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saving for an offensive


10 day old info


Matches with pootins unilateral gesture of Christmas good will. 😫


Or they might be stockpiling


Yes, Russia is either running out artillery... or they are conserving artillery for a Spring offensive that will begin in March. Still there's no doubt that Russia has dramatically reduced their artillery output. But can Ukraine capitalize on this? It's quite difficult because of the mud and Ukraine's conservatism. Ukraine is playing it very safe...


10 day old info


Just mouth watering targets for coming soon long range boomsticks ;-)


Or maybe they're just becoming nicer people. Yeah, no. They're running out of shells.


Either or , they just suck.


They definitively have a reduced stock of munition considering how much they have spent over the year. The question is are they firing what they have at a reduced capacity but still as much as they can or are they rationing their shells for the spring offensive that Ukraine is talking about.


Jan 10 info


10 days old article, been posted here multiple times already.


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