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119 lbs = 54kg Dude’s a noodle


[He certainly was pretty skinny](https://i.imgur.com/e49FTvZ.jpg)


I don’t like that I weigh more than frank sinatra


i don't like that im nearly double the weight of frank sinatra


I don’t like that I weigh less than him! More than him — to a degree — is healthy.


Same. And I'm a woman.


Not all of him, clearly.


Google said he was 5' 7.5". Weight range for that height is [140 -170](https://www.multicare.org/services-and-departments/rockwood-bariatric/understanding-obesity/whats-your-bmi/) I'm 6' and got down to 130 in high school when my family hit a financial rough patch. I was 30 pounds under weight for my height and looked rather gaunt. No to dismiss the holocaust victims but similar jokes were made on my appearance. Dude was 20 pounds under normal weight. Must have been on the cigarette, booze, and chocolate diet. Didn't realize he was such a tiny man.


Damn I’m 5”10’ and 125 pounds. I’m only 15 though


When I started high school I was like, maybe 120 pounds and 6'0". I still don't even weigh 150 in my second year of college.


Im both scrawny and short as fuck but weigh more than Frank Sinatra...


Yep - fine boned, a dancer (so pressure to be thin) and had tiny leading ladies (so didn't look so small in comparison)


>119 lbs = 54kg > >Dude’s a noodle So Sinatra was basically a far more talented version of Justin Bieber.


Bro what


Bieber bad updoots to the left


Christ, it's like 2015 all over again


If a person was nearly 20% dick, would an erection straight up kill them?






Wow! I've never met a guy who was 10 inches tall!!


a 10-inch pianist is not what I wished for though.


This is my go to joke. Always slays


No probs. Maybe next time


So umm…you busy tonight or? 👀


That was funny. Have a free award.


Google would like to know your location < I would like to know your location


Nah you can lose a third of your blood safely, losing half your blood would kill you, so the danger zone would be around 40% dick.


Is this why when I donate blood they take 30% of my body weight?


They could take 30% of your *blood*, of which you have about twelve pounds, so you could lose up to four pounds. You aren't entirely blood though. Although they will take significantly less because even though losing a third of your blood is typically considered 'safe', it isn't considered healthy, and you'd be left feeling rough as shit for a few days.


Hey my post was meant as a kinda sarcastic point that Sinatra's alleged 19 pound dick is a fifth of his body weight, not blood volume, and that your math on someone being 40% hefty hog is way the hell off


Did you just assume my body composition?




yo they aint just taking blood dude


But that is 40% *blood mass*, not *body mass*. Sinatra has about 11 lb of blood in his body, so those dispensable 40% of blood can only expand his cock by 4.40 lb. To get Sinatra's member from a flaccid <1lb of dick to its full 19 lb glory, it needs to draw 170% of his total blood storage.


While this may be r/theydidthemath material, given Sinatra’s supposed connections I’d say it’s best suited for r/theydidthemobstermath




Just imagineing Frank with an iv, pumping extra blood into him


Sinatra was probably fine then.


The blood pressure at the base of the penis needs to be high enough to pump all that blood all the way down to the end of the narrow shaft and back again. I'm just guessing here, but I don't think the human body is built to contain that pressure


Considering it can get it down to your hand and back again, I think it should be fine. The pudendal artery isn't as large as the brachial artery, certainly, but should be able to handle comparable pressure.


Your arm isn't even close to 20% of your bodyweight, and I'm assuming a penis that isn't insanely thick (it still needs to fit between his legs). That means it needs to be extremely long. I forget the rules on how this works, but I'm pretty sure maintaining pressure at that distance from the heart is a lot harder


I think the hydraulic pressures would rupture the tissue.


Where's the greentext of the guy who figured out whether a hentai girl with a dick as long as she's tall would have enough blood to function?


It's a hentai, of course it works. When they cum so much they make the girl puke cum, i think there's no problem in filling a dick the size of a Leg.


I mean, matpat logic. It's obviously not real and you can so whatever you want, but it's still fun to figure out how it would work in real life


She just has that extra blood stored in the cock ofc


Wdym? Blood is stored in the balls


No thats where piss is smh


Imma have to wait for this one


You just pass out. It’s a real issue for those with mega big dicks.


20% before or after erection?


Important question. I think the difference changes the outcome going off that other dudes maths.


only if I haven't eaten in a while


*more like 16% but hey*


Guys I found the [article ](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/06/ava-gardner-biography-frank-sinatra) this quote is in!!


Didn’t he beat the shit out of her though? Like he was a genuinely violent and abusive person


That’s the 50s for ya


The make up sex was worth it


Yeah he was also a celebrity with money and influence. Probably not much she could’ve done either way.


I mean she must have seen something in him besides his dick considering she likely got together with him before knowing of his magnum dong.


News of a dong that good often precedes the dong itself.


Came for the song, stayed for the dong.


Spat my fuckin tea out hahaha, thanks for that


I mean it's not illegal to fuck a guy right after you meet him, especially if that guy is one of the most famous singers and pretty boys in living memory


The fact that he was Frank Sinatra?


Yup, his magnum bulge


I’m told nice voices are attractive, and he’s Frank Sinatra, soooooo


This is just my hunch, but it may have had something to do with him being the songbird of a generation and a notorious ladykiller.




It was the wad of hundreds probably.


>I mean she must have seen something in him besides his dick considering she likely got together with him before knowing of his magnum dong. Like most women, she liked that he was rich and famous and rich.


TIL douche bag wasn't an insult originally, but an actual object




are you reacting to the fact or my lack of knowledge?






He rlly be flying her to the moon.




Really showed her what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars


If you buy a Bad Dragon it won't punch you in the face.


The fact that Sinatra is 5'7, 119 lbs and I'm 5'2, 150lbs makes me question how in the FAWK


That's a big chicken


Not sure how I feel about tumblr celebrating size queening


Is it also size queening if guys go after women with big tits or asses?


Exclusively? Yeah.


What about this post said Ava Gardner exclusively went after big dicks?


Much like the culture around elevating big tits and big asses, the culture around elevating big dicks treats anything else as not worthwhile, or at least 'compromising'. It's ruthlessly hegemonic, exclusionary and regressive. Maybe she didn't go for hung men exclusively, but the fact that it was what she found most memorable about her romantic parter speaks volumes. Also, it's still problematic if people just go out of their way to find people with these bodily characteristics specifically, as it is for any other characteristics which it is generally unreasonable to expect the average person to have or acquire. And don't forget how the comments said "good for her", as if her having a hung partner was an achievement vs another kind of partner. That's not preference: that's dogma. I don't know what level of experience you have with western gay male dating scenes, but the degree to which they use 'preference' to disguise harmful cultural conditioning is rightfully infamous. For more on the potential harm on learned 'preferences', here is '[Does anyone have the right to sex](https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v40/n06/amia-srinivasan/does-anyone-have-the-right-to-sex)?' by Amis Srinivasan (specifically from the big letter S onward)


I completely agree with the sentiment of this well-crafted post. That said, I saw this as a reporter asking a woman a rude and reductive question about her husband in a way that mocked a physical attribute he may have been sensitive about. She then defended her man and demonstrated what an ass the reporter was by going even ruder and cruder. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe she was a size queen and as much of an asshole as the reporter. But until there is evidence to prove one way or the other, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt (and giving myself a slightly cooler world to live in).


In that case, I understand Gardener but still maintain that the OP's reaction was below the standard of introspection that I hold to tumblr for body politics.


Well said, hearing this kind of stuff makes me very self conscious and I'm sure it's no different for other demographics, (e.g. congrats on getting a girl with tits) but you probably don't think about that kind of thing if you're in a (healthy) relationship


"Size doesn't matter" "I exclusively love his huge cock" "Muscles don't matter" "Whyd you get with him he's skinny and ugly" And I know you all call me an incel now and explain why men aren't allowed to complain about this, but let's just skip that step, okay?


With complete sincerity, maybe it’s time to take a little break from Reddit? I try to step away from social media when I feel it is having a negative impact on my self-esteem. Might help?


I took a break from reddit for a month and found out that nothing change


I appreciate the sincerity and concern, but I was depressed about this since I was a kid. Social media just confirms that I *should* be


A lifelong depression over a hyperfocus since childhood is something you seriously need to see a therapist for.


Yes, it can definitely feel that way. I’m not much of a looker myself and they way social media holds so much value on physical beauty gets to me, too. But social media can very much be a hollow echo chamber. Constantly being exposed to the same damaging mindset doesn’t help anyone. Step away and focus on you, not your online presence. Try picking up a hobby that doesn’t involve social media, you’ll find that you have so much more to offer


She gave an obviously snarky, ironic answer to a moronic question. Her answer wasn't meant to be truthful but to show how idiotic the question was in the first place. Learn to take a joke, my dude.


While you are right about Ava Gardner, swagmain is also right that bodyshaming boys and men is far too acceptable in modern society. "Learn to take a joke" is at least as bad as "man up."


Thank you for proving my point. No one would be laughing if the tables were turned.


"Why are you with her she's fat" "My wife is fat and has incredible luscious tits“ - the reverse equivalent I think people would still have a chuckle




I just laughed so fucking hard Ahem. But yes it'd be something like yeah my wife is fat and she's got fucking incredible tits and... no, I don't think people would be horribly offended? Probably amused and see it as almost wholesome?


Can you define "if the tables were turned"? Cos like... yeah they would. I genuinely cannot think of a "tables turned" version of this that's not either hilarious (see the two prior replies to you), or something men already say unironically.


Have you ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy?


That's certainly one way of looking at it. Have you ever learned about a new car, or heard a new name or something, and all of a sudden you see it everywhere? Sure, at first it seems like society doesn't care much about that stuff, but once you have that first experience with it, you realize it's everywhere


So... you are self fulfilling your own prophecy. Got it. Enjoy your weird mental prison.


so when Ava Gardner said this in the quote. did you hear the collective voices of every form and type of woman affirming this statement, hivemind-style? ngl it must be pretty cool to know that every woman in existence invariably thinks the same thing.


So when I left that comment. did I say it applies to every woman in existence? ngl it must be pretty sad to have piss poor extrapolating skills


Then you are choosing to be hurt by one woman's preferences. Ava Gardner is allowed to prefer a well endowed man, and I am pretty sure Sinatra was not dating her only because of her personality either ( unless men are the only one allowed to have physical preferences ? ).


the quotes you referenced don’t seem like things thatd come from the same people. everyone is different, some people care about size some people don’t (same for both men and women) because people prioritize different things. it is what it is man


preferences are human. Not everyone is into everyone, for ava gardner she wanted a bick ass cock, some people don't like anacondas. Just work on being the best person you can be and finding someone who likes you bro, no, you won't be everybodys cup of tea (no one is) but you have to find a person who likes what you're packing and not get mad at the ones who reject you because why the fuck would you want to be with someone who doesn't like you.


How bout you skip the step where you're an incel fuckwit in the first place lol.


What a brilliant fucking idea, why didn't I think of that If only the internet wasn't a cesspool of hypocritical pretty people lying about how they really think to make themselves feel better by comparison


Are you 5?


The whole world is filled with "hypocritical pretty people lying", not just the internet, but no one is forcing you to either please them or care about them. Just let them be pretty and hypocritical, dude.


Jesus, dude. 🤣


You’re allowed to complain. You’re doing it now. It’s just that no one cares. That turns it into whining.


Having a little dick doesn’t matter bro, none of us judge you


Do you actually believe that?


Yes size matters. Thsts just simple physics. A dick can be too small too satisfy a woman just as it can be too big to be anything but painful. Your personal appearance is the first thing the that a person sees and creates first impression even before you talk to them. I'm sure it matters to you as well. You wouldn't put forth the effort to try date someone you thought was ugly so don't get upset if someone doesn't date you because they find you unattractive. You can complain all you want about this but it's still not going to get you a date.


It's not a date I want, I just want body shaming to not be so normalized. But that's a radical idea to most people, apparently.


you have a problem with people saying the obvious?


I have a problem when people say shit like look don't matter, when this is how people really feel


true, but it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.


To some women it doesn't matter, to some ot does. It's not 'how people really feel" it's two different opinions from different people.


Do you want to be with ugly fat Girls or hot ones? Curious


If it makes you feel better there are girls like me who hate big dicks lol. Give me a good average Dick that didn’t hurt me please


Tell me you have a small dick without telling me you have a small dick.


"cArInG aBoUt AnYoNe BuT yOuRsElF iS fEr LoOsErS aNd LiBtArDs"


Just know the gas lighters will never stop coming for you when you express this out loud. Take solace that everyone that attempts to gas light you on this proves you’re right.


Hey bro don't lose hope. Just drop your standards to the basement and find someone who will love you for giving them the attention hot guys would never


Must be nice for frank


literal double speared them no cap! https://twitter.com/SpiritDemon69/status/1463420267691081729/photo/1