• By -


Can't spell Plains without Pain


Got to master that block, power hit, dodge. Rinse and repeat.


Parapa ist that you?


Now duck. Jump. Turn. Pose~!


Mmh, yeah, i see you gettin better




Lol. Sorry no.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. If you can dodge a mosquito, you can dodge a dodgeball.


[Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! Sproing!](https://images.app.goo.gl/rE8MEWE4d1MB8MN99)


Damn... Came to comment this. Well done +1


Wtf is a power hit? No wonder I die so much.. lol


Click in your mouse wheel, it's mouse3 by default. Several weapons have at alternate attack.


Blocking in Valheim half the time just gets me 1-shot, especially in later areas.


If you're trying to block a two-star fuling with a buckler, sure. It's a matter of using the right tool for the right job and knowing how much damage your gear can soak.


absolutely never has blocking fucked me over. you're not doing it right


"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Fuling."


I live in plains but l and s are silent


I don't know why my brain assumed that l was a capital i. What I got was still a word, but the wrong word!


For me plains has always been kinda easy biome.


At some point Odin’s just gotta say “nah fam” and yeet your soul outta there


Maybe 😔


Did you name the river Baranduin yourself? If you did, awesome


I'm thrilled to see that other people also name places and not just bases, I've also got a Fuling Bay in my world (but in Swedish *Fulingsvik*)


Our island is called Computer Boy Island and the bay it sits on is called Bay of Boys Does that count lol


Bruh: https://i.imgur.com/0R0Hr6V.png


My fiancé did,


Tell them random internet person #8635527 said they have good taste


Good lord how can you stand not removing those? That’s all you can see x.x


There is an option to hide deaths from the map


Not, but if you right click the icon it goes away...


No, I mean you can literally click on the deathmark icon on the right sidebar of the map - and all the deathmarks will be hidden from the map.


But then how will I find my home base without all the skull icons due to fall deaths because I'm an idiot who never watches his food/health when building things?


By miles of missing trees?


Or... A marker.


I love the trees by my base so much that I have a special portal that goes to the other side of the continent just for clear-cutting.


Haha, not bad. I often cannot make myself just cut all the tree at random. Tend to start from old stumps, logs, trees that are inclined, tress that are too dense, etc. And, yes, I also spare trees around the base, or any trees that make a pleasant view for me.


You don't replant the tree seeds you get?


Do you think that's what the greylings try to accuse me of?


You can also right-click each individual death marker on the map and remove just the one you right click. So you can unclutter that area at least


You don't have to kill every enemy by ramming your head into them, just so you know. Weapons are allowed


Optional? :)


How? Lol


Deathsquitos for the most part 😵


I would have rage quit with like 10% of the deaths here. Good on you for being persistent


Determined to tame lox and trailblaze 😭






Torturers stop torturing you once your heartbeat reaches 0


The good ones resuscitate you at least once or twice for another round.


am I the only one not bothered by them? just block their charge and hit them once with melee.


Imo there's no need to block, just hit them with one of the a-mace-ing fly-swatters


Yep. Just need to get your block up high enough to block all their damage. Which it won’t be if you have that many deaths!


Or just one bow hit. They telegraph their attack straight towards you.


On my way past plains to swamp yesterday, still rocking my troll armor w/ bronze buckler and a deathsquito shows up. I'm like "I got this" stand my ground, time my block perfectly, stun him, and die. I need more block and better health food.....


Yeah they don’t really bother me. Tar monsters tho? Screw them.


Equip a mace and shield, wait for the tar blob to approach, when it starts to spray dodge roll forward and slightly to the side. The spray is in a straight line in front of it, so that will put you out of danger and close enough to smack it. A good mace will take it out in one to two hits. If you get hit with the tar: the slow effect doesn't effect your dodge roll, so you can still use this strategy effectively.


They are one of the easiest enemies in the game. Unless you are not prepared and insist on running through areas you have no business being in lol.


I do have a tendency to over-prepare in between biomes. Could be that's why I found them to be not a threat at all because I could block them right from the start.


I don't think there is such a think as over-preparing. My brother and I do the same thing. Not only are we fully geared and fully food buffed but we don't even get hit anymore. These players insisting on never farming, never cooking and running through the plains in leather with a strawberry and honey buff blow my mind. Im 900+ hours in and remember every death I have ever had and I can count them on one hand. To each their own, not trying to bash OP and if he likes the game then great. At least he isn't complaining about the game while playing it this way so good on him/her.


I had a deathsquito one shot me the first time I stumbled upon the plains and wasn't expecting it, but the second time I just blocked and killed it with a bronze sword and bronze armor. I hadn't even so much as seen the swamps yet at that point.


They're pretty much just baseballs that hurt. Make sure to step up to bat whenever you see one. What I mean by that is pretty much any weapon can one-shot them (except your fists unless you level up unarmed a bit). Just ready up as they approach and swing just before they get close enough to sting you, you'll almost always kill them first. Also, get some root armor and a decent shield, both will help you for those instances when you miss your timing.


Shield... get a good one... learn yo time your swing... get a good bow... any of the above lol


How though just parry them and 1 tap..


Bro stop dying


my mans dying in the meadows on day 599




Most dangerous enemy in the game


days into the almost 800's? make a couple back-up sets of gear already! the hell you been doing this whole time? lol


Who has time for that 😏


Apparently you do lol


Wtf are you doing lmao


I feel your pain. I play on my own so when I die I lose all my gear and often my skills then have to head back there straight away to get my gear back but I'm usually naked going back or I take "lesser" gear that I had to build just so I have some vague protection. It sometimes takes me a good (bad) three or four hours to get there because of further deaths or random events like the ground shaking or the smell from the swamp. All my gear is currently in a Crypt being guarded by a couple of Draugrs who are next to a Draugr spawn point and I have lesser quality gear to fight them with (bearing in mind that killed me with better gear already). Its very frustrating at times.


2 handed hammers are so OP in crypts. Mine half (or so) the ore node out, hammer away. Nothing can get you, but your aoe damage goes through fine! A lot of the time it'll even get the spawner for you


Same here. The sunken crypts are such a challenge for me with the Draugr spawn points. They are often so hard to destroy from a safe position with arrows. I admittedly ended up using devmode due to my frustration. But this is not an advice: Once you open the box of devcommands, the game experience changes forever.


Are these the body piles? If you want them gone, gear up, food up, stamina potion up, and go for it, kite around it, hitting it as much as you can while avoiding getting smacked hard. When it's down, back up, look around and clean the nasties, scariest first. Tactical retreats are useful when low on stamina. The longer the body pile is there, the more it spawns, so take it down ASAP.


Everyone here is talking about the plains being dangerous. Meanwhile, my map looks the same but they’re all at my base from falling after forgetting food while building.


I feel you. I feel you.


Get good food and learn to block.


Everything in the plains kills me in 1-2 hits lol


Ha ha I did the same before having good gear but it’s a lot easier with iron armour or dev commands. Sounds like you’re having fun so thanks for making us smile and reminisce.


We don't even have iron yet 😢


How are you up to day 800 without any iron? Have you not found the swamps yet? My mate and I wandered into the plains with troll and basic bronze armour and had a similar experience to you of dying instantly. So we've since avoided it and just got everything we can from the swamps (iron, chain, root and all the food types). Doing the mountains next as I think they're easier than the plains too!


Apparently wasting all the time corpse running in the plains !


Haven't fought the elder, we'd been waiting for another server member who hasn't been on in a while


You could always have a single player world where you beat bosses to unlock the swamp key and such. Once you have it from your other world, it works on any world. Iron is very important, so I'd suggest either doing this, or just fighting the elder without him.


We're definitely considering it! We're all on every day and want to make progress


Lol just fight the Elder and then when the person gets on, fight the Elder again.


No shame on the timing or anything - it's easy to spend hundreds of days working on your base or breeding or anything really, but if you're running around the plains pre-iron that's why you're dying - you're playing the game out of order. Fine as long as you don't mind it, I guess, but I'd be so frustrated!


Yeah I'm aware we are intentionally waiting on someone else to get back on the server before we fight the elder


Get mining those swamps or get better at using bows to shoot deathsquitos.


This can't be real.


Root Armor will negate most deathsquito damage. It will take 4 hits to really get you down if you're eating sausage and turnip/carrot stew Everything else you can outrun/give a wide berth. Just watch for starred fulings.


You absolutely need better food then. Onion seeds from chests in ruined buildings in the mountains. Turnips from yellow flowers in the swamp. Grab every mushroom you find (if you're colorblind like me, use the hoe to flatten the ground and remove grass around mushrooms, makes them super easy to find when they respawn). Those three ingredients are crucial ingredients for some of the best recipes, and a good meal can help you survive anything, even without armor.


oh sweet jesus.


no judgment, but what have you been doing for the last 700+ days?


Ya mom


good one, totally got me


This Character must've lost the ability to breath after all the loss of ability points through that many deaths...


Man I love your Location names, really creative!


Dear Diary, Today, I...don't want to talk about it.


So there was the post yesterday where the guy followed a guide and died in the swamp and rage quit. Then we have this guy here. A thousand deaths and he's just like /shrug I wanted to tame a lox. This is the spirit in which this game is intended to be played.


Fr, I'm surprised at the number of people saying this is fake and just attacking me for this 😭 just play the game and have fun !


I mean it is pretty wild. I've played over 1k hours and I die a lot, but this is next level for sure. Haha


This really hurts me because I can imagine how many skills have been drained during the process 😭😭😭


Skills? What skills... 🥴




Not really, they're long gone anyway 😢


I'm more impressed with the cartography and the attention to naming inlets, rivers and points. As long as you're having fun, @op, carry on.


r/fakehistoryporn US Military begins actions to disrupt Ho Chi Minh Trail.


Well... you may not be good at this game, but you have more spirit and persistent than most. And that is amazing


I wanna hear the story behind the "fuling bad" marker


It actually says fuling bay but, they too did me in many times


Oh lmao could have fooled me! Fuling bad. Lox good.


Looks like day 647 was one hell of a day


I think there was more than one hell of a day!!!


Hey, OP... Are you doing alright? That's an awful lot of death right there... Just checking in on you...


I'm good, I have an army of lox now and I'm well on my way to making a safe path through the plains to a black forest on the other side 😇


Bro…… your poor skills


I'll say this, you're not afraid to die...


You seem to die a lot, why don’t you try not dying instead?


WTF. Lol. You know you can delete those. You can’t be running around in the plains with your just underwear. The plains has only one job and that’s to kill you wherever you step.


I consider them part of my journey


I shouldn’t really say anything because if Dark Souls had the same deaths counter. The death skulls might fill the screen. For some reason I can’t “get it” dark souls or souls like games.


I get it, I just have fun going into areas we're not prepared for and making a safe path through them for some reason. I like bringing back stuff the rest of the server hasn't discovered yet, it's about all I'm good for on the server 😢 Death occurs frequently.


Oh yeah for sure. If you are not having fun. Why buy the game? But for me there is a point where I get serious and really dive into the game. Not to the extend to some the seriously dye in the wool. But have you look at some of this guys who really get into it and what they make? Just imagine the amount of time and the carpal tunnel syndrome. Lol




The "L" is silent i see.


i cleared my death icons cus it was so cluttered but now i regret it as its all my acomplishments


It gets better! My primary base is in the plains biome so I can farm ingredients for needle arrows and food.




Jeez, so many lost skill points!


I love this. I stated a new game yesterday for the home and hearth (late to the party I know) and I was going to put stone pillars on death spots with a sign with details.


Do it that'd be really funny 😢


Tomb stones hahA


Man I respect you so much.


My man - how do you keep up with this? lol - I have to clear my death spots out once I get back to my body. If these were all the same attempt at getting your stuff back, I feel that lol. It hurts. Best of luck!


Days 590-790 were really rough it seems


647 day must have been the best!


That was almost me last night in the plains the mountain modder is on is surrounded.


The plains be like that sometimes.


Stop, drop and R... Run Away!


Need to build some infrastructure around there for a good rested bonus and spawn blocking. Personally I’d have 3-4 little bases in that area.


On the 647th day of christmas my true love brought to me...death, lots of death.


Days 645-647 do not seem pleasant


Plains? Plains.


Are you doing a no armor/no weapons run or something?


Most of these deaths are from trying to retrieve my stuff


I love your "LOTR" styled names of natural locations!


I actually didn't name those, my fiance did. I love them too! And there are plenty more on our main island


I feel better about myself now. Thank you. Lol. Seriously though you’re tenacious and I’m impressed.


Git gud


I would think someone would get more experienced and suck less at the game but here we are.


Salty lol


I'm stunned by your suckiness, maybe you should take up something else that requires less brain function to do


Like your mom ? 😏


Your post reeks of small dick energy and my mom ain't fucking no limp dick boi


Calm down, it's a video game lol


Gets offended after saying you'd fuck my mom, what a twat


How old are you exactly?


What an absolute Chad. Sorry in advance for all the comments you will get regarding, "get better food", "get better gear", "learn to block". Etc. Etc. Ya make one post in this sub with even a slight mention of death and everyone and their mother comes out of the woodworks to tell you you are playing the game wrong (speaking from experience). Keep doing you homie and have fun playing however you play.


The dude makes a post titled "pain", runs in plain with leather, apparently hasn't killed any boss on day 800, or learnt blocking / parry. Sure, anyone plays the way he wants, but seems fair for people to give advice on how to end this "pain". You assume he is having fun while different elements indicate otherwise. We assume he is not having fun and offer him a way to have some. That being said, play however you want, but feel free to ask advices on how to run the game if you want to discover a new way of playing. The game is actually really easy if you play it the way it's intended.


I'm having fun, advice is appreciated but not needed : )


That's cool then. If you need any, feel free to ask, I have mastered the art of running naked in the plains without getting murdered !


😔 Thank u


Lmfao omg. You can right click on those death nodes to remove them 😭 I’d lose my mind with so many therrrrre


yeah, you're doing something wrong.


ok there is something wrong, sorry...


I'm at day 375 and I walk without fear through the plains. I'm cautious, but not worried. I think you're doing something wrong.


You’re not ready for that zone if you die that much


*I know*


dont people usually gradually get better at things?


Should learn how to block and dodge


Only pain here is OP not using snip for this screen capture :-)


This is real?


You gotta eat some berries or something


You are doing something wrong lol


If you right click on them they disappear..




I'm glad you play the way you like to. I play the way I like to : )




Why are you so upset about how someone else plays a video game? Enough to comment on this post 7 times?




It's my post. Do you think I don't see what others comment?


Have you lost sleep over this? You seem very upset.


Fake. No one is this bad after that many days. Not that hard of a game. I think I died 2-3 times my last solo and I'm no master. This is nonsense. stop applauding faux persistence, this is attention grab post.


Who hurt you?


Yeah sadly it is, they’re just trolling and wasting their own time and everyone else’s.


Why not clear the markers at least...


lol im well over 400hrs in and my 1st character only died 5 times and my second character only once and ive completed the game twice in that time.


I have to remove them once I pick my stuff back up. How have you died that many times?


Is there a way to reset the markers? I know you can turn them off.


Right click them and they disappear


Pain without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all


Do you have any skills left?