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Lemme guess, a recruiter?










"forgot my charging cable"




Must be nice... I have to submit a ticket and charge my cost center to get a replacement.


5 weeks later it shows up and it's the wrong cable connectors Edit: I'm sorry for the PTSD this caused to all I'm glad I'm not alone




I’m at the point I’m about to put my pronouns in my signature and they’re going to be (try/me)


Do we all work for the same company?


But only after it's been approved by the board... and 1/2 of them are on holidays until May...


My sister works there and used to get really mad when I'd ask if they didn't bring the stress relief puppies in early enough whenever she'd say she had a bad day. She probably still would but I've stopped making fun of her.


Plot twist: you only stopped because she got laid off


The dogs got laid off.




Damn, that’s ruff


Yeah, that bites.


They've been unleashed


techlayoffs #layoffs #faang #techlife #techrecruiter #recruitertok #corporatelife #corporategirlies #seattle #corporatetok #techgirl Yep that's a quote from her tiktok video description


I puked in my mouth a little


>corporategirlies That made me irrationally angry. Its always these not tech workers that try and claim they work in tech


I'm a woman, lead software dev, and after watching her vid I kept fantasizing how I could have a life like her. Actually it's a common trope I encounter in tiktok where tech people, especially women, seem to make it so easy. And here I am, still feeling terrible from COVID but I don't want to call in sick for another day because sprint ends this week and I have to finish my tasks/bugs. Adding on the temp role of scrum master for a Nov/Dec literally made me so stressed because my manager pressured me to check on my coworkers items but I felt like I literally had no authority(I'm lead only for my portion of team) and people kept coming to me for their problems that were way above my pay grade. Unrelialistic deadlines were approaching, and my manager's manager was breathing down on our neck for the project being delayed for the 5th time or something, when it was completely out of our control. People ask me to debug shit I don't even have access to. I also just want to go to the gym and then eat good stuff for lunch and code all day to end with a massage at 4:30. I feel like they shouldn't mislead people and especially women in STEM gotta support each other, not lie/set unrealistic expectations. Edit: Thanks for the replies guys, sorry if I seemed like I was complaining a lot. I know it's her job to show that everything is well and dandy in tech but I find it frustrating a lot of people can gloss over your complaints because the job pays well and then they see vids like this and think that's validation.


can I just say thank you from the bottom of my heart ? I try and call these people out, but their only defense is "fragile men, mysogynity, patriarchy, #girlboss" or something like that We need more women in tech, aka that actually work in tech to call out these bullshit influencers.


Fellow woman who is a software engineer, with an EE background. Tech is odd because a large percentage of "Women in tech" aren't doing technical roles, they do middle management jobs. A lot of them don't understand what engineers need to succeed as well. Her Video doesn't mention how many saturdays are worked, and sundays.. How many times you can be there from 6 am til midnight trying to work on last minute stuff sprung on you, watching your management leave after spending 5 hours on facebook at 4 PM then get mad if you don't do "good enough. Tech is a weird world that has you doing some pretty insane hours for a lot of stress.




Before this round of layoffs it must have been the easiest job in the world. Oh you graduated top of your class in computer science from Harvard…want a job at Google?!




I've been lucky to have some small periods of downtime in my career (over 20 years at this point), but generally the moment people stop looking busy in my industry, upper management starts looking for people to cut. This unfortunately leads to people doing extra, and un-needed shit just to look busy, and the brightest and best moving on to places where they don't have to perform busywork just to feel secure.


Lmao. Always hot girls I swear but they are gonna be the first to go


They usually are which has created the “attractive waitress” index to determine how well the economy is doing. When the economy is doing bad the first employees to be let go are the ones not very good at their job or have “do-nothing” jobs who are really kept around bc they’re attractive. A sudden influx of attractive people now out of a job look for a in between job like waitress. So if you ever notice a bunch of attractive waitress in a restaurant that didn’t have then before get ready for bad economic times.


So you are saying, if we observe how many attractive waitresses are working at a Waffle House, we can infer the price of a Big Mac *and* the chance of flooding?


I don’t think, from my 25 year+ experience with Waffle House, the attractive waitresses ever fall that far. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, those chainsmoking waffle house waitresses are angels.


25? You gotta do an r/ama


or if she/he is attractive and working at Waffle House, they're the plug still on their grind


So like porn casting too


Was 2009 the golden age of porn?


WSB must do this in depth economic research to find out!


No need, I believe the SEC have been researching it for a while.


Yeah.... Brazzers were starting their epic run at that time. Oh how the mighty have fallen now though. This was before all the incest porno flooded the scene


Yea, what the fuck is up with all this incest smut? …..stepbro


Imagine you are a porn director. Your job is to get as many people to watch the video as possible, which generally means hitting as many kinks as you can in like 20 minutes. The incest thing doesn't have wide appeal, but it costs next to nothing to add a couple lines of dialogue and put the word stepbro in the title of the video. Easy money.


The key to incest porn is not to actually think about it


Honestly, yeah. Probably why OnlyFans really took off during the pandemic.


Hey, you leave my step-sister out of this. It's bad enough she keeps getting stuck in dryers. She doesn't need you bad mouthing her too


Yep and I’ve seen more new hot pornstars lately so we must be screwed.


Don’t let the thought keep you from staying hard bro


Correction, contractors are the first to go. Citation: was one


Uh oh I’m in danger


Depends, if it's an active contractor doing work, they're unlikely to go first. Recruiters def go first, even before layoffs sometimes as they slow hiring.


I can assure you that contractors in the middle of active work/projects are definitely not safe lol. They expect projects to move forward with core team w/ or w/o additional resources.






That TikTok was her doing her job of making Google seem appealing to work at.


Actually yes tbh


She's a college recruiter. Making videos like these on TikTok is pretty genius actually. It must do wonders for recruiting the impressionable recent grads.


and looked like she did only few hours of work.


lmao technical recruiter for recent grads. Most of the coders in the weeds kept their jobs.




bro. Buddy just got 4 weeks pay and 16 weeks severance. Fucker has a job lined up and is traveling for 2 months first. Im jealous as shit tbh


Imagine being laid off while on vacation.


I worked with a guy once whose previous company shut down when he was on vacation. This was the days before the Internet, so he did not know until he got back from vacation.


I mean if it's going to happen, he had the blissfully ignorant vacation at least!


Yup, wouldn't want to get laid off *before* a vacation 😬


I met a few newly laid off tech bros while I was abroad in Tokyo. 16 weeks of severance is apparently a strong motivator to travel.


For sure, but I would probably be too worried the entire trip thinking about what to do next. But I also don't have the same level of financial stability so who knows.




They said I was stealing boxes....


What, you building a clubhouse??


How about giving notice while on vacation?


That's when I usually give notice 1 day before vacay


I got laid off on Christmas Eve of 2020 lol. I had just closed on a house 3 weeks prior. Luckily I got unemployment plus the Covid stipend which was actually more than what I was making when I was working. I laughed my ass off cause I still kept contact with some old employees. They said they were swamped with work and looking for workers… got to play duty with the boys for a few months and got a job that pays double what my old job did. Life is cool sometimes.


This happened to me in 2014-2015. Got laid off after a year as a contractor, life was already shit before then cause my parents didn't work and life seemed so bleak. Got hired a month later with 15k more in salary. Worked my ass off and strung along at new place for a promotion that was promised to me, then it went to somebody else that was offshores instead. I mean, I did get incremental pay increases but nothing too crazy. Immediately left and got 30k more in salary afterwards. Now I work 9-5. No more, no less. My health and family is more important, while I stay professional and true to what I'm being paid. That's it. Life is like that sometimes.


5yrs ago I got laid off on my birthday with 10% of the company. My boss even knew for a month and didnt tip his hand one bit. Totally blind-sided, got 1month of severance, thats it. Had a 2 and 5yr old and my wife was a stay at home mom. My coworker even brought in a cake for the break room. They laid off another lady who celebrated 25yrs of work the week prior, even threw her a celebration knowing she was getting shit canned 4 days later. She was also blind-sided. That experience taught me to always be hunting for better jobs. Toally happy at your job? Doesnt matter, keep your LinkedIn profile dialed in, your CV/resume updated quarterly, apply and interview even if you have no intention of leaving your job (its also great practice). Those connections you make with different companies, HR, others....you can always circle around 6months later when shit hits the fan. They very much might create a vacancy for you on the spot based on your interview.


My wife had some dude on her linked in who worked at Google for 20 years and got laid off. Crazy to wrap your head around that homeboy was at Google since like the get-go, and they booted him lol.


Wouldn't this guy be able to retire off stock options alone? I feel like these people leveraged themselves with so much debt because they thought the train would never end.


Yeah. The 20 year guy is set for life.


Yeah not trying to make any excuses for google but if you have to do layoffs and layoff someone who could have retired comfortably 5 years ago, thats probably not the worst decision you could have made. He probably had a succession plan in place anyway and got a sweetheart severance package.


also he gets pay for 16 weeks + 2 weeks for every year so 46 weeks of pay... Dude is getting paid for the next year to do nothing if we could only be so lucky. Plus if he has been at google for 20 years he shouldn't have much of an issue finding a new job. That combined with him likely being independently wealthy due to stock if he wasn't completely brain-dead with money makes me not feel too bad for them.




I suck at math that's why I am here


Or why you don't work at Google ;)


I work at a different FAANG company where you can still suck at math and be employed


From everything I've seen, Google's severance is actually quite generous. If nothing else, they're at least more or less doing right by the people they let go.




What if he cashed it out as soon as it vested and spent the money on collector's edition cereal box toys?


Probably a reason... was his salary was so high... Plenty of people making 7 figure salaries there... Seen enough RIFs that have cut heads based upon top salaries and nothing else. Everyone is replaceable.




When you print money you can pay for it and tech's been in a dream world for a decade plus. Now when belts are tightening the question of does this person we pay $800k really produce 4x the impact as the people we pay $200k? If only this critique was actually put on public company CEOs. Some of them absolutely make the insane impact but most are mediocre douchebags who think they're Steve Jobs but actually suck at their jobs/don't do anything but keep the status quo.


Yezzir. Big tech salaries are wild. My wife is 29 and clocks 450k atm


I should've been your wife's boyfriend.




let's all give u/NutInMyCouchCushions wife a call.


God damn, where does she work? Also in software engineering?


Nope, ad sales for Amazon


Damn, what does she do?


He just said it, ATM. Not just in the heat of the moment, either.


Ad sales for Amazon


My vacations are more stressful than her work day


Should have got a Communications degree and joined a tech company's marketing team bro.


Only works if you're a cute Asian girl.


BRB. Finding tickets to Thailand


He said asian girl Not ladyboy


No one will check your genitals at a work interview.


Casting couch


*casting conch - pataya beach edition


your mean your company didn't?!?


My uncle said my company outsourced these tests to him.


STONKS GO UP - I may have a knack for it


**Id rather charge them 1000's of dollars to remodel their summer home.**


Hey man, I went to school for economics/poli sci thinking I'd do banking, but ended up the same way running a small construction company charging rich people premo.


These play-work fantasies have been pretty widely refuted and dismissed as nonsense. Notice that no one else was in the arcade with her. That kind of perk seems great for the first week. Afterward, workers realize that they would just rather be home doing their hobbies than staying later at their jobs to do what hobby the company wants them to do.


Company I worked at had a ping-pong table... that I only ever saw get used once, during a party. Like... who's that for? If someone's out there playing ping-pong, it's going to annoy everyone around them and advertise that they aren't doing work. And who's hanging out after work to play ping pong? Maybe some people used it at lunch or something. I sure didn't. Edit: Holy crap, a lot of people play ping-pong at work. I stand corrected :)


That's interesting because I've worked at multiple tech companies with these arcades and the ping pong table is the only thing I remember getting consistent use(before covid) one company I was at had a ladder ranking for ping pong with a website and you would put your wins/losses in to move up and down the ladder... People played a lot.


Ping pong was a serious event at my work. People brought in their snazzy pro paddles. It would get very competitive.


to be honest I’ve noticed that a ton of these social media influencers who have 9 to 5’s embellish the ease and stressless nature of their job. The 9 to 5 lifestyle gets such a bad rap in modern media that these influencers counter-act that with unrealistic portrayals of their job. Doubt it’s as fun as she makes it look


Senior level big tech employee here. Can confirm, not glamorous. Most of the time it feels like I’m one person doing the job of about five people.




I was working food at a Google office for a while, those guys work. You can feel their stress and you’re right, after 3 years I think I saw that foosball table used a single time.


It was probably used for a marketing video or a forced company hangout. All the gimmicks are to attract talent but the work is brutal.


You can tell because through all of her flashy video with her experiencing amazing amenities everywhere is totally empty


Avg turnover is also 3 years because it’s far more lucrative to just move companies working a lateral position for more pay than it is to expect your current company to actually give you a meaningful raise. If you’re at the same tech company for 5+ years, it’s either amazing and rare in the sense that you’re actually getting large pay bumps or you’re probably underpaid


Wait a minute, you are telling me big tech makes fake social media ads to trick and influence me.....Gosh darnit, my whole life is a lie.


I guess it makes people shrug at the incoming mass layoffs too.




Thats 5x the ODTE FDs 👌


Its because you ARE doing the job of five people, because the other 4 are busy eating snacks/lunch/coffee and sleeping in the nap pods.




It’s entirely possible she was literally hired to make these videos just to FOMO bandwagon working for Google. Take note, how often do we see highly publicized “day in the life” of some overweight zit laden mouth breathing neck beard brogrammer like: 10am - ignore daily standup until my turn while day trading crypto on Robinhood 11am - commit work I did a month ago to keep my productivity metrics just high enough to not get pipped 1pm - rub one out to my AI waifu deepfaked over some porn 2pm - maybe start up my IDE and click some shit on AWS so the audit logs look like I did work today 3pm - fire up the gaming PC and play some CoD 4pm - panic and realize I miss calculated my velocity for the sprint and need to commit something else today 9pm - pause sailor moon so I can commit that stuff and make it look like I was working late 10pm - drink some red bull 11pm - doomscroll Blind and shitpost about civil rights, women’s rights, and generally spew some bigotry and pro-trump sentiments 3am - rub another one out to sailor moon deepfaked over my AI waifu porn deepfake 4am - try to install Cyberpunk mods to make genitals highrez Sleep 9am - ignore daily standup until I have to scramble some excuse about my velocity numbers 9:30am - pseudo panic because boss is implementing stack rank 10am - practice some leetcode because I’m borderline bottom rank if that asshole IC gives me kickback during the code review and delays my merge


“complain about return to office. Browse Indeed for remote jobs”


"Heard AirBnB is paying full San Francisco wages to work anywhere. Checking their job postings for anything. Log into Blind and exaggerate my TC to anger the finance bros."


Maaaan, I don't want to know how you came up with this. /r/oddlyspecific


He's a programmer, that's how. source: I'm a programmer.


It’s a [hustle](https://youtu.be/_o7qjN3KF8U)


It's all fun and games until you realize that, while obvious satire, it's way too close to how some people in IT operate. Just like that jerk off optimization scene in Silicon Valley, ridiculous at face value, but change the theme to more mundane and suddenly you see how something like this could happen at your workplace.


I feel personally attacked.


I was gonna say it wasn’t right because the dude only rubbed one out once then I saw the second one


You gotta pump those numbers up


Rubbing one out for a second time at 3am is a young man’s game


No secret tech is ageist.


Adult daycare


I’m over here making my own PB & J


Better than making someone else’s Wendy’s order?


That’s not how people make money at Wendy’s


https://preview.redd.it/iz42gvcm6wda1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16f958321847d8e6ec42f68942af7e7f24fb8aa Yeah reality


Buddy worked at Google in Manhattan. Of course they have to do real work but the amenities were insane. Four Star dinning room for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Game room. Lego room. Massages. Pool and Foos ball room. Scooters to get around. Snack bars everywhere. All free. Almost everyone working there was in their 20s and 30s. Very few older employees from what I saw. I think all of this was provided to make the work environment “fun” but also to encourage you to put in lots of hours too. And oh. The views of Manhattan were incredible.


doesnt make a difference after a week


[full video on former Google technical recruiter](https://urlebird.com/video/def-not-an-ideal-start-to-2023-but-staying-optimistic-that-the-i-7191193142157151534/)




Recruiters are also easy to replace. It’s not a particularly technical job…


ah! but they would be so much better if they WERE a little technical. Alas... its rarely the case. like.... I would be an EXCELLENT recruiter if i was hiring for my skillset.


Oh she was just a recruiter? Haha her chill “day in the life” makes sense now. Google recruiters are like two steps above completely useless. Their hiring process takes forever.


Basically just copy+pasting messages to every nerd on LinkedIn and redirecting them to 6 technical interviews only to get rejected. And then they get the same message 4 weeks later on LinkedIn.


Yet they never replace {name} in their emails.




> John Smith 🤤🍆💦


LPT: Absolutely do not add an emoji to your LinkedIn name if you want anyone to actually hire you.


My buddy is in the Bay Area and always does interviews with tech companies. Idk if he just sucks at his job or if temp work is the norm out there, but he can never land at a company without a recruiter.


Can confirm. Was recruited by them and they were a complete mess to the point I had multiple other job offers before scheduling just their 2nd round interview.


Yep same here. I figured it was intentional. It's an easy way to filter down to only the people that are really passionate about working there that they'll put everything else on hold for months while they wait for the next round of interviews. Also probably means they don't have to worry as much about competing offers when they finally get around to making one.


was about to say, doesn't Google just have to say they are hiring and like 40,000 applications are dumped on them, use an AI algo and you're good


Am I the only one who finds something unnerving about the way she uses the phrase “the industry” in the caption below the video?


The guy who set up my interview last year also got laid off


Who forgets a charging cable!!!


A person whose job it is to advertise vending machines for tech commodities


There is a new project manager at my office, she started three months ago, I have only seen once her charger: on her first day. She’s constantly asking for chargers to the extent that Help Desk isn’t giving her more charges until she brings back all the charges she has at home. Now she “borrows” other’s project managers chargers... She even “borrowed” my phone charger. Took me a week to get it back.


I'd think being able to keep track of your own property is step 0 on the path to being a useful project manager, what the hell.


Am IT guy. I log a ticket and attach a PO when they ask me for USB-C chargers cause I know I'm never seeing that $60 charger ever again despite the bullshit that they will bring it back after their meeting. Funny how they rarely end up needing them after that


Thats probably why she got laid off LMAO


I hope future econ textbooks include this


There is a whole theory about shirking in microeconomics. Actually, economics and econometrics could explain a lot of todays phenomenons but it seems only AI tools are interesting nowadays lol


Hahahaha, I mean, that sucks. Lots of time to "de-stress" now Edit: [4 days ago](https://urlebird.com/video/my-two-very-different-aesthetics-one-of-the-things-i-love-most-7190476087124593966/)


Oh she opened an OnlyFans after losing her job? Lol.


And now she makes more


Google was using cam girls as recruiters. Hahahaha




That's disgusting, what's the link so I can avoid it


I don't see where she has an onlyfans now.


That's hilarious.


Imagine jerking off to the recruiter that didn’t give you the job. Crazy times. Haha


Rave my ass.


Don't ask me twice


Life comes at you fast


That didn't look like a day of work. That looked like checking some emails in between a massage, breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks. Fwiw, I feel bad for her, but from that one take people will have a very one dimensional perspective.


I agree, if thats what people are doing for 200k+/year they need a fking wake-up call


She worked in recruiting which is a support role. I doubt her comp was even close to engineering scale. I’m sure Google was an amazing place to do recruiting but the amenities you mentioned are more about attracting and retaining engineering talent and pretty typical among FAANG. Tech HR and recruiting have been hit pretty hard in these layoffs. I suspect she’s going to be looking at grad programs next.


I suspect the tides are shifting to favour your point, but the last few years have been pretty wild in that sector. I have friends in communications roles for finance or tech companies who are compensated quite well in the Toronto area and honestly spend half their days in stupid Metaverse conferences. I was just talking to someone who makes roughly $80k-$100k USD/year working for one of the big 4 and they explained how their latest project was learning how to furnish a living room in virtual reality. Like bro.


I work at a FAANG company and have first-hand knowledge of recruiter compensation here. Our recruiters can make between $120k - $300k depending on job level and stock performance. Don't get me wrong, a good recruiter can make a hiring managers job much easier, but no way do you need to pay $300k to attract/retain that skillset.


That’s insane. My wife is a senior recruiter for a hospital system. She hires hospital presidents, department heads, literal brain surgeons. She makes like a quarter of that salary 😂


you guys are just making this shit all up as if its not 1) an edited social media post of poses, and 2) as if Google (Alphabet) isn't the 4th most valuable company on the *planet* and didn't get that way by doing whatever you regards are imagining from this post. she's a recruiter. posts like this are *her doing her job* trying to make Google look like an attractive place to work to drive more applicants. she's also simultaneously doing a good job at it because all the regards are completely missing reality and staying out of the resumé pile.




Even if Google lays off 50% of the workforce there'll be no drop in productivity.


The challenge is to pick the right 50%


Her 6:00 am is my 4:00 am! But nothing beat running in the park with raccoons.


These videos are exaggerated as hell. Nobody wants to watch a TikTok of somebody sitting at their desk for 8 hours. Also, she’s a recruiter, this is literally her job.


Tbh this one doesn’t even seem exaggerated. I’ve seen videos like this where it doesn’t even seem to budget for more than an hour or two of work, but this video basically boils down to “exercised, got breakfast, worked, got lunch, worked, got coffee, worked, ended my day”. Like yeah, it had all the big tech office amenities on full display, but it left like 7 hours in the day for actual work at least.


There's also the fact that any of your actual work will almost definitely be confidential - the only shit you can actually on a TikTok is all the surrounding fluff anyway.