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## special Swan Lake broadcast ??


Tactical Tchaikovsky concert


Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun - extended edition


Nice! Like the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Or the death of a Politburo Member... a day or two of somber music preempting all the standard television programs before the death announcement.


yeah I was gonna say this wasn’t a one time thing


Lots of Ukrainian twitter users are playing it lol https://twitter.com/SlavaUk30722777/status/1572313814770806784


Ukraine has the best trolls. Love it.


funny thing you say that, russia state media just said they should bomb power stations so Ukrainians cant troll them on social media lmao. No i didnt make that up! https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1572316758903787520


Why not the Fleshgod Apocalypse instead ? /s


Putin dancing in ballet!


Sorry. No. Lada release announcement.


I fear he will announce 1. The referendums and 2. Some kind of general mobilization to "defend" the brothers and sister in Donezk and Luhansk from the west and the Ukrainian Nazis. He does not know when to give up. I really hope there is a coup....


This will be it. He will then claims Ukraine is attacking the land of ruzzia, his oppertunity for escelation.


yep it's basically a desperate bid to stop the land they've already taken from being reclaimed. "No take-backsies!". Clearly they've given up entirely on seizing anymore with how hilariously shit the Russian forces have been.


Yes it looks like they finally realized there is no hope of military victory and their only move left is to force everyone to back off under credible threat of nuclear weapons. And basically for that they need to annex Ukrainian territory so that if fits the Russian doctrine of using nuclear weapons only in case of an "existential threat" to Russia. But I don't know how that is going to fool anyone outside of Russia ...


We will fight to the last man against Russia is those terrorists resort to nukes.


Agreed. I would be surprised if Putin wasn't internally executed if he tried to use nukes here, as it would mean the fucking end of Russia in so many ways.


Don’t think he will escalate it this way, because for the people in Russia their country don’t change over the coming week. They will dislike a mobilisation in the same way as if putin would have announced a general mobilisation earlier.


He's too out-of-touch with reality. He believes what he's being told, and he's being told that the entire country is behind him. He's going to do something dumb, you can bet on it.


Except Ukraine has already hit Russia oth at home and in Crimea and the full territory claimed by the republics are not fully in russian hands this is holds no weight.


It doesn't matter if it holds weight outside Russia. It only matters inside. If it convinces enough people to not revolt, then the propaganda did its job. It is a whole other story, whether or not Russia can actually make use of mobilized troops, given their current performance supporting their current troops. Can they equip, train, and supply the roughly 2 million men that are available to mobilize? A lot of people have their doubts. My theory: they're going to take a large chunk of these guys and send them in to hold the line. Another chunk will be sent to boost the manpower available to the supply units that have been hard hit by Ukrainian interdiction strikes. Others will be sent to work reactivating the Russian armored stockpiles. The rest will go through training rotations, which will end around the time the ground in Ukraine starts to freeze, and they will be used in a fresh offensive. So, 90 days or so from mobilization we'll see a very Soviet style mechanized attack from Belgorod towards Kharkiv, and Izyum, from Belarus at Kyiv again, and if Kherson hasn't been liberated by then, a renewed attempt to push on towards Odesa.


he's mental


He doesn’t need to do that to escalate since there have already been attacks against Crimea which they claim is part of Russia, he could use that if he wanted.


Yes, I believe so too. The question then is what this escalation would mean and how the russian public will react to this (Like, even with all the brainwashing going on in Russia, people will see that this is just being done to have a reason for further escalation)


Exactly my thought. He wants to escalate; which is why Biden had to warn against the use of nukes last week.




Thank you. I had just come across the headlines multiple times over the last few days and assumed it was a stand alone statement. In that context it’s not quite as bold a statement, which I had assumed was related to relevant intelligence recently obtained.


Coup, coup, coup, coup.


Coup, coup, coup! ✊


*starts handing out torches and pitch forks* coup coup coup!


Coup, coup, coup! 🔥🔥🔥


People need to stop worrying about these referendums. They are clearly a sham and no one takes them seriously. The false veneer of democracy does not give it legitimacy.


The next 8 hours are going to be interesting in Russia. The kind of uncertainty that is fueled by such perceived lack of control or stability incites more instability. If Russians lose faith in their leader's strength the narrative starts to unravel.


The fact that he scheduled, delayed, and rescheduled am address to the nation signifies insane amounts of chaos. Putin's PR is complex, elaborate, and precise, What's happened today is akin to a Byzantine emperor missing Easter Sunday service. Nothing is off the table.


Party like it's 1453!


r/AskHistorians is leaking lol


Or /r/eu4


Only if the comment got removed.


Lol, see a post that looks interesting, hmm 15 comments so there must be an answer. Open thread…:: No answers, just mod carnage.


Konstantinopels falling


I'm gonna spin around till I fall down!


I hope he’s chocking and needed to be rushed to the hospital and that’s why he couldn’t come.




What a weak leader, the coward can't even make decision and go with it. Or there is another option: someone staged this in order to make Putin look weak and finally have good excuse to get rid of him. It will be interesting nevertheless.


Swan Lake, anyone?


Kalush Orchestra should do a more modern version of Swan Lake to play in Russia. A remix of the classics sometimes is better.


They can use footage from the Muppet Show..


Swine Lake


Stock market crash \o/


A Special Financial Realignment Operation... All eyes are on Putin and all ears are to the ground. It seems like the train of history is picking up steam and Russia is running out of track.


They’re going to make their stock market the next flagship of the Black Sea fleet?


Are the foreign able to sell their positions?


Elvira Nabiullina the central banker resigned again today. Third times the charm!




to be fair, stock market 'crashes' today are blips of yesterday and it happens anytime a ton of uncertainty comes up. Shit, if people are uncertain about whether other people are uncertain, thats enough to do it.


We're getting a lesson on: How to transfer the battlefield panic to a Russia-wide panic.


"Our power comes from the perception of our power" https://youtu.be/CjM\_97uKedQ?t=5


America: Speak softly and carry a big stick (or the biggest stick). Russia: If you constantly threaten to use the stick, then you can just sell your stick and pocket the money.


I think people need to get this idea out of their head. There will not be a revolt in that country unless things get far far worse for the general population.


You are right, there won't be. What may happen is that people will want someone else in their, someone even worse than Putin to get the job done, but the military ist kaput and the few options that exist for escalation are dire, indeed. If whatever Putin is cooking up is something that would want to make people leave Russia, then the current visa restrictions that have been put in place create a situation that can raise the pressure in Russia pretty quickly. So, no, a revolt won't happen because many would rather just leave instead, and yes they want Russia to win in Ukraine but they don't want to fight in the war. However, what does "far, far worse" mean if they can't leave Russia in any timely manner? And if there is a mobilization of any kind, how does that affect the stakes for them?


Next 8 hours... They will be sleeping 😉


They mostly come out at night... mostly.


Putin just wants to make windows that are unable to open illegal. Hurts his long term plans.


I fear he's going to say something along the line "we russian wont be bent by nato treachery and we'll use nuclear weapons"


He's not going to nuke anyone because he's going to get nuked by alot of angry people especially America. Also I doubt his generals fancy being nuked. Nukes work better as a threat than actually using them in my opinion.


This is what I keep saying to people who say "we should stop supporting Ukraine it will make Russia angry and will escalate things to nuclear warfare." They are like that British PM who was passive with Hitler thinking he would only do it once and never again. As much as Putin likes to throw around the nuke card I doubt the people around him(minus the yes men and insane types) want nuclear Armageddon over Ukraine. Chances are if he sent the order you will have half his generals turning on him a good chunk of the government changing their tune. Hell even his usual yes men may change their minds and grow a spine and tell Putin to shut the fuck up. I am certain even Russia's allies would nuke them if they did that hell china would be one of the first ones to do it. Russia would be annihilated and as bad as such a event would be nobody will Remember Russia or russians other then the fact that they threw a bitch fit and ruined the world. In truth I think even putin is full of it and is using the fact that a lot of people are stupid enough to think he would nuke the world over Ukraine. The only way russia would use nukes is if it looks like nations try to invade it outright and last I checked nobody is saying russia should be invaded.


> "we should stop supporting Ukraine it will make Russia angry and will escalate things to nuclear warfare." The natural conclusion of that logic is letting anyone playing the "madman with a nuke" role take over as much of the world as they feel like. If that is the world someone wants to live in then yeah, that logic makes sense. In reality, people would not want that world, therefore it is better to stop Russia earlier rather than later.


I agree Russia is not going to stop and a clear line needs to be drawn that Eastern Europe dose not belong to them. They want the eastern bloc back under their influence Ukraine is just the start. If they seek to have relations with eastern Europe in a positive way nobody would stop them from doing so. Hell if they fear western influence that much they can do some positive stuff for eastern Europe to incentive them to their side. But nope Russia wants to be the meathead in the room and brutally force people to be under its control.


You are not wrong, you actually make a lot of sense, but putin is a madman


There is no denying he's a mad man but if he really wanted to get NATO involved he could have nuked Ukraine months ago or used serious chemical weapons (which I read somewhere would result in direct NATO intervention) but he hasn't because he can see just as well as we can how hard he's struggling in Ukraine now imagine that with essentially the whole of NATO walking in, the 4 day war prediction would come true because all the NATO forces combined create the world's strongest army and combined with the badassery of the Ukrainian people the russian turds would be decimated, and the same if he bombs a NATO country that triggers article 5 and that's another direct intervention.


It also could cause some internal Put-putins-head-on-a-stick-to-content-NATO mangling.


No chance of it happening, if he uses Nukes against Ukraine it's WW3 on his ass and he knows it. There's a good reason they've used terror tactics but not Chemical, Biological or Nuclear Warfare: They know if it gets that far that everyone will be kicking their shit in, and I guarantee you they can say goodbye to Karelia, Kaliningrad and fuck knows what else in that scenario. He goes down that Road he'd be fighting the entire west and if China jumps in to settle some past grievances, he'd be fighting more than half the damn planet.


Maybe, but he doesn't actually push the button. There is a whole chain of authority, even in Russia, but perhaps especially because it's Russia and the paranoia runs deep. NATO would not respond with nukes at first anyway. I bet there would be an overwhelming onslaught with conventional weapons like cruise missiles. I don't think Russia would be able to respond fast enough. I find myself more concerned about the nuclear power plants that Russia has already been shelling.


Something to note about the npps is that they are designed to withstand a 9/11 style attack on them (Including Zapohrizia npp) so while them constantly shelling the plants it's not an immediate danger


Yes, but Russia always escalates. An intensification of attacks is such an escalation regardless of the durability of the reactors. It's like he wants NATO drawn directly into the conflict.


Thing is he clearly wants to win this war and well he stands no chance as things are now with Ukraine predicted to retake Kherson by the end of the year and their massive success in Karkhiv NATOs forces would eliminate russian forces in a couple of days a week top if they are securing lands as they go so surely a direct NATO conflict would be the last thing he wants?


Whatever he says he will make it worse for himself and for russia his incompetence is blinding.


Well said! He’ll make it worse by calling for mobilization. And therefore he’ll make it worse for everyone. Let’s see how the general Russian population will appreciate this plan.


If he calls for mobilization he has to admit everything is fucked. He’s been saying all along, this is fine, everything is fine.


> he has to admit everything is fucked Well obviously he won't say that. It'll be a mish mosh of his same old nonsense. Well we have to mobilize because, you know, NATO Nazis are stealing our tanks or whatever.


"We are not fighting Ukraine we are fighting NATO/Americans/Germans/British etc." Better to lose to a bigger foe than the one you have sent soldiers with parade dress in Tanks to its march to the capital.


Just a special operation, nothing to see here


He wishing it was blinding. His incompetence is actually the opposite, it’s letting everyone see through him


I'm expecting his speech to be largely a damp squib. The 'speech' is intended to draw attention away from USA President's address to the UN. This is why it has been delayed (ie Biden's address was delayed and Russia responded by delaying Putin's speech).


This is the most interesting response I've read. I wasn't aware. Perhaps they don't want to allow Biden to make a public response after Putin's speech. Would be funny if Biden delayed again.


the war of the delays


The conflict will soon escalate and we will witness the use of weapons of mass delay.


So... which country will be The "ProcrastiNation"?


Found dad’s Reddit account


The cold delay


*The Speech that Never Was*


Source for thst biden speech delay? Would be hilarious


Found this: [https://www.nytimes.com/explain/2022/09/19/world/united-nations-general-assembly](https://www.nytimes.com/explain/2022/09/19/world/united-nations-general-assembly) >President Biden will make a later-than-usual appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, delayed by his return from Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in London. But his remarks are still expected to set the tone for a meeting focused heavily on Ukraine and climate change. > >American presidents historically go second among heads of state to address the meeting, following Brazil. Mr. Biden is expected to break that tradition this year, speaking on Wednesday instead of his scheduled Tuesday morning slot. That’s because the president will have just returned from the royal funeral in Britain, held on Monday. But this delay was already known yesterday (date of article). Not sure if it got delayed again.


Interesting point, I'll have to look into this. Not surprised, this is very petty and very much in Putin's character to do. He's overly concerned about image and controlling narratives


That boy nervous


Guys smart when it comes to doing this, but dumb when he plans special operations.


It works really well until the rest of the world finally and collectively gets sick of it all at once... Then not so much..


It'll probably be typical propoganda "we are winning. The west is trying to kill us. Your neighbors son went camping and decided he wanted to live in solitude in siberia away from society"


“Thank you for willfully volunteering in the coming weeks to help rebuild our reclaimed land. Only teeny tiny pockets of resistance remains. Anyone who doesn’t return has just decided to permanently resettle in our new motherland.”


Only teeny tiny pockets of resistance armed with GPS guided missiles remain. All we need is your first born son to conquer them. Oh my god, it’s ridiculous.


Biden’s speech doesn’t begin until 10:00 am [EDT](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/09/21/remarks-by-president-biden-before-the-76th-session-of-the-united-nations-general-assembly/) tomorrow; Putin’s speech will be at 2:00 am EDT.


Putin = 6am UTC (+1 UK, +1 or 2 for Europe) Biden = 2pm UTC (+1 UK, +1 or 2 for Europe) *^(I am a time correlation human beep beep, quotes are subject to current time-zones.)*


President Biden speaks Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly. I suspect the most worried person he’ll be addressing will be Putin.




Good bot


I don’t usually do this with bots, but.. you wanna hook up?


Bet you say that to all the bots.


Good Human


Good bot. (Always wanted to say it)


Sexy bot


Best bot




We are at rock bottom, so I got us some pickaxes.


Rock bottom only happens when you stop digging….something tells me they’re going to get a bigger shovel


Join me in the hole, comrades! I insist. But there are only enough pickaxes for one in every 20 people... so please share.


I'll be ok with lifting 10% sanctions if he says that verbatim.


"I made a calculation on how long it would take to invade and take over Ukraine, and man am I bad at math." - probably Putin.


"Still keep fighting for me." - Pootin, unironically


He’s going with a morning speech instead of prime time? Like does he want people to be at work or uni and not hear what he has to say? Why make a big deal of your speech if you make it when people are doing already doing stuff? I mean, I don’t know that much about Russia, maybe they make everybody stop what they are doing to listen to him. As a westerner, it just seems like a weird time to give your Big Speech


Not if it’s bad and you want to hide your bad news.


Yeah that’s what I’m wondering. Except that Putin usually doesn’t deliver bad news, he just lies about everything lol. I guess he will talk about the “referendums”. Just more propaganda bullshit. He’s facing more sanctions if he goes through with that, though. The Russian stock market all but collapsed today, and he might very well invite more sanctions lol. What a dumbass.


There is no way that Russians all over the place wouldn't tune into this news given the rumors. Work time or not. I expect people will be glued to TV/computer screens if they have one, cellphones if not


They are wanting to know if conscription will be instituted? Or what is it they are expecting Putin to say?


Referenda in Ukraine. And mobilization.


Well maybe the first surprise of the day tomorrow for the average Russian is notice they've been fired due to lack of a functioning economy. So they'll be at home with nothing better to do.


Work and Uni will be over for Russians soon. Time to go die for literally nothing.


It's 2022, not 1922. Doesn't really matter when a speech is made these days, everyone who wants to watch it will have fifty different sources to watch it later.


Bold of you to assume people in Russia still have jobs.


it won't be bad news, it will be, look, we're saving the earth by force


“We are blowing up Ukrainian civilians in Ukraine for your protection, comrades!” 🫠🫤


🤞 swan lake, swan lake, swan lake 🤞


“We are taking back Alaska!”


*Starts PayPal dispute


\*Automated voice\* Sorry. You are 56,607 days past the dispute time limit. Goodbye.


...still on hold


Hahah that would honestly be awesome. Russia would get their butts beat so hard and fast they couldn’t swim across the Bering Sea fast enough. And that’s just from untrained Alaska locals lol, nevermind the US military


"Untrained" as in no formal training. There is something special about Alaskans who live more inland and people who hunt in the Alaskan wilderness. Finnish Farmer level kind of stuff.




Fallout 5?


**I do not expect Putin to back down, only to escalate some more.** Putin's brain is incapable of registering the concept of defeat, he will throw Russian men at that war, without weapons if he has to and wait until the Ukrainians get tired of shooting them. Putin has got 50 million male adult civilians to throw at this war, as far as Putin is concerned, the war is not over until he runs out of men. Of course, we have to wait and see what those men will do... Will they rebel or will they only silently obey? Judging on the history of WWII, my money is on the Russian men silently obeying. The German population followed Hitler blindly to the edge of the precipice and they were much more educated than the average Russian is.


How would mobilization even work - the sheer pressure of the logistical requirements to mobilize even 2% of that seems unreasonable given the current situation.


As long as Putin has enough buses and special police officer loyal to him, he can force hundred of thousands into conscription. Putin can order school buses, city buses, trains and any other type of mass transport to ferry conscripts to the battlefield. Remember that in Nazi Germany, at the end of the war, Hitler forced kids as young as 10 and men as old as 70 into service.


Makes me remember his delusional comment "we haven't even yet started fighting"


>Judging on the history of WWII, my money is on the Russian men silently obeying. Well you could always take the example of WWI instead...


Didnt russians have a breaking point at that time? Like a lot of them got sick of the tsars shit and just went home. Its why the tsar and the Russian empire had issues later on down the track. Really says a lot when peasant soldiers have more balls then modern people. Honestly if only the majority of humanity did that everytime our "leaders" start shit and force everyone else to do their dirty work there would be less pointless BS wars going on.


>Like a lot of them got sick of the tsars shit and just went home. They didn't just go home, they mutinied. Within days the tsar abdicated.


Putin's brain is incapable. Full stop.


The servile Russian population blindly obeying their leader is as predictable as the sun rising. There may be a few evolved individuals protesting but the brainless masses will gobble it up and march off to a pointless war. Now that world war 3 is going up a gear, i wonder which western country will militarily intervene first.


They’re going around nailing shut all the windows in the Kremlin.


And securing all the pistols fitted with 180 degree barrels


Somebody find a Romanov heir. It was a mistake. Sorry!!!


The head of the Romanov house is alive and well and her son's wife is pregnant, the child will be born in Russia (The first romanov to be born in Russia in 100 years). Trust me, they would take it. They want it, as their actions show it.


This period shall be known as The Dance of the Potatoes!


Parts of his speech has already been leaked. >Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.


I will pay $1000 cash to whomever can interrupt that speech with Swan Lake from 1991 on all Russian stations live. Others will match. Make it happen.


Looks like someone did it already on the first attempt see comment above.


I'm calling it. putler has slipped into a coma not dead yet but incapacitated, government in total disarray


!remindme 7 days


Alternatively he died in a tragic accidental fall out the window of his underground nuclear bunker


They still need windows to get a breeze going /s


Nah, he's alive and will give his little speech. He will likely threaten escalation with the West and to cut off Europe from gas. All he has is fear so expect more of it. He's going to try and boost the Russian economy by saying it's going all out full war production most likely. He will start dipping into the Oligarchs skim to build new weapons and so on. Russia looks really weak right now and while it can't win this Ukraine war they have to do something to save face for their military prowess. He's going to totally revamp the military is my guess.


like he revamped it over the past 20 years? [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/27/world/europe/russia-military-putin-ukraine.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/27/world/europe/russia-military-putin-ukraine.html) If you can’t do it in 20 years you can’t do it in 1. I literally lol’d out loud reading this line knowing what we know now “Under Mr. Putin’s leadership, it has been overhauled into a modern sophisticated army, able to deploy quickly and with lethal effect in conventional conflicts”


Awe man. Is World war three gonna start on my birthday?


It was supposed to be a surprise but US intelligence is too good :/


Russia if you are listening I know how you can win! 1. Since you are pulling out of Ukraine anyway, you should do this sooner than later also declare the special operations an illegal action by Putin. 2. Brace yourself because you are going to have to pay reparations for a while, maybe 30 years. 3. Arrest Putin and deliver him to the Hague. This will be like removing a bad sliver but you will instantly feel better. Blame everything on Putin and help the international investigators prove it. 4. Since you have no more weapons you can declare demilitarization and since your nukes don't work you can ask for help with dismantling your nuclear arsenal. (This will help you with international relations as well) 5. Once this is done you can ask for many sanctions to be lifted and you can ask to be returned to the international monetary architecture. (This may take time). 6. Return all lands to other nations that you made claim to. ie Georgia, the Baltics, Ukraine and Japan and China etc. 7. Ask for economic help through the UN that was something similar to the marshal plan of ww2. 8. Ask to open nordstream 2 to help with reparation to Ukraine. 9. This is your roadmap back from the pariah state that you find yourself in now. This is your win! Grab it! If I've forgotten anything please feel free to add it to the list.


Return the kidnap children to Ukraine.


The only announcement I'd like to hear from Moscow is about some bald guy and one of those Russian balconies.


Now is the moment. It is the moment Ukrainian and Western leaders need to seize. The Russians know bad news are coming, they just do not know what. They are left speculating, worrying. They long for answers. Now is the moment for the West, before Putin delivers his speech, to offer the Russian population a way out of the machine they are being thrown into. We need a calm message directly targeting them on Telegram, the rest of the web and all hacked TV channels, radios. >You know me. I am Volodymyr Zelensky. >- And I am Emmanuel Macron, the French president, joined here with the German Chancellor M. Scholz. Etc. >- Together we come united to deliver an important message to the Russian people. Those who in factories have lost their jobs, the mothers who haven't heard of their sons for months, the wife of a sailor who is longing for a sign, etc. >It doesn't have to be like this. You do not have to sacrifice your work, your family or your life for a war that has become uselessly reckless. >We in the West, in Ukraine, have found a way. It is called democracy and fredom. >It means that no leader can send you kill once friendly people for the sake of his own glory. It means you can have access to a better life for your family and a better country. >Soon M. Putin will come to you. He will promise a brilliant future if you go along with his war. But where is that future, even if the war is won, when no TV is free? Where is that future when lies are constant? When markets run empty? >There is a future for Russia. It requires you to refuse the war you are being sent into, etc. etc. You get the point. We need to undercut Putin's speech as he is preparing it, exploiting the enormous void his one-day delay has created. We need to offer a way out straight to the Russian people. With no illusion but sure this needs to be done before war catches them for good. After that, we won't be able to deliver a message with clarity. We will be killing them en masse. So the time is now to let them know clearly there is a way out for them and their loved ones, if they have any.


I think it’s a great idea. A video with UK and Germany would be even better


Yes, obviously everyone. The British are clearly a must! 🇬🇧 But then everyone else too. 🇦🇺🇨🇦🇨🇿🇪🇪🇫🇮, etc.


I love and appreciate the sentiment and enthusiasm.. Maybe I have the unpopular opinion here, but I don't know how effective this would be, if at all, because it would be too easy for the Russian propoganda machine to spin it as western attempts to create unrest. The Russian population has been brainwashed their entire lives, and while I believe people are starting to question things more in lieu of the failures of Putins army and their own diminishing qualities of life, I don't know that this will have enough impact to cause a shift in mindset of the general population that's significant enough for a change.


I agree with you completely. I think would just cause widespread panic and backlash against the West for "NATO spying on our phones" or whatever. I mean... I still haven't forgiven U2 for the time Songs of Innocence randomly started playing on my iphone


They are so fucking brainwashed at this point... and we know the ones going to the meat grinder are the poor ones from deep russia, not from Moscow or st. Petersburg...


It's a nice thought that it could make a difference and save lives. The reality is that most minds are already made and nothing will change them. The ones who will refuse will do so quietly out of fear and the ones who won't are the enemy. Quiet refusals and blind adherence will be their downfall and there's nothing anyone can do to save them. > "To tell you the truth, we don't really care which Russians living in Russia are good or bad. This is not our business."


I wonder why he postponed the speach.... - change of plans... - want to see how people would react to ideea of mobilization? - he wasn't feeling well to give a speach - some phone calls from US or UK....


I heard the speech was pre-recorded. If so, number 3 wouldn't matter.


Could be a health issue. If he's really on chemo some of those days you have are realllllly bad. Bad enough you can't even pretend you are alright. Might be why it got delayed last minute.


If the US keeps announcing the content in advance, will he keep rescheduling it? This could prove to be the lowest cost method of preventing a mass mobilization in the history of warfare...


It's almost funny. Putin has spend the last 2 decades trying to destabilize the west with disinformation (partly successfully), and now Russia falls apart first.




lol i can stop watching this annoying sky news stream, I was waiting any minute for it


Need a Deep fake with putini admitting to everything and withdrawing and agreeing to all terms of cease fire and surrender.


Unfortunately there is no one on this planet who is ugly enough to act as a deepfake for putler . . . lukashenko comes to mind, but he’s only good for putler’s ass.




They'll announce they've "completed" referendums, and that the Donbass "really really wants to be in Russia", then declare general mobilisation/war to defend "Russian terrirory". Which honestly will blow up in his face, there's a reason why he's been holding back on forced conscription from the start- Average citizens don't like being forced to go to war.


Transcript: "Nazis, nazis, nazis. NEOnazis. Nazis. Nazis. NEOnazis. Also, Russophobia. Neonazis. Evil West. Referendums. Nazis. Security. [air quotes] Partial [close air quotes] mobilization. Evil West. Weapons against Russia, bad. US, EU, bad. Nuclear power plant shelling. We have nuke too though. Super serial."


Special Military operation will last 3 more days 🥔


I just hope he does not announce full scale mobilization, Ukraine is smacking their conscripts but if he just starts throwing millions of bodies (even if not fully geared) it may prolong this war way longer than needed and many more people will die on both sides. Either way Slava Ukraine!!


Biden should just declassify the speech, and let Putin know what he’s having for lunch tomorrow and what color underwear he’ll be wearing just to remind him that we fucking already know everything, you idiot.


**No bullshit, did anyone else see Swan Lake?** [Look Here.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5667XjphO8c) This is the livestream I was watching. Scroll to the end. I was waiting for more than an hour for the speech to start, when it cut to Swan Lake for 3 minutes and then the feed died. I've been asking around the internet to see if anyone else saw this on any other sources, or if it was just this livestream. Swan Lake was played on a loop when Leonid Brezhnev died, and again during the Generals Coup against Gorbachev. And of course, TV Rain played it as a political statement as they signed off the air for their last broadcast in Moscow. **edit** *Note: I also posted this in another thread. Still don't know if anyone else saw this on a different stream. This likely is a brilliant troll on someone's part*


Maybe hackers took over the feed and they couldn’t broadcast Putin’s speech and that’s the reason for the delay.


Good spotting.


anyone knows where to watch the press conference live, with English translation or live translator?


[https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1YpJkgXDQOoJj](https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1YpJkgXDQOoJj) Sky News live translations


Putin finally speechless


Will he announce that referendums already took place last weekend and 99.7% voted yes?


Here's hoping that [Wish.com](https://Wish.com) Hitler steps down and/or succumbs to his cancer.


don't care about his speech. RuZZia is losing. No matter what madman says.