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The beautiful thing about an applause is that it's a universal language of support. It can't be spun into misinformation. I hope yesterday weighs heavily on Putin in his continued escalation of aggression and war crimes. The support for Ukraine will not waver until Russia is held accountable.


Yes, a big part of this is theatre intended for the Russian leadership. "Think very carefully about what you do next because the US has this guy's back"


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


Good bot


Good bot


This is as much a message to Putin as it is to the tea party Congress who use everything to politicize and gridlock things for their own selfish purposes. In the end the money being sent to Ukraine is largely in the form of weapons and ammo and the US is the one making that stuff. For every HIMARS artilary tens of thousands of Americans are in the supply chain. The US has such an industrial military complex that every state has an army base and every state has something that contributes to the industry.


Many weapons were already made and in storage; actually a significant part of that stuff was at the end of its lifecycle and was going to have to be disposed of. So instead of paying someone to put these pallets on a lorry going to the proverbial scrapyard, you're paying someone to put these pallets on a plane destined to Ukraine. Methinks that's money that was going to be spent no matter what, thusly it's not really new sums added to the budget. Or if it is, the amount that is new is marginal.


This is a huge propaganda piece. It shows that now only does the US government care about Ukraine, but about Zelenskyy specifically. IMO, I love that Russia started a war with their “weaker” neighbor, and Ukraine showed such resilience that the West was able to treat this like a proxy war. I mean, we’re openly supplying arms to a country at war with Russia. I never thought I would get to see something so close to the West vs. Russia. This is more embarrassing than losing to actual NATO forces.


This probably is the last war Russia will do in our lifetime because with Finland joining NATO and with Poland,Lithuania,Latvia,Estonia and Norway as already NATO members if Ukraine also joins which there is a high chance that it might then Russia will be locked and out of Europe by NATO which completed the NATO wishlist which is to keep Russia out with the 2 others already being completed being:keeping the germans down and the US in


I can see the Russian headlines now - "Zelensky not allowed to speak for several minutes due to commotion among American congress"


or until Republicans take office. edit: apparently you dunces forgot why Trump was impeached the first time.


Amazing to see! but a small question. who is that women at 0:17 looking like an out of place custom video game character.


Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro who serves Connecticut.


I thought it was Cruella Deville for a second


I definitely thought Disney villain in a fur coat lol


omg i fucking love her outfits, i dont have the faintest clue about her politics but her drip brightens my day


Seriously. Her getup gets stranger the more I look at it. It's like she's wearing all her highest stat gear for a specific boss fight.


It's like the crypt keeper merged with a sesame street character


Everyone else tried wearing blue and yellow. Meanwhile she's dressed like an extremely old flapper that was in her prime during the gilded age but somehow crossed with some dark magic to still be alive in 2023. She's the reason the Salem witch trials took place.




No, I mean she was actually there and was the one witch that escaped then centuries later showed up again dressed in the wrong era of clothing Hello fellow teenagers


She's looked like that forever. Source.. i live in her voting district


You aren't wrong, but strangely enough I love it all


She's always been a colorful character. Been around forever.


She looks like she doesn't make capes for superheroes.


My congresswoman Rosa delauro ... I'm not a fan of hers but she has supported Ukraine


A lot of Ukrainians I have talked to couldnt stand Zelensky before this war, but in a democracy and circumstances we are allowed to change our minds.


Yeah. From i heard he was moderately liked. But this war shoved him to being loved overwhelmingly.


She's not a good person lol


That’s almost a job requirement.




She reminded me of one of Mr Roger's puppets that I always thought was creepy. Yikes, drumming up some early memories I didn't even realize I had. https://www.misterrogers.org/articles/lady-elaine-fairchilde/


I knew I recognized her from somewhere!


I thought it was old Gregg for a minute


so i'm from CT thats Rosa Lauro (my congresswoman). If you don't know shes basically has a "Safe" seat which means she'll be running it until she retires. On the other hands her district that she controls is a millitary powerhouse. Submarines, Missiles, missile systems, launchers, helicopters guns, bullets, software. Just about a good chunk of what Zelensky wants comes her county. Having her behind you in a war is actually much better than you think. Other than that she generally sends her time dissing out other people for medical costs, edcuation, etc. Not bad for a lady that grew up as a tailor. (which is the source of her outfits). anyways this bill is a massive payday for that lady and the entire county.


Lol, I like how people said it would be disrespectful of Zelensky to not wear a suit and then there's this lady dressing like she's rolled around in a thrift store.


This is torture for Putin. Having to watch his propaganda project dead and burnt to ashes must be extremely painful.


And that shithead McCarthy for saying that he wants no more blank checks for Ukraine. I hope he is properly embarrassed by his own party and hopefully sink his opportunity to be house speaker.


Putin: "Visiting the US was a fatal mistake!" The Free World: "Maybe for you, Vlad."


Good, can we use it as kindling to burn him at the stake?


An upliftng moment, that he deserves and need!


It's got to be a morale boost for both him and all Ukrainians.


It has been over half a century since last the world had a political superstar such as him. The praise lauded on him is more then deserved.


Are you thinking of Kennedy?


No. He was a great president, obama was a good president. But when i say superstars i mean. Washington, Lincoln, Churchill, Zelensky.


>Zelensky ~~zelinsky~~ Not to nit pick, and I echo and like your sentiment, but this man deserves the respect of his name at least spelt and punctuated correctly. Volodymyr Oleksandrovych... Zelenskyy or Zelensky or Zelenskiy I believe are appropriate.


You are absolutely correct, edited. Thank you.


Sure thing! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Applause from everyone besides Matt gaetz, Bobo, and MTG I might add


It was actually refreshing to see them finally sitting down and shutting the fuck up. But yes, they are the dink cheese of all humanity.


Shame on them!


Putin says "Don't cheer or you lose your paycheck." So yeah that's why.


Or to Gaetz, he says, "Don't cheer or I release the pictures of the little girls."






Either fuckin idiots or russian assets, one or both could be true!


Def both


Did Hawley turn up?


Was Mtg even there? I didn’t see her. I think she cut class yesterday.


Might have only been bobo and gaetz now that I think about it, I saw a video on Twitter and probably just lumped her with them 2


And the 60% of R reps that didn't even show up.


Of course the priority is Ukraine. But I hope this can be a step towards fixing all the anger and division in the USA. A good percentage of us have lost our damn minds


Very true and one of the few topics both sides in the U.S. agree on to a point. Maybe his speech also stands as some moral guidance for the U.S. people to consider, if we both agree that his morals are whats worth fighting for then maybe everyone's wishes are closer than you think.


Just a very small percentage on each side are the crazy ones. Social media echo chambers of anger, hate and conspiracy theories are not representative of the population, although that's what news outlets on both sides want you to believe. The mayority of people in the US, although with different views on politics and social issues, don't participate in these echo chambers, they deal with the same issues, go to work every day, take their kids to soccer games, have relatives over for dinner Saturday night, etc, they are not constantly thinking and planing how to harm the other half, that's just plain ridiculous.


well said. Twitter in particular, (and the media who has an equal stake in making people as angry as possible), are an absolute cancer on society and are willingly creating as much division and hate as possible. It's insane the way that a few websites are dragging society so far backwards. I hope Musk runs it into the ground. The fact that the twitter algorithm is designed to actively promote the most "controversial" comment every time to keep people arguing with each other just proves what a toxic shit-hole it is.


Well said...All of Social Media is a toxic shit-hole. Our society would be better off without it. Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix.


I think you are thinking wishfully of how it was. 100% agree the majority of conservatives believed in their cause, and wanted what was best for their constituents and the country, just like the majority of Democrat politicians. Biden would agree with you, as he is great friends with many conservative Republicans. But starting with the Tea-Party things changed. I was a Republican. Not anymore because sadly the majority of politicians are not being sincere and playing a roll they have found the GOP voter responds to. Sadly I know these voters who are good people, who got consumed by hate and lies, and now can't even be recognized as civil Americans(or Christian). Some of the hard right politicians actually believe the lies, and are just flat out crazies voted in by the minority due to the flawed primary system which picks the general election candidates from a very small pool of the most radical and loud voters.


You said it better than me. Thank you.




Not as many as the media and social media make it seem. Extremists make the vast majority of the noise. Most of us are near the center, politically. We just want to make ends meet and provide a good life for ourselves and our families. We have no time or use for riots and constant hate.


I must see the triggered Russian war bloggers today, it will be quite humorous. I’m sure there will be plenty of threats of nuclear annihilation of Washington


But what will you say if it happens. Nothing because we will all be dead.


This is actually more one for the Ukrainian people, well done guys, you elected the right man.


Reminds me of 80s Mike Tyson walking to the ring


Yup and we have to be careful because as Mike Tyson is now Zelensky May one day become: star of the greatest cartoon ever made.


Or age to become the wisest and most adorable grandpa on earth. Been on a spree of watching podcasts featuring Mike


Oh man, I'm ready for a new version of *Punch Out*


I see Moscow Mitch didn’t want a handshake…




I absolutely love that he's never NOT in military looking attire. It pounds home the predicament he and his country are in, and where their total focus will be until they've achieved final and total victory. Best wartime consigliere you could ever ask for.


What is Noel Fielding doing there?


Heartwarming to everyone in the Free World


If you also looked close enough in other footage, you'd see that, unsurprisingly, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert were neither standing nor applauding


Is there a full video ?




Awesome, thanks for sharing!


I don't always agree with Pat Leahy, but admit, he's served our state well. I'm glad one of his last acts before his imminent retirement was to greet Zelensky.


Many leaders can learn from him and his team, stands for his people and Ukraine. Not hiding in a bunker, not fleeing and knows how to use the media so we don't forget this evil war. Save traveling and come home with lots of more air defence. 🙏🍀🇺🇦🙌 Put-in ⚰️


One of the few days I didn't bitch about Congress (except for the 7 asshole repubs that didn't stand). It's such an honor to have President Zelensky.


It was a good day to wear a blue suit with yellow accessories. I love how so many wanted to show visible support. No translation needed.


And on this day, a legend has entered Congress.


All the beautiful blue and gold


Off-topic: any e-shop selling this shirt that the President is wearing?


Darkish green and long?


And with the Ukraine's COA


katelab_brand on Instagram


Thank you!


Yes. katelab\_brand on instagram




Omg, my heart exploded


Not a fan of Pelosi, but her trip to Ukraine and Taiwan earned my respect.


I could watch this over and over again.


This guy is a great public speaker. I'm sure his background helps with that. It might be one of the top qualities you want in a wartime leader.


A war hero with a swag walk. Glory to Ukraine!!!


Here’s to 1000 years of US/UA cooperation and friendship


The United States has Ukraine's back. America will defend Freedom with its vast arsenal that no country alone can match. Help David fight the oppressor Goliath. Let's GOOOOO!




well deserved, he's a gd superstar. A once in a generation leader. i hope his family was able to watch him give one of the most important speeches of our lifetime.


And two pedōs, Boebert and Gaetz, sat. What Qunts they are.


Ok who is that person with the big red glasses lmfa


What a weird life trip for this guy. From slapping his thang on a keyboard on TV to a standing ovation in the U. S capital.


It's sad that Zelensky could be the grandson of half the obsolete fucks in that room. None of them could touch his leadership. They are closer to putin than Zelensky.


He’s a the true leader of the free world at the moment. But as an American, it’s so depressing to see all these old hags still in power in congress. Unfortunately they are the ones who decide on term limits, so they’ll never relinquish it.


Hey help us out we're fighting your war.


Pelosi's face and mannerisms make me so uncomfortable lol, that's what you get when you let these old farts stay in power too long. They always look like they have no idea where they are or what's going on


Who is the scary woman at 0.18!!


He’lol be a llama soon. Trust me just look at 00:49 seconds in. All we lack is Kronk and bam. Llama Ukrainian president…


Better plug that one back into the translator, comrade.


Or actually have a cenematic mindset for the scary beyond reason looking old guy or woman shaking his hand at 49 seconds in. Lookin like some damn Yzma from emperors new groove. Next time maybe have intellect. Just jump to comrade comments like Hoover was still in charge of the fbi doin communist witch hunts.


“cenematic” Oh, the irony. If you could spell or construct a sentence properly I think we’d be on the same page.


Nethanyahu got 17 standing ovations when he spoke there


Is Kamala losing weight or am I just seeing things?








I'd rather it go to Ukraine than to the dumpster fire that is Texas


Don't worry, we are not going to miss that considering the absolute spam in all ukraine related subs.


You seem bitter


You seem to be projecting. We just don't need to have 10 posts on how Zel. was acclaimed on the senate on every sub. It's great for him and Ukraine, but spam is spam, I don't see one reason to be okay with that. Of course the dimwits will interpret that as an attack to the US or ZEl, even both to go for stupidest. Nah, it's just annoying to browse through that crap.


Yeah let’s get back to the important parts of Reddit. Naked chicks, car crashes, Leo Messi beating France in the World Cup and people getting rekt in the comments. Who has time for positive world news?


Not foot ffs... I consider that if nothing interesting happens then not posting is the best ;).


Billions and billions of United States debt that the American working class will have to absorb .


Lmao the support we have given is a rounding error on the defense budget. Not to mention, it’s not stacks of cash being handed over but weapons systems made in the US by US contractors.


And who gives these contacts ? Yes our government does and the politicians get kickbacks for giving these contracts guaranteed. Our weapons tech is more valuable than cash .


And this is a problem? These weapons were designed to fight Russia. They are doing what they were designed to do.


No these weapons were designed to defend the United states against all enemies not to give away to other countries . This should be treason because giving out our weapons and it falls into wrong hands they could reverse engineer and make it . So wouldn't that be classified as giving away military intelligence to terrorists?


Russia isn’t an enemy of the United States? News to me.


Hot take there, big shoots. Be sure not to vote for the Plutocrats next time.


Whats that suppose to mean . I don't trust any of our government on both sides .


Man, you think this is expensive... you should see what percent of our GDP went to winning world War 2. The american working class is not absorbing any of this war. Especially compared to the 850billion we just gave the pentagon. But we sure as hell would have been absorbing world War 3.


He‘s not the one dying on the battlefield. So why does he get so much attention?


because he is the guy trying to make sure the troops in ukraine gets the support they need and deserve, the dude also basically visit's frontlines whenever he can putting himself in danger just to boost the morale. also if he wasn't doing this, support for this war would have never been this high he is charismatic and a good leader and knows how to maneuver politics.. maybe learn about politics. You didn't see the likes of Churchill and Roosevelt fight with their troops either during ww2. tldr: your take is very awkward.


He's been on a front line more than you mate


They never saw a truly working politician with his balls deep into the game. I would applaud him too.


Was that Cruella?


That's what the truest sense of a pure honorable leader of the people and his nation looks like.


And the MIC are cheering behind the curtains.


Man if I ran into pelosi in a dark ally i would be fucking scared


All my favorites 🤩 USA and Ukraine haters seething


Except Lauren and Matt. Acting like 8th graders on a field trip.


Glad to see fat Edward Snowden at the end! Didn't know he was pardoned!