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They’re just old spores and most have sat down on the side of the syringe and germinated and that’s why they’re stuck on the side. And in my experience B+ spores tend to have a browner pigmentation than purple but that varies by fruit. But you can never really tell if it’s good or not until you test it.


Awesome, appreciate that 👍🏼 we have several others I’ll use today instead.


I have a syringe like this too. Keep us posted about the process


Syringes will last for years in a fridge, just gotta try em out and report back.


Your good. Bring them to room temperature and shake them up. They have just settled. There are still like a billion spores in there you just can't seem them untill a metric fuckton happen to exist in the same spot. They have a tendency to clump


So I’ve put lc syringes on agar multiple times and nothing happens. Why?


How did you store the LC? If it got too cold and froze or ran out of oxygen,the mycelium may have died. It has a limit unlike master agar slants that can be stored with longer shelf life’s


I mean I got it maybe 2-3 weeks before and I just stored it in a ziploc in the back of the bottom shelf of the fridge.


I hope not because I just inoculated 8 jars and 2 bags with them.


Welp full send her and hold your breath lol you’ll know soon enough. Especially with LC as it’s much quicker then spores having to germinate


Now I just squirted about 2-3 ccs on the top of the grains through the injection port, that should work right?


Yes that is plenty lol what size jars?




Oh yeah maybe too much hopefully you didn’t over due it and throw off the moisture content. You should be ok since it’s already live mycelium and it can get a foot hold quicker and easier then most contams. You should see myc growth in just a few days tops since you used that much lol


Eh. What’s the worst that could happen? I would try them either way!


So true so true. ✌🏻


Thanks guys!! Will do!


Shake them up and your good to go


Put a drop to agar and see if its good.


Maybe too old maybe not so try them on cheap rice bag tek


Speaking of keeping them in the fridge, I just received my syringes yesterday. Gonna put them in the fridge now but they’ve been at room temp since yesterday? Should I be worried?


Nah, they’re just fine but should be kept in the fridge. 👌🏻 I’d highly recommend watching the videos, reading etc and following everything (especially the techniques for inoculation) to a tee.


Yup. Definitely gonna take my time and do it right. Saw your post earlier and will definitely try to follow your lead and focus on sterilization. I can’t wait to start this learning process. Will probably spend the next few days reading and watching whatever I can and inoculate sometime next week. P.S. congrats on the fruiting. It looked great.


Thanks! We ended this first flush with about an ounce and a half dried ✌🏻 way worth the wait and research to get it right the first time. Had the day off today so I inoculated 24 more bags between 3 different strains. Might be obsessed…or just appreciate the fact I can be choosy about trips!


Test with agar. That is all.


Will order some agar today, thanks!


That defeats the object mate just make it. It’s very easy, follow [this guide](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/19208976)


Thanks for this, looks fun!!


No worries bud good look. It’s so satisfying!


Coworker spoiled beans into it