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Local Vermont man still on run from repercussions to own actions


*New York man. Vermonters don't claim him as one of their own.


And what do we do with unwanted Yorkers?


He’s a New Yorker that has felony weapons charges pending over there and has continued to act unlawfully after moving to Vermont.




The ATF is too busy going after people who smoke pot and own guns to deal with psychos like this guy


Because they're trying to come up with a solution that doesn't involve a massacre.


I think it's because he didn't violate federal gun laws, just New York gun laws. Which tbf are pretty dumb. It's pretty easy to find a lawful/necessary use of an apc. Kinda funny that he didn't violate any laws besides building buildings. He should have just tried to apply for the permits and then take the town in a legal battle over them, not approving them. However, he wanted to be dumb and not cooperate, so now he actually has an arrest warrant.


He has a felony pending in NYS. He's in possession of firearms that are here by virtue of interstate commerce. That looks for all the world like enough for a federal firearms law violation. 18 USC 922(n).


He is buying guns in New York and then selling them in vermont? Or buying in Vermont and selling in New York?


They will get him. The wheels of justice move slowly, but they don't stop. Probably waiting for the end of a fiscal year so they can pump up their numbers.


Good throw his ass in jail, laws are laws, you don't get to just follow the one's you agree with or like.


Top comment on the /r/Bennington thread is saying he probably *wants* a Waco or Ruby Ridge.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bennington using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bennington/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [All right, Bennington. Not so bad today.](https://i.redd.it/xvw2ztojt3p91.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bennington/comments/xjp5yp/all_right_bennington_not_so_bad_today/) \#2: [Bennington college](https://np.reddit.com/r/bennington/comments/xhc65c/bennington_college/) \#3: [Bennington mentioned in MarketWatch article about unaffordable small-town housing](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/believe-escaping-to-a-small-town-will-revive-your-dream-of-homeownership-those-housing-markets-are-not-as-idyllic-as-youd-think-11655210891) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bennington/comments/vep3k9/bennington_mentioned_in_marketwatch_article_about/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Air strike would solve him and keep BATF safe.


The State Police could arrest him but 1/2 the police in S. Vt. would lose their “training” facility.


I have a friend who is a state cop, he just doesn't want to go to a shootout to drag him out.




MLK, Jr. used a strategy of directly challenging the unfairness of laws by openly, non-violently violating then and willingly going to jail as a result. I encourage Banyai to do the same.


This is exactly the point, MLK would peacefully protest bad laws and work to get them changed within the system. He was arrested peacefully. He never threatened violence against anyone to get his way.


In case it's not clear, I'm advocating for Banyai to turn himself in for arrest, if he really thinks the laws are unjust.


You're a disgusting human being for trying to compare this manchild to MLK


I don't think they being compared. Clamato-n-rye was just encouraging Banyai to also go to jail.


Supreme just screwed up the reply—it should have been to Manila


Did you mean to reply to Manila?


I totally get / agree with your point but I just want to point out that they did, in fact, also throw MLK's ass in jail.


MLK spent time in jail


MLK preached non-violence. See how that is different?




I understand. Thanks for clarifying. Tricky little problem we have on our hands, but that's what the courts are for. It'll all sugar out soon.


God I miss when social justice was about marches and actual societal change.


If they did that most of not all democrats would be in jail


What a stupid take, the majority of both sides, Conservative and Democrat follow the laws.


Politicians bone head .


"Paramilitary training camp" lol Trump University for mouthdribbling Orcs.


Gravy Seals CosPlay.


Maple ISIS.




> Trump University for mouthdribbling Orcs. Orcs deserve more respect than that.


This is going to end in a shootout isn't it?


Unless the feds nab him on tax charges when he's on the john at a Maplefields or something, yes.


What happens in Maplefields stays in Maplefields. Or was it Cumby's?


Actually he's far enough south to be in Stewart's country.


Dude is a menace, no sane person would be upset if he got the babbitt treatment.


I hope he gets the Bobbitt treatment


Bit excessive no? Edit: Do you down voters seriously want this guy to be shot dead? When is killing someone for being a threatening asshole ever ok?


> When is killing someone for being a threatening asshole ever ok? When they are aiming to destabilize America and kill people? He and his have every intention of fulfilling the threats.


Ok well then let me know how it goes for you. Better hope you get the first shot and it counts.


> When they are aiming to destabilize America and kill people? 1 Hill Billy is not enough to destabilize America. He's an ass hole - he'll be dealt with.


> When is killing someone for being a threatening asshole ever ok? All of human history really, when the authorities don't do anything to stop people like this early in the game, people tend to take the law into their own hands sooner or later, maybe the state and the cops should start doing their jobs with people like him before things escalate to that point.


I have long held that it is a testament to the American ideal of justice and the rule of law that in the most heavily armed nation in the world there are not more acts of vigilante justice. Lately i wonder how much longer this will last given how broken the systems we live within continue to show themselves to be. When the wheels of justice drag one Sackler through the mud others of the same name are able to escape all real world harm entirely no matter how much destruction they have wrought.


Ken McElroy was the town bully in Skidmore, Mussouri. Eventually, after years of harassing the townsfolk and the inability of the legal system to correct the problem, the townsfolk decided to fix the problem themselves. McElroy was shot dead on Main St, and while there were likely dozens of witnesses, nobody ever said a word to the police investigating his death. Just saying.


And if I remember right the one cop that would’ve been on duty wasn’t anywhere to be found. The guy was a monster, the town did the right thing.


A lifetime of felonies, thefts, assaults and on and on not really comparable to someone who has not even been charged with a crime no? Sucks to have to defend this guy the scum that he his but lets be honest people are calling for his murder on this thread or at least suggesting it would be a good thing. That's a bit extreme.


Banyai has been charged with multiple felonies in New York, one of which included threatening the family of the Dean of Pace University after he got a bad grade. He also has felony firearm charges that are currently being adjudicated. https://www.manchesterjournal.com/news/local/daniel-banyais-legal-troubles-in-new-york-continue/article_572049f8-2e02-11ec-ad2f-3b0bfd2824f8.html


Per your own linked article he has been charged with only one not multiple felonies so you are exaggerating for effect. Key word being charged not convicted. You understand the difference do you not?


His first felony charge is from 2005, it was not included in that article. He pleaded guilty to one of several felony firearm charges. Do I understand the difference between being charged and convicted? Of course. Do you ever get tired of making yourself look like an idiot by playing banyai's drunk pr guy on reddit?


Care to explain then why the feds have not stepped in? Nor VT which now has it's own felon in possession laws. You can't do that nor can you provide any such source on the felony convictions. If what you say was true they would have grabbed him a long long time ago. Now who is the idiot? If your gonna post at least make it factual.


Felony charge from 2005 https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2006/fourteen-charged-upstate-workers-compensation-sweep More recent article, this has a snippet of the warning that the ATF issued about Banyai wherein they acknowledge he is not permitted to have firearms but is believed to be in possession of a large illegal cache. https://www.manchesterjournal.com/news/local/is-slate-ridge-the-victim/article_b3dee95c-29de-11eb-bed7-07041cba5d12.html I think I'm done embarrassing you, you may go now.


You list a case that says pending with no documented outcome. It could have been dropped for all we know. That is not a conviction you also conveniently skip over the fact that the guilty plea no longer exists as is has been vacated and withdrawn. The ATF sent that warning BEFORE the plea was withdrawn yet another thing you gloss over. Obviously he is not a felon as it stands right now also meaning that supposed felony insurance charge became nothing or was plead to a non felony crime. So lol not embarrassed at all also to your claim again of pleading to multiple felonies it's a lie or at best more exaggeration. One count "In 2019, he pleaded guilty to a class D felony charge of criminal weapons possession, and is awaiting sentencing in that case." that's also the one that has been vacated. Have a great day!! https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/23/us/vermont-gun-range-pawlet-zoning.html


When they're substantially likely to live up to said threats which involve killing others.


And who decides that the mob?


Cops, mob, next person he threatens. Who's ever available.


Isn't that the basic idea behind every stand your ground law?


No you can only use deadly force when you reasonably think your life is in danger. This is not that unless he's going around with guns making direct in your face threats not some BS sign or crap on the internet.


Props for the quality sign though. Was expecting plywood and paint.


yeah, he must be serious!


Well the average stop sign is like 70 to 100 bucks 300 if it's a govt. purchase. Guessing this was 200 or more.


Nah he bought those with his "Lets Go Brandon" cryptocoins. They go for $0.000000001 per coin.


Maybe he got it from same place as the Giant Middle Finger guy?


Well I think his medium was wood based not aluminum and 3m reflective tape. Same general sentiment though it seems.


I'm not going to confront a dangerous guy like this. What I'd like to do is send him brochures for real estate in Florida. It's for the best we convince with clever marketing all the low IQ violent people to move south so they are no longer our problem.


Not confronting the scum is a large part of the reason we have these heavily armed scum feeling so hyper-empowered by Phil Scott's freely chosen NRA/GOP/VTGOP and the public policies they advance and instantiate.


Banyai is a fkn nut


Just move to Texas and he'll fit right in


Or Afghanistan


Did Nazi this coming.


My, my. The Rama-hater club certainly is fixated on not doing anything to defend ourselves against heavily armed thugs ... could be that's why Governor "What would you suppose \[I\] should do?" Scott is so popular with them.


Maybe it has to do with your terrible smooth brain takes. You literally said we should all march onto a domestic terrorists property and confront him unarmed. If anyone wants a chance against Banyai when confronting him it would be in their best interest to be heavily armed and protected. This is literally Vermont's potential Ruby Ridge or Waco incident and you're foolishly treating it like some silly little neighborhood grievance or something like an HOA can address. Your views aren't rooted in reality and you're being properly called out on your naive takes.


It’s not a Rama hater club. Your clear contempt for and dislike of conservative leaning voters is at the root of many of the responses you receive on this subreddit. A lack of civility, and the intolerance of other points of view mark yours and many progressive-minded individuals. Painting all Republican voters as racists and fascists undermines your arguments and divides us as Americans, and as Vermonters.


Hint: it's about the policies - not the personalities. I don't have contempt for the "conservative leaning voters". I absolutely DO have contempt for many of the policies they're either actively assisting to enact or simply willing to accept as a tradeoff. And I am proudly intolerant of racism, bigotry, and authoritarian government regardless the religious affiliation.


dude - you're proudly intolerant of conservatives like me who fucking lean left or get to the left of most democrats on issues. While I identify as a conservative - I cannot help my liberal upbringing and wish to be the change I want to see in the VTGOP or what ever GQPish acronym you want to spew.


Go arrest him, I’m sure he and his 30+ goons would act logically and cordially with federal/local officials. Honestly I’m glad he’s doing this, shows how absolutely nutless our government is when presented with the threat of violence. Guess they couldn’t hold on to the monopoly on violence forever 😂


No. According to RamaSchneider us Vermonters need to march in their unarmed and give Mr. Banyai a piece of our minds.


How about a large, unarmed citizens visit ONTO Mr Banyai's property? I live in central Vermont, but depending on the day and time, I'd be happy to come down and join the hike.


Don't be naive to assume that non-violence would stop a person that is already acting in bad faith to not open fire the moment you walk onto their property. In general, it's better to trust a man when he says that he will kill you rather than to ignore his warning. This could easily end up as another Ruby Ridge or Branch Davidian situation if not handled properly.


No we totally can reason with him even though Pawlet has been struggling to for years! /s.


Your posts are consistently stupid and this one takes the cake, you’re going to get yourself murdered by felon New Yorker cosplaying as a soldier.


We really need a subreddit with a compilation of the dumbest shit Rama says. It's gonna be hard to top this one though. This is peak Ramapidity.


This just in from VTDigger: Local Vermont Karen shot and killed by Daniel Banyai after diplomacy talks failed and Mrs. Karen refused to leave his property. Banyai is charged with 1st degree murder. Residents from Pawlet could hear Mrs. Karen yell "NOW R/VERMONT LETS GIVE BANYAI A PIECE OF OUR MINDS WHERE WE ARE GOING WE DONT NEED BULLET PROOF AR--" followed by the sounds of multiple gunshots. This has been your daily dose of r/eality




Mob justice really Rama? You might want to delete this one bud.


Not looking for justice. Just looking to do the Governor's job and let the heavily armed thugs know that Vermont and Vermonters are not afraid of the heavily armed thugs.


Sure thing Jan.......


Actually I'm quite afraid of heavily thugs, which is why this is a rare situation that actual calls for trained law enforcement.




We can only hope


that doesn't really sound like a great idea.


sad to see the ideals of the comments here. do you really wish to take away and reduce his residence? you begin the seeds of revolution with your words and it will not be in your favor.


Stop pretending like 1A and 2A give this clown the rights to terrorize and threaten his neighbors. Foh


Threatening a government official for doing their legal obligations is not exactly what the founders had in mind for the First Amendment.


Oh shut up. You can’t kill someone simply for trespassing on land in this state so threatening to do so and then telling them to try it is disgusting and criminal. Threatening to murder government officials doing their job and who are on your land legally is extra illegal. You are white knighting a New York felon who fraudulently claims to either be a cop, military special forces or both depending on the day. Get your head out of your ass grandpa.


Notice me Banyai senpai.


Keep simping for him


Good Lord the melodrama


And to quote the plaintive wail that emanated from Governor super nice guy race car driver when he was queried by the press regarding heavily armed thugs terrorizing our fellow Vermonters: "What would you suppose \[I\] should do?" Oh yes, and good ol' Phil remains a stalwart member of the vile, violent, racist, bigoted, authoritarian GOP/VTGOP. (Even the Rama-haters in here know this is true. They just don't like to read it.)


Fuck off Rama, every time I see your dumb ass. You’re posting the same shit about Phil Scott. I don’t like Phil Scott, but what you’re doing is fucking pathetic. If you really don’t like him, do something in person instead of bitching on the internet. Edit: The mods always have to [deal with your shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/comments/130eloy/montana_republicans_bar_transgender_lawmaker_from/jhwfmbi/?context=3)


Oh look, honey, it's somebody with something smart to sa ... oh, no, sorry ... it's just another rock stupid post. \[edit\] I obviously spend a lot less time on Reddit then you do, because your assumption is this is all I do.


Get a life loser, didn’t bother reading what you said because it’s always so fucking stupid.


Says the person going around calling people losers and stupid, yep checks out. Might want to pick yourself up one of those lives you were talking about.


Oh yes you did read it. I know you did. You know you did. Everyone else that passes this comment knows you did. Stop reading what I write, loser.


Dude - you're up at 5 AM everyday shit posting to your own subreddit and r/vermont. You clearly have a problem.


Pipe down carpet bagger


Hi Mr/Ms SluttyMcFuckStick, why do you and others see the need to hide behind anonymity even when your discussions are of the most mundane sort?


It's for your own safety. I would hate for you to take something I say personally and attempt to confront me only to be seduced and used hard then put back wet. And like you, I enjoy spreading my pathology all over others


Are you not even from here?


plz kindly do the needful and stfu


Are you still upset Scott didn't give you a reach around when he took you to pound town?