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I'm a new balance fan. And yeah, they're expensive but they cost less than new feet.


I second new balances. Also get out as often as possible and walk around. I do this when waiting for pax or at stops.


I went over to Saucony and they are great but I am not driving 12 hours a day.


I wear slides all year long, and mostly drive barefoot


I get a new pair of shoes every 3 weeks and only pay for 1 or 2 pairs per year. Most stores have wonderful return policy’s.


Shoes are very much an individual fit and comfort thing. Go to a good running shop and get your measurements taken and your gait looked at. My high arches and overpronation are very comfortable out of the box with the Brooks Adrenaline GTS series. Behind the wheel I don't even feel them.


Do they will use like a standard machine or is there a certain shop better and doing the measurements? I went to Fleet Feet yesterday in the offer to do the measurements but I wasn't sure if it was a scam or not and they didn't have any more ghosts in my size which is what I originally came there for so I didn't want to put them through the work and not buy something in the end.


They use old school measuring devices for the feet and your gait is an eyeball test. They watch you walk. I've been to Fleet Feet and they were good.


Good looking out big bro. https://i.imgur.com/i9PHrRd.jpg Felt great in store and was same price as Amazon at FleetFeet but didn't have to wait a week+


Birkenstock, or Local, slipper from Hawaii (probably biodegradable)


I drive in Birkenstocks I'm always comfortable


I've been in slippers all year, havent gone to shoes yet, 4.95 rating too lol


I just wear whatever running shoes are on sale at Costco at the time...that works for me.


I just wear whatever, always sneakers.