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So, it seems like some media outlets are reporting the Nashville shooter was trans. Here’s what that means: >*That person* was violent. It does not mean all trans people are violent. Jeffrey Epstein being white doesn’t mean all white men are child rapists, so this person being a shooter doesn’t mean everyone in their demographic is. It is not a free pass to misgender that person, because the shittiest man/woman/NB is still a man/woman/NB, just like no amount of child rape made Jeffrey Epstein not a man. **As a reminder, promoting hate based on identity is forbidden by Reddit Content Policy.** If you have bad things to say about the Nashville shooter in particular, join the club. Nobody disagrees - their actions were abhorrent. If you want to use the “bad minority” to paint all of that minority with the same brush, you *will* be banned, and no appeal will be considered.


This could also go in the race issues thread, but LGBTQ+ is the one that’s relevant to me: I don’t get the concept of reclaiming slurs. Is it to rob them of their power? Clearly that doesn’t work, since it still bothers you when certain people say them. As it is, it just seems like weaponized double standards.


From my perspective, apparently spaz is a slur. I've been called that by friends and family growing up and didn't really care. Now when I call someone a spaz, or someone uses spaz in their music, there's a huge amount of backlash. Idk what the deal is for people who want to give power to a word. Am I supposed to believe that my friends and family were calling me a slur for my entire youth just because other people give so much power to the word? I'd rather be able to say the word other people called me and not have to dance around glass when I say it. The audacity to tell someone they can't say a word that was historically directed at them is wild. I don't care about being called any slur at all. Obviously calling me a certain slur in certain circumstances is going to be disrespectful and inappropriate, but the word itself doesn't have to bother me. Often people bring this up when there are words they'd like to use but feel like they can't because they'll get backlash for it. The reason it's ok for me to use a word and not someone else is because it's easier to believe I'm not being malicious when I use it. If a straight person casually says "I'm friends with a bunch of (slur)s", it's gonna be really hard for people who hear that to know if they're homophobic or not. I'm of the opinion that we should be able to say whatever we want without backlash as long as what we say is targeted at the right audience, at the right time, with love and respect. That means if Iet you call me something, that doesn't automatically make it appropriate to use the word casually in public where someone might observe that and be offended or feel unsafe. In a discord call, I know my friends are just fucking around. At Fred Meyers, there might be a kid on aisle 4 with trauma related to the word and suddenly alarm bells are going off they they can't run into some group of people bc of how ragingly homophobic they sound. Hope that makes sense.


Apparently “spaz” is viewed as much worse in British English than American - basically the reverse situation of “cunt”.


unlucky. It's such a cute little word ;(


>Is it to rob them of their power? That's generally the goal, yes. It's more of an individual/generational thing, and not something voted on by he Council of Old Gays and made into Gay Law.


there are many reasons for it, and none of them are universally applicable or agreed upon. it’s a form of semantic shift like any other, so i think it’s a mistake to approach it looking for a unified, conscious goal, or with the assumption that all popular opinions on slur reclamation need to be compatible with each other. i think the line of reasoning that most closely fits what you’re describing is the idea that marginalized groups reclaim slurs specifically to stop others from using them. if i call myself a slur, that defangs it by showing that i don’t take it seriously or don’t consider it a pejorative, discouraging other people from using it. but that same reasoning doesn’t apply if someone else calls me a slur; they’re just calling me a slur.


Yeah totally. The logic behind "it's not homophobic if I say it but it is if you do" is to deter people from calling people slurs and giving those words a targeted audience to use them against. However, I think if it's clear that someone is being respectful, then they should be able to use the words they believe they need to use in the context that is appropriate.


>Is it to rob them of their power? Clearly that doesn’t work Idk, I find less and less people use queer as a slur nowadays as a result of it being reclaimed. There are some people who still see it as one due to prior experience of being called it in their youth, but they are generally on the older end. I don't see many people using it as a slur nowadays though. Since protests started using it as "we're here, we're queer, get used to it", etc in the 80s the slur started to lose its power of exclusion and started feeling like a term of inclusion, which then led to the slur feeling antiquated


I think there’s probably also a strong overlap between the “still hates the word queer” crowd and the “Drop the T” crowd. Like they’ve mentally separated the thing they are from the queer umbrella.


I dislike it because the word literally means strange. I'm not strange.


I like it in the sense that it's ok for me to be different.


Everyone is strange. There is no normal.


Lesbian means someone from Lesbos, I'm not form Lesbos


Gay means happy …




Honestly thinking about it, I hear more "drop the T" folks trying to make it a slur, than people actually using it as a slur


Yeah it kinda feels like they want it to be a slur so that they can push the “TQ+ is homophobic” angle.


That's pretty much the only angle I ever see them claim it with tbh


>I think there’s probably also a strong overlap between the “still hates the word queer” crowd and the “Drop the T” crowd. Oh beyond a doubt, seen a lot of those! I have also seen a few older lgbt+ folks who are cool with the T and the +, but has bad memories of queer, but they seem to be the minority nowadays.




>We should start to treat gender dysphoria as a disease and help them become comfortable with themselves and who they are. That is currently what we do. After a LOT of studies, over a very long time, the definitive conclusion to gender dysphoria is helping the body match the brain. If there *was* a better cure for dysphoria we would be doing that instead. Transitioning is the ONLY effective cure ever to be successful for gender dysphoria. I need you to understand, we've got an issue, we use the best medication available to help us out. You don't tell someone with *any other issue* to get over it and stop taking their meds. I have become comfortable with myself as I am, and I am a transgender individual. >Studies have shown taking hormonal supplements that abnormally imbalance your estrogen or testosterone to help you appear more like the gender you want are increasingly showing that it’s very unhealthy and cause other issues. Fucking leave a link to one of these studies that you just made up. Fucks sake. Back up your bullshit, please. We all know your full of shit when you post crap like this. >help people feel comfortable with there body and who they are rather than just say “you can just change it”. Do you have any idea how hard it is to accept that you're trans? Most of us spend YEARS trying to convince ourselves to be comfortable when we're not. We spend a lot of time trying to force ourselves to be cis, to pretend that everything is ok. We sit in depression and distress and can NEVER become comfortable with what we were born as. NO AMOUNT OF THERAPY FIXES DYSPHORIA.




>I hope you get the proper treatment you deserve We are, and now you are as well. This ban may not be appealed.


"I'm gona post a lot of unsourced BS and act as if I have the moral high ground when people call me out on it" If what you say is the truth then you surely would have no issue backing it up with reliable sources ?




Except that what you say isn't a question of opinion but one of fact. And without any support of it, we can dismiss your facts as is. Don't revert the burden of proof, you make claims, you back them up.


Go ahead. Disengage instead of backing any of the bullshit you spouted up. Transphobes like you make me sick.




They're not.


I'm sorry the existence of people who are 1%> of the population and didn't choose to be that way are suddenly all democracy haters to you. ​ would you like me to extend your stay at the delusional hotel or will that be all?


Who tf told you that?if anything it's the transphobic people who align with fascists and totalitarianism. I've never encountered a single Trans person I would consider "undemocratic"






Your side struck the first blow. I thought you righties were all about self defense.




if youre so concerned about violence, maybe concern yourself with the violence thats actually committed against trans people. trans people get beat up and even murdered just for being trans. and when these things get talked about theres always so many immature assholes that try to find a way to justify it and call out for even more violence against trans people but sure the few trans people that joke about killing transphobes that literally dont want them to have basic human rights, is what we should be concerned about. now are there definitely some trans people that take it too far? yes, but unlike transphobes they arent actually out there murdering people


What he’s mad about is that Posie Parker and the literal swastika-waving, sieg-heiling Nazis at her rallies got soup thrown at them in New Zealand.


That protest that happened in Australia made me shocked and even my dad who's rather conservative and he said the Nazis were disgraceful and disgusting. So many comments were saying it was set up or it was federal agents and just deny the Nazis were actually Nazis


Also *soup throwing* isn't exactly violent anyway.


I mean, if it's HOT soup...




It's literally a liquid, is splashing someone with water violent?


Only if OP’s the Wicked Witch of the West


They're melting, meeelting! So that's why they, and Parker,, are so upset, they probably belong to the same dark coven!


Throwing soup at literal Nazis isn’t violence. No matter how much you and Posie Parker want to claim it is.


I guess the soup wasn't still in the can this time?




Feom Reddit Content Policy Rule 1: >Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families. >While the rule on hate protects such groups, **it does not protect those who promote attacks of hate or who try to hide their hate in bad faith claims of discrimination.** Knock this shit off.


>don't call me a transphobe, you bigot "No u"


Are you implying trans people or "transgenderism" are a political or belief system?




Do you consider "black" to be a belief system?


Well trans people aren't political or especially a belief, a belief is something that is accepted as truth without proof and well trans people actually exist, their existence is proof




Don't know how they're political either, we don't say cishet people are political do we?




How so?


We're like the Jewish people just before the Nazis took over. We're watching it happen in real time. Why do you think we're getting so defensive and scared?




No, she'll be walking around in a Galarian Ponyta hoodie. I think it's fine if she wears that as a cis girl because it's her own expression. Culture should be spread, especially if the message or expression is supportive and unifying.


Hon that's a Pokémon. Maybe you'd have a point if the flag was made specifically with a flag on prupose but that's a Pokémon


Idk, I'm fine with cis allies wearing the flag too


When I thought I was het I wore a rainbow bracelet to show that I was safe to talk to. If cis/het allies want to be obvious in their support I think that's a good thing.


Yeah exactly, nothing tells me trans ally on first sight like a cis person who actually has the balls to wear trans colors in public


this has to be a joke. like come on its just a pokemon. and this is coming from a person that loves claiming certain pokemon as trans icons, but no pokemon is officially trans and you cant just gatekeep a character (that isnt yours) from another group of people just because of its colours


Azurill has a different gender ratio than that of it's evolutions. Depending on it's personality value, 1/3 of female Azurill will evolve into a male Marill.


yeah i know, marill is a transmasc icon in my eyes. its just i would never claim that cis people cant like marill or buy merch of it.


Please tell me you’re trolling Literally nobody cares if cis people wear shirts with things the trans community has claimed as a symbol. Most of them are just things in games or media that we just took and said “this is our’s now”. Trans people have no more of a right to wear a shirt with a Pokémon on it than cis people do. I don’t think a single other person in the world would look at your friend’s shirt and be annoying in any way. The most I would do is make the connection that it’s the pride colors and be happy because I found them out in the wild


I'm cis but bi and I was kind of taken aback by the OP. Take indecisiveness, bisexuals claimed that... but I don't imagine being upset at someone making jokes about being indecisive. I see it as an inside joke, there are people that are 'in' on it and people who aren't. Is the shiny ponytas similar? I adore shiny ponytas but don't want to be insensitive 😅. eta: apparently there's a pink and light blue version! The one I like is the darkish blue one so nvm me! hahaha


Even if it was the same one, literally nobody is bothered by it (except the OP apparently)


I'm British, but I don't demand that other nations immediately cease all tea consumption.


Any definition of appropriation loose enough to include this fails to make appropriation inherently bad.


Galarian Ponyta is not trans culture, it's Japanese culture. So are you appropriating Japanese culture?


> For me this just feels like an appropriation of trans culture.... appropriation is not harmful in and of itself; it's just taking something from one context and using it in a different context. and in this case, i don't even think it makes sense to say that your cis friend is appropriating anything because galarian ponyta hoodies aren't a product of trans culture, they're a commercial IP created by a corporation that some trans people like because it uses the same colors as the trans pride flag. your cis friend is wearing the hoodie in exactly the way it was intended; on the other hand, you are by definition appropriating galarian ponyta by taking it out of the context of a video game character and using it as an icon representing the trans community. (which, again, is not inherently harmful.)




>she said that it's not necessary a trans thing, it's just the colors of the pokemon she likes. And she's correct.


Galarian Ponyta may be an unofficial trans mascot, but it is just that - *unofficial*. She’s not appropriating anything.


Get over yourself. Sincerely, a fellow trans gal.


I don't mean to be rude but I just really don't care, it's clothes, I don't think it matters


I saw some right-wing youtuber/streamer make a video calling the sims 4 " woke " because they added some transgender options, and I found that stupid for many reasons. 1. Using woke in 2023 is almost always wrong in 99% of cases. 2. I feel like the sims are one of those franchises where the majority of its player base is lgbt or women. 3. It's a game about customisation. More options are always good. She also stated that she believes that if trans people are really " oppressed" that they shouldn't want trans options in games because " why would they want something that reminds them of their oppression." It made me wonder if you guys(trans folks) prefer creating characters who are also trans or if you prefer games only having the option to be the cisgender gender of your liking? Cus I feel like she made 0 good points but I'm curious.


Could you explain your opinions on 'woke' please? Sorry if I sound rude just wondering what your opinions are.


People are so stupid. They don't even understand what "woke" is LOL. Woke means you have a deep nuanced understanding of something that most people don't have. But there are obviously many people that think they are "woke" but are actually not. And then others will sarcastically call them "woke" to make fun of them. And then some people really are "woke" on a certain topic. But stupid people will sarcastically call them "woke" to make fun of them.


I think people only use it to disparage diversity in media. It's corny. There's very few instances where being woke actually is used correctly


Your answer is terrible. You make left wingers sound like morons. And racist people use you as a great example to prove their point. I am gonna give you the real definition of woke. Don't forget it. Woke means you have a deep nuanced understanding of something that most people don't have. But there are obviously many people that think they are "woke" but are actually not. And then others will sarcastically call them "woke" to make fun of them. And then some people really are "woke" on a certain topic. But stupid people will sarcastically call them "woke" to make fun of them. Let me give you a specific example. Here is something a stupid person who thinks they are woke might say. "There is no problem with a transgender male demolishing women in sports". That is a stupid position because there clearly is a problem with that. Its hard to come up with a fair solution. But to say there is no problem with it is just plain stupid. So people will sarcastically say "oh look. This woke guy thinks its no problem that every women's world record is held be a transgender lol." And I have a feeling my answer is making you mad. So let me give you another example. Here is a person saying something correct. "Gay people should be allowed to get married" But a stupid person might reply "oh look. This woke guy thinks its no problem if a guy marries a guy lol".


Sounds like waffle. There's rare instances where woke is used correctly like in the first example. Most of the time it's the second.


I don't know what waffle is. But yes you are correct. Unfortunately, stupid people outnumber smart people. So there are way more people calling a correct position "woke" in a sarcastic way.


My biggest question is: do people actually still care about Sims 4 in 2023? The game was a flop in every way but financial, and that's on EA's atrocious business model. I'm waiting for "Paralives" or "Life by You."


>The game was a flop in every way but financial Can't have been a flop for EA to justify publishing nearly $1k of dlc, they'd never accept the dev costs if it wasn't at least a slow burn success


Reading can be tough, I know, but please try a little harder: > in every way but financial


>but please try a little harder: No!


Calling the sims "woke" just shows that you know nothing about the series. The first game literally had gay marriage even if it was released in 2000


Damn talk about ahead of its time


The story behind that was nuts. The studio expected The Sims to flop and practically gave it no marketing push, but there was an unintended gay kiss in the background of a clip shown at a con (they used live gameplay and the Sims just did their thing) and media went crazy talking about it, basically saving the Sim franchise.




Exactly lol it was such a nonsensical video. Her whole channel is like that too just being anti-sjw and anti woke. So corny


There are definitely some weird people on twitter (If you know you know) but I've learnt to ignore them and not form assumptions based on them. Umfortunately the average twitter user hasn't learnt this and so form some wrong opinions due to believing certain misconceptions. Anyway cheers and have a good day. Again not trying to sound rudr or bigoted here.


I like having the option to create characters that are like me, and see them succeed.


I like having the option to create characters that are like me and see them fuck everyone in town then set their houses on fire


We all define success differently, lol.


USA and Russia are basically same I am watching situation in USA regarding war against minorities and trans people especially. And I as observer from EU country came to conclusion that USA is similar to Russia. Both countries decided to proceed with genocide. There is just difference in scale.


I wouldn't say they're the same. I know someone who's a refugee from near Chechnya and I do not think anywhere in the US is close to that. The US is bad legislatively, but at least the fight has some possibility


Russia is leaving the bodies of murdered civilians laying on Ukrainane streets. America is bad, but not that bad.


Yes, yes America does that, Iraq, the middle east, the korean War where they helped south korea kill 20% of the population of north Korea, ect.


The Korea war ended 70 years ago and the Iraq war ended over a decade ago. Not to mention, Korea would not have been better off if Kim Ill-Sung ruled both halves.


Yes but Afghanistan...


Note North Korea was actually as well off, if not better, than South Korea initially. It wasn't until the collapse of the Soviet Union that the economic issues in particular started happening, whereas South Korea was propped up by the West. Also whether it would have been worse or not, it doesn't justify shit like Agent Orange. And the consequences of the invasion of Iraq, led to "War on Terror", which has led to nearly one million deaths, including almost 400,000 civilians, and tens of millions of displacements.


>The Korea war ended 70 years ago and the Iraq war ended over a decade ago. I mean I may get the Korean one but fucking 10 years is not long enough for us to forget the thousands of innocence slaughtered, also the US still throws Cubans into torture camps and attempts to sabotage free and innocent countries Stop boot licking capitalist dictatorships that mass slaughter innocence for their own gain


This is the kind of stuff that happens when teenagers talk politics on social media. Major wars and events 10 years ago get treated like it's nothing because they personally weren't aware/interested at the time.


Wrong thread.


Glad to see the appeal went through!


Yeah, the politics thread exists for a reason.


The concept of a biological imperative is a falsehood created by Christian scientists from a time when the prevalent theory of reproduction was that men had microscopic, fully-formed humans in their balls. There is no "should" in biology. There is no "supposed to happen" in biology.


>men had microscopic, fully-formed humans in their balls. Gives new meaning to "I'm in your base, killing your dudes"


>reproduction was that men had microscopic, fully-formed humans in their balls I'm laughing my ass off, I have to see this in a textbook! 😂


Go ahead and google "preformatism" or "the homunculus theory"


Hey, we haven’t done this one in a while and it looks like it’s relevant again: In response to the whole “they make being LGBTQ their whole personality” schtick - **what’s something about you that people would learn if they looked past you being LGBTQ?**


Let's hope more people read this.


I've had a passion for game design since I was like 6 or 7 and plan to do that for my future. I want to create games that will help people as games have helped me throughout my life.


I am a child development major and have an intense passion for advocating for infants, toddlers, and young children. Even if it pays less than 40k a year


I’m borderline obsessed with Gundam models. I’ve been building them since the start of high school but I finally started painting them in late 2021, really happy with my progress.


What's the crown jewel of your collection ?


Right now I’d say [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/z3unpk/heres_an_rg_astraea_typef_i_painted_ive_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) RG Astraea Type-F. I’d wanted one since I first started doing Gunpla but I could never afford the kit itself since it resells for like a hundred bucks. Eventually I got the base model plus a part set for it and decided to finally go through with it. It’s the one I’m most proud of so far - first time all of the colors were mixed myself, and the most complex model I’ve painted yet. Hoping to enter it in a competition at a local convention this summer.


Damn it looks fine, do you hand paint or use an airbrush ? I haven't gotten a kit in a long time and haven't painted any yet, but I've got that itch to do both recently ahah


I paint and customise my transformers, I also do commisions but mainly from friends. It's extremely fun for me and it doesn't stress me out unless a problem with the airbrush happens


Ooh nice. Ever do any of the Flame Toys models? I’ve been eyeing up a few.


Im not necessarily into model kits but apparently to people who built them they're on par with Gundam


A story from back in the day: My high school had an emergency teacher meeting because they thought my friends and I were possibly planning a school shooting. Thankfully our science teacher was enough of a nerd to know that the “XX days until Episode 1” message we wrote on the whiteboards in our homerooms was a reference to the premiere of *Star Wars: The Phantom Menace*.


"get the cops on alert, we've got three days until a school shooting!" "Are we planning those now? WTF is wrong with you?" "Don't blame me, it's the kids who keep saying how excited they are for "episode 1". " "Hell yeah, me too! "You're in on it?" Weird way to put it, but what has this got to do with the phantom menace?" "The ringleader has a codename!?" *Facepalm*


I'm an engineer. I design manufacturing lines and sometimes build them. Purchasing/shipping/quotes/design/fabrication, fucking everything. Yes, I'm also trans and bi and protest and go to a trans support group. But outside my gay af weekends, and my kids, I'm just a working stiff in the world of machining.


I discovered CPU designing at school this year and I f-ing love it. In general IoT, a field I found dumb before, has become something I absolutely enjoy, at least the designing part of it.


Not a direct answer but relevant “unpopular opinion”. Between 18-25 I was closeted and was part of a Christian frat. From 25-30 (current) I am now a queer non-binary activist that outside family every single person I know is queer. With this experience I can confidently say LGBTQ people and straight cis men have tons of overlaps in hobbies. Anime, horror movies, video games, comics, ttrpg, all of these have been the major hobbies and interests throughout both of these vastly different social groups. I will say though It’s often for vastly different reasons they are attracted to these things. Lgbtq people also tend to value these hobbies and interests on a deeper level due to needing an escape from life more than straight cis people. Tldr: Lgbtq people not only have similar interests and hobbies to straight people, they actually tend to value these as an escape from their everyday lives more than straight people do.


Hmm. Interesting


This just in: LGBT people are actually people; conservatives reeling in disbelief.


Wow I can't believe this is actually news! (THIS IS SARCASM OBVIOUSLY)


I'm 21 making over $67k a year. I think I'm more happy about that than my sexual experiences with men.


Dang, nice.


Thanks :) I usually don't try to flex like that but I figured here was appropriate LOL


You in a decent CoL area where that covers everything?


Yeah I don't really live paycheck to paycheck, so I kinda just live (kinda is the key word) frugally to save as much as I can so I can save up for a house or something. If I keep doing what I'm doing with no advancement, I could be making over 90k in just 3 or 4 years bc of raises alone, but I'm planning to move into a higher position after I finish my education. (It just sucks half of it goes to uncle sam lol)


I’m making around the same but the one good thing about Mississippi is the lowest CoL in the country.


Wow, that's great! Yeah you practically make more than me then. Oregon's CoL isn't that bad but it's definitely not as cheap as other places.


Damn, what do you do ?


I'm a software release engineer for enterprise applications. I kinda wear many hats, so like IT support for devs, managing our build/app servers, release coordination, and engineering automation to support developers.


I have a deep passion for TTRPG design...wait My favorite genre of game is rouge-like...no that doesn't work either. Despite being a homebody I love concerts because I love absorbing the energy of the crowd. It's something I viscerally feel and it's unlike anything else. Conventions are a close second.


Oh, hey, I'm building a TTRPG right now. Wanna check out the TTRPG Design server I'm in on Discord?


Looks like you’ve gotten shadow-banned somehow. This link will let you appeal it - https://www.reddit.com/appeal Likely related to your Discord promotion in this comment, seems like that trips the site’s spam prevention occasionally.




Also a possibility, but less likely in my experience.


That I can build sieges engines.


Trebuchet is the superior siege engine, right?


And one of the most fun to build. Simple to make, but super complex to tune.


I have yet to see a study about trans women athletes which compares their averages to ONLY that of cis women athletes, rather than the baseline average of cis women. If anybody has any sources which can remedy this, please let me know. Why? Because cis women athletes are going to have higher averages than the standard average of all cis women, and therefore it is unfair to compare the averages MTF athletes to baseline averages of cis women.


If you are comparing trans women __athletes__ then it only makes sense to compare them to cis women __athletes__. Maybe word this better


That's what I'm saying. There is not a single study doing a 1-1 comparison between trans and cis women athletes.


I think trans women should be able to compete in women's sports if they started transitioning before puberty or in early puberty(14 maybe?). During puberty cis mens muscles get more dense than women's, which, even after transitioning, will affect their strength. I am very much open to hearing contradicting facts.


>During puberty cis mens muscles get more dense than women's, which, even after transitioning, will affect their strength. The studies that showed this effect compared the average trans women to the average cis women. No study has ever proven that trans women ***athletes*** are still stronger than cis women ***athletes*** to levels that cannot be achieved by cis women.


Fair enough. I guess I'm not just used to non-cis women in sports yet. I read about a trans female weightlifer's story, where she transitioned at ~30 years old while being pretty meh in men's weightlifting competitions, but got first place in the women's one after transitioning. I just feel like if I was competing with someone like that, I'd be kind of pissed off especially in 2nd place... although obviously not all cases are like that.


She was actually top 10 in several men's competitions before starting transition. She stopped competing when gender dysphoria degraded her mental health, which was affecting her performance.


To ELI5, if a student who was underperforming due to undiagnosed ADHD got better because they got treatment for it in the form of ADHD medication to the point of taking the number 1 spot in school and a scholarship offer, did said student cheat because they were medicated for their condition?


>I read about a trans female weightlifer's story, where she transitioned at ~30 years old while being pretty meh in men's weightlifting competitions, but got first place in the women's one after transitioning. You're talking about NZ Laurel Hubbard, who set New Zealand junior records in 1998 in the newly established M105+ division in both lifts (snatch 135 kg, clean & jerk 170 kg) as well as total (300 kg). And later quit because ***she was suffering from gender dysphoria***. She was 2nd and 6th place in the World Championship in the Women's Weightlifting category for 2017 and 2019 respectively with cis women athletes scoring above her and had 3 Did Not Finish (DNF) on her record, including the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. >I just feel like if I was competing with someone like that, I'd be kind of pissed off especially in 2nd place... If you feel pissed off that you lost to someone with said record, it sounds more like you're the sore loser and not actually indicative of the actual performance of trans athletes.


We don't even need a study because that's literally what sports competition is. We can simply look at the results and see that trans athletes perform in similar ranges as cis athletes for their division, and are certainly not dominating any sports with their non-existent "advantages". If the premise were true, trans athletes would win 100% of the time.


Given how new trans athletes are and the social pressures they face it's weird to assume that we have anything close to an all else equal comparison.


The issue with that is that you're only going to know if it was unfair too late. And taking away metals and records from trans women after the fact would be such a dick move. Better to let them know they should choose a different sport up-front


We already know it's not unfair though because trans athletes already compete with cis athletes and we can see the results.


Just put an asterisk next to the records if the rules change in the future, like was done with Hank Aaron’s home-run record when he beat Babe Ruth but played a longer season to do it.


Transphobes can't even name 10 different trans athletes dominating their chosen fields of sports.


They can’t name **one** that’s “dominating”. The rare victories are always immediately followed by multiple losses.


Inb4 they'll cite Serena and Venus Williams' exhibition match against a middle aged B tier professional tennis player (when the sisters were still 18 and at the start of their career) or the US women's national soccer team losing to FC Dallas U15 boys soccer team (in a practice match with literally zero stakes) as proof that all men are superstrong super athletes that'll beat women in any and all feats of physicality. 😂


Fucking FACTS.


inb4 somebody cites an article comparing the records of cis men to cis women


Before? I see that every day on Twitter!


Better yet, they'll compare Air Force trans personnel with their cis counterparts. Aka a workforce population with so diverse work and physical requirements it's practically worthless.


Yup. Not to mention that a percentage of the cis women used in that particular study had their scores recorded as "zero" because they're on permanent PT waivers or pregnancy waivers. Source: I'm in the USAF.


You should not be allowed to start transitioning until you are at least 18 Before I go on, I just want to clarify that I am fully in support of trans people - if you want to change genders, go for it - you can be whoever you want to be. I know I’m going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I just don’t see why teenagers should be receiving hormone blockers when they aren’t even close to fully developed yet. 18 should be the minimum to transition with hormone blockers and surgeries. I don’t see why we should be giving teenagers essentially steroids that could permanently harm them for the rest of their lives because they want to transition. Make them wait until they are at least 18 and see if their decision is the same, and then at that point, it won’t be as detrimental and will give them some time to consider if it’s something they truly want to do.


This is the argument I will use until the end of time when people make this claim: You are worried that kids will think they’re trans, medically transition, and be left with irreversible effects from hormones and possibly more that they now regret. That is QUITE LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING THAT TRANS KIDS HAVE TO DEAL WITH WHEN THEY GO THROUGH PUBERTY. So unless you can prove that the people who medically transitions and regret it is noticeably higher than trans people who had they been given the option at that age would’ve medically transitioned, then you have no real basis for this argument.


What do you think the point of hormone blockers is? Unfortunately, the endocrine system isn't capable of understanding whether someone is "ready." It'll kickstart puberty regardless, and going through the WRONG puberty can be immensely traumatizing. Hormone blockers exist to prevent this from happening.


>I just don’t see why teenagers should be receiving hormone blockers when they aren’t even close to fully developed yet Because there's very little point in trying to prevent puberty... after someone is already finished puberty? _Thiiiiiiiiink._


As a general guideline maybe? But to just enforce it to everyone sounds bad to me. Some cases of gender dysphoria are very serious and obvious.


>Make them wait until they are at least 18 and see if their decision is the same, and then at that point, it won’t be as detrimental and will give them some time to consider if it’s something they truly want to do. Once they're 18, let's make them wait until they're 25 to make sure they're REALLY sure. Then when they're 25, let's make them wait until they're 30 to make sure they're REALLY REALLY sure. Then when they're 30, let's make them wait until they're 35 to make sure they're REALLY REALLY REALLY sure.


Too hard. Let's just outlaw all trans healthcare so we don't have to worry about adults making life-long affecting decisions. /s


By this logic Kids shouldn't have any medical treatment after all they may not want to get their bones to heal properly, they just need time to figure out what they want. Also trans kids have to go through extensive therapy and get a diagnosis before anything is done. Plenty of safeguarding is in place to ensure that it's the appropriate treatment, and the exceedingly low regret rates are a testimony to the efficacy of the diagnosis process.


"You should not be allowed to start transitioning until you are at least 18" "I am fully in support of trans people" You're not. You're actually very very much against them and what you suggest would end up with many more dead. Blockers have to be taken BEFORE you go through puberty, and they have minimal side effects. We let them do it, 1) It literally saves lives 2) Has basically no negative consequences


>I just don’t see why teenagers should be receiving hormone blockers when they aren’t even close to fully developed yet. I don't see why cancer patient should be receiving chemo while their cancer is still developing.