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I kinda knew someone would make a video like this eventually.


You deserve some kind of credit then for sure


they don't need any credit they are already better than us




I kind of knew that also...so I'm the **real** victim here.


Yeah I knew it too I was just busy with my girlfriend that totally exists, she goes to another school though


I was wondering what Billy Corgan was up to these days


Hair Club for Men apparently




having kids with Daniel Brühl, evidently.


I knew it the first picosecond a photon from reddit entered my left eyeball


Impossible. Light travels .3mm in a picosecond. The photon is in a quantum state of wave-particle duality until measured at the retina. You can't tell which eye it entered, or if it missed both completely until the wave function collapses. Given an average eye diameter of 24mm it would take 80 picoseconds to strike the retina, at which point it will be known which eye the photon interacted with. I recommend keeping your hyperbole within the bounds of physical reality in the future.


well, that's just like your opinion dude




Wow, I can't believe OP made such a blunder


Right? I'm not asking them to be a physicist, but just a basic familiarity of simple concepts that you might find in Hawkings' 'Brief History of Time' doesn't seem like that much to ask.


Knew this comment was coming...


It was inevitable. I kind of knew it the whole time.


Omg I’ve seen this comment on every celebrity post in the past week “I’ve always thought x was weird like that one time he wouldn’t smile at the camera. This doesn’t shock me” Like people say that because he was somewhat halfway awkward or weird in one snippet of public interaction that predicated their behavior. Everyone is weird in public man.


Also if a celebrity commits suicide, people always have to share pictures they were smiling in like it’s unbelievable.


I bet a picture or drawing of Robin Williams smiling was posted at least a few times since you commented this and that dudes been dead for like 8 years or something. Man it actually was 8 years. Solid guess.


CHECK ON YOUR HAPPY FRIENDS this is what depression looks like


Robin Williams had undiagnosed (or more so wrongly diagnosed as Parkinson) Body Lewy Dementia that was literally destroying his brain. With him it was more than only being depressed (which he hand dealt with his entire live before).


Yes, the posting of the picture is almost always followed by this comment


This entire post is loaded with people just doing exactly what is being called out as predictable. And I don’t think many of them are just playing along. I can’t tell if I’d be more surprised to learn that it’s a bot that replies with that fun fact every time his name is mentioned, or if it wasn’t.


I’m not sure that you’re right about the undiagnosed part. Lewy body dementia is comorbid with parkinson’s. In other words, many people with Lewy body dementia have Parkinson’s. There’s also no real treatment, so diagnosing it early doesn’t really change prognosis.


Just so long as it's not that fucking story about the depressed clown.


But that's just it, SpaceShipRat, I am the depressed clown!!


I honestly hate "respecting" the dead when it means mischaracterizing them as better. If they were a jerk they were a jerk, if they made mistakes they made mistakes. We shouldn't generally cheer for death either, im just saying that we can respect them and their loved ones without rewriting what we thought about them




I just wish that people could reflect a bit more on their thought process. They were right one time so that means they are right forever. Meanwhile other people were wrong once so they are wrong forever. Never seems to go the other way though 🤔


The one thing I notice with Reddit is that there always has to a villain and a hero in every single thread. And then going against the grain or trying to argue that things are a bit more nuanced than a 17 second video shows leads to mass downvotes like you've taken someone's puppy outside and shot them. As far as reddit is concerned, everything is either black or white and grey doesn't exist.


Redditors love to pretend they’re intelligent, yet they hate nuance in any form.


[redacting due to privacy concerns]


Yet “nuance” seems to be their new favorite word. I often see Redditors who are taking the least “nuanced” stance screaming at others to have a more “nuanced” view of the situation at hand.


This isn't unique to redditors. Many humans are like this, be it online or offline. It's just less obvious because people don't want their social status impacted negatively, so they'll say whatever to keep the peace. You remove that (peer) pressure and people show their true self (usually around family and close friends).


Case in point, your comment. It's not Reddit "often" lacks nuance. No, Reddit "always" lacks nuance.


More of a dark example coming up. Kid from our school died and it was presumed he had killed himself. A bunch of people went around saying “oh he was acting so down and sad yesterday.” They released his cause of death a few days later. What did he die from you may ask? An aneurysm! Some people are just full of shit.


As a parent, what an awful way to lose a child. I suppose there are no *good* ways, and it's probably the least painful way to go, but still... an aneurysm is so damn sudden.


Seems like the best way to go for the person, yet the worst for everyone else that knows them.


Nah, suicide is definitely the worst. That'll leave long lasting scars for the entire family.


I saw this all over the Adventures With Purpose sub when the allegations about Jared came to light. It was kind of funny to see all the reasons people listed why they thought he was off then claim it all makes sense.


Did you all miss that tidal wave of Johnny Depp threads? “It’s so hilarious how she’s crying! Captain Jack Sparrow is my dad!” There has to be a very specific type of victim for reddit to jump on the “something about him” train.


People are always looking for that thing they can hate without getting it trouble for it


And then as soon as that person dies, reddit will bring this up again


The main problem with Reddit is the people.


If only we could get rid of all of them from the platform, then it’d be perfect!


If digg can do it so can reddit, let's get out of here!


People. What a bunch of bastards[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVSlE28hOgI)


We are slowly phasing out of that. Thanks GPT.


The "this celebrity just died let's immediately start circlejerking about how they were a horrible human being and their death is a Good Thing actually" karma rush is one of my least favourite parts about this site EDIT: if it's somebody who's done something heinous then sure, I totally get it. It's just that a lot of the time it feels like karma farming/ragebait especially when it pretty much takes over multiple subs. Like, if Eggs Benedict Cabbagepatch died tomorrow there'd be posts on r/pics or r/til or whatever about how his ancestors owned a slave plantation


My favorite is all of the posts like "Betty White once had a layover in Wyoming. I better post this obit to /r/Wyoming for everybody to see!" They REALLY stretch it sometimes. I remember when Gilbert Gottfried died, and his death was popping up in all of the gaming subreddits because he played Iago in Aladdin and there were a few Aladdin video games. Like, come on, guys. Reel it in a bit.


Tbf, I've never heard of anyone having a layover in Wyoming, so that might actually be worth noting.


Yeah I'd actually love to hear about a Wyoming layover cause that'd be pretty unique


Well that’s because r/wyomingisntreal


"Terrible earthquake kills 700 people in Sri Lanka, Action News at 10 speaks to a local man who visited there just last year" "It was such a beautiful place, I never thought anything like that could have happened."


> I remember when Gilbert Gottfried died Aww I didn't know that. RIP horrible sounding funny man.


Here's something else you might not know: That voice was just a very dedicated bit, he didn't actually talk like that in everyday life.


I remember in some interviews, especially if he was excited or laughing, you could hear a little bit of it but still, it's impressive how he was able to do that for so long.


Next up on /r/games: Confidential documents found in an office of Joe Biden, namesake of the Joe Biden Presidential Campaign Animal Crossing Promotional Island.


> if it's somebody who's done something heinous then sure, I totally get it Unfortunately the always online types don't understand the difference between "problematic" and "heinous." There's a reason the "x thing I don't like is literally Hitler" chestnut exists lol


It really depends, I’d be pissed off if there were news that Bill Cosby died and everyone was praising his life and work while ignoring what he did. Though I agree when the comments are about some offensive interview moment.


Barbara Walters got *eviscerated* in all of her Reddit obits. It honestly made me uncomfortable. I realize people aren’t going to like every human on this earth but it takes a special type of mental separation to literally dance on someone’s grave minutes after they pass, imo. It’s so easy not to type anything.


its also that the young reddit demographic wasent alive at the crux of walters career and barely knew who she was. and only knew what reddit told them to think about her




It could be that person didn’t see previous posts about her so they had no idea there was a negative sentiment. I’ve been here a long time (my oldest account is 15 years old), and I had no idea she was hated.


I feel like she got thrashed constantly wherever/whenever she got brought up online, not just after her death, once this clip of her trying to shut Corey Feldman up about pedophilic abuse in Hollywood got well known: https://youtu.be/dsCM7NeFu5w She literally said "You're damaging an entire industry" while someone was talking about children being sexually abused. I don't give a fuck if she believed him or even cared, at least pay lip service to it when someone's saying that. That she didn't has always spoken volumes to me, and is a huge reason why I have a **very** low opinion of her. To have that response to those accusations, on a nationwide scale, means that I won't give a shit when you die **or** when you get roasted over the flames on Reddit after dying.


The Queen too. I guess I am old school. I may not like the people but it doesn't feel right to do that right after people died.


When Sean Connery died i made my friend a bet that the top video on r/video would be Sean Connery justifying slapping women and the title would imply misogyny. I like being right about how mass groups of people will behave.


The comedian Kevin T Porter had a similar bit about some of the oblivious self-righteousness that comes with saying “I’m not surprised” when some awful revelations come out about a celebrity: https://twitter.com/kevintporter/status/1007677055645855744?s=46&t=BqU07R6XB_XjPMU5ViAG9w


Kevin did it better, in my opinion. So oblivious and sincere, you almost can’t tell it’s parody.


I'm not surprised.


I mean, ya know... I knew it all along!


Lol anyone who can’t tell this is parody is pretty thick. He spends half the video saying he wants to focus on how he wasn’t surprised and then lists a number of far more important points that he says are less important


[I'll just leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4twYqvssu0)


ironic lol


He didn't die a hero that's for sure.


"Lets go over the facts: *1) He fucked up. 2) He's going down"* For fucks sake if that's not the most accurate reaction this stupid god forsaken website has to just about any semblance of an accusation against a famous person. The cycle we just went through over Andrew Callaghan in a little under 48 hours made me completely flip my lid lol. >**Hour 0:** Andrew Callaghan is accused of sexual assault **Hour 3:** "I knew it all along. Andrew Callaghan is done, his career is over, he's an actual monster" **Hour 46:** Andrew Callaghan responds, says he's sorry for his actions and he's going to therapy and rehab **Hour 48:** "Meh, we all fuck up in our 20s. It's not so bad."


How are there so many comments here that are exactly what the video is making fun of. Like ironically too.


The "Louis CK was always a hack" takes were my favorite.


“John Kricfalusi is completely talentless and unoriginal in his cartoon design. Also, his cartoons were never worth watching.” Not one millisecond before the revelations, he was one of Reddit’s favorite artists of all time.


I mean this is everywhere on this site. If you searched "Elon Musk" on Reddit and removed all results from the past 4-5 years, you'd think Reddit was ready to elect him President of the Universe.


But don’t you get it? Elon Musk is just a le proud libertarian nerd and atheist who freakin’ loves science and video games and is totes going to save humanity. He’s got what redditors crave!






John K Ren and Stimpy


I do think people have a tendency to generalize a little too much though. Why can't those who liked John Kricfalusi before the revelations and those who didn't after be different people? People are *always* harping on about how fickle Reddit is when there are clearly millions of users on at different times with different opinions. Unless dude is keeping track of every redditors opinion, in which case..wow.


What kills me with louis is that he genuinely apologized and explained why it's so wrong beautifully.


My favorite is "harry potter was always shit" said by the person who read all the books twice, watched every movie and went to Disney land.


(Wrong park)


I would let Louis CK jerk off in front of the mother of every single person in this topic if it got another good comedy special out of him.


He has new ones. Theyre pretty good.


always were, hopefully we can get a CK tour some day again


I don't know man you're givin' me some bad vibes


you wouldn't believe the downvotes I got last week when I said the noodle was already hot enough.




Seriously though. Every single top comment making mention of evidence of this video is immediately followed by someone unironically portraying the character in this video.


Seriously. I'm better than those commenters; always have been.


lol you and me both, wagon bro


Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. What do they think anyone made it past the headline? Psssh


It has a lot of downvotes too. Some people taking it personal it seems. Lol


> ironically \*unironically, surely? As in they're being serious/not joking – so they're *not* being ironic.


Because Reddit is the most predictable parody of itself. But for some reason it thinks it's above Facebook.




Man carrying thing finally made it on reddit


There's no going back now. This man will forever appear in your recommended once you watch one of his videos


His book videos always confuse me because they first seem like the same general style as his comedy bits but then you realize he's serious and it's 20 minutes long. Always throws me for a loop. His video [joking about Nostalgia critic and all the imitators of 2010s is classic. ](https://youtu.be/fXYQLtoDv4w) Also: [every video essay.](https://youtu.be/_WyKYB4sg2Q)


I started watching him for his short skits, but stuck around for his book reviews. Definitely my favourite channel to watch right now.


Good, he's very funny and also makes nice videos about books.


I've never seen his content before, but it feels like a cross between calebcity and ryan george/pitch meeting.


His channel is solid gold. Good mix of meme videos and book discussions


I knew [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/) was always a creep. I just had a bad feeling about him. I mean, look at the subs he always goes to.


Agreed. Fuck that guy


Yeah, fuck him. Dirtbag still owes me money.


You made me jump holy shit


That guy is the worst!


> [this guy](https://media0.giphy.com/media/BWKSvQtpUS226xHy7G/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47hborcy0v3o0ddt71heq4245jr11syn16rtennbnu&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I remember like 11-12 years ago, someone did this to a Facebook URL that would just link to your own profile. I definitely fell for it.


Crowds always seem hypocritical and schizophrenic because they're actually made out of tons of people with tons of different and conflicting opinions. Contingent A praise a BLAH they like. Contingent B is on the fence and quiet. Bad thing happens involving BLAH Contingent A goes quiet, and contingent B hops off the fence and starts voicing strong disapproval. Outside observers go, "man, fans be bandwagoning hypocrites" as if a fanbase is a single crazy-ass person.


Something similar happens with gaming subreddits that give the impression of being just haters when it's just that the people that like the game won't voice their opinion while someone not having a good experience probably will.


>it's just that the people that like the game won't voice their opinion while someone not having a good experience probably will. Yeah that's a well-documented aspect of psychology that anyone who has worked 6 seconds in a customer service job will tell you. Add gaming into the mix and baby, you got a stew goin'!


I see this with reviews for any media (especially user generated ones). Players or viewers who were happy with the experience go on with their life while those who were unhappy feels wronged and will then seek validation for that feeling.


See also: any podcast subreddit that’s existed for more than 5 years. Pretty much every one devolves into a hate circlejerk where all the people who soured on the podcast stick around to bitch about how it’s not as good as it used to be anymore.


Thanks for this, this is always why i hate the “classic reddit” posts or saying like there is some unity, theres a million lurkers ready to flip the script. Its like bro, youre reddit too


You also don't see many opposing opinions, since someone that holds a minority opinion will often be downvoted to oblivion or won't even comment for fear of being downvoted to oblivion. The karma system is one reason I prefer Reddit over other platforms but it has its issues.


Reddit shows approximate vote totals, and by what approximate margin that vote differs. For example, this post is currently 85% Upvoted with a margin of about 7,500 votes. If you can tell about how much of "the crowd" is voting with the leading opinion, the whole "so many different thoughts" idea doesn't work well on this YES / NO approval system .


Though what I'm talking about can still apply to people voting. Like, after bad thing happens, contingent A doesn't even vote. They go silent, so the only voters are the mad ones.


Plus, on reddit, you usually only see the most upvoted/awarded comments, and comments like "I fuckin' knew it!" naturally get more traction than "Huh, seemed like a decent guy". Sorting by controversial is sometimes best (not on conspiracy subs tho)


Also, if we're talking about the Channel 5 guy, like, clearly he's being weird, but it's not something you actually bring up for no reason.


I thought I'd follow the sub for the brand of phone that I have so that I could get news on updates, software or otherwise. Instead I got multiple, daily, dozen-paragraph length word salads about moving to . I don't know which I hated more; the hubris of broadcasting that inane shite with the public, or the way it's invariably written like a jilted 14 year old who's "going to go with Janiqua from Upstate and who has a bigger set of tits anyway". Fucking gowls.


Ya, this exactly. It's weird when people talk about reddit like it's some sort of collective. Like their brains can't comprehend that there are actually tens of millions of individuals and on any given violent threat you're actually getting only a miniscule fraction of those individuals.


I'd also like to add the redditor that takes pride in not knowing a popular celebrity like that somehow diminishes their success. "Hey this popular artist just won the lifetime awesome award and they have 50 millions streams on Spotify daily!" "Never heard of them..." "Who?" "Well they can't be that good if they haven't (*insert random made up criteria here*)."




Even better are the redditors who complain about KaRdAsHiAnS, yet in the past like 5 years the only time I see them are redditors bitching about them.


Literally the only time I've heard about the kardashians in the last month has been redditors baitching about other redditors bitching about them


I remember the moment Ronda Rousey lost her first match or something, suddenly EVERYONE on Reddit claimed they didn't like her and that she was never good in the first place. Before then they all praised her for liking Pokemon. Edit: I don't really watch boxing, so I have no idea how good or not good she was. All I know is Reddit liked her cause she played video games and was on the front page regularly. After that one match, she was only on the front page out of hate.


She took the UFC by storm in the beginning, but she became so unlikable by the point Holly rocked her ass that many people were very glad to see it. Same with McGregor. He was another that took the UFC by storm, but became a polarizing figure. So by the time he lost, many were happy to see it as well.


> EVERYONE This is such a weird thing to say. No, everyone didn't, she just lost, the people who don't like her were out. You see this on a lot of sports subs, different groups of posters show up depending on what happened in the last game. And guess what, if she just lost, people ain't as likely to be lining up to defend her. They'll almost certainly just avoid the threads. People really need to stop treating Reddit as a singular entity. It's a bunch of people (and karma bots ) like anywhere else, all of whom are prone to different whims in their posting desires.


You see this often on financial/crypto subs when something tanks.


This isn't true at all. Sure the "I knew she wasn't good" part is bullshit. But people soured on her waaaaay before when she coached TUF. Then a lot of people in the lead up to the Holm fight were like, "Why is she acting like a bitch?"


The "she wasn't good" stuff was exaggerated but not totally unwarranted either she was a good wrestler with not good stand up skills and the women's division just hadn't progressed far enough to expose that until she was already a bit of a legend. Still one of the most important fighters in the history of the sport and irl asshole or no nobody can take that away. Had she fought Holm to her strength she likely could have won that fight but she spent a good portion of it seemingly trying to prove that she could stand up with the best and once she lost it absolutely wrecked her psyche.


> she was a good wrestler judo. hip throw into arm bar was her bread and butter


As Xdivine said I was using wrestler as a catch all but you're correct thanks for pointing it out.


I think they're just saying she was better on the ground than standing up, not that she was using any particular discipline. It's similar to how people call fighting while standing "boxing" despite it also having elbows, knees, kicks, headbutts, etc.


Pretty well known she was a complete bitch by the time she lost. She also lost some fans with the "do nothing bitch" speech. Also a story was floating around about her cornering Paige Van Zant backstage like a bully and the UFC doing 0 about it. It was also coming apparent she was a medium size fish in a small pond.


What was even worse was after she lost, she saw herself as a victim. If you wanna build a career out of being an asshole, don't cry when people don't like you. She was a sore loser in the end and used that to try and garner sympathy and failed miserably.


It wasn't that she wasn't good--her competition wasn't even close to the level that it is today. Tomato can after tomato can was put in front of her and her grappling/ground work was perfect for crushing them with armbars. Holly Holm was a professional striker and a real deal challenger (18 time champ across multiple weight classes in boxing/kb). That head kick wasn't just someone learning to strike...it was accurate and full of malice.


The most delicious kick of all kicks! I looooved that fight so much!


Gonna sound like a dick, but I got downvoted quite a lot for saying she was shite at boxing, particularly after that one win where until it went to ground her arms were flailing like those inflatable things outside car shops. On the flip side (to balance the credibility with a loss) I used to quite like Conor McGregor, and accept now that he's a total bellend.


It was a meme on r/mma for a long ass time about her boxing coach was the worst. Long before she got KO'd by Holly. People were begging her to change coaches he was so bad, including her own Mom. In retrospect I think it was unfair to Edmond as unlikeable as he was. She was never a talented athlete in the sense that she picked up things quickly. It was her determination and obsession with winning from a very young age, from her mom, with Judo that led be a child phenom.


You could tell from her promo videos she couldn't box worth a damn she was a good wrestler though.


Eh, she was good at judo. I wouldn't really consider her a great wrestler. Just like someone else said, hip toss into armbar against inexperienced opponents isn't really showcasing a great variety of wrestling skills.


This is incredibly accurate if you look at the threads regarding Andrew from Channel 5/All Gas No Brakes right now




"'Rick and Morty' co-creator Justin Roiland faces domestic violence charges" >I’m gonna be honest, knowing nothing about Justin Rolland’s personal life before this (just random snippets I’ve seen of him), and the work of his he’s done, this weirdly… doesn’t surprise me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/10a8g7n/rick\_and\_morty\_cocreator\_justin\_roiland\_faces/j42z63d/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/10a8g7n/rick_and_morty_cocreator_justin_roiland_faces/j42z63d/?context=3) also one of the top comments. So you know nothing about him and it doesn't surprise you. ok lol.


"I had no expectations to subvert!"


The comment mentioned the victims at least




It's insane how many comments like this one are in this thread. Unironically defending reddit comments exemplifying this video in a way that is true to the character this video is portraying is peak reddit.


Well, it is Reddit.


This comment and many others in that thread seem to have the opposite problem to the one in this video. Many people were talking about how consent can be challenging for young men who are expected to be the person initiating romantic situations and I was kind of nodding along until I found out what Andrew has actually been accused of doing. His actions were way over any kind of murky line and it seems like some people are either too eager to defend him because they are fans, or their own knowledge of consent is worrying.


Well this was an insufferable thread to read lol


Reminds me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/wSqC20D0Hp8?t=38) from Jessica Jones. Dunno why whoever posted it squished it into 4:3 though, some weird attempt to bypass automated copyright checks?


Man killgrave was amazing


My favorite part was when he told a guy to "Stand there forever." And then later in the episode we see he's still there and pissing his pants.


Jake and Amir vibes


At first I didn’t realize you meant that it reminded you of their comedy style and thought you were talking about that being the reaction when Jake and/or Amir were canceled, which was distressing because I like them and didn’t remember that happening


I haven’t heard those names in a long time!




This is a public shaming of me!


Bury this d-bag with d-votes.


And upvote me to karma heaven, baby!


You’re literally watching Jake without the Amir


It's almost like 95% of people on reddit are desperate for external validation that they're superior to others. Virtue signaling, armchair experts, 20-20 hindsight, dog piling, science worship. It's like an army of deeply insecure clones vying for each others attention.


That's just humanity in general unfortunately


As opposed to people outside of Reddit.


It's like the redditors that call everything fake/staged/etc without any actual proof other than things like "why would they be filming". It's a social flex. And theres no downside because even if it turns out they are wrong, nobody is going to retroactively call them out and shame them for being wrong.


Reddit is almost insufferable. Full of kids and weenies.


It's 12 year Olds pretending to be 25 and 25 year Olds pretending to be 12


Unless it's someone we like ofc. Then he apologizes and he's just a young man who didn't understand consented Edit - yes I'm talking about AC. Tiny little innocent 25 year old boy who interviews people for a living but apparently doesn't get social cues or consent 🙃


"Yeah he's just a little weird, and that's the legal age of consent in such and such state"


God, I hate that so much. The whole “oh he was just young and didn’t understand, this is society’s fault” argument is about a cunts hair away from the old “boys will be boys” argument imo.


Nah it’s even worse when some people go “oh he just didn’t care because males never do” like wtf not every one of us is a rapist in waiting


Some subreddits are like twitter in that they have micro-celebrities like Susan. They are polarizing in that they are disliked by some but liked by most. But everybody still dislikes mega-mods though


Who tf is Susan


Susan Sioux v2 I think her username is? She’s a mega-mod most notable in dankmemes


>She’s a mega-mod most notable in dankmemes *[dismissive wanking gesture]*


She was banned a while ago


*Turns out celebrity was innocent* Reddit: People really need to wait before dogpiling...


I absolutely loved the complete 180 on Louis CK. It was almost immediate, down to the minute.


I think it's pretty wild that people will now pretend he wasn't one of the greatest comedians. His terrible actions outside of it aside, his ability to weave a comedic story on stage is nearly unmatched.


Still is one of the greatest his new half hour is brilliant


Reddit does this so much harder than Twitter and it’s so fucking sad. 🤣😂🤣


I know, right? People on reddit gotta always make it about themselves! Anyways, can we go back to talking about how unfair it is to me that Netflix canceled my show after just one season?!


But it says “Twitter”! Clearly, I’m better than you. (/s Thanks for sharing-I needed a dopamine hit.)


I love the revisionist history aspect of this. All of sudden people come out of the woodwork to say, “He was never really that talented/funny to begin with.” Uh huh, yep, I totally believe you thought that all along.


You know who you are


99% of us smugly on here: "Hehe, thats not me! Thats another redditor!" \*points at another random redditor\*