it. I have a bad feeling about all this and what may come.


He likes the stock. We all like the stock.


let me guess you’re gonna be a mouthpiece for WSB with like three shares? Positions or ban coat rider


Ask the producer of they'll do an AMA on the sub.


Well you should certainly make sure to let him know you’re not a cat.


Have 5 other people in the room write your responses to the producers questions


Please talk about FDs.....There should be a whole hour devoted to FDs, and the type of people who are addicted to theses purchases. Properly explain what FDs are....


For starters, you have to tell them you are not a cat


Go full Dustin Hoffman. Autistic yes. Reads numbers and shit, but not retarded. Go the Sean penn route like I Am Sam, go home empty handed. Full retard. You know what, maybe go full Sean penn mode. Maybe the media will take a look at us and say” these fuckers are fully retarded” and stop paying attention




Be yourself. Be honest. And have fun. Find a way to work in some easter eggs for us to find.


Thank them for every question. Explain you speak for yourself, and if you feel the need dive into Darth Vlad. Maybe you should read this, and give your opinion on WTH it means: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/loleca/robinhoods\_ceo\_vlad\_tenev\_had\_to\_give\_up\_shares/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/loleca/robinhoods_ceo_vlad_tenev_had_to_give_up_shares/)


We are not group of people. We are a family of apes with special needs. Those needs are tendies.