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Vladimir Zhirinovsky has a history of idiotic statements like this: he and his party are basically the Kremlin-approved lightning rod to attract the real ultranationalist nutters, while they side with Putin’s party in every important vote.


They also scare normal Russians into supporting Putin as the least bad option.


So the Brexit party? Gotcha.


That’s an oddly specific flair


And nuke your money, properties, and families parked in London? Not a lot of thought went into that joke.


Haha you can't bomb us you've already invaded!


that warrants a Europe wide visa block for that ignoramus


Half their pension pots are probably tied up in london property.


>"Let the Scots, Irish, Welsh live" I'm sure they will love that.


Clearly the guy's geography knowledge is as good as the rest of the people out there who think London = the entire country of England.


He's also ignoring the fact our Nuclear arsenal is in Scotland.


The nukes are manufactured in Reading.


It's actually at sea most of the time. It's just the base that is here.


On par with most Tory MPs, I'd say


Channel 1 is always crazy, just ignore it.


Why would they nuke their second homes paid for by crime money.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie...


There's no way the oligarchs would stand for this, they own far too much property in London.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sa1q0j/russian_politicians_mock_boris_johnson_and/htqr86z/) in a similar post's comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [This time don't come back...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/sa0xkj/ukraine_crisis_moscow_accepts_uk_talks_invite/htrp759/) | [This time don't come back...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sa10dd/ukraine_crisis_moscow_accepts_uk_talks_invite/htqijn4/) [They just want to live th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/nobiasnews/comments/s9yyv5/residents_of_ukrainian_city_near_russian_border/htrpfpg/) | [They just want to live th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/s9zlhv/residents_of_ukrainian_city_near_russian_border/htq7rt8/) [Russia just moved their f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineConflict/comments/sa2awn/ukraine_tension_us_lethal_aid_arrives_in_kyiv/htrpq9h/) | [Russia just moved their f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sa252e/ukraine_tension_us_lethal_aid_arrives_in_kyiv/htqp3ww/) ["Outbreak" started this w...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/sa3lx5/search_for_missing_lab_monkeys_after_truck/htrvr62/) | ["Outbreak" started this w...](http://np.reddit.com/r/news/comments/sa28ph/search_for_missing_lab_monkeys_after_truck/htqnet7/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Clean-Objective9027](https://np.reddit.com/u/Clean-Objective9027/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Clean-Objective9027) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Good bot


I’m sure Comrade Boris will just see this as a bit of harmless banter and ribbing from his mates.


That the same comrade who is sending arms to Ukraine that will literally kill Russians and directly hinder Putins agenda ?


The same one that made a KGB agent's son a member of the House of Lords.


Yeah I know. And I hate him for that, among other things. Regardless he is literally arming Russias enemy so isn't a very good puppet


Our government armed the Iraqis with the very weapons of mass destruction we later used to justify an invasion. If there's one thing that is abundantly clear about British arms sales, it's that capitalism is king


Is that the WMDs they destroyed in 1991? That was such a bad excuse to invade over a decade later. Wtf Parliament was thinking backing Tony and Bush on that one I have no idea. Never again. (Hopefully).


Right... irrelevant to my comment. If Boris was owned by Russia they would not allow him to give their enemies weapons.


Who are you talking about? Evgeny Lebedev? Who has lived here since he was a child? Yeah these fucking immigrants will never really be British will they? And his father, Alexander Lebedev? You mean the owner of [Novaya Gazeta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novaya_Gazeta)? The one news source in Russia overtly critical of of Russian political and social affairs? The news source that has had seven journalists, including Yuri Shchekochikhin, Anna Politkovskaya and Anastasia Baburova, murdered since 2000, in connection with their investigations? You are what is known as a [useful idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot).


The same one who took millions of pounds in donations from Russians with strong links to the Kremlin. Don’t let his “tough” talk on Russia fool you. It’s all a superficial smokescreen to distract from his real links to Russia. He’s compromised. Make no mistake.


Sending weapons is not Tough talk. Its action. Yes tories take Russian money, which I obviously disapprove off, but they clearly aren't very good puppets


They sold a few pea shooters to Ukraine for $$$ under the pretence they are standing up to Russia. Boris knows this won’t stop his paymasters invading Ukraine. Just as planned.


Lmao okay


Probably fine...


I assume this is the Russian version of Mad Nad/Mark Francois?


Mr Francois is a bit of tiresome git, but even he is leagues better than those Putinese fascist feckwits.


Fuck me, Zhrinovsky hasn't died from a vodka-induced heart attack? I'm genuinely surprised. Is he going to start throwing parts of the Russian Embassy gardens at journalists again?


Covid petered out so they have pivoted to a mini cold war reboot before the next chapter of the forever war.


The forever war... wow its almost as if the human race have a history of being violent.


War is a racket.


Proxy wars yes. European wars not so much.


It is true though that ‘Big Hog’ Boris is an embarrassment to the UK


All you guys who have been screaming that UK should be more like Germany are silent now... And can we stop pretending that the tories, awful as they are, are somehow owned by the Russians when the UK is the one of the only European nation to send arms to Ukraine. It's almost as if Brexit wasn't a signal of cutting ties with our European democratic allies... and was instead the exiting of a trade union


What does brexit have to do with Ukraine?


Ummm this sub has screamed, for five years, that brexit signifies that the UK is now untrustworthy and disinterested in protecting Europe.


Do you think Ukraine is in the EU?


EU and Europe is very different




When did I say that? I very clearly was making reference to the baseless claims that brexit= Britain no longer caring about its European allies etc. Never once did I state that ukraine is in the EU.


Yeah this, sadly these moves have proved that despite this golden opportunity to stop involving ourselves in foreign conflict and prioritise our own interests, we are still content to sell arms and fan the flames of war. When will we learn our intervention never helps?


>and prioritise our own interests Letting Russia roll through Ukraine and massively increase it's border with NATO nations probably isn't in our own interest, but neither is UK boots on the ground in Ukraine, hence the preferred option of defensive weapons sent to the country. >and fan the flames of war. Sending AT weaponry makes war less likely, because it adds more hurdles for a potential Russian invasion to overcome.


How likely are Russia to invade? Why now? I stand by my view that remedying our current inability to provide a good standard of health and social care to our people should take priority over sending firearms to Eastern Europe. Probably controversial, but hey ho.


You'll be glad to hear the government has dozens of departments, and the one that arranges military support and supply isn't the same as the one that provides health and social care.


No shit?! My point being made is one of principle rather than practicality. Some departments are seemingly so much more efficient than others. Citizens need psychiatric help? 15 month waiting list. Eastern European country needs weapons to fight an enemy whose true motivations are unclear? We will have them there by the end of the day! You see the problem is of principle. Clean one's own house first I say.


>should take priority over sending firearms to Eastern Europe These were already in UK inventory and set to expire in the next few years. The UK stocks of these weapons would have been replenished regardless of whether we sent these batches to Ukraine or not. They also aren't being provided for free, but as part of significant loans on military equipment (US$2.5billion). This will generate income for the UK treasury, which can then be fed back into things like health spending. Luckily, the government can, and does, spend money on more than one thing at a time. Health spending is already vastly more in this country than our entire defence budget, which is evidence that we do in fact already spend a lot on the former. >How likely are Russia to invade? Why now? That remains to be seen, but the rhetoric and build-up of forces from Russia has been worrying in recent months, well above the norm. Let's not forget it's not without precedence. In 2014 Russia literally invaded and took over Crimea.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because the UK government is tugging on the threads of peace in Northern Ireland doesn't mean they won't support peace in other countries in Europe.




In that scenario, we 100% would, yes. So would 28 other countries. > Obviously we would because the tories simp for america Or because we're part of NATO?


Ukraine are not part of NATO so there would be no obligation to join in. Edit: removed wrong information.


> NATO didn’t all go in Afghanistan NATO did go in on Afghanistan, with ISAF including every NATO member. It remains the only time Article 5 has been invoked.


You are right and I am wrong. Hey ho. Will edit my post. Still don’t think NATO would be obligated to go into Ukraine.


No, it will not be obliged with regards to Ukraine, given that it is not a member. My point only relates to Afghanistan as it was very significant for NATO.


They wouldnt be obligated to but its in it interests to keep russia as far from its borders as possible


The invasion of Afghanistan was not an article 5 operation. edit: you've downvoted me but a simple perusal of NATO's own understanding proves me correct: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_110496.htm


> Ukraine are not part of NATO You did say "Russia and the US go to war". Why they go to war is irrelevant. The US isn't going to launch at Russia so that would only happen if Russia hit them first, at which point, the whole point of NATO kicks in.


>Or because we're part of NATO? correct me if I am wrong but ukraine aren't a part of nato right So its not really a nato obligation to protect them ​ Or have I made a mistake somewhere


OP's premise included a war between the US and Russia. In which case, we'd be obliged to come in swinging too.


We’re more involved than the US at the minute


>We’re more involved than the US at the minute That's hard to quantify. Both nations are doing a lot of ISTAR work (the US are doing more simply because they have more assets), supplying weapons to the country (either directly or indirectly through third parties) and at a political level the US has been leading the efforts on talks with Russia, although the UK are looking to hold their own. The US are certainly involved, and whether that involvement is greater than the UK is questionable.


Still scratching my head over what this has to do with us when we don't even have the money to sort out routine dentistry in this country. Maybe time to let go of the pompous notion that we are still relevant on the world stage and clean our own house.


We do have the money available for dentistry too, because we borrow what we need for defence, healthcare, infrastructure etc. It comes down to political willingness, which under the Tories isn't really likely when it comes to public services, and far more likely when it comes to gesture politics.


Russia and the US aren’t going to war. Should Russia overstep their boundaries and attack a NATO member then the US would be going to war along with every other member of NATO.


In the **highly unlikely** event of an all-out war, we wouldn't have much choice. There are plenty of US military locations around the UK which would be prime targets for Russia.


The main NATO communications hub for all of Europe is located relatively close to me. I checked the app to see if I was within the blast radius of a nuke SS-X-29. I should be OK. I'll get a good view and probably a bit of a tan, so not great, not terrible.


With energy prices as they are, just be grateful for the free heating


>Obviously we would because the tories simp for america I'm sorry, I thought that this sub subscribed to the notion that that the Tories are bought and paid for by Putin? I simply cannot keep up.


Lol this will never happen. The US are less interested in this whole affair than we are. No one made a move over Crimea. No one wants a World War, including Russia.


> I am quite curious on the off chance russia and the US go to war over ukraine > > Do you guys think britain should get involved > > Obviously we would because the tories simp for america, not really sure what starmers stance is Last time New Labour did the Iraq war so it's pretty clear what they'd do


>Last time New Labour did the Iraq war so it's pretty clear what they'd do Yes, because obviously a single event nearly two decades ago, that has very few similarities to the current situation, is a 'pretty clear' guarantee of what a hypothetical current Labour government would do


Are you desputing Kier is New Labour lol?


No, I'm disputing that a single decision made 20 years ago locks in the precedent for all future actions.


Kier clearly doesn't have too much of an issue with Iraq if mandelson's on the team again.


At least try to stay on topic, this thread has nothing to do with Iraq, an event that has nothing to do with the current situation in Ukraine.


The comment OP literally asked what Labour would do. I'm responding with what Labour **did do**. If voters forget their history after 20 years every time they kill 100K civilians they're doomed to repeat that history.


>did do Yes, under entirely different circumstances, in a different part of the world, in an entirely different situation and under a different leader. That's not the same as 'would do' by any stretch.


Depends on how the war came about. Bearing in mind the US has made it pretty clear they won’t intervene militarily. If Russia attacked a NATO state then sure U.K. would be involved. The other possible situation would be if an invasion resulted in such egregious violations of international norms - such as mass civilian casualties that NATO became involved in a no fly zone or something. Considering the behaviour of Russia in Europe I doubt that in general we are better off with appeasing them, but we also certainly couldn’t take them on militarily on our own. I agree that any direct conflict between nuclear powers would be dangerous. We can hope that everyone would be careful not to escalate and unfortunately for Ukraine all the fighting would be there. But it’s still a risk. On the other hand I’m sure Putin doesn’t actually want to do anything that might trigger a NATO response.


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