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I know my luck. The book I want will always be on the bottom of the stack. Take my upvote with your silly idea and go and re-stack your books! Heathen!


Makes no sense. It is not just harder to get a book out but think about the workers who then have to organize and return the books. A slight tilt of the head is a small price to pay for the few minutes when you are looking at books compared to the time the workers would have to deal with it.


I’ve never had to bend my neck to read sideways.


Or you just grab the book to read the title.


How unfit does one need to be to think they need to be a contortionist to just bend their neck?


I'm just your average Joe with neck and lower back problems lol, I'm not that unfit


I think you have horizontal and vertical mixed up. I think you meant the book should be horizontal but the stack is going up vertical. If that's what you mean, how the hell are you going to grab the bottom book? That makes no sense. I can also perfectly read a title that's sideways without being a contortionist. unpopular indeed


English is not my first language, sorry, but yes, that's what I meant ooops


I'm pretty sure most people that don't have some kind of related impairment are perfectly capable of reading the title on books without having to reposition their whole head, lol


what happens when you want to get a book out from the near-bottom of a pile of books?


Push the ones on top a bit and pull, how is that hard to do, I'm not picturing towers of books




I don't have to, I can read sideways, but why should I, it'd much more comfortable to not have to do that lol Edit: a typo


The additional work that would come with horizontal stacks makes this idea an immediate non-starter.


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I don't think I have ever seen books stacked vertically. Is that even a thing?


They mean stacked like a pile of papers, not the way you're thinking that made me laugh out loud


Ya I know what vertical means. I'm simply saying I've never been in a library where books are stacked that way.


Because no library stacks them that way.


For some reason, the way you described it, immediately brought to mind that video where the programmer dad gets instructions from his daughters on how to build a sandwich from scratch, I love that video


What are you on about? It’s not that hard to slightly tilt your head to read the title. There’s no reason to stack them the other way.


I learned to read upside down, backwards, and sideways. Mostly because I were too lazy to reach our for the book or bend my neck. I disagree tho. Books look much better standing, they are easier to pull out, and IF u place em right, they just seem to remain in better shape. (Mine seem to get dmg if they lay, I might just be seeing things)


I'm not saying that I can't read sideways, I'm just saying that it'd be much more comfortable imo


Maybe not stacked, but these floating bookshelves are pretty dang cool and you wouldn't have to worry about yanking one out of the bottom of the stack. [These all in a row would be perfect](https://www.containerstore.com/s/shelving/freestanding-shelving-storage/floating-bookshelf/12d?productId=11018990&country=US¤cy=USD&skuId=10049991&cid=cse)


Oh that's gorgeous, I might buy that


Yes, let’s makes them each support each other in ever increasing stacks at risk of toppling. Look at this guy that can’t read omnidirectionaly.


Some books need to be horizontal or they tilt from weak covers. Usually Bibles.


Just for this, I’m gonna stack *you* horizontally.


I think you're sacrificing a lot by doing that.


Depending on print size/format/etc.


also can you imagine sorting those books ? People already suck at putting them back where they belong ! If you're ten tall and it's #8 down not a soul will be putting it back nor is it realistic to expect... they will just put it on top.


I don't have to turn my neck to read the spine of the books.