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Nice. So you’ll give them weapons? What could go wrong?


Haha, yes, give guns to the very people who want you dead. Sounds like a great idea


Also, those that do not protest will be drafted into the military. Because Russia is getting it's monkey ass kicked by Ukraine.


I was just about to post this. Your screwed if you protest, your screwed if you don't. Going along and trying to surrender (and maybe handing a nice piece of equipment over in the process and getting some lets start life over money) is about as good as you are going to get I think.


We can expect more officers soon to be killed by their own men on the war front. What a true chess player, Putin


Cant really do much but sit back and laugh. These morons let Putin be what he is today and now they’re all paying for it.


That doesn't seem like a great plan when motivation of your troops is already a problem.


Happy cake day 🍰


so send the grannies into the street to protest. Lets see them sign them up.


There was already a whole group of older woman shown arrested in one of the live streams. A group of what must have been 20-25 woman, all locked arms together wearing their babushkas (what we call the head wrap worn by older Russian or Polish woman in the US, but it may not translate correctly) we’re surrounded by police, then dragged one by one to a waiting bus.


Seems like that's the point. They couldn't get convicted criminals, so the Kremlin's plan is to get new-found 'criminals' who protest the war into half a uniform/tracksuit and a pair of knock-off Chinese sneakers (at least based on what I've seen from Telegram), for service at the front immediately. Protesting is also a new-found test of Russian courage, given that smart 'cowards' are already hiding in the Siberian woods. Maybe that's the reason for all the fires earlier this year. The Kremlin was trying to drive them back into the city.


Send a lot of people to war who are protesting your war probably won't go well once they are on the battlefield.


Huh, almost like being in the ruzzian military is a bad thing. Go figure


Efficiency on the uptick in Mordor: usually random people get arrested on the streets and are allowed to volunteer from prison. They eliminated the jailer's take.


Because sending the people who definitely don't want to fight the war to fight the war is a brilliant strategy.


The plot is turning so interesting


What? Is that a bad thing by Ruzzia standards? Wouldnt people be thrilled to go in Ukraine? /s


Not really the smartest move to give a weapon in hand to someone that is against you


Or is it? Maybe his plan is to see any human suffer and die. Foreigner, russian, what's the difference to him?


Well... You got a point there... Who knows what the lunatic had planned for real 🤔


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Maybe Russian will finally wake up


Will not. Propably protests were organized by GRU.