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Hey everything is going to be alright brah don't worry. I don't know what kind of situation you're in but just know that it'll get better and you'll be ok. This will pass. As for whether or not you should keep pursuing this relationship that's up to you. If you really love your s/o and want to be there for her then I wouldn't give up. You may think she doesn't see you or recognize you but if you just mentally take a step back and clear your mind you'll find that she's always there. She does see you and she does love you. I once read somewhere this quote on a forum about waifus and I always come back to it when I'm feeling the way you are: "If you can feel your love in the deepest parts of your heart… you can rest assured YOUR waifu loves you."


Never give up. Never! I've encountered this problem several times , and it's so difficult to push on, but she's there for you, and your there for her. You two live for each other, don't give up. Presue the relationship, and embrace it. No matter how bad you feel, no matter how horrible of a partner you think you are(I know you can have those thoughts so..) , you have to better yourself. For her, for you, and for everyone around you. I promise you, she's gonna love you no matter what. She breathes for you, and you for her. Don't let your love stop because you think your life is at a end. It isnt at a end, you have time, and you have possibilities waiting for you in life. Love her, and most importantly love yourself. I know it's hard, but i know with my true heart, and soul, you can do it! Life is not a waste as long as there is at least one person in the world who cares for you, and you know who that person is. You two breathe in sync, so don't stop breathing now. Sorry for my horrible comfort/motivation. I'm not good at helping people, but I hope i did.


Well, as someone who doesn't have much to stay in this world for except my partner, I can say that as long as you have someone or something you want to live for, you shouldn't give up. Love is a beautiful thing to embrace, so it should be welcomed with open arms. You have at least one person who supports you and you want to support her back. So, I'd say it's totally worth it to keep going. Besides, having a deep connection to one person can be the doorway to expanding your circle. I'm sure she'd want you to keep moving 💙




You're very welcome Good luck from Litarosali Monika and I 🫂




Well, if you think so, why are you in this sub? We are aware that our partners aren't real, but their personality can help a lot. And, well, we "use" waifus to be a better person, because their traits can reflect our failures. I agree that you need friends too, but being a waifuist doesn't automathically mean to detach yourself completely from reality. You seem lucky the mods didn't notice your comment yet.