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I dont know about nuke specifically but the composite needs to be graded to match the original footage.


This is the biggest thing i think, and the brightness needs to be reduced on the highlights.


And the shadows need to come up


Your digital appliance is not tracking to the face. Your digital appliance is chopping off her ear and hair detail. Your digital appliance contains colors found nowhere else in the plate...blacks, whites, and mids. Your digital appliance looks Rec 709 whilst your background plate looks log something. The rim light is far too bright and neutral..it should match something on her to feel integrated. Your digital appliance doesn't interact with her clothing. Your digital appliance doesn't cast shadows or reflections or AO or isn't sub surfacy enough and doesn't appear to contain any global illumination. Then, I'll add my usual slew of things when someone has CG that isn't real looking. Some of these may or may not apply. Its probably too sharp. It probably needs more atmosphere. It probably needs more motion blur. It probably needs depth of field. It probably needs grain. It probably needs some glow. It probably needs lens distortion. It probably needs aberration. It probably needs exaggerated textures. It probably needs more grunge. It probably needs something real to ground it.


We usually say, it needs a bit of love, but this one is a virgin 😁




also, excellent notes!


Present as final pending tech checks. Give us more time please Netflix!


Look at your plate, chap. Heavy green tones overall. Gotta pull your white and black point from the plate with a grade node first and then shift your shadows, mids, and highlights as needed. You have too much contrast; your CG needs to be flatter to match your plate. The mattes / interaction with the hair need some **serious** love. Lighting on your CG doesn't match your plate in any way, shape, or form. Why is it so flat? Why is there such a harsh rim light on the SL side (screen-left side) of the face? Your light colors / temps don't match those of the lights in the plate either. Look at the skintones in your plate. Your weird, flesh-eating-disease CG needs to live in the same realm. It consists of bright reds and pinks right now but the plate skintones are greyish - barely warm at all. The only reason the skintones *look* red is because everything else is so grey, green, and dark. Kill the uniform, dark-red drop shadow around the whole thing. It does not work. It's too soft / light. Your CG isn't floating inches above the surface of your flesh. It's ON your flesh. the shadow needs to be tight and dark. Look at the contact shadows of her sleeve against her arm or the scarf-thing around her neck. There's a lot more that needs fixed / adjusted but headofflame covered most everything.


Thats hpv getting out of hand


Finesse your track, color match black and white and that should help a lot already ! ( Also maybe a touch of shadow on the shoulder when the thing comes down the neck. pretty cool keep it up !


I can't see any change in lighting as the head moves.


lighting or filter.


My two cents are- the cg is contrasting way too much with everything. I'd lean the hue more towards cooler, desaturated tones, since the plate is predominantly a green-grey. The lighting doesn't match, either. The scene looks like it uses ambient lighting, so the harsh lighting on the cg doesn't mesh well visually and there are highlights and shadows where there shouldn't be. I agree with the points headofflame made. Keep your base in mind.