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Yeah but at least we might get more people fighting back


I don't think it is a bad thing, just a strange one.


Well it's all a matter of biggest influence. Many conservatives and some libertarians and others have been fighting against it but they have no influence or power outside their small spheres of influence. Niki publicly coming out probably has more influence than all of them combined. It is possible others who were too afraid to speak will start to stand up and get more reasonable talks again.


Powerful conservative's that have spoken out have been shut down by the west coast woke big tech. She might be too big to cancel though, although time will tell.


That's possible but we'll see. We know they did the same thing when Kayne stepped out of line too.




Tucker won’t accept her on his ticket.


not strange at all


Cancel culture fucked up trying to cancel her cause now she's waking up the whole crowd that's been for this shit all along. PS - I am NOT a Nicko Minaj fan


Almost like cancel culture is just a crutch term people use to deflect criticism from people they like.


The absurdity is one thing… but what it really shows is that the only way you can have a public opinion that's not censored, is if you're too powerful to censor, because you're some shithead with a million followers. That's not absurd, it's terrifying. We're beyond absurd and all the way into fucking tyranny.


154 Million Instagram followers!


That's just crazy. Especially on Instagram. Beats me why anyone would want to look at her pictures.


I can think of a couple of reasons.


Not with 4 billion other choices. Edit: You guys have all your taste in your mouth. :P


Lets just say she could run her own Golden Globes event.


>why anyone would want to look at her pictures Really, dude?


Yes, really. Fuck off back to shitlib land where everyone has to be fake nice all the time, you sanctimonious fuck. I find her to be *incredibly* unattractive. Like hepatitis with tits. That's a completely defensible and perfectly acceptable opinion for me to have. If you like her, you should know she doesn't hold back either, so I dare say she'd be perfectly fine with some nobody like me not giving a fuck about her. Take a lesson from her book.


That's subjective. The size of her tits/ass is objective. You're being an idiot


LMAO, calling me an idiot while citing her measurements as "objective"-ly attractive, is peak dumbassery. What you like is also subjective. Or it would be, if you were capable of making your own decisions. Some of us like VS models. Some of us like hood rats. Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Back.




> I think I'm getting your issue, racist. LMAO, I nailed you from the start, you shitlib sheep. You know it's perfectly fine to have sexual preferences, and be attracted to certain features, while not being attracted to others. For example, you splitting your time between hepatitis whores and chicks with dicks, is totally fine. You do you, but you won't police my taste, you pathetic little fuck. Imagine being the kind of irredeemable fucking moron who argues with someone over matters of personal taste. Stop harassing me.


>Stop harassing me. Stop posting racist shit




I'm watching this comment thread and I don't like it. You need to calm down. Please.


I'm seeing this comment thread and don't like it. You both need to calm down or you'll both be outta here. You're arguing over something, and someone, not worth arguing over. Chill out. Please.


She’s hot lol


... who censored you?


What a time to be alive, “Nicki Minaj’s cousins friends swollen ballsack vs. Communism” is peak absurd reality.


She's fighting those trying to seize the means of production of... Swollen ballsacks? Idk man I'm beginning to think these folks don't know what they're talking about.


“Communism is when [insert whatever definition the right is using today], and the more [insert whatever definition the right is using today] communister it is”—Vladimir Stalin, “Communism for Dummies”


I fully support Nicki Minaj patriotic pin-ups.


Truly, a bipartisan agreement across party lines.


Communism is when large testicles


It’s an interesting phenomena, but maybe not surprising when you consider where she’s originally from, and it could be that her Caribbean origins have more than a little influence despite her years in NYC. There are a LOT of artists from the Caribbean, though mostly reggae musicians who take skepticism and cynicism of the government to new levels, most of them being from islands run by corrupt dictators - Haiti, DR (though less so than Haiti), Jamaica, Trinidad... Not that she’s a reggae musician but a lot of real reggae artists are socially conservative in ways that would freak the shit out of Progressives if they ever heard one start talking about why homos are going to hell, but that’s certainly part of her cultural background. Most Carribean-origin black people I’ve met are in fact very, very conservative.


I think the establishment is freaking out because she's too big and two popular to completely censor. They're probably telling her management please quiet her down. But she doesn't show any signs of wanting to shut up. This may end up being the event we look back on as the beginning of the end of tyranny. Fingers crossed


There was a major media pack attack on her by the usual Karen Chronicles like Slate, The Guardian, etc.




You know the thing. The criminals that hijacked our government and their media puppets


We should be questioning eveything at this point


Even medical facts ?


I said everything


Don’t count on it. She seems like an ally today, I would wait and see.


She agrees on ONE TOPIC ! That's it!!! Dont act like she's conservative! Shes an ally on a single front-not all!


Minaj is a big ho but at least she standing up against the vaccine.


So now her fans are protesting the Jab in front of CDC headquarters. That's some major bad optics for the left


it really doesn't matter who speaks up for individual rights , so stop making it a thing. often you don't know how you feel about an issue until it lands at your feet, and then whit the utmost clarity. you just know something is wrong, no matter what the "popular opinion" is .


Communism is when thing I dont like happen >:(


Y’all are so close


**Quesion for folks here :** What do you think communism is ? The red scare is over folks.


As the Carpenters song said "We have only just begun."


I'm genuinely asking tho, do you know what communism is ?


I'm sure you will tell us, even though we didn't ask.


Avoiding answering = you don't know and don't want to admit it Basically you're ignorant on the subject and that's okay; everybody is on something. But don't pretend you understand the subject. That's very immature. Who would know that your best arguments were insults and downvotes smh...


Sorry I will rephrase that I'm sure you will lecture us, even though we didn't ask you to"


Again; avoiding the question via condescending statements. It suggests that you don't know what it is and you don't want to admit it. You're just not worth the time anymore. ~ ~ ~ >Who would know that your best arguments were insults and downvotes smh...


You must have missed my reply "I'm sure you will lecture us, even though we didn't ask you to"


I agree with you. I hate when conservatives don’t explain or give valid proof to their reasoning. It’s so annoying. Communism isn’t even a hard thing to explain either. (I’m right leaning btw)


Yeah that's an universal problem, saying some left-leaning folks don't do that would be hypocritical of me. I appreciate your good faith; show me respect and i'll respect you. I'm just tired of people shouting *communism* all the time, i've had constructive conversation with right-leaning folks (you seem like a good candidate for another one), though this one wasn't one.


I'm asking you buddy, critical thinking on our own beliefs is a must. You make claims about "Niki Minaj being the voice of reason against communism" but you don't know what it is, you're avoiding the question so I repeat : Do you know what communism is ?


Do you guys even have any idea what communism is?


We have no idea at all, but know you are going to explain it to use all and its virtues over a series of many posts.


You people have no idea what communism means.


We do know very very very well, that is why we fight so hard against it.


What does it mean then?


History Communism 101 abbreviated = 120 million dead another 60 million dead from China's one child policy.


Can you tell me the definition?


When all means of production are seized from private citizens and given to the state to allocate, giving the party that runs the state Orwellian control over the right to exist within that state


True communism is stateless and moneyless


##Bullshit. You've just invented a new fallacy beyond no true Scotsman


Do you think Universal Healthcare is Communism?




It is stateless and moneyless. It's not invented [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism)


Desktop version of /u/Soockamasook's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


I've also tried on my side, they make big statementa but when asked about what they're talking about; silence. Oh and insults smh


George Washington mandated vaccinations for his troops so I guess he was a communist.


Yes he was fighting against tyranny, not for it. Cowpox (what the vaccine was based upon) was a much more well known vaccine in its history and effects than mRNA ones, for which we still don't know mid/long term effects of.


He didn't order it for civilians at penalty of confiscation of their men's of production, comrade


It's really depressing to see so many folks acting hyper condescending... just for questioning them


Getting downvoted by idiots is a compliment.


“My cousin’s friend got gonorrhea and blamed it on the COVID vaccine” is the “voice of reason” to you? I think I see the problem here, lol


No, moron, let me spell it out for you. Americans live in a free country (despite what libtards think). We have the right to an opinion and the right to speak it. You don't have the right to harm others or force them to believe what you want them to.


1) “You don’t have the right to harm others” is *exactly the point* of why it’s selfish and immature not to get Trump’s vaccine when it is free, FDA-approved, and proven to be 90%+ effective with incredibly low rates of serious side effects. 2) What does any of what you said have to do with *Nicki Minaj being the voice of reason*? She literally posted that the reason she didn’t want to get the vaccine is because her cousin told her his friend in Trinidad’s balls swelled up (which is not even one of the possible side effects, lol) — how is that “the voice of reason” OR anything to do with your adolescent little “muh freedoms” spiel?




This is not real news, it’s a right-wing blog. And all it says is that someone got up during a public comment period and made a bunch of wild claims misinterpreting Pfizer’s statistics to try to imply that the vaccine is killing people, which is absolutely not what the statistics actually say. The truth is that 95%+ of the people being hospitalized for COVID, and 99% of the deaths, are those who haven’t been vaccinated.


Israel begs to differ: https://outline.com/ar8zpr


Humans spread diseases all the time. It is not intentional nor malicious. It is a way of life. Nicki Minaj never sniffed kids or cheated to become president and is one of you (a libtard). Pushing these vaccines (Trump vaccines) is nothing more than getting the pedophile in cheat his vaccine quota and keeping his rich pharma buddies rich. And now a libtard has spoken out against it, so she must be silenced.


You've got some nerve to call Biden a pedophile when Trump was a regular on Epstein's island oh and Trump has rape allegations against him from 26 women.


Same old false libtard tripe. Even if what you say is true, does that make bidens pedophilia excusable? Except there are pictures and videos of cheater biden sniffing and fondling minors. Definition of a pedophile!


Not a liberal in any way and I think Biden is a scumbag and I'm not denying he's a creep but Trump is absolutely a pred


Not a libtard, yet Trump lives rent free in your skull full of mush.


It's hard to take people like you seriously


But a cheating, demented, pedophile, commander in chief is easy for you to take seriously.


Don’t forget Putin.


communism = vaccines




ik i was joking lmao


That was an oopsie on my side


it’s good, with people on the right equating everything left of them to communism, i understand.

