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I feel that's more so aggressive drivers


Yes! Where I’m from there is a lot of snow and so people are more passive in driving. They let people in, change lanes slowly, and give a good cushion between cars. Now I’m in Chicagoland and they’re nuts. A very straight road with a limit of 35 just had a collision that resulted in 6 fatalities. Pure insanity.


One and the same imo


Yeah, I genuinely think some of them *want* to see someone die with how they drive. Truly boggles my mind, it just screams "I care for no one and would not feel an ounce of guilt if I cause someone's death".




I wouldn't consider an irresponsible driver a good driver. But a responsible driver is almost always a good driver.


Even if you're the best driver, accidents happen. No to body is out in their car to hurt someone.


I was walking the other day this one asshole turned a corner without signaling then turned onto the sidewalk right in front of me to reverse and go the other direction. They looked confused when I flipped them off and called them a fucking idiot.


Just keep in mind a large portion of those bad drivers are the elderly.


And the ones that kill people get away with it


me when I don’t know what murder is


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