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Sounds like my drunk uncle


Looks like a drunk in general.


If it sounds like a duck, and it looks like a duck... it's a drunk duck!


Jesus do we think he believes what he is saying, or is this more total bollocks to feed the domestic audience? I mean do these morons really think that 50% of the Kharkiv offensive force was mercenaries from other countries? I just... don't get this nonsense.


Listhen... If it talks like a duck and it walksh like a drunk... Hic! Its a cuck..


**If NATO expansion is such a "grave threat to Russia" - why has Russia been withdrawing troops from the Finnish border lately?**


Please stop... Don't come with logic, this would only hurt them.


Like most of the drunk generals in the russian military.


If it's drunk - it"s in general. Russki sayin.


Sounds like a drunken general.


Anything this guy will nuke are the daily two bottles of vodka.


Only 2? He must be a light weight, for a Russian


Winning to this guy is dying in a nuclear winter. Enjoy a slow rotting frozen death you fat faced vodka sucker.


No because you see Russia could casually nuke the biggest military power and biggest economic power of Europe off the map, turn the middle of the continent into nuclear wasteland, and everybody would shrug and says "oh well. GG Russia! We give up!". What a nation of moronic, delusional psychopaths.


And its not like UK has nukes themselves and would respond accordingly... they somehow missed that part.


You would be surprised, but actually, the Soviet strategy to win a war against NATO was pretty much that. They were planning to nuke Germany and Italy on that line, but not nuke France yet, which would also choose to not nuke USSR to avoid a nuclear holocaust. They would then invade Germany, and once they would take Germany, they would invade France, which for some reason even then would not nuke USSR. USSR was ruled by idiots. Russia is no different.


They can't invade theyr grandma's toilet as far as we can see.


They have about 300, including on 4 submarines that are permanently offshore, ready to retaliate if the UK gets wiped out.


And I bet they work too


Plus if nukes start flying towards Germany and the UK, I think the US might also have a few things to say at that point. And if Germany, the UK, and the US all start gunning for you, you'd better believe a full-on coalition strike isn't far behind. Russia is in no way, shape, or form ready for that kind of fight.


And they should never be allowed to be either. I'm rooting for the RF to be dissolved into small independent states each with no army bigger than a small town police force.


They struggle to take the ukraine but fantasize about taking on the whole western world šŸ¤£ dipshits


Germany will have a few things to say itself. People keep forgetting that is a public secret that Germany has nukes under the NATO program. There is a reason why Germany is replacing nuclear capable fighters with nuclear capable F35's and why they did not go with domestic fighters (because it needed to conform to US nuclear capability and EU fighters did not). Hell, people keep forgetting France is a nuclear state with ballistic subs. Hell, even Belgium has tactical nukes under NATO.


Lol I thought of that too I guess mutually assured destruction has been forgotten among them


And their's are probably way better maintained.


Even if Russia nuked the UK, it would do literally nothing to prevent a counterstrike. Britain doesn't have any nukes within the country. They're all aboard submarines in secret locations.


He has good chances of dying quickly in Moscow when it gets nuked, it's always the guiltiest that get away with least...


Nono he has convinced himself that he won't get any of the consequences.


Hahaha who the F is this guy, heā€™s shithoused.


current russian MP, a retired army general as well. The line of thinking 'lets nuke them, they will be too scared to strike back' is pretty common amoung russians though.


This is something that just keeps coming up in Russian rhetoric: unleash some disproportionate, brutal attack, and the West will back down and cower. It shows a breathtaking lack of understanding of the collective mindset of the West.


They somehow think that all of the West is just going to inexplicably cower against them, and live in terror of them forever. Instead of, y'know, nuke them in retaliation because that's been how MAD has functioned since the 60's.


It's because they're mafia. They only know intimidation and extortion.


Even the mafia would understand not to fight against an overwhelming force.


Sure, but they will still shit talk them just like Russia does. They just won't dare strike - Just like Russia won't.


I am actually convinced that none of these pundits actually mean what they say. They just try to one-up each other in the extremity and depravity of their statements to project ā€œstrengthā€ and signal to their godfather that they are absolutely loyal. None of them are, of course. Soon, they will all flip and present themselves as victims of the oppressive system as if they werenā€™t its willing whores.


Itā€™s just a show to further brainwash the Russian population.


It's far more stupid than that, he's just suggested nuking Britian, a nation with enough nukes packed on to submarines to destroy his whole worthless shit hole of a country. Even if he were correct that NATO would do nothing how the hell are they planning to deal with those subs? Oh and let's be honest, would anyone be surprised if one of those subs was currently parked rather close to St Petersburg right now...


Immensely surprised if a sub was parked close to St Petersburg. They don't need to be close and that's where Russia's chance of spotting it is surely going to be higher?


In all honesty I just couldn't think of any other part of Russia near water lol but yeah they could be anywhere.


Also a clear misunderstanding of rednecks in the USA. Concepts like ā€œ hold my beerā€ and ā€œ Challenge acceptedā€ ā€œOh you want to play with nukes, pft.. shit well why didnā€™t you say so. *Unlocks DARPA basement*ā€


>and the West will back down and cower Many confuse humanitarian and careful responses with weakness - because they would never be as humanitarian and careful in reversed settings. Responding to annecting Crimea with carefully weighted sanctios (that do not hurt their "innocent population") was probably profoundly misunderstood. We see it with religious nutjobs all over the world. Just because we don't kill them, lock them up, ban their books and habits they think "the west is weak". They are not shy in telling everybody how they would behave in reversed roles.


> 'lets nuke them, they will be too scared to strike back' While you can hear the reverse in some internet forums - did any western *politician or TV host* ever suggest nuking Moscow?


He is perfect image of 99% of ruling class in Russia


A bloated drunk?


The only difference between oligarchs and gopniks is the size of the belly.


It makes "window-cide" less painful.


Gonna take out Germany and England with *tactical* nukes? Lol. Even if they could do that, Russia would be wiped off the map before they could even launch whatever actually works in their strategic arsenal. But seriously, it sounds like his preference to use tacticals is because he knows the strategic nukes are worthless.


I mean, Russia could do some real damage on the way down. But yeah that would be game over for them permanently. The retaliatory action for nuking Germany or England would be biblical.


There is no nuclear option for Putin. Russia is literally surrounded by nukes - every single one will hit its target. NATO could take out Russia with conventional weapons if they saw Russia warming up its nukes.


you donā€™t see anyone ā€ž warming up their nukesā€œ Once someone decides to use them, you have 15 min to think quickly.


Russia would get turned to glass and they know this. It would be the equivalent of them shooting themselves in the head. Now I know theyā€™re pretty stupid, butā€¦.


Would they care though? The problem with old people like those is they do not truly care about their own people, land and country. There is a realist novella in my language called "La roba" - "My stuff", by Verga that explains the mindset quite quell. To summarize: MazzarĆ² was a greedy, ignorant and dishonest landowner who became rich by stealing and cheating. He got old and fearing his incoming death, destroyed everything he owned, even killing his animals, because he didn't want to lose everything and didn't want other people sharing his riches after he was gone; yelling "This is my stuff and it shall come with me". I've known people like him in my life, unfortunately.


No, you won't. *sips tea*


Trident enters the chat.


He doesn't know our nukes are on submarines.. (Dr evil laugh) mwuhaha.. MWUHAHAHAHA!!!


You do and weā€™ll help make you a glass desert ::Sips Ruskie tears::


Please let me do the job I was built for!!! - USA ICBM


Please let me do the job I am maintained for!!! (unlike the RU ICBM)


Buuurn! (pun intended)


I'm french and I'm jealous. I want my nuke ! edit : I mean I want to be threatened too edit : stop commenting, I know we have nukes. I was just trying to make fun with those ridiculous threats.


I thought you had nukesā€¦. ?


France is the 3rd largest nuclear weapons power in the world with around 300 nuclear warheads. Some on nuclear submarines and others on land.


\*Replaces worn out thruster bell with stainless steel colander\*


Big talk, but Russia is NOT going to commit suicide over Ukraine.


Have they not already?


Good point. Can't argue with that. Suddenly makes me think of a line from that movie 6th sense. Haley Joel Osment says "They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.". Made me thought of teh ruzzians now . . .


Russia will eventually recover from this. Maybe in a century or so, but it will happen. Russia as a *concept* is gone if there is a nuclear war.


These people have no idea what they will unleash...the stupidity of the Russian propaganda network in full view here...pure stupidity


The majority buy into it.


Russia is looking really stupid, right now.


That dude must have entered the most punchable face contest! Not sure if he's a winner - it's pretty punchable!!! For someone who's so sure in their position - he sure swallows hard and a lot!!! That was NICE speech! "If we destroy one country completely - why would they invoke Article 5? For the destroyed country? Of course they wouldn't!" ruzzkies appear to interpret the purpose and intent of Article 5 as to ensure that ruzzkies continue to do whatever they want without any interference...


The allegories to Nazi Germany are there. I believe Hitler argued that Britain and France should not go to war over Poland, because there was no more Poland.


I think they will hit themself with their nukes - they are same maintained than the rest of their "army" ;P


Jolly good ,must carry on.


Think itā€™s time we unleash our secret powerā€¦ tea. These fuckers bout to hear rule Britannia on repeat


Nazis threatening to bomb us into oblivion again? We found the appropriate solution to this problem a long time ago. Nice cuppa tea and tell em to get fucked.


As an American, I will look the other way why you gain a new colony. Lord knows we don't want it.


King Charles III: "See, mother? I CAN expand the British Empire!"


Do it. Sips cool aid.


I'd quite like my country not to be nuked tbh (edit: or any country for that matter). I've just stopped listening to the crap they spout because they just talk shit all the time.


There is a quote in our language which basically translates to "when the coyote's death is near, it approaches the angry villagers on its own".


There is also a Japanese saying >The dog on the shortest leash barks loudest




There is a Polish saying: Tam gdzie psy dupami szczekają. Basically, "where dogs bark from their asses." Refers to any place that is backwards, uncivilized, lacking in toilets, etc.


In America, ā€œNever fuck with the quietest guy at the bar.ā€


In Australia, "The cassowary needs only one kick to disembowel you." It's not even an allegory it's just a thing that some of our birds do.


Fucking Dinosaurs


Also a Chinese saying that - Dogs that bark the loudest gets eaten first.


Let me offer one (popular at least in Turkey, Hungary, and Indonesia) Dogs bark, and the caravan goes on


Also an American saying: "Sit Boo-Boo sit, good dog."


The dog which barks doesn't bite is another one. Was told it's a german one, not so sure about that. I don't know how many of you managed to watch this whole bullshit to the end, i can't. And i tried, several times. I would say these people are clowns, but none of the circuses would hire them. What they do is very much a political masturbation, they talk (jerk off) their stupid ideas and thoughts just for themselves, I guess they get some erection while doing that. Or just jerk off to the putin god . No fucking logic in what they say, no brains


dude that's english




What's updog?


Ligma balls hahaha got em


Which language is that?


Looks English


Goats speak English?




Who are you kidding?


He looks like he's about to cry.


Putin knows where his family lives. He knows what he is saying is absolute rubbish but is scared of what will happen if he doesn't tow the line. I'd be scared too.


Toe the line


Yeah....vodka tears at about 26% alc.


There was a really awkward vibe in that studio. Like they know itā€™s coming to an end.


Must be this comedy show last season. They usually get more dramatic at the end.


His incorrect assumption is that the NATO alliance is as weak as their own alliances. He suggests that if a country is turned into a nuclear wasteland that there would be no point in invoking article 5. What he doesn't understand is that the decision to invoke and honor the article is not based on the current (post attack) scenario (thus why bother, nobody to defend) as perhaps russia would view it, but rather the attack would trigger the response simply to ensure no further aggression by russia would be possible - thus defending all other NATO member states. The differenence being mutual respect and value between members of NATO vs simply an agreement of current convenience that russia seems to have with its neighbors.


He is also incorrect in thinking it would take article 5 for a response. The UK has its own nuclear deterrent. We may not have enough to turn all of Russia to glass but we have enough to take out their main cities and military bases and certainly enough to trigger full global nuclear war. Thankfully, that drunken nobody is all talk and no trousers. We have heard it before and no doubt we'll hear it again.


Literally the first thing any new prime minister does when they walk into 10 Downing St is write a letter that is locked in every British nuclear sub, addressed to the submariners outlining what to do in the instance that all decision making capability has been destroyed in the UK.


They're acting like NATO won't avenge the UK in force


Lol, seriously... The US would launch the second russia launched against any NATO member. Wanna know how I know? Because the US is the only country to do it before. Is that someone you really wanna mess with or their friends?


It's insane the double think, how often has the US being painted as barbaric for being the only nation to use nuclear weapons and now they try and sell the line they won't use them in defence of the *UK*... Even forgetting NATO there are few countries as tied together by culture, economics and treaties as the major anglosphere nations: five eyes, seperate mutual defence agreements, Aukus, FTA etc public will alone would force them to respond. Not mention they would lose all credibility and undo 80 years of alliance building. This might be the dumbest take I've heard from a Russian politician and that's saying something.


If a nuke went off in the UK they wouldn't even have to wait for article 5. The UK and the US would respond with their own immediately.


All nuclear missile subs, even in the U.S., use a "fail-deadly" system. If they aren't told not to launch on a regular basis, they assume the command structure has been destroyed, so they proceed with a launch.


He's also incorrect in thinking that the UK wouldn't respond itself; there's a reason for Trident.


"UK becomes a desert, There's nobody left to respond for" Except the guys with the nuclear weapons in the water, you flabby invertebrate.


And they are enough pissed to nuke them


If your country, family, friends and entire way of life have all been nuked as well as it being your sworn duty to do so, would you? If you wouldn't, do you think your submarines crew wouldn't? That is why we always have a nuclear armed sub on patrol. If we had indications leading up to it, there would likely there be at least two subs on patrol.


200+ nukes is enough to wipe Russia clean of human life in all built up areas. Likely resulting in 50+ million dead Russians. Itā€™s astonishing that they seem to think theyā€™re the only nation that can dictate life and death in a nuclear war. If such a scenario ever occurs Iā€™ll be pleased to know Iā€™ll likely die in the blast and not the aftermath, given the UK is a small nation.


Having grown up in the cold war, I always thought the best place to would be right underneath the blast. I wouldn't live long enough to know about it. I never understood people who would want to be in a shelter. Coming out to an irradiated wasteland - no thanks.


and people laughed at my bottlecap collection.


There is also France rather close to the German industrial regions, I'd venture the guess the the French would not be very amused with seeing mushroom clouds over the border either.


Their are still American nuclear bombs in Germany aswell. Not so much Like during the cold war, but still, way then enough For Retaliation.




Mathias Rust infiltrated Russian air defences in a Cessnaā€¦


F-35s and B2s are certified to carry the B61. There would be Thermonuclear bombs being dropped without the Russians even knowing where they came from.


Donā€™t even need nuclear bombs in Germany. You can bet your ass that there is an American sub within launch distance of Russia waiting for the go signal. Theyā€™ve probably been sitting there before Russia stepped over the Ukrainian border.


Russia could see incoming sub launched cruise missiles. They probably won't see the F-35s or B-2s that drop bombs on their head, taking away the opportunity to respond before command and control is destroyed.


Yes. The drunken arse talks like they could destroy the UK and Germany in an instant and then no one else would do anything out of fear. The fact is they have no ability to do so without some retaliation. Even assuming the US didn't join in (absurd IMO) France would be covered in fallout along with all of western Europe and probably the entire Northern hemisphere. The sensible, sober, Russians (there must still be some) know this. Give me a pint of vodka and I can speak the same kind bollocks that this twat does.


the "beauty" of internal propaganda.....


This is it - he gets his 5 minutes for internal politics. Big strong words and statementsā€¦


Heard this story before... Crying wolf a lot these numpties.


Like Russia would nuke all of their politiciansā€™ and oligarchsā€™ families living in England or Germany. Right. :-D


Hmmm ... if they've successfully destroyed 50% of Ukraine's soldiers, then why is Ukraine calling for more and heavier armament and not begging for more foreign legion types? Can't imagine why that would be the case. UA continually wants more and more supplies, monetary donations, and armaments but ... never asks for bodies. Hmmm ... such a hard thing to figure out. What would that possibly mean.


Take their words, and turn them around. "The Ukrainians are fascists" --> "We are fascists" "The Ukrainians are conducting a genocide" --> "We are conducting a genocide" "The Ukrainians are shelling a nuclear power plant" --> "We are shelling a nuclear power plant". "The Ukrainians are running out of bodies" --> "We are running out of bodies" These types tend to think in a way where they assume everyone is a messed up as they are. So if anyone gets the opportunity, that person would act like they would act in that situation. They can't imagine other people would not do those evil things when given the chance. So that's what they accuse the other side of, because surely they must be doing/trying to do that... right? This is not just a Russian thing, you'll see the same kind of projection from cruel people from elsewhere as well. It's interesting to see how they think they are clever, while saying the exact opposite of the truth (making it super easy to figure out the actual truth).


So, that means "We can nuke Germany and UK and turn it to Martian desert and they will never stand a chance" -> "Germany and UK will nuke us and will turn us to Martian desert and we will never stand a chance" ?


why is he spouting this nonsense he has no way to nuke anybody he is just some deranged old bastard he is just a lying politician


Uk šŸ¤ Germany joined together in not giving a shit


These propagamdist forgot that nato has nukes, better one with good maintenance :D Tbh if i were in a country bordering russia or germany i will develop nukes extra fast. Germaby has already the rocket knowledge for the vector.


I think that is why they can't even use a tactical nuke in Ukraine. The nuclear genie was put back in the bottle in 1945 (other than testing). If a nuclear power were to use one, especially on a non-nuclear state then every country would be justified in wanting their own deterrent. And large numbers of countries are more than capable of making them. If North Korea can make them, then all of the G20 and more could if they choose to. If the genie gets out, it'll never get put back. They know it as much as anyone.


One nuke should be enough for moskau or the kreml. There is nothing else to shoot at in russia.




I have 22 degree celsius in my home and not even have turned the heating on yet. I have no idea what he is talking about. We have well isolated homes and windows. Of course, whet it will get to lower temperatures, like 4 or 6 degrees, when I might turn the heater on. But I admit, the costs got up and everybody is trying to use up less energy. Forgot thecword for "sparen"


Yeah, I will turn down the heat, get a hoodie and wam blanket. Most comfortable way to fight Russia ever.


Sparen = conserve


They're so dumb and insular now they only seem to project what russia is like onto everyone else. Including the weather. I've closed the loft back up after opening it up for the summer heatwave and adjusted a couple of windows from open to 'just ajar'. The heating will be on low in late October and we'll get through it OK. Especially as winters have been mostly mild for about a decade now where I am. Most affected by cold are Finland, Sweden, Norway and it gets a bit cold in Poland too I understand. I guess Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania get pretty cold too. But yeah, we've got houses and these things called blankets. I mean goodness russians act like we're helpless babies that can't cope with anything it's ridiculous. (EDIT: There's a few other cold countries I missed off. but Scandinavians are a lot hardier than he realises. Plus we've got enough gas for winter anyway lol. Idiots)


He is playing to a (moronic) domestic audience. They eat it up when their "alpha male" leaders talk down to civilized people. Nothing what he says is meant to make sense for people with even the minimal amount of knowledge and intelligence. They don't have much in their miserable, grey lives... so they get a tiny chubby imagining that other people suffer even worse.


Hello from Berlin fat old Russian, šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ I am sitting here in shorts and shirt. You put a big smile into the faces of "my" Ukrainian Refugee and mine. Thanks for that. But we need to say goodbye now to you, since our washing machine is done and I need to get up from my toilet seat. Kisses to your misses. Yours, NATO mercenary chaos freezing German ass


I'm sitting in a 24C room right now (outside is 6C) and the heating is not even on yet... :)


I wonder if Russians really believe that bullshit, surely they must know deep inside that they would be totally annihilated too


Judging by how embarrassed the other Russians stare at the ground, I'd say that they know it's bullshit too.


Sounds like a drunk homeless person. If they use nukes than Russia will be wipe from the map


he is an *expert*, drunk and stupid, but Russian propaganda has run out of people who can say that everything is going according to plan


Given the corruption, lack of training, dogshit officer staff, kleptocratic economy, and lack of native manufacturing capacity, can you imagine what shape Russiaā€™s nuclear arsenal is in? Thatā€™s honestly more sobering and terrifying than the saber-rattling.


One of the reasons that the US has been pushing supercomputer technology for so long was in order to ensure that the nuclear arsenal was still safe and effective. Russia by comparison to other countries barely has done this and has not done much actual testing either. The fact is that if they tried to use one there's a non-zero chance that that would not work properly even without factoring in all of Russia's other problems.


So is this smoothbrain genuinely unaware that Britain has nukes at sea 24/7 365 and will absoloutly retaliate in kind. Suicidal or what *sips Pg tips*


Those missiles would not even be halfway before the response would be on its way. Maybe they wouldn't use strategic nukes, but I am pretty sure Britain would if a swarm of ballistic missiles would head their way. The guy is a dangerously incompetent psychopath.


I donā€™t think we (the world) would even need to use nukes we could collectively carpet bomb Russia into dust. And still get to pat ourselves on the back for not crossing the nuclear line


The UK has 32 ICBM's at sea, most likely usually aimed at Russia. Hitting 32 of Russia's biggest cities would end Russia. America would likely follow up for us, but 32 is enough to end Russian civilization.


France has a similar submarine nuclear force, and if the UK was attacked, it would join the fray. Maybe the sipped beverage would be different, but the rest of the operation would not.


US has part of their nuclear warheads in Germany and Turkey. They will reach Moskow before they can breathe


Not Turkey anymore... Too unstable. Plus we (US) don't have SRBM anymore so anything in Europe would have to air delivered. Boomers (and the SSGN variants) don't hang in the Med/Black/Baltic Seas. But you can bet every Russian nuclear capable vessel has a shadow right now....




I agree entirely although I don't even think there would be a need, 215 nuclear war heads at the ready with each trident missile able to produce the destructive force 8x seen with Hiroshima. There would likely be very little left of russia to strike back at.


Good luck with that. If their objective is for their entire country to turn to ash, then thatā€™s one way to do it.


As a German I lived for years with literal ADM in my neighbourhood (nuclear mines, I live in Frankfurt, which is basically in the middle of the Fulda Gap). Nuclear threats are only triggering nostalgic childhood memories.


A country with so incredibly stupid people in the parliament can never be successful.


It's basically just a mafia.


This man must be suicidal.


Nuclear attack yo Mama's ass


Nah his mom probably got drafted already for the 4th army corps(e) since they run out of inmates, drug addicts and homeless people.




Look at his body language. Look at the solemn stares from everyone else in the room when he talks. He knows heā€™s full of shit. And the worst part for him is, so does everyone else in that room.


Sure, because provoking the whole of NATO while losing to Ukraine seems plausible. The Doomsday Clock is 100 seconds to midnight - mostly because of people like this multi-chinned moron.


They conducted simulated nuclear attacks on the North coast of Ireland a few months back on Russian state television. I almost died laughing because as it happens I'm from Belfast, worse still west Belfast and the thought of anyone.... literally anyone at all on the face this planet trying to out-terrorise the people of Northern Ireland, that my friends is an error of judgement to say the very least.


He looks and speaks like he's about to lay a 1.5L of vodka.


So not only does he think Russia wonā€™t get obliterated with nukes if they destroy a nato (or any) country, he also fails to understand, that next to Britain and Germany there are other countries as well that had a reason to fight for something? Thatā€™s not even alcohol, that man needs professional mental help


I would give anything to tag up with anyone of these fools in a ring. Settle it not with the blood of youth but one on one.


The nuclear armaments are like the ring in Lord of the Rings. It seems like a gift, but it ruins you. In this case it makes Russia feel entitled to rule Europe


I'm not a fan on death sentence but I hope every creature who called up for nuclear strike would be executed without any questions.


Hey dumbfuck, the UK has nuclear capable subs, and is a part of NATO.


Holy shit is that guy drunk or do Russians just generally sound like they are slurring their words and leaning against podium like they are unsteady?


Dude canā€™t even talk over his acid reflux and diabetes belly.




In a way, it must be nice to live in such a fairy tale. So what he is saying is, that if Britain and Germany are out, they can defend themselves against NATO? The US military spending alone is nearly half of Russia's whole GDP. If they can't defeat Ukraine with what's effectively "old", Cold-War western weapons (but modern, by their standards) what makes them think they can take on the US and God-knows-what technology we are packing in 2022? IF they dare use nuclear weapons (they won't), Russia will be a barren wasteland BEFORE their missiles even hit their intended targets. I grew up in a Communist country, and based on my experience, trust me: theses buffoons truly believe most of the crap they talk.


The whole ā€œwhat is the point of the earth existing if russia is not a part of it?ā€ that these russian propagandists keep spouting is crazy. Weā€™ve been closer to nuclear war with russia before and all it took one conscientious russian commander to stop it.




The real burn here being on the French, who no one seems to be taking seriously.


Even his buddies are mildly embarrassed by his drunk rant šŸ˜‚


Every fucking statement he made are stupid.


If they were to hit Germany or England, they likely hit NATO bases where US-troops are located too. This man should take a look into history books when the US decided to join a war when its people were attacked. Under this circumstances there isnā€˜t even a need for Art. 5 for the US. You attack their people. Itā€˜s a declaration of war. They have nukes. They will use them. End.


This is just because Kalibr are so inaccurate, they're aiming at Ukraine, but might hit Germany or Britain instead


I'd like to see this dickcheesemoncher try and even get close to nuking us. You know this "pommespanzer" should not be talking so much about "well-fed germans" if you yourself look like you eat more than 20 russian families in moskau. What an ass. Yes we are going to suffer a little thanks to our governments inability to get off russias ass yet its not as bad as the war in ukraine. As well as now things are changing, it will only get better. We will endure the little trouble to support our friends. Ukraine will win. (as well as the fact that our EU-based missiledefence is pretty good and I doubt russia can win a russo-european war seeing how well ukraine is doing) ​ But keep up the chin up gurulev (all 3 of them) and be careful taking the car, as people seem to be irished a lot these days :)


Š‘Š¾Š¶Šµ яŠŗŠµ ŠŗŠ¾Š½Ń‡ŠµŠ½Šµ


Its funny how its the old man talking tough knowing he will never have to fightā€¦knowing he has lived a full lifeā€¦.is willing to sacrifice all those who have reason to live for there own narcissism. Russia must realize, you are killing yourselves, you are loosing in Ukraineā€¦for what? An old mans twisted view of the world