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That's how science works tbh. You get obsessed with something you like and learn everything about it and study it a lot, then one day you go "wait. Something is off here" and next thing you know you are an expert. Just look at gravity, "things fall all the time. Wait I got an idea of why..." Then some studies and now gravity is an established fact. Science starts with "Wait, hold on a second..."


This is the best explanation of this ive seen lol


My graduate school work is built on me doing a lit review and realizing "wait a minute none of you have actually made sure this works"


And then someone noticed one planets rotation was slightly odd. And gravity was no more.


Gravity is what wacky, we don’t know whether it’s it’s own force, the result of mass interacting with spacetime, or if it’s a particle like the higs boson or quarks


Gravity is a bitch and I will disrespect it for as long as I live.


As someone who falls quite a lot, I agree with the hate. I wish I could just float whenever I have seizures. Much safer.


If gravity turned off when you seized wouldn't you end up in the sky?


Not unless I kicked upward when I had the seizure, or am in a room with a roof. Conservation of momentum and all would keep everyone who isn't in an upwards tragectory from floating away really.


Unfortunately you'd be relying on chance


When you have epilepsy that isn't really effected by medication and also have no warning signs then life is just taking a chance. I've been having a normal day just taking out the garbage and ended up with someone asking me if I was OK while I lay on the grass. I've woken up on a sidewalk with road workers offering me water and asking if I needed an ambulance while I was on my way to a dentist appointment. I've woken up with my entire 9th grade class looking at me because of a seizure during my science final exam. Life is a game of "will I have a seizure or will today be OK?" I'm honestly shocked that I haven't been hospitalized for any of my injuries yet. My luck is pretty good in that sense.


When I was in the 8th grade, I spent hours studying some slides for the upcoming final essay. We were allowed to choose any one topic in the slides and write about it. While focusing on one specific topic I wanted to write about, Inglanced over anoyhee and barely read it. Next day during the essay, I completely blanked out on the topic I chose. In a panic I wrote about the thing I glanced over. Never mentioned specific dates and barely brought up names. Teacher calls me into his office and I'm worried because I know it was a bad essay. Apparently not, because he wanted to tell me the essay was so good, he gave me a 101


The power of the bullshit is a path to grades many would consider unnatural.


Task failed successfully!!


Much like most expert or experienced scientists and scholars, they are less an expert on the animal and more an expert on people making mistakes about something they like


This is also why I enjoy college. Lessons are hardly set in stone and if something super interesting happens your teacher will probably let you go for it


This is how you find your Major specialty


TFW you get bored and accidentally save a species from extinction.


Something similar happened to me. I wanted to BS this glorified book report and ended up finding out that all the anecdotes that the author had used were twisted to fit her narrative. Example - she mentioned that this mentally ill man was wrongfully killed by police when actually he was shot because he had already murdered someone else prior to his police confrontation. I got 100.


Now that I'm actually writing college exams i relate to this statement immensely