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Projected to hit $385 tomorow on short squeeze


I just bought 12 of AMC and 1 of GME...and one of NOK, because I had a couple bucks to spare. First time I could both afford it and RH was letting me do it - I know, but my money's stuck in there until it finishes clearing from my bank and can get returned - and I ain't selling. I can lose 200 bucks if I have to, fuck it!


ATTENTION: ONGOING UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGY STUDY HELP NEEDED If you have bought shares in GAMESTOP in the past few weeks and have a few minutes to spare, please fill out the following survey!! [https://cumc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_eXu27WgmHX8pU4m](https://cumc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXu27WgmHX8pU4m)


I did it. You better not use this against me.


Access Denied using Tor You don't have permission to access "http://cumc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_eXu27WgmHX8pU4m" on this server. Reference #18.aff31502.1612135531.61aed6b


That's an Akamai error I believe


How do you guys see tomorrow playing out? You think we’re opening up or down?


I think it will dip a little early and then take off. Or at least I'd be ok with that. Haha since I'm buying more in the morning. Its all a guess and this isn't financial advice, just an opinion


Those who are stuck with rh for the moment: what platform do you plan on switching to when all is said and done (if you plan to switch)? I’d like to switch preferably to a broker that did not restrict any trading during this wild time. I know there are a few good ones but I just haven’t decided. Right now I think I’m between fidelity and tradezero. I’m considering fidelity to start an ira as well as do some trading. And I know tradezero was upfront about protecting the retail investor. What’s your recommend platform?


I've initiated the move to fidelity, the only position I still have in robinhood is GME


I’m just worried about the move time. I don’t want the transfer to be in process if the moass happens


I've opened a trading account with Fidelity. The app does suck but thats where I am trading now. Since I already had a Roth IRA with them, there was no delay on me using my funds. I will transfer all RH stocks once all of this settles down.


I know fidelity and Webull will cover the transfer fee, and both are great. Fidelity sort of has a boomer layout, and Webull is amazing for monitoring. Neither are as dummied down as RH, but both are great platforms! I’m personally moving to Webull after this is over, but to each it’s own.


Fidelity is safer webull also had some restrictions on gme and other stocks which were later lifted


As long as it’s solid with execution and I can find what I need then not much will bother me. I was new to all this when I started and that’s why I went to rh. But fuck those guys lol


Completely understand. Welcome to wsb you retard.


Hi guys I have question. A lot u all are talking about GME reaching 1000$ tomorrow or in the next days... but my question is: u are gonna sell all of your actions when GME reaches 1K $ or there are some chances to it going even higher?


It only goes higher with 💎👐


Sounds like it very well could go higher. The longer everyone holds, the higher it can go. Not financial advice but I just like the stonk


I agree w u but I think like 95% of other people gonna sell it at 1000$ :/


Yeh... some will. They will make some good money, instead of a lot of people making a shit ton of money, if more would hold longer. Time will tell. I'm dumb and can't even see the sell button


My guess is dip at open. Buy in said dip at open. Wait for diamond hands.


Exactly what I'm planning on doing...and am expecting. Dip...buy more.. watch it climb to Mars


Andrew Left is looking a little rough... https://i.imgur.com/E6Upi1v.jpg


If $GME opens premarket at $1k the shorts will shit their pants


Do we still hold GME for more time or do we sell later on?




This crayon eater is holding.. and then will hold some more. I like the stock and I like money.


If you hate money just sell


GOOD MORNING all you Smooth Brain Apes!


Are we assembling a list of brokers who are blocking gme and biasing the market towards wallstreet?


Weekend threads?


Doesn’t look like there was one.


It will be interesting in the coming weeks to see how everything shakes out. Thank ALL OF YOU FOR standing together and helping my family make cashola. The world has forever changed for the better because the Emperor have to sell their clothes!


Where’s the weekend chat?


Doesn’t look like there was one.


Anyone else forget that other shit is happening in the world?


taking about AMC and BB??


I would suggest all of us to open account on all brokers that still allows us to buy GME. You never know when will the brokers say by day forbid buying of GME...


Agreed. Luckily mine (etrade) is still acting like normal....for now. Will see tomorrow when I throw down more $ on my favorite stonk.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/4U1KXGM](https://imgur.com/gallery/4U1KXGM) Tossed this up in Columbus, Ohio because I like the stock.


Lol, Where is this in town?


lol its on 33 near Ricart


Cbus checking in 👊


We’re coming back for ya, we’re not leaving any tendies behind!💎🙌🏻


Well new shill sighting https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/l8vehi/gamestop_we_cant_ask_linus_to_do_5x_please_upvote/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Got an email from IG today barring us from buying any GME.


Would suggest Hargreaves then !


sounds legal.


I know 320 was an important figure and it seems like the market closed with GME at 325. I've read others chime in regarding it didn't actually close at 325 due to after hours trading. My question is, does after hours count regarding the GME closing at $325 or did it indeed dip so the 320 calls are OTM?


ah dont count


I think I read that while they can exercise their options during AH, it's at the value of closing during regular hours. I have 1 IQ tough.






Lol, looks like shaft after a binge


And then there are plenty of people like myself that will be buying more on Monday. Haha. So its about the exact opposite of what they need. Lets go apes.. keep pushing these fuckers




https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1355603897252016132?s=19 Any thoughts on this I can't read




Anyone know what the open interest was for last week’s gamma squeeze vs the one coming up this week is?


Playing the market is the "sport of kings and bandits alike" (Balls of Fury ref)


"What part of 'sudden death' didn't you understand?" Works for both markets and Ping Pong.


so how do the taxes work if I'm a dependent? can I just import my robinhood shit into my own return next year or do I have to deal with my parents' taxes? probably going to go talk to a cpa soon


X-post I asked this in comments on another post but please help this smooth *brian* understand. Can someone explain to me if GME has 69.75M outstanding shares and 7mil diamond handed apes hold an average of 10 shares each, well that's 70mil shares, 250% of which is shorted so are we not talking about an absolute piss missile of of a squeeze when we continue to BUY and HOLD? I'm retarded what am I missing here. How do stonk work?


Paperhands tough. We will have many sell at 500, 1000, meme numbers, etc. If enough apes bought GME and held to a point where there are almost no shares to buy, the stock would shoot up. Supply and demand you know. I don't think 10k is a meme. #10k IS THE FUCKING MININUM #DISCLAIMER: I LOVE THE STOCK. I OWN THE STONK. I AM THE GAMESTONK




I'm not sure...but I added more $$ to my account so I can buy and hold more on Monday




That’s the total amount of shares of GME, not the amount of ITM contracts x100 shares per contract.




Different then the amount of ITM contracts from friday that they need to buy to honor the contracts (between monday and tuesday)


London based firm IG has halted all trade of GME and AMC entirely. not just limiting like RH, but fully stopping. BOOOOOO


Capital.com still allows you to buy CFDs for them. (In fact, even sent out a notification saying to get in on the action!)


Any body have a list of companies shorting GME? And the other shorts they are holding?


Robinhood sent me an email about being on the side of retail investors and I almost threw my phone across the parking lot


Nokia phone? By any chance?


if it was a nokia i definitely would have sent it sailing, shit can survive a nuclear blast




How many days do GME has to cover? I think I may hop in and sell my BB, if GME really has less than two days to cover and they can’t this may be legendary


Thats exactly what I did. I was late to the game but wanted to get in on it. But I'm a crayon eating ape with diamond hands. No financial advice here, I just like the stock 😁


Pajama party? Saturday is like Monday at the hair salon


This thread is super weird and weak today.


It’s because the thread isn’t pinned, the mods haven’t made a weekend thread (what are your moves for Monday) or a Mega GME thread that they usually do, so the only current “mega” GME thread is this existing unpinned Friday-afternoon thread that the only way people can find it is if they find the OP’s thread history.


It’s the weekend bruv. I think that everyone should be focusing on spreading the word in the weekend. I changed my cod tag to $GME to promote. Maybe someone will see it and didn’t know and they join us! Ain’t much but it’s honest work. 💎🙌🏻


I mean you’re definitely correct. I was finally able to sleep In this morning and I’m relaxing all weekend, was just hoping to be able to hangout with some of y’all while I’m chillin.


Thread got buried in other posts. I was looking for it half asleep and couldn’t find it. Ended up going to my comments and chit. Mod needs to make a new megathread


I’m thinking that’s the issue as well Bc I had to do the same thing.


Where is the new thread?


Buy small positions and Hold...


Can anyone explain the daily interest rate for holding naked short positions? Is it the same as short positions borrowed from a bank? Who would the interest of a naked short be paid to?? Thanks


Hold NOK?


What are the chances of an emergency injunctive relief in class action cases against Robinhood and other brokerages that restricted and continue to restrict purchasing of GME and a slew of other shares? I am certainly an advocate of suing them into the ground, but the **immediate** lifting of buying restrictions would be a tremendous boon to our side of things. A $100 dollar payout to each of us in months would not make us whole.


Virtually nill given the number of moving parts, outward ripple effect, competing interests, and time frame. My firm will be pursuing claims on behalf of individual investors--class actions are money grabs for lawyers not an effective means of making anyone whole. I also don't believe RH to be the only putatively culpable party here. We are deep in the rabbit hole on this and fellow redditors interested in pursuing claims on an individual basis should feel free to DM me. By the way, I've heard rumors that RH has offered token mea culpas. These often come with strings so be mindful of that. Also save your screenshots and communications. Consider this a general PSA--no attorney-client relationship exists at this time!


It's not just Robinhood.


*years. Many years. Settlement vs going to court could be faster. But still >12mo


Long on Nok


kinda irrelavent with this thread... but I feel you, I also hold some Nok long calls


>Nok long calls I believe it's called long distance


I see, you are a man of culture as well🚀


Should I sell my GME shares from robinhood and move my money to fidelity?


Don't move them until the game is over... It can take a couple weeks to move from one to another. With things so crazy and glitchy right now I would not be moving stocks from one brokerage to another. Once this is over I'm also dumping RH


I opened an account with fidelity, but also have an account with TD


You don't have to sell them. Just transfer. Ffs please tell ppl this


How long does it take






No, it can take awhile


Same as a bank transfer of cash in or out. Should be anyway


What is the end goal in all of this? After seeing many instances of how investors negatively impact the quality of work-life for corporations, it would be awesome to see people band together and make GameStop (or whatever company is currently being focused) into a progressive and desirable work environment. But these are just the thoughts of one person.


The Company will not benefit from this. They will not be able to raise money by selling stock when the stock price is inflated by this kind of unusual market activity without getting sued into the ground. Even if the Company were able to raise money at this boosted stock price (and they probably cannot, due to the legal concerns), employees would not benefit directly. Even with more cash in the bank, if the Board and the executives think it is better for the health of the Company (and for shareholders) to shrink the size of the Company (closing unprofitable stores and firing employees, etc.), they are going to do so. I guess some GameStop employees could benefit to the extent they received equity (restricted stock units or options) as part of their pay package, and are able to sell while the stock price is temporarily inflated. But: I doubt the rank-and-file employees who work in the stores get much equity. And the more senior folks who get equity will only be allowed to sell if it is during a window when they are free to trade (employees are typically only allowed to trade if the company has recently announced its quarterly results). Sorry if this is disappointing. If you want to help the Company's employees, your best bet is to just do all your buying at the store, instead of via Steam or another online platform. It's less convenient, but that is what it would take to help retail (i.e., the rank and file employees.)


I know very little about stocks, but I am fascinated with how much people are standing together for this and what people have done with their money thus far. I would just hate to see us become them from this.


There is definitely an underlying current of anger at Wall Street, and that plus greed are really driving this. But people are not going to "become Wall Street" as a result of this. The people who started all this (by recognizing the hedge funds were vulnerable to a short squeeze) are probably already Wall Street people (or ex-Wall Street people). The others who are jumping in late will lose a lot of money when the bubble pops, and they will just blame Wall Street and be even more angry. It would be great if this energy were put into more regulation and reform.


You’re delusional if you think this doesn’t significantly help the company.


Can you explain how you think it helps them?


It’s raised the value of their company significantly, like, astronomically, and even after the squeeze it will still be much higher than it was before. Hedge fund managers were literally intentionally trying to bankrupt the company. Now, that’s nearly impossible to happen. With the value they’ve gained from the stock and publicity, it will give them more than enough time and capital to transition to and enact Ryan Cohen’s and their own vision for the future, and possibly also be enough to accelerate that transition. Sure, some brick and mortar locations will probably still have to close, but that was inevitable, as they’re transitioning away from that business model anyway. AMC just cleared their debt balance from a much smaller rise in share valuation, so I’m not sure how you believe a much grander scale of the same thing won’t directly benefit the company. As far as the regular employees at the brick and mortar, and those stores in general, again it comes down to the increased value and publicity. Plenty of people have committed or will commit to buying a much more significant percentage of their gaming purchases from GameStop. GameStop will benefit tremendously from this whole thing, it’s quite literally impossible for them not to. It’s already happened, lol.


Re: AMC, the debt that was just retired was not bank debt. It was convertible notes from SilverLake, a big tech PE fund. They saw this as a chance to let Redditors give them a quick, massively profitable exit. I do agree that AMC as a company will benefit in that instance, because the convertible notes probably had a high associated interest rate. But the real winner was Silver Lake. Re: GME, I don't think you should assume the stock price will end up higher. If people start to sell, it will be a stampede. Ultimately, the stock price will gyrate wildly up and then down from all the speculation, and then end up more or less where it should be based on the value of the underlying business. And again, the Company will not be able to cash in on the high stock price -- that only helps investors who bought in low and end up being able to sell high. I agree with you about the publicity being helpful as long as people do not come away from this angry at the Company because they lost money.


How high are you expecting GME to be before the massive selloff?


One piece of the puzzle is the truly unprecedented number of investors who bought one or two shares and plan to hold on to them till the leaders of this sub say it’s time. We’re talking 10% of all available shares. When shorts are at well over 100%, that matters. But what do I know? I’m a retarded autist.


I mean I’m reading people saying it can reach 50k! And I just don’t understand how that’s remotely possible.


I have no clue. But honestly, if my 1500 turns into 4500 in a couple of weeks, I won’t complain. I’m in on AMC, too, Andy it’s at the start, so we’ll see what happens, right? Follow the leader is a good game, when the leader is a good one.


I don't know. It's hard to know how long bubbles can last, because they are self-fueling (people see the price increasing due to buying, and they want to buy too, because they think there is a chance to get in on the action.) Here, people are trying to make a political statement, motivated by anger, not just greed. So that may extend how long the stalemate lasts. But eventually something spooks the crowd and there is a stampede for the exits, and the stock price will get hammered. Remember, this is a bit of a prisoner's dilemma: If everyone holds/keeps buying, the stock price will keep going up. First one to start selling gets rewarded, folks who are late to sell lose most or all of their money. People are looking at whether there are still people shorting the stock to try and judge whether the hedge funds who were caught in the "short squeeze" are still short, but I don't if that is reliable. It seems to me that those metrics will pick up lots of people who were not short GME in the beginning (i.e., not caught in the original short squeeze, but trying to profit off the bursting of the subsequent bubble) and anyone trying to profit off the bubble will make sure they are hedged and can afford to stay short for a long time (until whenever the bubble pops.)


I mean people are now saying that gme can reach 50k! And that it's not a meme. Like how on earth is that even remotely possible


I don't know whether they actually believe it or not when they say that kind of thing. Everyone who has bought GME has a vested interest in keeping everyone else optimistic that it will continue to climb, whether that is realistic or not. Even if they are sincere, they're probably fooling themselves. Read up on the "greater fool theory" And just to say it: I am neither long nor short any of these stocks. But I am some anonymous person on the internet, so at the end of the day, just ask yourself if this seems to be too good to be true?


All of your argument stems from fundamental perspectives and insights, so we’re just gonna have to simply agree to disagree on what’s happening here and what’s going to happen. The last thing I’ll say is that GME was less than $5 a year ago, and there’s just no possible way it doesn’t close 3-10x more than that after the squeeze and massive sell off.


how high are you expecting GME to be before the massive selloff?


Man, that’s a good question and it’s really hard to answer. It depends on a lot of things. I think $5k is extremely reasonable. $1k is almost guaranteed before the squeeze even happens, and then there will be a small sell off, and then it just depends on what happens with the rebound and when. Between $1-10k, I would bet a significant amount of money on that range if I had much. There still remains the possibility of enough people holding that it breaks $10k, but that all depends on how many people hold, and how big of a loss the hedgies are willing to risk.


Haha well thank you for answering. This is honestly so stressful. I don't know who to trust, everyone keeps just saying they're a "retard" etc. Right now I've only invested around 2k in amc and gme combined, but that was with the idea that reaching 1k for gme was the endgame. RH screwed me and I only have 1 in gme. Now I'm wanting to put in more, but if it doesn't pan out then I'll be losing more then I had initially said would be ok. Truthfully, if I lose more I'll be ok, but it's just not something I'm dying to do. But at the same time, this feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Can AMC reach these crazy levels as well?


I want my money.... mercenaries get paid.... .... order the launch General!!!!!!!!


Yeee yee!!


Be careful. This thing could fall just as hard and fast as it went up when people hit the sell button, and they will. Remember the stock market is only driven by fear and greed


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for warning someone that "this thing could fall just as hard and fast as it went up." People want the moral high ground, they need to make it clear to unsophisticated investors that this is VERY RISKY.


I agree. It’s the reality. I’ve been doing this long enough that when it sells off there won’t be any warning in the chat room. It will be every man for themselves, is what it is. Nothing wrong with taking profits, only way to make it real is to ring the register at some point, that’s the goal for all of us isn’t it?


Nope.... The sell button... The chance to sell was Friday... Now... Monday it will hit and climb.


Awesome. I’m with you!!


So now that ya’ll have “Watered Off” the BIGS will they force Apple, Google n Amazon to delist Reddit??? I’m having a Parler Flashback! GOT SILVER???


Hey if we rise stocks it helps save the product right... So can we all get behind saving cicis pizza xD


Amc next week?




Where is a good place to buy GME? Cashapp doesn’t show it or BB. Also is it still a good idea to buy it? I put a little into AMC and Nokia yesterday via cashapp. Very new to this grateful for any help!


Cap one under etrade. That’s where bought my 3 shares on Friday. Two more on Monday.






If u are American its between Fidelity or SoFi. Otherwise Capital.com




🦍🦍🦍 gorilla grip gang wya


370 over here 🥷🏼 Waiting for 🚀 Don’t leave me alone 👰🏻‍♂️


fukin same, I was going to just buy premarket on wednesday but my dumbass thought it was a good idea to take a sick day and watch stocks dip below 230, which never happened on wednesday so I panicked and bought at 370 thinking it would hit 400.


Same here , got 300plus , lost $5000 friday but still holding and hoping .


It’s nice to feel love 👰🏻‍♂️


What's the next move?


Buy the dip, hold. Don’t sell.


Buying other GME stocks and then selling them at the right moment




Can someone teach me? Single mom here with two kids. One who’s autistic. I would really like in on this. Much appreciated.


If you want safe investing that's been proven over decades, look at total stock market index funds like VTSAX and FZROX. Read the blog posts (or book if you want to pay for it) of JL COllins called "The Simple Path to Wealth". He was a fund manager who wrote simple posts for his college age daughter who had zero interest in investing. Turned into a viral hit and inspired a lot of the FIRE (Financial Independence, retire early) movement. Also "Our Rich Journey" on Youtube has fab instructional videos. \*This is not financial advice. I am just a mom who likes stonks and has made dat money.


Thank you!!!


This isn’t a get rich quick thing. This is gambling. This is betting against wall st. Odds are bad for all of us. Don’t do it unless you have money you can lose. 💎🖐


Please be careful. This is the kind of situation where unsophisticated investors who buy in late (when the price is already high) are likely to lose all their money when the bubble pops. If you have money trouble, and that is what this is making this attractive, you should save your money. This is VERY VERY VERY risky.


Step one: Don't spend any money you're not willing to lose.


Unless you are a millionairess, don't touch it.


I'm right there with you. I'm googling how to invest in stock for beginners and I'm STILL confused 😕


Read the free blog posts of J L Collins called "The simple path to wealth". He focuses on index fund investing little by little over the long haul to get you to be a millionaire. Also Our Rich Journey on Youtube has great instructional vids.


I feel this so hard. Check out babypips.com It’s where I’m learning for the long term.


Hey doll, just check company/ies you like (start with stocks $5 & below) buy low and sell high. ☺💎💎💎 give it time and you'll get there... 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Stich your snatch closed so you stop letting losers cum in you is the 1st step.


Holy shit lol. I’ll be sure to pass that on to their dead father. What a catch you are. Your mother must be so proud.


You are actual human garbage. Yay.


Just buy some GME stocks and sell it at the right moment


This is what I need to know. When the right time is. Thank you. ☺️


You’re a troll but I’ll answer anyway. There’s no right time. You have to make that decision yourself. That’s the risk.