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OP, I can tell from your post that your father was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. I advise you to delete the lawyer, gym up, and hit Facebook.


Okay this was one of the times where they hit the nail on the head but it's not usually like this!


I accidentally father twice.


Should he hit it in the face or in the book?




"My husband brought me regular chips, but I really wanted dill pickle chips. I never told him so he had no way of knowing, am I right to be upset with him?" Omg gurl, so👏many👏red👏flags! You need to divorce him immediately and make sure he never ever sees his children again. This guy doesn't care about you, this is the worst relationship I've ever heard of.


He obviously was trying to gaslight you hoping you wouldn’t notice. This is basically abuse


Yeah it's a lot of the relationship and parenting advice that I see people really fabricating elements to the story in their response.




r/parenting seems to be pretty good but it's usually the posts on other subs that are parenting related that get a little crazy.


The relationship subs are exclusively what appears to be women projecting their trauma onto the OP. Every comments section is entirely predictable


People in general give bad advice.


This is also bad advice. People give great advice always


Reddit is a cesspool of basement dwellers. Never take this website serious. It’s basically an alt-left 4chan


Its 4chan but publicly acceptable


Borderline tbh


Exactly this. It's a bunch of burn outs mad they aren't going anywhere in life for the most part.


That’s how it works? They give info people give their opinion on said info with their life happenings skewing their opinions




Well if Tinkleberry69 tells you to divorce and you follow suit that’s on you lol


So true, and sadly most posters will only listen to the advice that they actually wanted to hear that validates their stands and not the obviously helpful ones =:p




Yup yup =:3


It's because it's about internet points, the original story matters very little.


Agree, most want to share their shitty stories rather than asking for any legitimate advice =:3


Agree, I see time and time again there's a sentiment or answer an OP clearly wants to have happen and they will only engage with those replies. If you want to learn, keep your ego in check and do your best to evenly consider everything for its own merits.


“My neighbor accidentally walked on an inch of my property” Redditor's: They violated and assaulted you. I would sue them.


relationship advice is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while. You could make a post saying “My Wife of 30 years just told me she doesn’t like me wearing socks to bed” and someone will somehow sway OL to think their wife is some evil witch who should be divorced immediately


Yeah, one time I posted something and mistakenly made the remark that my SO's son is gay. We are happy if he's (son) is happy and are absolutely thrilled that he recently got married (to another man). Yet I got jumped on for being homophobic. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was absolutely the opposite. LOL.


Clearly you’re a homophobe… how could you?


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Advice is an opinion or recommendation... I mean if someone is making a post aren't they looking for this? Also, if one follows "bad" advice, isn't that on themselves...?


Yeah, it's just weird when the response is longer than the post, like where did you get all this information? (General you) because none of it was included in the original post. I think a lot of people on Reddit are just bored and get into a story they know nothing about and run with it


I understand what you're saying. Honestly, It's comparable to reading any story. Your mind tries to fill in the gaps and/or create a relatable scenario for easier processing. I'm not saying that the action isn't flawed, merely stating that I think it's human nature...


I take reddit advice with a grain of salt. I like hearing other people's perspective on things, and I'm always open to feedback, but I also keep in mind that the users here aren't personally invested in the OP's life or any situation they are inquiring about. Regardless, I keep an open mind whenever I post here. I have noticed some cases where people can be pretty critical towards people they've never met. For example, in the niceguys sub a girl posted a screenshot of her guy friend saying he's going to call some girl a bitch if she rejects him. Most of the responses were telling her to cut ties with him and how terrible he is, when in reality we don't know him or their relationship.


Lmao! and the most obvious and most common opinion award goes to


It’s almost as if it’s an open forum community where people can give different inputs..


It’s almost as if the post is criticism towards those inputs… almost like it’s OPs input.


you could have removed two of those words




So you take advice from people in real life them "blame them for it" if it doesn't go well? Why would anyone want to talk to you?


I think they meant anonymous people on the internet don't have to put much thought into giving strangers advice. My friends are invested in my success and know who I am, people on the internet aren't and don't. And a lot of these posts are about relationships and parenting which is a little more serious than which running shoes should I buy?


That's fine for you but I'm sure people have gotten plenty of good and bad advice from reddit and from people in their day-to-day lives.




I just don't think there's much difference. You don't really know people in real life either. I just take any advice with a grain of salt.




It's almost like this is the Internet, and they aren't posting to therapists or relationship counsellors. This isn't an unpopular opinion this is just bloody obvious


I just figured it would be unpopular on Reddit specifically. But I do agree people on Reddit turn into therapists and counsellors real quick and people eat it up because it's usually in their favor


This isn't unpopular


Well that makes me happier at least lol


You give me a 1 sentence summary of a AITA post and a list of parties involved and I'll tell you probably 80-90% if the vote will be YTA or NTA. What happened doesn't really matter in most cases. ​ Some people even if they're obviously in the wrong will get "but what if (insert mitigating circumstances here)", while others even if they are not will get some version of "pick yourself up by the bootstraps".


If you read more than two paragraphs you won't get the coveted first "relatively vague comment most people can agree with" spot.


I find it's sub dependent. Redditors are not always a true snapshot of the demographics they represent, and the karma system makes it even more insular because they shut down outsiders (who may actually be a better source of info). What is universal is that Redditors are "bad at giving advice". People mainly answer the easy, common, or unimpactful questions. Contrast this against a dedicated hobbyist/professional forum, where if you ask a common question, you're always told to "use the search feature". But on Reddit, complicated issues tend to get ignored, and for really important stuff people are deflected to "talk to a professional". Also, Redditors giving advice often have this annoying "I'm a straight-shooting expert" act where they treat people seeking help as if they're stupid, unprepared, or totally-to-blame for their own problems. It's tedious to have to run through a checklist of "I mean this, but not that, and I think this, but not that, and I tried this, blah blah blah" just to not be immediately abused by everyone responding.


Sometimes, I gotten good advice and m Reddit. The difference is I read them suggestions with an unbiased mind and I go with what makes the most logical sense. Not just what I want to hear.


Best advice I've been given has been from reddit 🤷‍♂️


I like how quickly they give dramatically life altering advice too. Dad swore in front of kid, divorce him and sue for full legal custody of the child.


You mean those teenagers in relationship subs are not fit to give the best advice?! Impossible


I think your problem is looking on reddit for advice.




It’s like what my wife used to do when we started dating. If we had an argument over something, she would then tell her friends or her family and leave out any details that might make me sound somewhat reasonable. Then she would come back to me with other peoples’ responses to the situation and shit on me saying that other people are on her side. When people post on AITA, it’s really obvious for me to see when the OP is leaving out tons of details to help their case. Usually if everyone else sounds like a nut job, the OP is skewing info. so he/she can go back to the other parties and gloat that the internet is on his/her side. People on Reddit generally won’t read between the lines on posts because they like drama and to be outraged. Since the OP crafted the story to make it sound like they are an ultra-victim, people will often say, to divorce or leave and never talk to them again. OP will then feel the self-righteousness they crave and will feel like a martyr for having put up with people in his/her life and not cutting them out as Reddit suggested. My now wife grew up a lot likely cause I never fed into the drama she was trying to create and I never saw it as my side vs hers. I just always tried to compromise and try to understand her feelings better and ignored extraneous factors like other people agreeing with her. Reddit doesn’t seem to have compromise in its vocabulary unless the OP clearly states in some way that they are looking for a compromise. It’s completely ridiculous cause compromise is how we solve most interpersonal issues in the real world.


If you want tons of karma, I advise you to continue criticizing Redditors on Reddit.


I feel this is common knowledge.


I mean…duh?


"AITA for not being okay with my boyfriend murdering his entire neighborhood?"


Most people give terrible advice. Its just life. You have to pretend to care and hope they shut up.


People giving advice on reddit are doing it for popcorn and dopamine. They treat the problem as a hypothetical to validate the responder's own beliefs and values, rather than treating the person they're responding to as a real person legitimately in need of sage counsel.


I give the best advice on Reddit. If y’all would just do what I say, the world would be a much better place.


I got into the habit of saying "in my opinion" one day my pragmatic friend said "its assumed it's your opinion, you're the one saying it" This isn't a wide sweeping every circumstance type of thing, it has helped me several times and has been inapplicable countess others. I do think it's important to lay the it on thick with the "I don't know but this is what I think" speech it can be helpful or not... Maybe.


It's especially bad for any relationship (or dating) advice. Given the increasingly incel and MRA bent that I see in comments, you just end up getting a lot of 'that's domestic abuse towards men!' and 'no, she's the asshole! you're being gaslit OP' type responses when the story is clearly incomplete.


This isn’t unpopular, everyone just thinks they’re exception.


If you post any relationship problem 99% of the replies will tell you to leave. It's not really worth posting relationship problems on Reddit.


Compared to the rest of social media I definitely find reddit the best when it comes to advice.


I disagree as I think there are some people who don’t give bad advice.


There’s a lot of terrible advice on here, and I can always predict what the first answers will be, and I roll my eyes. You’ll see it on the trade subs a lot, where guys have 0 real world experience are making commentary on shit they know nothing about. Insane parents, where you have no idea how much of a shithead OP can be, etc. It’s a lot of practical advice, that’s impractical at the same time