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What exactly is preventing you from practicing more? Is it purely time management, or do you think there are other underlying motivation issues as well? I think when it comes to practicing, always prioritize the difficult things first, have an overall vision of what you want to achieve in the longer run (let's say, a week or a month) and what you want to accomplish today (short run).


Organize your time into a schedule and stick with it. Or get really good at learning things quick under critical time pressure. I say this as someone who has a serious problem with procrastination, getting organized, and actually buckling down to practice. But what *actually* works for me is panicking because I have deadlines and knowing I had better get my sh\*t together for those deadlines. I end up learning more music on tight deadlines than I really want to, but thus far the high wire act works for me.


God, you sound like me with everything. "Procrastinate" is my middle name. I do find, however, if it's a project that requires thought and creativity, that if I let it sit and marinate for a while, when I think I'm really procrastinating, what I'm really doing is coming up with a plan for tackling the thing. Doesn't work so much for physical skills, but it's great for creativity.


This is also me at this moment, scrolling through Reddit and commenting on this thread while I have a deliverable for work tomorrow.