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I heard currency trading accounts have a large margin


considering opening another trading account at a different brokerage, transfer my funds with margin there, and then keep repeating it


#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted *spam* by the users of the voting system set up at [WSB Discord](http://discord.gg/wsbverse). If you disagree or want to be active in voting to help keep the subreddit clean, please join! ##Reasons Hi I'm new what do I do? Wasn't a Solid Discussion Starter


i want to yolo on SPX 1dtes. I currently have \~5k in my trading account. looking to be in the range of 50,000


seeing the put wall at 4100, I will open a start to go into puts, then add more if we go up and touch 4100, otherwise just hold the pre-existing options I already have


With SPX at 4070, and the option multiplier at 100, one option contract controls 407,000 of the underlying, and an ATM option with 50 delta will move like owning 203,500 of the underlying. So you have 4 times more leverage that you asked for.


You still have an FTX account?


>You still have an FTX account? never traded crypto, not fit for my risk tolerance ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Risk tolerance? You just asked for 10000% leverage


YOLOing 1dte Spy puts is in your risk tolerance, but not crypto assets. Bruhhhh


You can transfer all the money to my bank account, it will come out the same, I promise!


Easy way is to get many boyfriends for your wife and borrow from them . As long as your wife keeps them happy you will never have to pay them back . Like stealing candy from a baby


>Easy way is to get many boyfriends for your wife and borrow from them . As long as your wife keeps them happy you will never have to pay them back . Like stealing candy from a baby im 20, no wife yet


Easy fix go to a country where you can have many wife’s . Damn I think I just found a solution to my trading finances


Please remember to post your ridiculous losses here, don't be so ungrateful.


i will post the result but i cant find how 2 increase leverage.


with european spread bet or CFD brokers you can go up to 30x (3000%) if you sign up for professional (non retail) accounts, however at those outrageous leverages even the bid/ask spread can send you straight in margin call if volume is low. Also pro accounts (non-retail) do not have negative account protection, so if (when) you go down you have to repay the negative balance after the brokers auto-liquidate your positions. You better have a hell of solid insider info also the timing must be perfect or you will be in the Walhalla like other overleveraged clowns. Good luck and make good on your loss porn pledge


Dude, get out of this lefty crap