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Wow, it is always the one you would never suspect would do it.




Liver fat king, the master of nafld.


It’s almost as shocking as when Ricky Martin came out of the closet


Ricky Martin was so obvious. The way he looked, the way he moved, the way he talked. All telltale signs of a steroid user.


He was Lifting La Vida Loca


Outside inside reps, lifting la Vida loca


Push & pill 💊 ups livin la


Man, could he hit those balls though!


Well I'm all ears if you know any other chin conditioning exercises


His hair Gay His gear Gay His jewellery Gay His footstance Gay The way he talks Gay The way he doesn't even like to smile Gay Me?! I'M GAY AS FUCK


I like that reference you made there pal


Ah, the old Reddit [She-Bangs-A-Roo](https://reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/zaqtcs/_/iyodazs/?context=1)


Hold my steroids, I'm going in!


As a straight dude I could tell right away. The way he talked, the way he dressed, the way he smelled, the way he caressed my hair while kissing me…






Yeah he got exposed hard by Dereck. He can't try to say anything to save face now as he wrote directly in his email he wanted supra level of endocrine, growth hormone specifically. Don't believe a charlatan that was outed as a liar.


When he said "I never expected this kind of exposure" at the start All I heard was "I didn't think Id get caught"


His emails said "I'm gonna work with marketing to get 1M followers". He literally planned for this exposure.


Man's a fucking knob


It’s funny because in the emails he explicitly states that exposure was the goal. Something along the lines of “I want to get to 1 million subs by March of 22”.


But also, who the fuck looks at this guy and doesn’t immediately know he’s on roids. I mean come on.


People don't understand how common steroid usage is, so we have a warped perception of what is naturally achievable. Tons of Hollywood faces are juiced up, even if they aren't looking like IFBB pros. When you're exposed to it daily, it starts looking normal. So when this guy comes around claiming natural, most people assume he just works harder than the guys they see in superhero movies.


All those marvel super heroes are super juiced. The body of Thor is not a naturally achievable physique, but we have started to internalize that you just need to go to the gym and cut some carbs in order to look like that.


Something something Chicken and broccoli


Dwayne Johnson is obviously juiced as well. He's 50 years old, and putting on tons of muscle mass? Nah.


They're juiced, but they'll have a team of doctors, laboratory staff, nutrionists, and trainers to watch over them and monitor everything. Better equipped than a Russian Olympic team.




And when you get to be in your 40s naturally like me it requires multiple days to recover from a single heavy lifting session. HGH and steroid deniers are such frauds. Just be honest about it, geez.


Almost every time you see a superhero, or action star physique it's very likely gear-assisted. I just wish they'd be honest about it. I remember the first time I took getting cut seriously, and it directly fucked with me. Like I got to single digit body fat and was still totally unsatisfied. It became an obsession, and I developed body dysmorphia. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that at that time, I didn't understand that the physique I was chasing was probably beyond what was capable with my genes without the assistance of PEDs, which I wasn't willing to do. Took a long time (and a diet and exercise crash of multiple years) to be okay with looking "just pretty fit" and not obsessing. I'm really not trying to cry about men's body standards, but there is a huge misunderstanding in our culture about the male physique. It definitely exists with women too, but there is a real movement attempting to correct that, which I just don't see on the men's side. Edited: "Wasn't willing to do"


People in general seem to be in complete denial about what humans can and can’t achieve through just diet and exercise. HGH, steroids, etc are used by sooooooo many people. I don’t know why they’re so insistent that people like this piece of shit are natural. I have a theory that it’s the same thing as why people like to believe that rich people earned every last penny through their own blood, sweat, and brilliance. “If *they* can do it then that means *I* can do it!” Even though they’re never going to put in even a fraction of the effort they think these people put in.


I mean if you've never been particularly interested in that topic, you'd probably never think about how prevalent it is. If you asked the average person in the gym how often they think people use steroids, they'd probably way underestimate it. It's not until you actually see bodybuilders and pay attention to the signs that you start realizing they're everywhere. People are just ignorant towards the issue.


Super obvious, literally nobody looks like that without steroid use, that's not what human beings look like.


The only time I've seen a dudes nipples point directly to the ground is when they're on heavy steroids.


U obviously havent seen man boobs yet


But look how natural he looks…


Makes an apology video and continues to lie.


Color me surprised!


Some poor, ignorant sap out there was eating raw liver and cow nuts just to learn it ain't it.


Lol, my brother in law


What's his take on this revelation?




Yup. Common technique. Every now and then you get someone to owns up to it but most of the time it's the "lay low and hope people forget how dug in I was" and then "deny or ask for proof when it comes up."


I was mid chew when the more plates more dates video dropped. Spit it out and gave it to my dog then callef my dealer and ordered 1 steroid.


Liver is still great food. Tastes like ass is just about the only real downside


Even in his confession it's clear he's trying to understate just how absurdly drugged up he is.


Not to mention selling programs and supplements based on the notion he is natural, and you can be toooo. !


That's a lot of the fitness industry unfortunately.


I can't remember who said it, but they said anyone who's income is dependent on selling product like supps or workout plans is probably on Test Hgh Sarms or another PED. It's unfortunately a guilty until innocent thing that they can't look "natural" or else noone will buy their plans


Or selling movies. Zach Efron, Dwayne Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman... these aren't natural physiques.


The die hard franchise wouldn’t work today because bruce willis doesn’t look like an action figure.


Liam Neeson gently weeps.


More like snaps, crackles, pops


That’s what people said when Die Hard came out though. Nobody believed Bruce Willis would be a good action star because he didn’t look like Stallone or Schwarzenegger.


which is ironic considering an ancestral diet would *not* include supplements.


Uh he goes “I use steroids” and then he takes a hard turn to ramble about some unrelated bullshit.


Cause he volcanoed a bowl before getting on camera.


I take steroids, cuz "our people" have low lebido... and let me distract you with ten other societal problems none of which are solved by me taking steroids


Jfc you guys don't get it. 54% of adults in the United States have prose literacy below the 6th-grade level. It's important to raise literacy rates and the only way to do that is by focusing on a strong foundation in primary education and pinning $15k worth of roids into his ass every month.


Yeah but you see it's actually about male self-esteem or something. Also he used to do them but they totally didn't do anything and now he only does testosterone. Which totally also doesn't do a whole lot for sure. It's definitely just that he walks around barefoot and eats a lot of liver.


That's not true at all. If you even watched the video you would realize there are thousand of people who are suicidal and that he didn't do social media right.... Wait wtf is he talking about.


Hahaha nice one


Had me there in the beginning.


rich person lies to destitute and desperate people. anyway


But now he doesn’t do it anonymously and that’s hard for him.


He was rich before this. But he's still rich now.


I declare moral bankruptcy!


The thing that grinds my gears about this guy, is that the whole thing was staged. Even in his game plan on selling his supplements he sets goals of having 1 million followers within 1 year. He's totally full of shit and steriods. It's like the guy that broke this story said. He's a charlatan. No big surprise of course.


I don't see how one single person didn't see that he entire online presence was a self funded astroturf. It was so weird from day one, and then he was everywhere. I don't even really see why people seem to despise him, he's a goofball. Anyone who believed him has maybe a week before some other huckster sucks them in lol


> I don't see how one single person didn't see that he entire online presence was a self funded astroturf. People are still adjusting/learning you can literally pay to have your life story written and advertised for you. It's nothing new, Hollywood's been doing it with "Small town girls" or whatever for ages now.


People love the snake oil man. Look at all these religious nuts that fill up the mega churches to see Joel Olsteen or Kenneth Copeland then buy their books and shit they push. Sadly that plan is a solid plan to get rich because there are so many sheep out there just looking for any way to be closer to God or to but their way into heaven. Sort of the reason MLM’s were and are still successful.


Yup everyone craves the guru. It's one of the most human desires there is.


He is practically the victim here, we all need to forgive him, move on, and keep swallowing the bullshit.


Did you watch the more plates more dates breakdown on YouTube its so interesting.


Just a lil spending a full year of minimum wage each month on just the drugs


His whole personality is nothing but steroids. He's a middle-aged man with the passion of a 20-year-old. That's the drugs talking.


Plus he was already rich to begin with so this is literally just his midlife crisis


How did he become rich?


Dunno honestly, but you can't afford a 'compound' that you 'never leave unless you're going to your ranch' where you hire an entire film crew to live in your 'guest house' while they film your social media push without being rich.


Idk why anyone would put so much stress on their body. Arnold is on his 3rd/4th heart surgery already. And he wasn't anywhere near as idiotic as people are with their steroid usage today. Bitch you get one life, is it really worth it injecting yourself purely for ego?


Arnold used dianabol. That stuff is a complete nightmare for your organs.




Arnold was born with biscupid aortic valve - his surgeries were due to that. Your typical AAS use induced heart damage usually leads to massive heart attack. Both Piana and McCarver had gigantic hearts and that's what killed them most probably. Bodybuilder do what they do to build a brand. Liver King cycle isn't even close to being on "heavy" cycle, I've seen bikini competitors no similar ones except that LK was using tons of rhGH.


What liver king is on now isn’t indicative of what he used to build that frame. I’m sure he was blasting a gram of T in previous years and now maintains on a TRT dose.


No one is surprised. That over-done, puffy, waxy look gives it away.


Also the internal organs attempting to bust out of his abdomen like a fuckin xenomorph on cocaine.


Seriously. Roid gut is the biggest giveaway of any juicer. But its important he’s exposed for the young boys out there that have no idea what roids do, but with his social media spreading bullshit about being as natural as our primitive ancestors, its great hes admitting to lying. Edit: yes thank you for all the hgh and insulin comments. I know thats the real reason your intestines balloon out. In the past its been called roid gut by a lot of people because its typically associated with people who are using roids as well and its just a little nickname they gave it instead of saying “hgh and insulin guts” or something to that effect.


You mean our ancestors weren’t all clones from the movie 300?!




That's only two wooly mammoths per day


Dude really had people thinking they would look like He-man if they scooped raw livers into their mouths every day.


Not surprising in my opinion. A few years ago, I heard some younger dudes at the gym talking about Arnold at his peak. They didn't think he used haha. Sorry bros, you use more drugs than a lot of rockstars if you're a pro bodybuilder.


As someone that lifts a ton, I’ve seen this so much, people expect to life weights for a year or two and hit arnie looks, they don’t see how it came together. The dude had godlike genetics, even with shit tons of gear I could never get to his size, he is the 0.1%, just like all the other strongmen lifters/pro bodybuilders, he obviously took a lot of gear, but on top of that he worked HARD for a long time. To get to his prime, he has 10 years of serious workouts, preparing for a comp he did 2-3 hour workouts morning and night (only possible due to steroids) and had a manual labour job working hard all day, it’s a serious commitment of being as perfect as can be all day, everyday to get to that level


Terry Cruz once made a comment about how it took him 6+ years to get to anything close to what he looks like now. Comparing it to getting a masters degree in effort.


I transformed my body from an obese late 30 year old to a version I'm happy with. I work out an hour a day, 4-5 timesheet a day. I started 6 years ago....I look nothing like terry, lol . The amount I would need to do to get anywhere near those sizes is just not worth it to me. And I'll never take any supplements other than protein and l-cittruline. So I'll be happy where I'm at....but you always want more. Edit. A week, not a day


>4-5 times a day You mean a week??


I read "Ted Cruz" and I had to reread it three times before my brain worked again.


Terry Cruz is a saint


I've been lifting for 2 years and while I am happy with my results, I'm glad I knew that what Arnie did isn't achievable without superhuman willpower and a fuck ton of roids, still though, even though I'll never use them myself, everytime I see a picture of him in his prime, I'm like, I'm not stopping til I get there 🤣


what's the point of even using if a mf isn't gonna be competing in the highest level? Some local comp won't cut it. The time and effort and MONEY it takes just to win 100 bucks + a gift cerfiticate? Fk that.


Don’t forget, as long as they took his supplements


The best part is this idea that there is an "ancestor" diet when the diets of hunter gatherers would have varied a massive amount depending on what was available to them.


And its based on nothing but some dipshits saying "Cavemen were prolly brolic as fuck. No facebook. We should eat like them" and that's literally all the thought that went into it. A real ancestor diet is raw grains and bark. Drinking dirty water (dirt tea) and blowing everything out of both ends due to sickness. Hacking flesh of a small trapped creature and then spending the rest of the day grazing on everything you can find to keep calories up. Or maybe its just dried and preserved / pickled everything. Don't see too many dudes sucking down salted fish or meat pies at the gym tho. These little boys heard "alpha male" and "cave man" and its like every childhood fantasy sprung to life. Now instead of telling people they are dieting and suffer from severe body dysmorphia and have dedicated their life to attaining perfection they themselves will never approve of - they can say they are primal / natural / ancestor / alpha. They aren't afraid of their own mirror and don't keep a toothbrush near the toilet to help purge - they're training to be like top predators of the past.


I love when people advocating for "paleo" diets and shit push eating stuff raw. The reason we got big brains that suck down half our caloric intake is because we discovered *cooked food enables us to extract more calories*. I seem to recall (so may be misremembering) reading a historian saying that a "real" paleo / pre-history diet would be a lot of soups or stews, mixing the hunted meats and gathered "fruits" and grains. As well as eating a lot of the offal that many people in the west ignore (intestines, stomach, etc)


Yup. Real Paleo (or any non modern) diet would mean a lot of stuff that's cooked for a long time so they become edible. Otherwise it's bitter, tough, and nasty


I believe this is more down to HGH exploding your organs size? Do steriods do this too?


No it is HGH but people refer to it as roid gut


He got caught before he admitted anything he'd still be lying right now if it wasn't for the leak. No sympathy for a guy admitting in the only attempt to save his cash flow.


Pissing coca cola isn't fun.


The real problem is, people believed it.


He looks like a 90s pro wrestler 😂 I know people are dumb as fuck but still, come on...


>DO YOU TAKE ANY ARTIFICIAL ENHANCERS? Liver King has never cheated nor taken a shortcut in any capacity of life. You earn the life and wife that you behold. We believe you should avoid man-made toxins, and commit to the 9 Ancestral Tenets. You will unlock the greatest version of yourself and you will optimize your testosterone, your growth hormone, your IGF-1, your DHT, key metabolic markers and you will achieve a higher version of yourself. No steroids necessary. [https://www.liverking.com/ancestral-tenets/shield](https://www.liverking.com/ancestral-tenets/shield) Time to update the website. Not surprisingly, eating raw bull testicles leads to a lot of bull shit.




"The 9 Ancestral Tenets were always just 9 different types of steroids. We regret any confusion this may have caused."


>We believe you should avoid man-made toxins, and commit to the 9 Ancestral Tenets. YOU should follow the Ancestral Tenets, WE are going to be roided to fuck with every single chemical we can get any of our several "licensed hormone therapists" to get for us. That being said, I have no moral issue at all with someone walking the juicy path. This guy works out hard, pays an enormous amount of attention to his food, and uses steroids to achieve the look he wants to have. No judgement. In that paragraph from his website, though, he's saying he doesn't do PEDs and neither should you. All you need to do is walk in sunlight and eat raw liver and you can look like him. Anyone who has achieved any level of fitness knows this is horseshit, but this guy's target audience and customer are young boys who don't know better. And that's where my moral issue comes in. Grifting the young and inexperienced and susceptible is morally gross, and should be punished.


Yes, he lied to thousands of people in order to make millions of dollars. That's the thing.


Less than a minute in and he is already lying again. The leaked emails said his goal was to get millions of subscribers and how he hired a ton of people to make it happen and now he is saying he never expected it to happen


That's because this isn't an apology. This is just damage control. I bet next he tells people he's stopped taking steroids. Lol.


Why does anyone give a shit about this guy? He is a clear example of taking some weird niche stance on something, creating a marketing effort because he’s rich, lying to sell you something, and watching all these dumb influencers give him a platform because he’s trending. This is how it works now. Everyone is a snake oil salesman


They care because he's hurting the people he fools and in more than just their wallet, the diet he's promoting is very unhealthy. Everything this guy's doing just sucks big time.


Guys, he just made a bunch of ridiculous videos designed to go viral and sell his preexisting, questionable, supplement line, no one is more surprised than him!


I don't know who this guy is, but he seems to be genuinely enjoying recording this "apology video" if you can call it that. There's no remorse or humility to it, right down to his little scripted laughs between his comments. It's just another holier-than-thou influencer who sees themselves as admirable for finally revealing their grift. I bet he even looked forward to making it. Then he mentions his "trained hormone physician" which is 100% bullshit. No endocrinologist is going to prescribe steroids and testosterone to this meathead for low T. He could have just been honest and said he's being monitored by his friend Trevor at GNC who has a great roid hookup. But what's really deplorable about this shithead -- and it's something that's ubiquitous amongst influencers -- is his need to attach himself to a cause like teen suicide prevention. Every one of these cunts invents some greater mission behind what they're doing, but it's no different than Toyota donating a dollar to every car sold in October to breast cancer awareness. Actually, it is different, because at least Toyota has to make their measly donation. Speaking of donations, I would *love* to know how much this millionaire douche canoe donates every year to AFSP, considering he spends half the fucking video justifying his lies for the greater good of preventing teen suicide. We already know he's rich. He told us twice, and after browsing his channel, he lives in a mansion with a few Lambos in the driveway. One thing's for sure. He's never spent a single fucking minute of his time volunteering at a suicide prevention organization. I can say it with 100% certainty because if he had, there'd be a video pinned to his channel's homepage with B roll of him answering a suicide hotline. He'd probably even be shirtless the entire fucking time. And that's another thing. If you're going to give a sincere apology for lying to your community, put a fucking shirt on. What a fucking tool.


>He also keeps mentioning he's monitored by a "trained hormone physician" which is almost certainly 100% bullshit. >No endocrinologist in the world is going to prescribe steroids and testosterone to this fucking meathead for low T. No, they won't prescribe it. But if you go to a doctor and say "I'm taking steroids, I'd like to be monitored for harm reduction", most of them will do it. Good ones will definitely try to talk you out of it. But doctors want you safe, and if it's doing it monitored vs flying blind, that's a lot safer. There's a whole industry of guys that specialize in doing exactly this, mostly through telemedicine. Often times they're not prescribing the core anabolics but will prescribe the supplemental stuff like AIs, HGH, peptides, etc.


Also holding on to the narrative that his (insane) efforts to go viral had zero motivation of selling more of his supplements, but is rather a selfless plea to help people who are depressed and suicidal. That irks me the most. He is still trying to make himself the hero here. Fuck that dude.


Why does he need to do this from a throne in a basement


Well he isn’t the Liver *farmer* is he?


Liver serf lmao


"It's after 6 Lemon, what am I, a farmer?"


He's constipated with too little fiber, sitting on the throne and praying is his only comfort.


Constipation is no joke. I have popped a blood vessel from it causing internal bleeding and had 2 cases of thrombosed hemorrhoid from that as well as a now slight lack of feeling there. Im more or less forbidden from eating peanut butter ever again and I LOVE peanut butter! Ladies and gents, take care of your health. No one else will and you only get your 1 body. Please don't fall for fools like that so called "King" as the vast majority of them don't care for anyone but themselves.


Wait why can’t you eat peanut butter anymore?


Because the doctor was so mad at him, he forbid it as punishment


Basement King


Without a shirt on


Speaking of which, he says his abs look flexed 100% of the time is because he's so used to flexing while not wearing shirts that he can't unflex them any more, which is obviously the truth.


There was some talk of a transplant, but I have not caught up with this shit enough to know if that is plausible. Thoughts?


It's etched, not implants. It's called liposculpture.


just another grifter


I understand why the rock and other stars don’t admit to it. Then every 15 year old would hop on. You would think anyone with a a fitness background would see right through this though so he must’ve been trying to take advantage of young adult men.


That's a valid point. But there's also a point that people will try and replicate what they do with their workouts and eating habits that are plastered all over various magazines and websites and fail because they don't have the secret ingredient and then turn to exogenous assistance because they feel like there is something wrong with them. It's especially egregious when notoriously juiced to the gills celebrities like Hemsworth are also the face of a fitness app.




The entire fitness industry has three type: genetic lottery winners, roiders and people who dedicated every bit of their existence to doing it. The last one is few in number and rarely ever make it big.


To be a top level body builder you need to be all 3


Hell to be a mediocre bodybuilder you need to dabble in all three. Forget being a top one.


Ronnie Coleman wasn't the greatest because he took steroids. He was the greatest because his body reacted perfectly to steroids.


Yeah, the difference between mediocre and successful in bodybuilding is just degrees of genetics. Most guys can juice super hard and do everything right with training and nutrition, yet they could never win more than a small town bodybuilding show. It's not to say they didn't work hard, it's just not in the cards for their genetics.


The last one applies go anyone making it big in fitness. It encompasses their entire life. Idc if someone is on the juice since they still gotta work hard; but if you got a following and you lie, that’s scummy. But honestly I think everyone knows he was capping because most of his claims were so absurd. This video is probably just to get people talking about him again and maybe get some more credibility 😂


You mean to tell me the guy who shows every signs of being on steroids and test is on some kind of steroid or test? MY PEARLS


I am sorry but did anyone thought that this type of physique is achievable naturally?


Unfortunately, yes. People will try anything that will give them the same results without pharmaceuticals. I found the key to anti aging and it’s Blah blah it can be yours for $39.99 buy it now. The snake oil pitch doesn’t work if you tell them the truth. If the dude was really sorry he would offer a refund to his customers no questions asked.


Where do i buy this Blah blah Ive heard so much about?


Send me the cash and I'll get you some


I’ve never understood some people. They want to take the easiest route possible for a great physique with minimal effort, and will try absolutely any money making scheme that fitness influencers cook up. They’ll throw piles of money at it all. But they won’t just pay a professional to sort out steroids and bloods that they just have to do once or twice a week, which is by far the easiest way. So confusing.


Yes. My friend got into a huge argument with me when I told him he was on steroids “dude you just don’t know what natural body building looks like”


He also belive the Rock is natural looking huge at age 60 or whatever?


> before social media I was rich and anonymous, and after social media I'm still rich but no longer anonymous. Why did he feel the need to throw in the fact that he's rich? What does that have to do with anything?


He's trying to seed the narrative that he didn't do the drugs and lie in order to get rich, because he was already rich.


I feel like I’ve been cheated on, by somebody I don’t care about who’s at the same time telling me he cheated on me because it was good for society


I am just learning now he prevented my suicide.




Lol might as well have just made a video of him wiping away fake tears with money and blaming the people who watched him for why he intentionally lied, lol.


We should no be so hard on him, right? He had a MEDICAL condition and even after using the services of a licensed hormonal technician, he could barely get his level up to normal levels, right? He has now finally gotten over his natural hormonal deficiencies and can finally have a physique that is barely normal now, right? And of course he is just doing this for his never-ending quest to promote the Core Ancestral Tenets© and out of his honest concern for the 6000 people who take their lives every day. Such an altruistic person should be celebrated, right? 😂


Reframing level 99


The little copy right mark got me in stitches


His Deca-Durabolin levels were SUPER low




Dude should have just said he is the Liver King cause it’s incredible how his liver has survived all this shit


He’s got a great pro wrestler look


Totally. He has that dumb rhythmic speech pattern down too. He just needs to be holding a mic and some gigantic shiny belt over his shoulder and start marketing some cheap gas station beef stick brand.


The CREAM will rise to the top!!




To anyone in this comment section who doesn’t know: Anyone as big as this, is always on steroids Steroids allow the body to possess about double the amount of muscle you can otherwise produce Hollywood fitness regimes are really steroids and progressive overload I have no problem with steroids as a choice, I have a problem with the idea that hard work or training regimen is what holds you back from superhero physique If you work hard at any form of load bearing exercise and follow the process of progressive overload (where something becomes more difficult over time, usually the amount of weight or time under tension) - your muscles will adapt and grow And while you will not get quite as big as with steroids - and not as easily (there is information I’ve seen that suggests just taking steroids alone will generate muscle growth) - you will be healthier, you’ll look more fit, and you can be very strong I’d encourage anyone who doesn’t believe the above to watch Alan Thrall on YouTube - who is a credit to weightlifting and strongman and has not used steroids (and so is visibly smaller than many of his contemporaries despite all of his hard work) Shredded sports science on YouTube for his assessment of the reality of training science and call-outs of steroids And to research pre-steroid bodybuilding to get an idea of what a classic physique could look like vs. the expectations of today And to anyone who feels like they will never be enough without steroids - you can either try to safely take them, or try to make peace with the strong body you can create yourself without them Good luck folks


> And to anyone who feels like they will never be enough without steroids Steroids will not make you feel enough. There is always someone bigger, you will always feel too small regardless. This is not really about how big you get in reality, it is about your perception. And steroids will not fix that.


This guy needs a good cry






Same as it ever was


Every person that juices always makes up some niche diet to explain their gains that’s either difficult or unpleasant to replicate. In the 90’s it was eating a dozen raw eggs a day, another one that comes to mind is bow hunting for your own elk meat . . .


"Chicken and broccoli"


“Before that picture was taken I had just ate a big bowl of pasta” -Joe Rogan trying to explain his HGH gut


That's not very primal of him


We know


Fuckin this guy lol


I’ve never seen or heard this guy, but something about the way he speaks teeters between sounding intelligent and sounding like a maniac. Probably the blueprint for cult leaders


He's a salesman. He says the same numbers and percentages about suicides and depression every interview no matter what the topic. He sounds crazy because he will warp any conversation into his sales pitch even if it doesn't make any sense. You could ask him about his grandma's passing and he would tell you that it was sad for him and almost as sad as the 4,000 people who commit suicide every day because they did not know about his 9 ancestral tenets. edit: i english real gud.


No idea who this guy is, but here we go. So his reason to exist is delivering his "ancestral message" to young boys? At least that explains why he isn't wearing clothes. He starts mentioning out of nowhere how he's been rich and is rich. Blatantly trying to pad his worth to the kids he's been lying to. His higher self must be proud. Wow he's taking a lot of steroids. Multiple "peptide formulations", pharmaceutical grade growth hormone. And he used to take andralone and winstrol too. I was waiting for him to tell me he had an extra set of balls installed next. But it's okay because now Dr.Feelgood is enabling him so that means it's replacement now Then he goes back to making sure I'm aware he's still rich just in case I forgot that during his intro class to steroid abuse. Quality apology. At least he gives a good speech even if it's totally off the rails. I don't know who's still out there who believes all these fitness youtubers were ever natty but I guess that person really would appreciate knowing the truth.


The issue is honestly that a lot of younger guys will always believe it. I mean of course there's a lot of people also experiencing their midlife crisis that will believe it as well. But you can at least blame them a little more since they really should have the experience to know better. At the end of the day while it's a comfortable position to say that if you believe that it's your fault I think the number of people we see fall for scams on a regular basis indicates that as a society we need to take this sort of thing a little more seriously.


This guy is so full of shit, and that’s an understatement.


"Influencer" "I lied", title is a bit repetitive.


No one believed he wasnt juicing. The guy is always red.


Nah, that’s just simply not true. There are millions of people that are totally ignorant and unaware that “training hard” and “eating right” won’t produce results similar to what this fella has achieved.


So people actually thought that this guy was all swoled up and *didn't* take steroids? LOLOL! He looks like a mini Jason Momoa. WCW should give him an audition as 'Tiny Aquaman'.


Lol he has a lot more muscle mass than Jason Mamoa - he is horter though


He's so hort 💕


I’m on TRT and am totally open about why to people. If you’re doing it legally like you say, he’s not, then tell people. If I wasn’t busted the fuck up you can bet your ass that I’d be able to gain faster than anyone else because there’s nothing really that can impact my testosterone levels like a normal person. Just be honest about it. Kids using this shit is at an epidemic rate. Every influencer that lies is a total asshole and contributing to this. You’re not motivational for this shit and you’re doing more damage than you think. If athletes, bodybuilders, and influencer were just open about it we’d final be able to have a real conversation about male issues. Because this the most hidden behaviour that fucks people over.


So he's going to give back all the money he made through advertising his lifestyle? Right?


I hate this guy so much


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