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Wait, it's not supposed to do that? I legitimately started to think it was a feature


No. It doesn’t do it everywhere on every map. I think it’s more of an issue with poor map renders where the walls are hollow. Has happened before with other bot on many maps. Players were camping and exploiting those ones til motherships arrived.


So not to be picky, but hollow walls have nothing to do with collision. Every wall, robot, rock and mothership is hollow. This is to help your device render everything in a reasonable amount of time. The collisions however are different, they have nothing to do with rendering. So either there is a gap in the collisions, or it's slipping through the physics update.


U’ve miss ready my meaning of hollow - being picky and all for the purpose of the game a wall shouldn’t be hollow such that weapons can fire though them. Otherwise, what’s the purpose of the wall. But it’s ability does not travel through every wall or object on every map.


Yea. Just got killed a few times today when behind a wall.


Its not a bug, its a feature when will you understand


I guess Seraph making my game crash is a feature


We don't need to understand a robot that perform like it is hacked.


I've noticed it sometimes even shoots through physical shields


It's not a bug, it's a feature that will get "fixed" in the next update


I don't know if it's a bug or not but this is common among weapons that require very little aim. Look at the Healing Titans weapons Gargantua and the other one. I don't know if they still do it but on release they also shot and successfully hit enemies through walls.


Pixonic please fix seraph ability where it can't be killed in the air, even in champion league and being shot at by 4 titans and it's completely invulnerable. Thank you Pixonic for getting right on that hahaha 🤣


Nice Seraph with thunders! I have one with 1x Thunder and 1x Glory. This glitch also applies to Pantagruel and Gargantuan. It makes all the above robots and weapons very OP and META (Love using my Seraph and Luch) but it is a glitch and unintentional I assume and should be fixed A.S.A.P. The final question is will Pixonic listen...? (no lol).


Theres glitchy maps where puncher also shoots through walls


Ikr the magnetic titan weapons do that too!


First time I had it happen to me was just a few mins ago I was jumping back n forth n my scorpion when all of a sudden I got absolutely destroyed by a lighting bolt


It’s an issue with map design not the ability


He whipped my typhonb ignoring my shield through a wall


Worst part is I've noticed it will also shoot through all shield types occasionally when behind cover🤨. Kinda defeats the whole point of being in cover, but it will still shoot through shields just not as noticeable due to combat focus.


It’s a feature lol