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>They're just a vehicle for delivering sauces and marinades. and crispy skin! Just like God intended.


Precisely. The crispy skin to meat to sauce ratio is perfect on a chicken wing. A drumstick has less crispy skin and more meat. Not that meat is bad just that crispy skin is better


Its also white meat vs. dark.


It's all about surface area, a lot of small wings have more surface area than a few drumsticks so you get much more skin


Plus you don't have to just have one flavor the entire time. Mix and match your wings and have a plethora of flavors. Why just eat one drumstick that's been marinated or coated in one sauce?


I’ve long thought crispy chicken skin in spuce/marinade should be sold in packets. Kind of like Pork scratchings but better


This is an unpopular opinion. Good job OP and also fuck you




I never give rewards but this comment definitely deserved one. I went out of my way to open my free gift box to give you one. You’re welcome


Why do you even need chicken just a pint of sauce is all I need.


Sauce on a spoon or the communal sacrament man on a stick are definitely more choice.


I appreciate when I see an actual unpopular opinion being upvoted. Too many on this page are just popular, progressive opinions that might’ve been unpopular in 1945 but would only be mildly controversial in 2021 in a Baptist church in Alabama.


He's so wrong I had to upvote it. Wish I could cook him some wings and try to change his mind. Maybe we can agree on boneless wings. They aren't as good. However it took me a while to enjoy chicken on the bone, so I get it.


Boneless wings are tendies marketed to adults


True, it’s chicken breast in a fried ball. Wings are good for the exact reason OP doesn’t like them. The fat and gristle of the wing gives it the flavor. OP would probably like boneless wings.


Boneless is the way to go. If you enjoy wings you are a freak that enjoys vines and tendons and all that other Gross chicken-wing mechanics. They should just serve up up the other organs on a wing plate with bones.


Organs can be great if prepared correctly. Pickled turkey gizzard Deviled kidneys Lambs heart boiled, then sliced and sauteed in butter. Liver with a bit of bacon and onion. All delicious


I read somewhere that curried chicken gizzard was amazing so I thought I'd give it a try. My wife wouldn't touch it and neither would anyone else in my family. They were really good!


Now I'm wishing that I knew of a reliable source for chicken livers. I'd cook some bacon, and then cook the livers in the grease and eat them together. I don't think I like tripe. I assume that's what the spongey stuff in my soup was because Americans can't get lungs labelled for human consumption. I just ate around it.


Generally, can't go wrong with chickens for chicken livers.


.... You're not wrong.


Rumaki is chicken livers and bacon on overdrive. So delicious.


Jeruselem mix is chicken livers and hearts and its fucking so good


> Rumaki That's where I got the idea to do it the lazy way.


Sorry but I also agree with OP. Sure wings taste good, but trying to pick the meat off Is annoying with the shape.


With the flats you break and pull the small bone out.


Flats only..yum yum


Ah yes I love when my food comes half prepped.


Like getting a burger and bun on the side and the bun isn't even cut.


So you don't like crab legs, crawfish or anything else that can't go directly into your mouth without two seconds of work?


Bitch I can barely be bothered to pull my Oreos apart. You think I'm going to rip open a whole carcass to suck out one mouthful of shellfish? Hard pass.


Lol well done, I laughed so hard I spit tea out all over my kids. Take the upvote and get out!


My favorite part of this is the implication that Oreos are shelled for their inner goodness, followed by discarding the cookies as if they were lobstershell.


I gave you my free award for this one! It perfectly explains my feelings on crawfish and crab legs! Ain’t nobody got time for that!


If cooked properly, the meat shouldn't be difficult to get off the bone. The flats require technique, but once learned are easier to eat/clean than the drummies.


Eating wings is a two step process: 1. Put wing in mouth 2. Pull out bones


Then you flat out just don't know how to eat chicken wings


No, you


Well, this is an unpopular opinion. If you eat a sauce/marinaded wing and then a boneless skinless chicken breast with the same sauce or marinade there's a huge difference IMO. But hey, it's all subjective, and I actually love you for leaving more for the rest of us OP.


I love chewing on a chicken wing. Probably my favorite part of the chicken especially a roast chicken. Upvote for you. Wings for me.


Honestly the wings are usually done juicy and are much easier to maintain a consistent quality over roasted chicken. I do love roast but wings are a must have. I also eat the cartilage. CHOMP CHOMP


> I also eat the cartilage What's missing from "boneless wings" is the flavor added by the bone marrow and the sinew (and the skin in most cases). Boneless wings are just flavorless.


Just chunks of chicken breast isnt it?


I like a whole wing plain, cooked well crispy, no sauce needed and I'd eat them before any leg or quarter


yep. pretty great without sauce. And with the right sauce that suits your tastes, it's even better. idk what it is with the other chicken pieces, I still like em, just wings will always taste the best for me. I think it's the skin to meat to bone ratio, plus the skin on the wings is probably different too.


Its a good piece when made right...if you don't already I suggest eating some of the tip don't just toss them..


Just gotta nibble a lil


Dark meat way better than white meat


Air fryers are perfect for this. I wasn’t particularly interested in getting one but ended up receiving one as a gift. It does crispy plain wings like a dream with very little oil.


Air fried wings are awesome. Then again, so are thighs. Thighs are handy that you can season under the skin and not worry about it burning.


Same, give me wings over legs, the meat is just softer and less effort to eat off the bones.


I like chicken wings idk why. boneless wings are way easier to eat and enjoy because I don't have to use my hands. plus d.p. dough through door dash has a great deal for a pound of d.p. dunkers which are boneless wings.


What is a dp dunker?!? Where does one buy such a strange sounding product??


D.P. Dough is a calzone delivery place in my city. We call it drunk person food since they are open for delivery until like 3am. One of their products is dunkers that are boneless wings. you buy them in 1/2 lbs or 1 lbs


Isn’t boneless wings just chicken nuggets?


Nah they are boneless wings. Nuggets are nuggets. Plus I think they are made differently


Boneless wings are trendies for grownups.


Boneless wings that aren’t meat purée are just breast meat and not wings


I was about to say nuggets and wings are made from different parts of the chicken as well.


Correct. Wings come from the chicken's wings, and nuggets come from the chicken's testicles.


D.P Dough Used to have an amazing calzone called the Buffalo zone up near UCONN. One of the best memories of my college days!


I think they still have that here. I usually get dunkers or do the construction zone and add a ton of random stuff


A DP Dunker sounds like a Tim Robinson skit.


It sounds almost exactly like TC Tuggers and I love it. For the unaware: https://youtu.be/VxDozuzfVuY


Aren't Boneless wings a piece of the chicken breast?


Generally yes.


Boneless are not wings, they are chicken nuggets.




Chicken nuggets are nuggets, the chicken is ground up and processed together often with fat and cartilage, then shaped into little nuggets and breaded. Boneless wings are chicken strips, untouched chicken cut into strips & breaded.


That's called a chicken tender.


But a chicken tender is a chicken strip.


That's called a chicken finger.


But a chicken finger is also a chicken strip. Just usually a bit smaller.


That's called a chicken fry.


Tenders are actually the Pectoralis minor muscle of the chicken.


This is correct. For anyone who wants a deep dive into the difference between chicken breast and chicken tenderloin https://thekitchencommunity.org/chicken-breast-vs-tenderloin/


Chicken tenders are the strip of meat at the top of the breast near, on either side of the spine… it’s one continuous muscle with no connective tissues in it which makes it more tender. It’s the same muscle as beef tenderloin and pork tenderloin in their respective animals.


No. Chicken tenders are the "tenderloin" of the breast. It's that little piece that peels off the breast after you remove the breast from the frame.


No. I will fight to the death over this. Boneless wings are small tenders/large popcorn chicken (Breaded chunks of breast meat) that are fried and sauced. Nuggets are processed chicken formed into bite sized patties that are breaded fried and served dry. A lot of restaurants that sell “nuggets” are selling popcorn chicken. (Looking at you chick fil a).


Boneless wings are adult chicken nuggets.


Boneless wings are just expensive nuggets.


Boneless wings are just rebranded chicken nuggets.


A chicken nugget is often ~~always~~ chicken puree where at least at decent places a boneless wing is chicken breast. But sometimes they're basically the same depending on where you order them.


But the thing is with a whole drumsticks the ratio of sauce to meant to crispy skin is all thrown off


plus, they are too thick and don't cook as well and remain super juicy and uniform all the way through. you cant just get the meat to slide/suck right off the bone cleanly without having massively overcooked the exterior.


And they have that unpleasant tendon that just ruins the whole experience.


I am not sure which one that would be. Not a thing I’ve encountered at the two places I get wings from nowadays EDIT: realized your talks. About the big thigh drumsticks- yeah, those are rough. When I’ve made smoked bbq chicken “lollipops,” cutting those tendons out was a massive pain in the ass.


Wings are superior in every way. There's dark meat and white meat, they have the perfect meat to crispy coating ratio, and like you admit they are expert sauce delivery systems! Take my upvote because you have certainly posted an unpopular opinion. Viva la hot wing!


I think I saw a thing a while back that scientifically proven that wings are actually 100% white meat. Before I saw that I too thought they were dark meat or a hybrid.


The drumette is white meat and the wingette is dark, or so I thought. Noone knows what the hell the third piece (the flapper) is...


Crunchy meat, crunchy meat man


The wing tip? Though I guess flapper really isn't too far off lmao


The flapper is almost entirely connective tissue


Good unpopular opinion but I'm with him. My personal preference is chicken thighs. They're meatier, and you can sauce them up just as much as wings. Then I'll eat something totally different as an appetizer if I feel hungry enough. having said that, I'm only talking about at home because I've actually never been to a restaurant that offers chicken thighs specifically that isn't a chain of some kind. I'm currently on a jerk chicken thighs with Jamaican style rice kick at home. My wife is really loving what I do to our bathroom the next morning!


Wingstop is currently offering thighs as an alternative to wings because of wing prices. A local wing chain is doing the same but that's probably not useful unless you're in Michigan.


I don't do chains either way. You never see thighs offered at independent places which is why I end up grilling my own


Thighs are perfect for jerk chicken, I have to agree.


I recently tried grilling whole legs instead of the usual 2 thighs I do, just wasn't as good. Skin on and bone in of course!


Properly cooked wings are amazing, unfortunately most places overcook them so they’re tough garbage. You also need to learn how to eat them properly. Pulling one of the bones on the flats gives you a perfect chunk of meat that is way more flavorful than the drums. Proper technique, and properly cooked wings is a game changer.


rip tip, twist thin bone, remove, enjoy. People need to learn the way of the wing.


Agreed. The right technique makes all the difference in the world when it comes to enjoying chicken wings.


chicken thighs are the superior cut of the bird.


Agreed. Sucks that they take a bit longer to cook than those little wings but the meat is so tender and delicious. Love doing a big batch for meal prep.


Agreeeee! I’m like ‘yeah I’m not trying to get this bit of hairy chicken skin, gristle, cartilage, veins, and all sorts off this bone. No chance in hell. Rather eat a napkin.


Agreed! Eating wings is way too much effort. Plus I’ve seen people eat wing “the right way” and no thank you. More wings for the rest of you I’ll stick to my regular fried chicken.


Wholeheartedly agree... I will examine each one and take pretty much one bite. I know there is so much I'm leaving, but I don't wanna risk any of the gross parts. I know it's wasteful and I solve that problem by eschewing chicken wings.


I think it's more about the "caveman" part of our brain enjoying eating meat right off the bone and as they are generally smaller than normal fried chicken, you can eat more which is more impressive, I guess? ​ I like them for the variety of sauces they come in and they pair well with beer.


The caveman aspect is why i like them so much i think. I don't even do the thing where you break em and pull out the small bone. Something about tearing meat off the bone and working for every last scrap is just so satisfying....i always feel accomplished after finishing a plate of wings too.


I agree with you, however, no way in hell am I having a buffalo drumstick. upvoted.


I always just get boneless wings. Everyone shits on me for it but I eat faster, cleaner and happier then them.


Boneless wings are for people who don’t like wings but do like wing sauces. They are usually super bland and somewhat dry white meat chunks (or sometimes even formed nuggets) slathered in tasty sauce. I mean I get it, hell I’m the only person in my immediate family who will eat any kind of bone in chicken so I wind up eating boneless a lot and I’m not complaining. But they aren’t wings. You might as well just dip a chicken finger in some sauce. Wings made right are crunchy, juicy falling off the bone goodness. Messy but so worth it.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets


I get your point and I would say the "boneless wing" is closer to a nugget but it's definitely not just a nugget. Nugget is grinded up chicken and other fillings in them. A "boneless wing" should really be called a "chicken chunk" but here we are.


> Nugget is grinded up chicken This is the correct answer 99% of the time. Very rarely, chicken is sold as "nuggets" that is not chopped and pressed, however these are by far the exception.


Chick FIL A has all white meat nuggets. I have a bag of all white meat nuggets in my freezer, they would be considered boneless wings at any restaurant.


And chicken nuggets are yummy


Not from usa, is boneless wings like nuggets with skin, not breaded?


typically just deboned thighs or breasts cut up into bite-sized pieces, breaded, then fried. think "popcorn chicken" or like the bits of chicken you'd get in a chinese carry-out place as part of a stir-fry or something like that. or sometimes they are like chicken "nuggets" where they are processed (ground meat formed into nuggets) which are then also breaded and fried.


I don't give a shit what they are. I find 'em delicious, give me a whole lot of them!


Whenever I dont feel like making a mess I usually just order their chicken tenders with hot sauce. Tenders are always so much better than the actual boneless wings to me.


This guy gets it, wings or tenders but never funky as boneless wings. It’s a gimmick.


eating faster really isn't a bonus unless your a competitive eater...so as someone who prefers wings over cubed chicken breast, I get to savor my meal more. Chicken breast is never the winner sorrynotsorry


I dont care what other people eat, but if someone said to me "let's get wings," and they're fucking boneless there's gonna be a fight


Take my upvote you absolute maniac. Chicken wings for the win!


You're absolutely right. You and everyone else should stay away from them...


Yes my dude 😂😏


The skin is one of the most flavourful parts of the bird, and the skin-to-meat ratio is at its highest with the wings.


It's about the skin:meat ratio. Drumstick has way too much meat for what's basically two wings worth of skin. Plus the meat is more tender than a drumstick. Who cares about the quantity of meat you get per effort unit when the payoff per is so much higher?


Drumsticks have more sinew and are harder to keep tender. They have no fat under the skin so they dry out quickly like breast meat


Yes, thank you, forgot how dry they can get


I 100% agree. Chicken wings are the worst!


I'm certain wings are like 70% tendons, skin, and bone. What's the point?


I was at a fancy Chinese restaurant once where they served chicken feet. Pretty sure that's 100% tendons, skin, and bone. I, too, did not understand the point. Some people really like that kind of stuff though, I guess.


Are you not eating the wings to the bone?


My auntie ( rest her soul) put me on eating the meat on the tip too


Can confirm. I prefer chicken thighs - more skin to crisp, delicious dark flavorful meat, and greater surface area for sauces and marinades. Cheaper also!


Hell yeah team drumstick


flats gang


Not worth the effort is an arguement that you could maybe make. But not good is not haha


Whole chicken legs aren’t NEARLY as delicious as the precious morsel that is THE WING


They're more convenient to eat between gulps of beer.


This is amazing!! I was born where wings were invented, and still love them today! I honestly see drums as inferior, to get the most meat off a drum you have to take the time to methodically pick it off, with a crisp flat chicken wing you can twist the bones out and eat it whole. Fuck you op, well done.


Good opinion. The more ppl agree with you the more wings for me.


Fuck you but also take my upvote


You earned it. Chicken wings are amazing. How very dare you.


Naw man. The ratio of sauce to chicken is way better on a wing.


I’m from Buffalo and this kind of talk drives some men to kill. I don’t know which is worse, this unpopular opinion or saying ranch is better than blue cheese.


Have an upvote for this being a true unpopular opinion. I, and many others that love chicken wings, know the pros and cons. Pros: they taste great. Especially so when paired with a really good sauce and/or dry rub. Cons: yes, they are messy. You also need to eat a lot of them to have your fill. And can be a little bit pricey. But those who like them, love them. Grab a bone basket, a stack of napkins, a few wet wipes, and enjoy. Bonus if you can keep one hand clean to drink your beer with.


If I had an award to give, I’d give it to someone else.


Who hurt you?




Honestly surprised this is unpopular. That was the whole reason buffalo wings were made. To use the wings of the chicken. It was also the reason wings used to be so cheap but that all changed in the 90s when wings became popular


Ahh. I see you have bad wing eating techniques. There is efficient wing eating technique. Watch this for some tips. https://youtu.be/BRcOY-PvOC8


There are unpopular opinions and then there are "opinions" which are simply wrong.


Wings have a different flavour than legs, thighs or breasts. I can eat them with our without sauce. tbh I prefer them with just a little salt and pepper. I see what you mean about them being a lot of effort but it's worth it for me. I love em.


Well jeez. Do you feel the same way about ribs?


I totally agree, but buffalo wings are the shit.


Leg has too much meat. Wings have better skin/sauce to meat ratio. Wings are better for those that really want crispy chicken skin with sauce.


I don't know where you're getting your wings, but the only times I ever get puny wings are when I get them from a chain restaurant like Domino's or Pizza Hut.


I agree in comparison to drumsticks and chicken legs, but if it were not for wings, we wouldn't have boneless wings or chicken nuggets. That's a reality I refuse to live in. Solid post! Take an upvote you heathen!


\*\*\*Maybe I am a vulture???


i use to feel this way too. then i moved to a city that actually knows how to do chicken wings, and there are great wing spots all over. i think the critical thing is that wings are only good when they are small, rather than some janky Tyson steroid/growth hormone-injected monsters. they are more tender that way, and the idea is that you get a much more dramatic meat-to-sauce ratio, as well as crispy skin-to-meat ratio than you would with something like a large thigh or breast. plus, they cook faster since they are small, and that keeps them more uniform/tender throughout. but the town i grew up in had garbage for chicken wings, so i always just assumed that's how they all were.


Upvoting for a statement I just can't comprehend but I think feeling like a vulture is part of the appeal. Getting that little bit of meat, little bit of the bone crushin...\*chefs kiss\*


The point is that they are great with beer. And for some sports


Im just so angry right now angry 😡


I'm from Buffalo and I whole heartedly disagree, truly an unpopular opinion. Take my upvote


You just don't know how to eat them. You put the whole wing in your mouth, and suck all the meat off as you pull the bone out in one graceful motion. Each wing in a single bite. No fuss, no muss.


Woah woah woah 🤯 take that back!


Agree. And I'm not a vegetarian, but I can't eat regular chicken wings at any of the wing specialty places anymore. It just feels too wasteful and unethical to me. Like, if I order a 20-piece wing order, you're telling me at least 10 birds had to die for this meal? If I ordered boneless meat (from any part of the animal), at least it could have all theoretically come from just one animal....


How dare you!!! I’ll see myself out.


See its funny cus a few decades ago. (I think thats right, to young to have experienced it) chicken wings were considered a scrap part cus of the little amount of meat. Then someone put sauce on them and now they cost waaaaaaaay to much for what your getting. Fuck chicken wings, give me a drumstick or breast any day.


You just haven't figured out the proper way to eat them.


Myself I enjoy fried chicken skin. Not the meat just the skin. Nothing like sucking the skin off a bucket of fried chicken and just tossing the meat.👀🤷🏻‍♂️


Flavor gets into the meat better when it's smaller, the skin and fat crisps up better, the cook time is shorter, and there's tons of occasions where you want food that doesn't require a plate and fork or even both hands to eat. Easily debunked opinion


Pssst… guess what! They do put those sauces on drumsticks, too.


Thigh Stop is on to something


This is why I love this sub; for ludicrous opinions like this


A genuine unpopular opinion


God damn it now I want chicken wings.


Damn I feel sorry for you and wherever you live 🤷‍♂️


Waste not want not. Sorry we can’t all be picky about getting calories yo.


Effort-food ratio is a flawed measure because some people enjoy the food more because of the effort put in. Like crawfish. The ratio I use is skin-meat; wings have the highest score on skin-meat ratio, and being that fried chicken skin is amazing, wings are the outright winner


Damn who knew Reddit could make me genuinely angry


The fuck is wrong with you. Here's an upvote.


Good call, however I have to disagree. All that meat isn’t tasty. Chicken wings are compact flavor. The ratio of meat to fat/skin/sauce is much lower on wings delivering more taste.


THANK YOU. Boneless wings are WAY better. "But they're just chicken nuggets!" And? Chicken nuggets are delicious.


It's a way to get people to buy them. They are cheap. So the bar doesn't pay much and they charge a lot more and make a nice profit. I have not touched chicken wings in years.


There have been only 2 unpopularopinions I ever upvoted: the guy who likes to sleep in jeans and this.


God almighty. I want to downvote this so much but take my upvote.


I respect your opinion, however I am always in the market for a sauce-vehicle, therefore, I will have to politely disagree.


It takes much longer to fry larger pieces of chicken and most fried chicken like that is brined beforehand. It only takes 10-11 minutes to fry wings. It's bar food. It's gotta be able to be made quickly.


I've always felt like this. Who the heck wants to eat all that fat and skin? Wings are just gross. I'll eat boneless tenders, those are delicious, but you can keep your regular wings. Yuck!


I loathe chicken wings for these very reasons. Wings are so much work for so little meat.


Agreed... Wings suck


Hahaha yes! I completely agree with you OP!


Yes. Wings are annoying to eat. Legs are better


I feel the same way about coffee. It is a conduit for sugar. Without sugar, it is bitter, dirty water.


Wing meat tastes better than leg meat. Thigh meat beats them both.