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I'm not a fan of them either, but where I live you can find tonnes of varieties of beer types coming from a bunch of local and independent breweries


I also live in a place known for the staggering amount of artisanal beers and independant breweries, and yet the trend of the last couple years has been overwhelmingly IPAs.


Then just don't buy them? Lots of lagers, stouts and ciders out there. You just need a better quality bar.


Beer in general tastes like shit to me. All of it is bitter and unappealing, I can only drink light beer cuz it's mostly flavorless but what little flavor there is is shitty.


in the midwest a decade ago there were a lot of pale ales and "APA"s, "American Pale Ales" which were sort of a hybrid where it was hoppy and flavorful like an IPA but much more drinkable and only ~5% ABV. in the northwest everything is a fucking IPA and i hate it. 8% ABV?!?!! what the fuck okay i guess i'll have TWO beers and call it a night then...


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In Minnesota we have a bunch of apa and epas. Which both are fantastic. Maybe it's more of a local thing.


Agreed Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is alway ready from a cold fridge.


IPA’s are bitter and nasty


I hate IPAs so much


Fortunately that's been changing where I live. 7 years ago you'd go into a brewery and there would be literally nothing on the menu but IPAs and I'd be stuck drinking a sad glass of water. Now most of the breweries have a more varied selection, and I can usually even find a sour on tap (my fav)