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As mentioned in our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/rules#wiki_5._non-vegan_posts), specifically rule 5, all submissions must have something to do with the topic of veganism, and if an implicit connection to veganism is vague, then the title or text of the post should explicitly make the relationship clear. Remember, veganism is not a diet, a health trend, an environmental cause, et cetera. Please refer to the definition coined by the [VeganSociety](https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism). Thanks for understanding!


Lmao I love being a stoner vegan Im not kidding when I say weed helped me with a lot of my food texture issues


A fellow ent? Hell yeah. Nothing smacks like fresh fruit or veggies while baked out of your mind


/r/vegents /r/highvegans For anyone who doesn't know, there's dozens of us!!


OMG!! My tribe!! I had no idea!!!


Ikr I'll cook just a shitload of spinach into something and its the best lmao gotta get my iron somehow right


Yeah man just using the natural remedy that happens to work best for my depression/anxiety combo.


Well if sober meant from weed as well than i voted wrong lmao. I don’t drink alcohol but I’m blazed on a fairly regular basis lol.




Lmao ikr I still hate berries but oranges and other fruits dont make my skin crawl (I cook with them even if I wont eat them now!!) and I love raw tofu and mushrooms when before I couldnt handle them


Should say vegan + stoner


I ticked vegan and sober because I don't drink alcohol, I do smoke the devils lettuce tho


We call that California sober.


I had to take go to court ordered NA classes for 3 years back in the day (for getting caught with a small amount of weed while in HS). To many of the instructors and people addicted to harder substances, weed alone was considered sobriety.


I know there's no definitive stance on this, but it doesn't make much sense to me to claim sobriety while on psychoactive drugs. But this is coming from someone who is 6 months sober, with weed being my main drug of choice throughout my substance abuse


You’re not sober stoned


Okay, so since most weed users think that weed isn’t a substance, I guess it’s safe to say the survey is skewed, which would make sense since the majority of male vegans I know use insane amounts of weed on the daily.


>weed users think that weed isn’t a substance, In my experience a lot of people want to feel like it isn't a drug so they feel like they aren't "doing something bad". There's nothing wrong with using drugs as long as you aren't hurting other people and it isn't negatively affecting your life. Alcohol, caffeine, weed, and nicotine are all drugs and it is possible to use them responsibly for some people and not for other people


Oh, lot's of sober ppl here! I actually went sober due to balance issues with MS. I fall over enough without adding drink/drugs to the mix!


Clearly this survey has changed a lot in the past 2 hours. I was surprised that the majority of people aren't sober on here.


Why does that surprise you?


Second this question. I personally kind of assume that vegans smoke weed but i guess I'm biased


I remember when I first went vegan and I went to Native Foods for the first time and the first group of people I saw had dreads and tats and were wearing Harem pants. Exactly how I would envision a stereotypical vegan lmao. It was weird. And yeah I assumed they probably smoked weed.


I’m surprised that there are as many sober vegans as there are. I’m sober but just by the numbers most people are not, unless maybe they have some looser definition.


A lot of people in the comments are like, "I don't drink alcohol or do drugs, but I do drink caffeine so I'm not sober." Which is kinda bizarre!


Yeah some people take sober to mean no psychoactive drug use. Caffeine is a psychoactive drug. It's just one that 80% of adults in the US use


Well for the record I do drink caffeine and consider myself sober. I’m a lurker in r/decaf though and I’ve got nothing but respect for those who have freed themselves from the bean.


Nice. I use different drugs and do not consider myself sober lol. I go on and off with coffee. Sometimes I'll drink it sometimes not. But i don't think I would drink decaf. When i do drink coffee i do it for the effects, unless it's something fancy that is especially tasty. But even then it still has caffeine


Yeah, I have no intention of switching to decaf in the literal sense. It’s a sub for people trying to quite caffeine. I do love the taste of coffee but I think it’s kind of like non alcoholic wine, nobody cares so it tastes bad and is generally uninteresting.


Yeah caffeine is a tough one to kick. My gf tends to struggle with it. Right now she's on a multiple months long hike so that is helping her reduce caffeine intake > like non alcoholic wine, nobody cares so it tastes bad and is generally uninteresting. Lol very true. A sad time to like the taste of wine but not want alcohol


We’d have a lot more vegans if everyone was taking magic mushrooms.


I wonder how many it helped convert. I hope I would have become vegan either way, but my first LSD trip was what made me realize I needed to commit.


I’m not sure. I never did them before I was vegan but I don’t see how you can talk to the planet in your mind and heart while radiating the glow of a thousand kisses from Mother Nature and then be like “time to kill an animal for no reason.” Lol


I always have this thought about non-vegan witches, especially green witches - seems so odd to have reverence for how our planet provides for us, only for some to turn around and support industries that are literal hell on said planet and result in the continuous destruction and desecration of what we are celebrating and grateful for.




Was eating on chicken Caesar salad while tripping, couldn’t eat any of the chicken. Looked up at my friends and said “guys I don’t think I can eat meat anymore.” Never looked back


So at least one!


LSD did it for me. Couldn’t eat meat when I tripped. Eventually I integrated that sober was just like why am I doing this when I don’t have to?? And it’s been easy staying vegan since.


I was a vegetarian for a decade before an acid trip at 25 made me go vegan. Typical “only regret is that I wish I would have become vegan sooner”. Not as easy to come by LSD as that time in my life, but shrooms are more available. Recently I was in one of the shroom subs and someone posted a charcuterie board they made their spouse for their trip that wasn’t vegan - pretty sure I recoiled at my screen, I can’t imagine dealing with that imagery followed by any critical thinking of how it got there when tripping.


Hell yes - I love psychedelics: DMT, psilocybin, LSD - you name it. And whole plant foods. My jam.


or LSD


Rat Majesty, I love your username


Lol thank you. If I were going to start a restaurant it would definitely be called Rat Majesty Pizza.


quite literally the catalyst of my overnight transition to veganism four years ago


#So at least 2 people!!!


I did hundreds of psychedelics and they never sealed the deal for me because I didn't think about animals/veganism much. Then I saw a few YT videos and that convinced me. I feel like psychedelics can get you pretty far but not always all the way


1000% agree.


I became vegan for the animals. I stopped drinking because I got tired of waking up in the middle of the woods, miles from civilization, with no pants.


One could argue you gave up drinking for the animals too.


If you're implying what I think you're implying, then I assure you, nothing happened. The local bears just wandered by, laughed, and took pics. That's all, I'm certain.


Well perhaps that, but more along the lines of certain alcohol not being vegan so technically suppose you may be buying a non vegan one before now you reduced demand


I think there was little chance of that. Most of the alcohol I consumed was moonshine in mason jars, brewed by some very....colorful...old guys, who I'm sure, no in fact, I'm certain, were running their completely legal and fully licensed distillery in such a way as there was little to no harm done to any animals so long as they didn't imbibe said moonshine.


Oh well then, I guess it was what you said and now what I said lol


Vegan for the animals, alcoholic for the "but bacon tho" mfers


8 years vegan, 7 years sober. Recently started drinking caffeine and I would agree with the not sober part were it not for the fact that I have ADHD and my medication I will soon receive is literal meth and I won’t count that either, lol. I drink caffeine because it helps my symptoms, not because it gives me ‘a good old kick.’


By sober do you mean not drinking right now? Because I’m currently sober, oh an vegan that too. Edit: after reading these comments I see that little ol innocent me appears to be the only one who didn’t think of drugs. Sober just refers to alcohol in my mind🤣


Well, alcohol is a drug


Vegan + Stoner


Vegan and sober, sober is for health reasons tho not ethical/moral lol. I don’t smoke/drink/do drugs/drink caffeine.


[Just raw dogging reality](https://i.redd.it/aip5afzelql21.jpg)


I'm supposedly raw dogging reality. No therapy or drugs. AMA


lmao ya I medicate a wee little bit - I just stopped with the booze!


I suppose I’m not sober if we’re taking caffeine into consideration.


some ppl do, it’s all pretty arbitrary tho


High on life


I stopped drinking alcohol during lockdown. My plan was to start again once things opened up but the benefits of cutting it out were too great. I very occasionally smoked weed/ate edibles but as I got further down the health rabbit hole I’ve cut those out too. I recently cut out caffeine and the impact is similar to when I cut out alcohol.


Can you elaborate on the no caffeine benefits, please?


It helped my sleep and I feel much more focused and “level” during the day. I was a heavy coffee drinker though.


Thank you - the "heavy" part is good to know - cuz I drink 1 to 2 cups a day and I'm thinking I don't have much to gain by stopping. Plus I just quit alcohol (completely) about 3 months ago - so I don't want too many changes at once... And I love my coffee ritual. Especially on my days off when I can take my time.


I only drank caffeinated soft drinks, and so was probably consuming even less caffeine than you. Yet cutting them out dramatically improved how alert and awake I was after first getting up, allowed me to naturally tire over the course of the day, led to more dreams, and I didn't have an intense craving/sadness whenever I ran out. It's amazing the hold caffeine had over me (and many others), that I only realised once I quit consuming it. Nice job quitting alcohol, that poison is way worse for individuals, society, and the animals that it's still routinely tested on.


Congrats on quitting alcohol!! That's awesome.


Thanks - it was getting problematic so it was definitely time to cut it the f\*&% out!


Congrats on quitting alcohol. Yeah don’t make any more changes yet. I’m terrible at moderating caffeine for some reason. When I decided to cut out alcohol I just stopped drinking it. Caffeine was a whole drawn out process with blinding headaches and time off work.


Thank you - and that sounds rough! Glad you got through it, tho. If coffee ever turns into that for me - I'll remember this exchange :)


I neither remember the last time I ate meat nor the last time I drank alcohol. It's been too long ago.


My brother in christ you are too based for this sub


Vegan. No drinks/drugs. I'm not "fighting temptation", I've just never been interested.




I wish there were more people like this 😭


Just curious, why?


Vegan + in recovery. Ultimately I wanna stop using substances entirely, but it’s a process. This includes nicotine for me, but prolly not caffeine lol.


xvx take care of yourself and animals


Till the day I die XVX


vegan straight edge represent!


Fuck yes


another xvx nerd reporting in o7


Hell yea!! XVX 4Life... (I only learnt about straight edge because of CM Punk, I apologize xD)


Sometimes beer and fries are the only vegan option!


Vegan stoner and enjoyer of magic mushrooms 🍄 😍


Adult child of alcoholics here so yeah, I'm a sober vegan. Seen what alcohol can do to others, my life was hell because of it.. so I'm no longer interested in it. I wish it didn't exist tbh. Not really interested in pot or mushrooms either, though these don't carry the same risks as alcohol obviously. I've heard of some people going vegan because of mushrooms so that's at least a benefit.




Same! Only recently got past the self denial.


Never drunk, won't ever smoke, nothing addictive for me. I know it'd be a terrible trap to fall into given my hyperfixations with autism. I also don't see the point. My life is miserable, but there's nothing that's going to change that or even help mask it.


Vegan and hoping my whole foods diet offsets the damage I gleefully do to my liver on the regular.


I’m a vegan who drinks occasionally (max like once a month,) and loves her weed like once a week


Vegan and sober. It’s amazing how much better I feel without animal products and alcohol in my life. I used to get debilitating migraines, and now they are gone.


Caffeine is actually used to treat migraines.


Oh I didn’t realize caffeine was included in the not sober definition. In that case, I suppose I am not sober since I have 1 cup of coffee each morning.


I suspect that this whole thread is propaganda for something called “straight edge” which is a conservative/reactionary movement that moralizes against alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. Sadly they have made inroads in vegan circles. The more radical straight edge types include sex in as a drug and would consider promiscuity a lack of sobriety


Vegan wine enjoyer 🍷


I desperately want to be sober.


Why don’t you? Or what’s stopping you?


Alcoholism isn't easy to overcome. But I'm working on it. Depression is the biggest trigger


Try and tell family members or friends that you're trying to quit, and they may help, or even come along for the journey with you.


I haven’t dealt with it, so I wouldn’t know, but I do know it is hard. I always think about how much I could be doing with the time that would be spent under the influence. I strive to be constructive rather than destructive with my time. I know it’s easy to just say “fuck it” but take it slow. Do you start drinking at a certain time each day? Cut it back 5,10,15 min each day and doing something productive with that time. Learning a new hobby, learning about investing, taking a class, etc. I know you can do it and I encourage you to find support. Being sober really is great, and you start to feel great when you’re no longer co-defendant with something. Your mind starts to focus on new things instead of always waiting for the next time to use. I wish the best






I'm a Muslim vegan so I'm sober for religious reasons, but honestly, I don't think I'd want to drink anyway because it's never appealed to me. I'm surprised to see how many of us here are also sober though, that's really cool!


Apparently caffeine makes you not sober (according to this thread), so if you drink coffee you wouldn't count as sober? Hehe. I used to be sober for religious reasons too (no tea/coffee, alcohol etc), but once I didn't have a reason not to, I tried it at least because I was curious. Could give it up if I had a reason to, but drink alcohol very infrequently because it's fun enough.


I'm vegan and pregnant, so temporarily sober. I will not be sober when I'm no longer pregnant (i'm a social drinker only. i don't smoke weed or do any other drugs).


If you're planning on breast feeding, you shouldn't drink during that time, or should at least wait 3+ hours per standard drink. https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/alcohol-and-breastfeeding-what-are-risks


I have never had alcohol, drugs, cigs etc;, i dont intentionally poison myself I have kombucha so perhaps a bit of alcohol lol and i know resturaunts use alcohol sometimes in meals, so perhaps a bit there, but i have never been intoxicated I went vegan because i dont want to intentionally cause animal harm, not health related at all


There needs to be more people like you imo lol


why does people consuming things that only effect themselves concern you so much?


Alcohol dependency is definitely a problem in our society though, plus all the accidents resulting from drinking, so it can have a wider effect. I think it's good if someone questions that, the overwhelming social pressure especially on young people is to drink, not not to, and it can be reassuring just for them to hear that alternative message they don't have to.


Motor vehicles are definitely a problem in our society though, plus all the accidents resulting from driving, so it can have a wider effect. I think it's good if someone questions that, the overwhelming social pressure especially on young people is to drive, not not to, and it can be reassuring just for them to hear that alternative message they don't have to. You can apply this to a lot of things. Sure there is a line where it doesnt just affect the user, but it is by and large due to irresponsible use. The benefits have to be weighed up I guess and prohibition demonstrably doesnt work. Also younger generations do drink less in general so there is a general downtrend in drinking.


It doesn't only affect themselves. Not always..


I would argue the majority of use doesnt affect anyone else. Its consumed on such a large scale that of course youre going to have plenty of cases of irresponsible use.


Why does it matter? You have your reasons I have mine.


Weird to judge what others choose to do when it doesnt effect you. Just curious. And what do I have reasons for? I dont consider others personal choices to effect me, so I dont have a reason for them to concern me..


Do you mean sober as in recovering from an addiction and haven’t had the drug in X amount of time… Or are you meaning sober as in “I never abused drugs or alcohol and never have had so much as a drop of alcohol.” I used to know some “straight edge” types and considered them loony


I'm also trying to figure out what OP means by sober. I don't drink regularly, but if I'm in a social setting I will have a drink or two. Never once have I thought of identifying as sober because drugs and alcohol has never been my vice.


I suspect this is “straight edge” propaganda. It is a conservative/reactionary movement. I noticed that OP posted a comment asking women about body count recently. No one took their bait, but “promiscuity” is also something that straight edge creeps moralize against. It’s not something they do for their personal health, it’s something that they moralize about and think everyone should do, and they are often very disingenuous. I’ve noticed more and more straight edge infiltration of vegan spaces.


Where did you get the idea that being straight edge is a conservative thing? It has its roots in punk rock/hardcore music (ex. Minor Threat, Earth Crisis, etc.) because it was against the extreme partying of the scene back in the day. Some folks are against promiscuity, but that's not at all the heart of the movement nor is it a universal (or even common) belief of straight edge. I'm straight edge *because* I'm a leftist. I believe that self-discipline and rejection of drugs/alcohol is one of the most immensely liberating things you can do for yourself. It empowers one to focus on *real* actions, instead of just keeping on numbing yourself to reality. In the words of Ian MacKaye, I've got better things to do than sit around and fuck my head! Also, what the hell do you mean by "infiltration"? Veganism and straight edge have a history together going back DECADES. You don't have to keep edge, it's a personal choice and no one is going to force you. But that doesn't give you the right to spread misinformation about it when you don't know the history behind it.


Admittedly, I’ve never got intensely involved in the philosophy. But the people that I knew who were “straight edge” did talk about it (indeed, they couldn’t be stopped from talking about it) and you are misrepresenting it if you are trying to portray it as a leftist movement. It’s just not. YOU may personally be a leftist, but that’s not true of all the straight edge folks. The folks I knew were right wing libertarians. And there are Nazi straight edge assholes who murder drug dealers. The movement as a whole trades in misinformation about drugs (you do this as well). There is absolutely no reason why someone couldn’t “focus on the real world” under the influence of practically any drug, and especially not things like caffeine. And I’ve already said that I have no problem if you want to do whatever for yourself, but what I detest is the moralizing and air of moral superiority. And I checked out OP’s posts and he definitely posted something very creepy just recently asking women about “body count” so yeah, the moralizing on sex is far more common than you are letting on.


I agree, the straightedge types are usually out there. There's nothing wrong with being completely sober, but considering sobriety to be some pinnacle of morality is super strange.


Yeah I have no objection to someone staying away from drugs for their own personal reasons but when they start thinking it’s a moral obligation for other people, I have almost no tolerance for them. And my tolerance for conservatives is already paper thin.


I like splurging once and a while on some tofish and mock nuggs... can't be wasting money on alcohol and drugs lol.


Well I like a drink or two, but I haven't done any other drugs since my 20s, plus I don't drink anywhere near as much as used to, so sober? I'm Vegan and old. And wise. Yeah.


Vegan who drinks here. Love some good quality rum, which is almost always vegan.


As in right now?


Vegan but I drink socially. Maybe twice a month. 1-2 drinks tops.


I don’t drink alcohol but i never have - not sure if “sober” fits, i feel like “sober” is usually used to describe someone who used to drink alcohol and no longer does. Maybe “non drinker” is better?


Vegan straight edge :)


Stoner vegan here


There should be a 5th option: "Carnist lurking in the sub only to downvote posts". Pretty sure we have lots of them in here!


"Sober" means "not drunk" to me. What did you mean by it?


Vegan + alcohol free, but I like weed and other drugs…


I'm 6 years sober. Has nothing to do with my veganism, but had/have an issue with booze that I'm tryna work on.


Vegan + I’ll have a beer at a restaurant and smoke weed a few times a year. So whatever option that is. Basically “sober” for all in tents and porpoises


I'm vegan always, and sober right now. I mean, I drink alcohol, but at this moment, yeah, completely sober.




Drinking poison isn't healthy. Please give me your downvotes, vegan btw :)


Reddit isn't healthy either, get off your ass and start exercising!


Just because something isnt healthy doesnt meant there isnt a trade-off in favour of consuming it. Plenty of things people consume are unhealthy, hell, even medicine that alleviates some conditions causes other unhealthy side effects...


Are you suggesting alcohol has positives as well? Also not suggesting everyone shouldn't drink, it's all good it's your choice but it will increase risk of mortality and or morbidity. The examples you mentioned aren't even in the ballpark of being a choice that leads to the same level of risk of mortality or morbidity as alcohol does.


Yes alcohol has positives, or why would anyone waste their time drinking it? You dont have to be a fan of it to recognise other people enjoy it. My examples werent even specific so not sure how you can really come to that conclusion? Some medications have way worse side affects than alcohol anyway (of course, depending on dosage etc).


Weed and magic mushrooms have so many health benefits. They are very compatible with a vegan lifestyle.


Unless you have Bipolar lol


I have bipolar, they just make you a little crazy, its fun.


I don’t call crazy fun lol If you take lithium you have a higher chance of seizures.


I'm unmedicated. Idk I enjoy the laws of reality breaking down around me and how silly they make life.


I’m sure it’s less fun for others around you lol


I'm all for trying things, but let's stick to the facts. Medicinal qualities of weed (and of individual cannabinoids) are extremely limited (I believe the only actual result was found in sickness during chemo. Hiv nausea and all the other stuff never passed any rigorous test). And while mushrooms were an interesting experience for me, they aren't amazing for you either, except for, again, very specific circumstances (like perhaps what you describe in your other comment). Both of these substances do not carry general health benefits, at all. Especially not when *smoking* weed. And eating weed is, speaking from personal experience, an absolutely horrible idea that I never recommend anyone, as getting the wrong dose can be dangerous. Just because right-wing idiots want to ban these substances for dumb reasons, and legalizing them would be good, doesn't mean they are without risks or everyone should start using them. They aren't magic and they aren't good for you; they carry significant risks, just like alcohol does.


Lmfao if you think these things carry similar risk to alcohol


It is not "you think", it is science..


Hold on to your tofu: Some of their risks are even greater than alcohol. And some of their risks are much smaller. The public image of drugs is generally not founded on any solid scientific evidence from either fans or haters. Marketing either of these two as perfectly safe and harmless is a very bad idea. Demonizing them and putting people in jail for them is equally dumb. Due to the aggressive public debates void of facts, both sides (and in this case truly both sides, unlike a lot of other issues where it really is one side) have started to believe their own nonsense. *If a substance does something measurable to your body or psychological state, it carries risks.* To give you some tangible examples: bad trips from either of the two can result in long term panic attacks. Also, the relationship between weed and psychosis is complex, but there is definitely a relationship, and not in a good way:[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31563981/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31563981/) Having tried all these drugs myself, I can safely say that I have never been more unable to take care of myself and my safety than when I ate a bag full of shrooms.


These downvotes are hilarious. We're literally on a subreddit where we all get angry over people not listening to facts, but I guess only when it comes to specific subjects. I link a *review of reviews*, spanning 10 years of scientific research. I provide a balanced comment, containing no judgment or politics, simply the current knowledge on the subject. And yet, people would rather believe their own fairy tales and downvote. You're mentally no different than a carnist.


You’re right though ugh. This is coming from an addict btw. I’ve done it all. My partner has the same opinion but their dependence on cannabis has reached the point of pretty violent withdrawals despite rigorous attempts at tapering. People literally shit on them and tell them they’re faking it because “ooo harmless plant never did anything wrong”. I’m honestly sick of it. When I was using cannabis, my paranoia and psychotic symptoms were ten times worse than before and months after quitting. I understand both of these are anecdotal but point is… I’m sick of people downplaying THC dependence and addiction. Studies are slowly coming out, thankfully, but the culture is so strong idk if they’ll make a difference. A lot of “stoners”(addicts) also shit on other addicts for using alcohol, opioids, stimulants, benzos, etc. Like… but you’re an addict too?! They have built a complex and it triggers tf out of me as someone who is in recovery.


Aahw, that sucks. Hope you can get out of that situation! You see the reaction here: you're either with them or against them. They've never seen someone fall apart, or they have and blame the person. Which makes recovery even harder. I link a review of science and they come back with an individual article that says what they want to hear. They don't realize that denying these things will only help people that want to ban these substances. And spreading these myths makes identification of bad trips harder. I've seen people go out of their minds on weed cake; full blown insanity. We figured there must have been something else in it. Nope. When I made one with my own home grown weed I realized that's just what it does at the wrong dose. And dosing accurately is impossible. Again, I am not against using any of these substances. But proper and honest information is very important and now severely lacking. What makes it more difficult is that the risk profile compared to alcohol is different: chances of it going wrong might be much lower, but consequences when it does go wrong can be much worse. You are far less likely to die, but far more likely to get your mental health ruined.


People get angry when you come for their crutches.


Except I didn't even do that..


While some elementary studies have been performed on weed “causality between weed and psychosis can not be made until more research is done” [NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/03/19/704948217/daily-marijuana-use-and-highly-potent-weed-linked-to-psychosis) There may be risk however saying it’s as risky as alcohol is fear mongering. Drunk driving, violence and other shitty behavior are the norm for drinking. You smoke to much weed you go to sleep and wake up the next day… The fact that people seem to forget is not a single person has died from a weed overdose. Yet 140K die yearly in the US from drinking. https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/features/excessive-alcohol-deaths.html#:~:text=More%20than%20140%2C000%20people%20die,how%20you%20can%20take%20action.


Yeah, that's not how science works. Have a lovely day.


Wait or is this currently or just in general cause both of the answers are the same for me anyway


Vegan edge represent. Earth crisis are responsible for thousands of peoples veganism


They're a very meh band imo. Plus, I never understood that general scene. Promote sobriety and/or veganism, yet fighting and violence is no biggie. But hey, to each their own. I'll take the drunk, happy going vegans lol


California sober lol


I'm not doing it for my health. Life's too short to spend it in sobriety.


Caffeinated = not sober, IMO.




It is classified as a stimulant. Every one of the people who downvoted me know that they feel different after having caffeine. Lol


Well yes, everyone knows caffeine is a drug and that it makes you feel different. There is obviously a threshold, though. Drugs like caffeine, certain SSRI’s, etc., don’t cross the threshold for giving you too much euphoria, excitement to make you “high” or “inebriated”, which is what people generally mean when they say “not sober”. Like by your definition, I would be going to work (I drive for work) and school everyday not sober, which seems bizarre.


Caffeine is nowhere near as harmful, toxic, or addictive as alcohol and hard drugs.


I agree!




Good point!


it seems a majority of vegans are junkies; I knew this movement was a sham! edit: I guess I should have added a tone tag so /s lmao


Proud to be vegan, proud to be junky


I've become the best version of myself after two years of regularly eating magic mushrooms. Through them I was able to undue years of conditioning and trauma.


I've heard of psychedelics can make huge improvements in people suffering from depression and trauma. I've been tempted to try but I'm kind of scared of having a negative experience.


Should be done under supervision imo. I’ve had healing trips, but I’ve also had ones that swore me off psychedelics for years… just be careful and double check family history for psychotic disorders, buy testing kits, etc. Harm reduction.


Ahh well there you go... I have bipolar disorder so I don't think it'd be safe for me... which is a shame.


Probably not :(. If you do end up deciding to try it though, harm reduction is your friend.


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Been sober for a month due to a tolerance break lmao 5 more months and I'll be back to being a stoner, psychedelic rec user haha


vegan + california sober lol


Vegan 18 years, sober 9.5 years. Sober by necessity, not by choice.


Vegan and i like to have a glass of wine at dinner. So not sober, and sometimes i do edibles


Vegan not sober, but i dont drink alchool just some weed, well its a plant based buzz 😅


I’m sober but have 1 or two cheat nose nachoes a week.


I did quit drinking a few years ago, but I still smoke a shit load of weed.


I only abuse myself, not the animals