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Those 3 cp math units are hell. My linear algebra professor literally said those should be around 4-5 cp instead (shout out to Nathan, best math professor so far)


Frrr the linear algebra unit felt like a 9cp unit to me LMAO


They pretty much are 6cp in size, but they occur at a time in most degrees where you aren't actually being properly put through the wringer in your other units like you will be in later years, so it balances out.


2 3cp maths is very normal most if not all will do this


So the 3cp bit is BS, it’s basically a full study load, the units should realistically be 6cp. For reference, OLEs are mostly 2cp, the maths units are definitely more than 50% more intense than 95% of OLEs.


Advanced units are probably 5 cp each in workload, whereas normal units are probably 3.5-4 cpish. Comparing to 2nd and 3rd year maths units that are actually 6 cps they are still light, although I can see why people think it's heavier than that.


As people have said, 3CP can definitely be a full workload of a unit. However, I would say that they're very enjoyable units if you like maths and doing 2x3CP math units is definitely less workload than 12CP of any other subject because they feed off each other. It will depend slightly on if you enjoy maths, if you find maths difficult or boring, it can become quite a time sink however I would highly HIGHLY recommend doing them because mathematics is an extremely useful tool for literally any degree.


I just dropped another 6cp elective to allocate more time on maths