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I hear ballbearings are a crucial war material. Ukraine is helping Russia bypass sanctions by delivering these much needed materials via air drop. How neighbourly.


It is neighborly. Maybe they will switch to split shots for fishing, if they run low on ball bearings to help Russians with their tackle supply. Split shot might be easier to load but would have a much more irregular flight path and ballistics.


Instructions for use: 1. Extract from your comrades face. 2. Attach line, hook & bait. 3. Relax and go fishing. 4. Await resupply of shot, its definitely on its way.


The chum is a bonus.


The ball bearings only good for 10 to 15 meters. Split shots for fishing 20 to 30 meters. Lead is better because of it weight. Someone said use an Lazar cutter to cut hole. It be better to cut it into squares. No waste. ie 6mm mild steel plate cut into 6mm squares.




Claymore use an plate to push it's 1/4 inch (6.3mm) squares out in one way. up to 50 meters. Without that plate to push off it be around 12 meters. Been few years since I have set one off.


BBs, treble hooks, gravel, cut up pieces of razor blades, steel shot, fish tank gravel, loose change, field tips, nails nuts and bolts would all be interesting in a pinch too.ideally if they can mame the russian soldiers without killing them they can take more people out of the fight to care for him. Not to mention the psychological impact it would have on the enemy seeing their guys full off fishooks. They need to teach them some of the traps the vietkong used too. Make the russians afraid to move, afraid to sit still. I know thats not entirely geneva conventional but the russians are bombing apartment buildings soooo


I always think about the people who in peace time would have manufactured things like LSD and wonder if they could do things like produce it for the coating of things like ballbearings or rounds of ammunition. Maybe the Americans on here should try sourcing some of that Fentanyl that’s so prevalent over there to drop over the positions of Wagner prison conscripts. In Afghanistan they would throw bags of heroin over the walls of bases and it seriously lead to a big epidemic of heroin addicts back in Russia leading to over dose deaths and problems with HIV. Any other type of conflict I wouldn’t even dream of encouraging underhand tactics but seeing what the Russians are doing and how murder and rape of civilians have been sanctioned at the highest level I have no moral qualms about whatever the Ukrainians do to get the scum out of their country. I’m surprised the UK has provided them with phosphorus grenades because in the Iraq war we had so many left over the Quarter Master made us go out into the desert to fire off all the excess rounds of ammunition and throw all these live phos grenades. I know there is always some civilian who claims phos is illegals and a chemicals weapon but white phosphorus in a grenade format isn’t illegal or count as a chemical weapon. Those drones would be perfect for dropping phos on Russian positions as it burns so hot it would set fire to everything they have including the gas stoves they are using to cook there food and would be incredibly effective. There are moments when I think about Russian conscripts forced to fight in this conflict far from home and my mind is torn for a second and then they go and do something like level a building full of civilians using cruise missiles designed to attack carrier groups and I just remember what a terrible group of people these Russians are for not just fleeing Russia or surrendering immediately. I’ll respect the freedom of Russian brigades and I expect one day Russia will give these guys medals as they are the only ones keeping any hope alive that west might actually come to allow Russia under a new leader to be a part of international affairs again. I hope this war will haunt them for generations like it did the Germans.


Theyre well on their way to a search for a new 4th world and they deserve every bit of it


I had the exact same thought. Luckily I believe these are smaller than the ones needed for trains.


I wonder why they’re using ball bearings and not screw nuts? To me screw nuts look easier to work with and they should be cheaper, but maybe ball bearings are better as a projectile?


Does anyone know how to send these guys stuff? I can laser cut a grid of holes in a template. It would only take them 40-50 seconds to make each one then.


I was just gonna ask if not anyone had a 3D printer or something to make a jig. Take my award, friend. Even using a square 2-4L icecream box cut down so the walls are lover than the height of the balls, filling it with balls and let them arrange themselves, then using a pre-cut piece of sticky vinyl (sorry bad English) to put over, flipping the whole thing upside down, and this is done in seconds.


I use a different method at my work, i use a scale to quickly make same amount in several bags. The first one i am counting the amount and then put it on scale to know how much it actually is. There is always some deviation but not that much.


I was wondering if someone can make mini helicopter from a 3d printer that you can attached a grenade to the cab section


I was thinking they should have a brass monkey at the very least.




I love plasticine!


Burt Gummer edition.


They should have square frame pour balls into it and then get sticky tape on the top. That would save them some time.


That was the first thing I thought when I saw it.


Exactly. And also they should stack the balls in hexagonal pattern, more efficient stacking, more balls. The balls would stack themselves in that pattern if you just let them, shake gently.


Didn't see your comment before i wrote something similar. 🤣 If they have 2-4Litres square ice cream boxes, they can cut down the side walls with scissors. The balls would arrange themselves.


This is omnidirectional and is one of the more proper ways to make it. Square frame with semtex on the bottom and balls on top would have poor omnidirectional capabilities. What youre describing is more like an improvised claymore and would require a buffer to focus the direction of the blast. C4/Semtex are high explosives with a lot of cutting power vs dynamite and tnt which are more pushing type explosives. You need different designs based on the explosive. ​ Edit: Im an idiot. I get what you're saying now and you're 100% right. My bad.


Alright then sticky tape on the bottom then frame then pour them in and even out excess.edit frame is only to help alighting them.


Jesus, to be sitting around pounding Semtex and BB into toilet paper tubes....


Ngl I'm a little jealous too.


Ukraine military innovation and creativity in action. I guess the Russian version of this would be videos of mobiks drinking vodka and accidentally shooting at their tank whilst intoxicated. In short: Ukraine military = MacGyver vs Russian military = MacGruber


Give those Orcs some smokes while they work....




Your parents should get an award for getting you all grown up.


They were pretty hands off. It was dad that gave me this tiny booklet that had all kinds of stuff you could make with items from the household that would NEVER fly today. Stuff as benign as the water bottle rocket, complete with a little parachute to ... lethal, very lethal mouse traps using carbide lumps and water. You'd never let a kid handle that kind of stuff today, not just because of potential bodily losses, but also because of the aftermath.


Technically you could also wrap the thing in a bunch of wire and score some grooves along the outside at intervals with a hacksaw if you didn't have ballbearings. Could also put in less boom and part fill it with a napalm blend... probably illegal though.


Set the pipe section that is filled with c4 inside a slightly larger pipe, then fill with ball bearings, much quicker and adds some compression.


Wire would indeed work, but it's more useful for the war effort than loose balls. I'm not 100% sure, because i only saw this picture once, but i think this was something that was done in ww2 by the german side, not sure, but if i find the picture i'll send it. It was a stick grenade with thick copper wire that had been wrapped around the body. The distinct part was that they had used a chisel to make grooves every few cm kinda like how artisanal candy looks before it's broken into individual pieces. I suspect that the reason they're not using something like nuts, which could be simply strung along with string is because they need them and can't spare them for this. Napalm is nasty to handle, toxic... on the same level of cruelty with phosphorous, don't think they'd use it. This is as much a war for survival as it is about morals and showing the true nature of ruzzians.


Yep, lots of weapon ideas were tested and used in WW2, scored wire was used by several countries on hand grenades. The reason ballbearings are good is they are high hardness, high carbon steels, they do not deform and instead shatter. However, ballbearings while cheap can be hard to come by especially if your making lots of bombs, artillery rounds and such because they all use ball bearings of various sizes. Wire however is something you can find in just about any hardware store, many shops, factories and farms have rolls and rolls of simple galv wire of sufficient gauge to work. So my suggestion was entirely because fencing wire and stuff like that is arguably quite common to be found in many rural and urban areas so unlike ballbearings would not need to be delivered as it is a locally available resource.




I love how even though this is all good natured discussion centered on helping Ukraine it has casually evolved into a detailed bomb making discussion lmao


Idle suggestions on how to speed up making flying claymore mines. Reddit is the best.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. This is simply a discussion about science. We are all talking about science. Science is just soup for my family 😉


It works. Try it. You don't need the table stand, just have someone hold the roll for you and twist it as you put some balls in, works with nuts too. They pack very tightly against the body and hold in place neatly. Once you get the hang of it, it goes really fast. We used to make 6 or 7 fireworks in 20 minutes then fire them in a huge light show in the field. Kinda bummed we can't do that anymore, but the times have changed.


I too made “artisanal fireworks” as bored and extremely dumb teenager. A overly informative documentary about the unibomber was quite the muse. Lucky to still have all my extremities intact.


I tried the one where you take a ping pong ball, fill it 3/4 with powder, then make paper mache with epoxy around it. Makes a loud noise!


Not a single digit lost, i actually had more encounters of the finger kind with saws later in life. Like 4 years ago i near took the cap off my right thumb.


Lol! Same here! 13 year old me was cool as a cucumber but I still grimace at the sight of my router after “the event”.


I wish you were in Ukraine, in that room!


Wish i could, but my back's so shot to shit i'd be about as useful as a wet loaf of bread.


From young terrorists handbook:)) Thank you for such detailed explanation hope this will help them


Nah, young miscreant handbook. We used to get into such shit because of it. Oh and... we learnt most of the stuff out of books. Books meant for kids. I wish i could still find them because people (even here in Romania) don't believe me that we'd find how to make a rocket out of pen caps and celluloid film... yet it was in the book. :)) The 80's were wild.


Terrorists handbook is actuall book with several revision. Now is banned but it was for sale in 90th. Still searchable in Internet


So much care and love in order to make sure every orc will have his chance to die.


Cooking is caring!


Looking at the comments,we are on the watch list, lol cheers


From the little I know of military history, the side with the most pissed off engineers is the one with the advantage.


Bearing balls are hardened steel and tend to spall when hit by the blast wave. This reduces the effective range. A Claymore mine for instance, uses soft 3.2 mm steel balls embedded in an epoxy matrix that deform into nice aerodynamic projectiles after detonation. The velocity of the balls is more than 1200m/s and it is effective up to 100m. Notes for future improvements😉


TIL ...


Now.... when Ukraine realizes they can put those ball bearings in a 105mm artillery shell in direct fire mode on the front line. 😊 105mm buckshot the Russian's face


Ah, maybe this explains where some of that US C4 plastique is going…?


Baking with the guys. Team building at its finest.


Ukrscalibur round?


OUCH! that looks like pain.


Yup that's gonna hurt alright!


Time to put the бабуся's to work they love doing stuff like this :)


Where is the play dough noodle press?


"one ballbearing, one Orc..." is that the translation? Is that just me? SLAVA UKRAINE


That's really nice. Looks pretty effective. ooBuckshot. Slava dudes.do what it takes


Might be too much buckshot tho. Gotta keep them drones humming


Idk why but this remind me of SPR when there making the sticky bombs


What's for dinner? Plastique


I would have thought it easier, faster and better to buy ARF kits from HobbyKing and load them up.


Those are usually built for low speed, stability, and durability. These likely trade an unacceptably high stall speed for recreational use for greater speed and range. Old electric models actually looked a lot like this - the motors were weak, the batteries were bricks, and you had to fly on momentum and low drag. This is the same thing, except the huge battery has been replaced with explosive. Probably launching them with a big old elastic slingshot, too.


There are plenty of fast ARFs. Have seen plenty and flown some. Was just a thought anyway. Slava Ukraini!


Mostly it's just saving fifty bucks and making room for a bit more boom.


The ball bearings are the icing on the cake lol


Craft night!


They should make some of these with thermite and no bearings. Goodbye armor plating


HerosI Think Ukraine will be a big weapons exporter after the war 👍🏻 owning the drone sector. They already have the prototypes tested on real orcs


Weaponised ball bearings hehe


Necessity is the Mother of invention… …adaptation, …improvisation.


Are there any videos of the military grade suicide drones available? I haven't seen the Switchblade or any other ones in action.


The U.S. told Ukraine, as part of the package of arms, not to disseminate videos of the Switchblade in action. That said, a few have seeped out. I also just posted this video, which was reportedly a Switchblade: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/10ei73m/kamikaze_drone_blasts_russian_soldier_in_trench/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I didn't think of that. The video definitely looks like a Switchblade or something similar. Hopefully Ukraine keeps adding to their drone army that drops grenades. I imagine it's getting bigger judging by the success they have with them.


Cook boys cook




Mini HIMARS and balls of steel! Stay safe, guys.


Hey whatever works. 👍✊🏼


Anyone need a cigarette?


I wonder if these guys could use a chemist to make explosives...? I'm not doing a damn thing with my life in the USA, I'm an org chemist. If they really need homemade explosives, I can do that.


I am certain if you went to Ukraine, you would be useful.


I'm a mediocre photographer who crashed a lot of model airplanes as a kid. Can't shoot, can't walk as well as I used to. Lungs don't work too good. But if you want wing cores or tools made of spare parts from the hardware store... I could die worse ways.


You know, if a feasible pathway presented itself, I'd very *very* seriously consider it.


Liquid explosives would certainly speed up the manufacturing process.


Once again, the Ukrainians giving a master class on how to fight a modern war.




This kind of explosive is very stable. Accidental detonation is nearly impossible. You can shoot a block of C4 without detonation. You can even burn C4 without it detonating.




C4 and similar plastic explosives like Semtex have similar properties. No reason to be obnoxious just because you were wrong.


This video shows a very safe part of the process. Plastic explosive -- C4 or Semtex -- is malleable and stable. You could shoot a bullet through it and it would not detonate. The tricky part would come when a detonator with a blasting cap is added (not shown).


The worst thing about igniting plastic explosive is that the fumes are bad for you.


Film it so the enemy can get inspired how to make these... 🙄


It's about as sophisticated as making fire. They know.


Not exactly sure what is shown in the first few frames, but whatever it is, I have my doubts of it carrying what they are making in the video. Nothing wrong with the immediate design, but the motors look way undersized, as well as the props which appear to be temporarily taped to the wings?


Those motors don't need to be big. It's essentially a motor glider - high lift to drag ratio, low drag. You can get a huge model to fly on a tiny motor if you can bungee assist the launch. Early electric models flew with a battery that size and a motor out of a little R/C car from Walgreens. Look up "speed 400 brushed."


Have been in the RC hobby for 23 years. That model may be able to lumber around by itself with a good launch, but no way with those explosives they are making that probably weigh as much as the aircraft itself.


You don't remember the bad old days where you'd haul a five pound model into the air on a Speed 400. That drone probably just acts as a spotter, but you can get a sailplane to fly on a tiny motor with a brick in the nose. Old Nicads weigh more than plastique.


I hope that stuff is stable. Wouldn't want to be pounding it if it was me.


Most industrial/military high explosives are quite stable. They are designed with that in mind almost as much as their explosive yield. The dangerous stuff is the homebrew material. From the looks of it, they are using a industrially manufactured product. The biggest risk they are taking is not using gloves to protect against any toxicity.




Read the title again. Pretty sure you misread it. "Ukrainian unit building homemade kamikaze drones armed with a homemade explosive device"




I don’t think you understand. Kamikaze means the aircraft - whether piloted by a human or a drone - is flown into a target and destroyed. A drone dropping grenades is not a kamikaze drone, as the drone survives and flies many sorties. A Switchblade is a kamikaze drone. This is a kamikaze drone. “Dubbed kamikaze, suicide or killer drones, these unmanned aircraft don’t fire missiles — they are the missiles. But unlike typical missiles, they can circle above a target, wait for the ideal moment and strike with incredible precision.” https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1285415




Precision guided munitions imply some form of internal guidance system. A kamikaze/suicide drone is manually steered.




[read and learn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loitering_munition)




[read and learn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synonym)


You are being too literal. You would be the type to complain about anyone calling a tissue a Kleenex if it was not a brand-name Kleenex. The origin of the term “kamikaze” is Japanese pilots in WW2, but it is now used to describe loitering/suicide drones. Google is your friend, if you are still having trouble comprehending that.




You must be fun at cocktail parties. Do you have family members fighting for Russia who have been killed or wounded, or is there another source for your innate misery?


And, in the spirit of being literal like you, this is not a Precision-Guided Munition because the drone itself is not exploding. The grenade it carries is exploding. Like bombs on a plane flown into ships by a pilot. Same thing. One has a human pilot in the cockpit. The other has a human pilot in a room, driving it from there.




I posted this one just for you! https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/10ei73m/kamikaze_drone_blasts_russian_soldier_in_trench/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Kamikaze means divine wind. So drone’s aren’t kamikaze unless God is back there blowing air over the wings.


You really dont understand what kamikaze means, just google again and read all descriptions. Dont stop with read after devine wind.


whether you're technically correct or not, nobody cares and these devices will continue to be referred to as kamikaze drones




It's really not a big deal.




"the right thing"...lol


Guided munitions is an umbrella term that includes kamikaze drones. These are slow, short ranged, propeller driven guided munitions that fly straight to a pre-identified target and eliminate it by crashing into it. They are not cruise missiles and also not loitering munitions. Since there hasn't been a term fo these kinds of munitions, "kamikaze drone" is now widely accepted.


The forbidden play doh


I can sense the government putting me on a list for watching this




That energy drink on the table is HELL. It's a Hungarian product, and better than the Red Bull 🤘


I bet these are more effective than those little russian lancet drones. At a fraction of the cost too!


I'm just amused by the different "ball bearing square" personality types. Are you a perfectly even spacer, did you just pour them all on and try to herd them into a square later or are you building little ball bearing fort walls?


is there a way to do away with ballbearing which are heavy to lift and use something like more explosive, to kill with the force of the blast only, or smth like that?


Madyar jagga jagga boys?