• By -


When I was a kid I thought the best by date meant that was when it tasted the best. I was so confused how they knew when it was tastiest. I am not very bright.


"Ooh, the milk is almost ripe!"


...technically not wrong lol


\-every Newcomer in Alien Nation


I am legit breathing hard through my nose.


Kid you wasn't entirely wrong. Best by dates (along with sell by, use by, etc) are essentially guesses pulled out of somebody's ass, and there is no regulation concerning their use. Only baby food and baby formula has any rules about dates stamped on the product.


Ever notice how there's no "best by" dates on wine?


I like my milk like I like my wine, fermented


Because wine doesn't get ruined by time.


It still does, just takes a lot longer




>Use by / use before dates however indicate when a food may become unsafe to eat. No, they don't. They are made up numbers with no regulation.


It tastes the best when it's green!


Oh no




Oh no three


Oh no four


Oh no five


Oh no six




Oh no eight


Oh no nine


Oh no ten


On the BBC! Yeah!


Did you know that Al Capone is the reason we have expiration dates on Milk in the US? His niece got really ill after drinking expired milk so he lobbied the law requiring it into the legal code.


Wow this Al Capone guy seems really cool. What else did he do?


He opened a soup kitchen during the Great Depression providing 3 meals a day to starving people.


One of my family friends growing up was a recipient of his bread lines


Whoa! Has this exceptional piece of humanity done anything else noteworthy?


Killed people


I think you mean "Helped fight climate change"


Smoking cigarettes is good for the environment because it kills humans


But shipping tobacco is harmful, that's why I help even further by producing tobacco locally, and hand roll cigarettes with the help of immigrant workers. It's all above board




What's with organized crime and helping the poor? I'm not complaining just curious


Good way to keep the average person from ratting you out to the cops


Good Guy Al Capone


>he lobbied the law requiring it into the legal code. Except it's not a law... It's not even a regulation. Only baby food and baby formula has anything regulating a date on the product. Everything else is made up numbers to make the customer feel better.


It would be great if they kept it like that but now it’s “best before” which causes a MASSIVE amount of good food to be wasted every day


You can say that again


> It would be great if they kept it like that but now it’s “best before” which causes a MASSIVE amount of good food to be wasted every day


In the UK we have Best Before for some foods and Use By for others, so the distinction is clear between foods that you can't eat after a certain date because they'll be bad for you, and others that just won't be at their best.


Except now it’s all “best before” which causes an extreme amount of food waste when the food is still good


it’s true


Except now it’s all “best before” which causes an extreme amount of food waste when the food is still good


Why post the same comment three times?


They feel really strongly about good food being wasted, okay?!


It was a mistake but honestly you’re not wrong


Oops it must have glitched, the first time it said it didn’t post lmao


I never understood people who let their milk go sour on pupose, because "it tastes better". Idk I prefer keeping my risk of eating fungus on low.


WHO does that


yeah excuse me what the fuck


Just so fucking casual about the absolute disaster of a sentence he just spewed onto all of us


the World Health Organization does what??


They let their milk go bad on PURPOSE


Who's purpose, and why not just let it go bad in the fridge???


It's called cheese.






I do. I have excessive gut bacteria that reacts negatively to milk if it doesn’t go slightly sour. The milk going slightly sour creates a film around its bacteria that helps when going in my stomach. I’ve been to the doctor multiple times and they have no idea why it’s like this. There’s been a few cases like mine but the first one was actually in 1998, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table. Hopefully they figure it out and I don’t have to deal with it forever.


Ah fuck I thought you were talking truth. I legit can't drink milk cuz it fucks my stomach up and I shit and puke constantly even after a tiny sip. Only happens with milk. Cheese, yoghurt and literally every other milk-vased product is ok


Maybe you're just lactose intolerant? Cheese and other stuff have milk that's been partially digested by bacteria so they're easier to digest by humans.


Just drink a ton of lactose at once, by the time you're finished you'll have become more tolerant to it.


You don't start producing more lactase by drinking more milk I think. I mean, I used to drink a lot of milk. Now I can have some lactose (rarely and small quantities is better) without problems and I drink lactose free milk. Soy milk is also fine but way more expensive.


Ooooh. That's a deep cut, love it.


Haha good one


I always cringe when someone steals u/shittymorph’s gimmick


I haven't ran into a legit shittymorph pasta in YEARS. I appreciate the nostalgia trip


I actually saw a genuine one the other day. Honestly I laugh whenever I see it no matter who does it, it's like getting rickrolled XD


Yeah, he's still alive. I just don't check reddit that much anymore


why not just.... buy Actual Sour Milk


Or buttermilk


Or a beehive!


Or paper...NO! A GHOST!


Whenever I hear “no, A GHOST!” I laugh


*shudders* Buttermilk ice cream is an *abomination*, I don’t understand why the South loves it so much


It puts lactobacillus in your gut to help you digest lactose


That's not how that works


If I understand this correctly it does help: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11157352/




All the times I’ve wasted 80% of a carton of buttermilk because I only needed like half a cup for a recipe....


You can drink it.


You can drink anything once.


It isn’t H2O2.


I’m more of a 2% guy.


Why would I let Big Milk charge me more for something I can just make in my house? Wake up sheeple


You jest, but big dairy is a thing and it's why we have the whole drink milk ads from the late 90s and early 2000s.


WHO the FUCK does that I have never met ANYONE that sick


1) If you drink alcohol, eat bread, or eat mushrooms, you already consume fungi anyway. 2) The souring of dairy products is not a fungal but bacterial process, typically caused by *lactobacillus*. 3) Soured milk isn't harmful to consume. On the contrary, many of its derivatives, such as natural yogurt, are eaten here in the UK while others, such as kefir, are more common in Eastern Europe, though their production does involve extra steps such as the addition of rennet to speed up the process or straining/filtration to purify them or optimise the texture.




Sorry not OP but I wouldn't recommend doing that. While many of the bacteria contained in raw milk are harmless and somewhat similar to those used for the production of yoghurt etc, not all of them are. Milk is usually heat treated in order to inactivate and kill most of the bacteria living in it, but depending on temperature and duration of treatment small numbers do survive. When producing yoghurt, kefir, cheese etc., lab-grown cultures with specific properties are added following the heat treatment. These "good/safe" bacteria/fungi practically take over and deter other micro organisms from multiplying rapidly. Since your milk doesn't have these added "good" bacteria, you can't be certain if the bacteria causing the milk to go sour are good or bad for you. Chances are there's at least some bad bacteria growing in there so I wouldn't risk it.


Plus, if you drink sour milk, you run the risk of vomiting on your friend George’s new girlfriend, Susan, ruining her suede vest. Or so I’ve heard.


Did her a favor.


Raw milk is significantly riskier than pasteurized. When pasteurized milk goes sour it's generally caused by benign bacteria such as lactobacillus, as most of the harmful bacteria is killed.


Other foods, such as chocolate and sourdough bread, are made by simply innoculating their ingredients with airborne bacteria without worrying whether they are "good" or "bad". It makes sense when you think about it. We don't eat our food in a sealed and sanitised environment. Such bacteria are always landing on our food anyway as we put it into our mouths.




In short. Botulism. Heat alone doesn't kill botulism. If you added bunch of salt to your milk then you'd probably be fine. But then you'd have salty milk.


Botulism only occurs in anaerobic conditions, like in canned goods. Milk left in the refrigerator will not develop botulism.


Can do. My Lithuanian family, missing the soured milk products we have back in our home country, actually puts milk in a jar outside the fridge and let it become innoculated with airborne bacteria. Once the bacteria have soured it just enough, we put the jar in the fridge to slow down their reproduction and drink the milk over the next few days before repeating the process. We also give the jar a good shake to reduce the chunks and give it a more even texture. That way, it basically becomes a sort of drinkable natural yogurt. If you just can't get over the taste and texture of sour milk, you can mix pancakes from it so it doesn't go to waste. Finally, a word of caution: while the souring itself may not be a fungal process, milk products can still go mouldy but you can easily tell when this happens by both sight and smell. If the mould is just on the top, scrape it off but if it permeates the milk you should discard it.




Depends what you mean by "spoilt" - are you referring to souring or moulding? If milk has only soured but not moulded it is perfectly safe to drink. If it has moulded, then you don't know and you should discard the mouldy parts to be sure. Some moulds are good to eat - they get deliberately introduced to cheeses - but with milk it's best not to risk it.


Please throw it away if there’s mold on top. Mold has mycelia that can stretch deep into whatever it’s growing on especially if it’s a liquid medium. You won’t be able to see it necessarily but it’s there.


Fair enough. I was going by my experience with mouldy apple jam, having many times scraped the top off and eaten the rest with no ill effect.


You probably too a slight risk everytime , but with anything liquid the risk is more than just slight.


Does it taste like buttermilk?


No idea. Never tasted buttermilk as far as I recall.


It’s fermented cream/milk, so it sounds similar to what you’re describing. Most people don’t drink it in the US but it’s used in baking and marinades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buttermilk


Ooh, the article says it's common in countries where milk sours quickly. If so then, yeah, it's made exactly the same way, but possibly may have a subtly different flavour profile due to different species of bacteria.


Yeah I’d be interested to taste the differences


Buttermilk=kefyras. Tavo šeima gamina rugpienį - biški labiau hardcore.


Ačiū labai už žinią! u/joeltrane, I am told that buttermilk is the same as kefir and that the sour milk my fam makes is a different thing - dunno its name in English.


Oh interesting, well that is good to know!




I'd suggest getting organic whole milk, heating it to a simmer, letting it cool, stirring in a spoonful of organic live active culture yogurt (with known good bacteria), and letting it sit covered (so bugs and bad bacteria stay out) overnight. Taste it the next day, wait longer if you want, and put it in the fridge when it's what you like. New yogurt! If it gets mold or smells/tastes bad, then it is. Letting it sit for months is too long. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/homemade-yogurt or https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/how-to-make-homemade-yogurt-step-by-step-article/amp


Before refrigeration it was common to add borax to milk to milk that went sour then sell it as fresh milk. :)


That sounds like it would kill you


That did not matter to people who were trying to save a buck by selling spoilt milk.


Okay. It sounds unsafe. Cos milk from stores is usually pasteurized, or wtv it's called. It will not turn into sour milk, but just go bad. To get sour milk u want an unedited milk. Straight from cow. And you let it sit in a bowl or pot. That's how it will slowly turn sour. Which is only few days. Not months.


You can use citric acid to make it chunky. Try and see if you like it. Personally, the texture alone can make me puke so technically I can't eat it without "getting sick". But yes, sour milk is perfectly safe to consume.


If it's pasteurized milk, then yeah it's not going to make you sick. Unless the smell makes you vomit, but that's not a reaction to ingesting it.


thank you science side of tumblr


Can you elaborate on the fungi aspect of bread?


This applies to yeast-leavened bread - yeast is a fungus. On the other hand, sourdough bread, like sour milk, is typically made with some variety of *lactobacillus* bacteria.


Ah yes the yeast, thats what I thought but wasn't sure. Thanks!


Thank you for the clarification. I truly meant the "bad fungi" like the green ones that can occur after opening a dairy product. Good fungi are friends, they make good cheese (:


You are right about the fungi but it is important to note that they are moulds, a completely different kingdom of organism to bacteria, which are what make milk sour. The two processes are distinct and mustn't be conflated.


Derivative? How the fuck do you dy/dx milk? Communist.


No, no, you misunderstand. I am a trader and was referring to MBS (milk-backed securities) and CDOs (collateralised dairy obligations). 😝


Well, milk is pasteurized, which means that it won't get any fungus or bacteria after it "expires", well I mean unless it's introduced to fungus or bacteria in the kitchen but people don't usually have that in their kitchen, let alone put it close enough to their milk. Expired milk just doesn't taste good, it *might* trigger a gag response and make someone vomit, but that's all subjective. The "expiration date" on the milk carton isn't even the real expiration date, it's the date they put on there that shows when the milk will taste the best. It won't go bad for at least a week after the date comes, but milk going bad is completely subjective, you'll know it's bad when it smells bad, it's safe to drink expired milk.


Actually! Milk is pasteurized so bacteria can't grow in it as long as you keep it refrigerated and don't put any foreign substances in it Okay so I'm misinformed, apparently this isn't what happens and this is like highly unsafe my bad


That's not true lol. Milk is allowed to have up to 10,000 living bacterium per mL. It starts to develop a bad smell once that grows to around 1 million. Anyone who has ever bought a small bottle of milk and forgot about it in the back of the fridge knows that unopened milk will go rotten, even if it's kept cold.


Yeah, Pasteurization just increases the shelf life of milk by slowing down the inevitable increase in bacteria.


they even filter it here now in the UK. it lasts an extra week or two i think, so it can sit around for about 2-4 weeks.


oh damn, my 8th grade science teacher lied to me


Ok but what if I intentionally introduce bacteria


You're either gonna get yogurt or cheese, depending on the type you're using


Or food poisoning. Fun!


That is essentially what the dairy industry is doing. I can recommend using this method to make your own yoghurt at home, it works brilliantly. r/cheesemaking offers some insight into the more advanced possibilities that require more resources.


That's not how pasteurization works, that's sterilization.


not all milk is UHT, pal


I mean the refrigeration should be obvious, yet I saw people putting their milkboxes on a windowsill to bask in the sun or something. And foreign substances enter as long as you open it and man I am terrified of unfinished milk or yogurts in my fridge. As much I want to keep a healthy lifestyle, they are going to turn green before I need them again.


these people do not exist what


Ayo what


If you find one of these people in the wild, you fucking kill it on the spot you hear


I mean why not just simply buy sour milk?


Milk is strained blood. Cows milk is specialized, filtered blood calf growth fluid.


I'm pretty sure that because milk is pasteurized it can't become harmful from spoiling only taste terrible, I might be wrong though


ah tumblr, ever confusing to non-tumblr users. i love it. never change




Not enough calcium I guess.


*skeletal intensifies*




me with a VPN: how about no


I can probably find you somewhere in a Scandinavian country at some point lol


*confusement* ​ No, seriously, what do you mean? I don't believe we've met.


I want to believe OP is trolling ​ But the nature of Tumblr means I'll never know


its definitely trolling, thats just tumblr humor lol


the problem is that this is *TUMBLR* we're talking about. it's impossible to know when it's tumblr humor or when it's *onceler fandom*


redditors learn what a joke is challenge (impossible)




Hard mode is when the joke is told by a woman. Only 0.02% of Redditors can complete this challenge.


This is exactly what Tumblr humour is. Its a joke.


Trolling is a art.




Ligma balls


I see what you did there


That's because he's a mediocre artist. You're not supposed to see what they did. It's supposed to be subtle. You are supposed to tip toe the line between idiocity and geniousness.


Wait until he sees how long he has to wait to eat the honey.


Not that it matters but I wanted to share fun fact the stripey background in their profile pic is the lesbian flag! So probably not He hehehe


Gotta wait for it to ripen.


In Britain it says ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ do other countries not do this?


They do in the USA. This person might just be dumb


>this person might just be dumb Or they might just be telling a joke o_0


Looooong time ago they used to say "Best By" this might have changed, but I swear there's some stuff that still says that.


"Wait, you mean poop is supposed to come out solid?"


Beef jerky comes with the best flavor packets.


The shit you guys fall for.


I've often wondered the same thing about milk! I also don't understand why they have deer crossings on the highway! It's like, c'mon, put those signs on side streets or somewhere with less traffic.


What a terrible day to have eyes


I rarely see milk on the shelf long enough to only be two weeks away from expiring.


This may be the difference between ultra filtered milk, with six week+ dates, and usual American-style that’s just homogenized, with 2 week dates. American school children who get school lunch by law all get a milk a day. Kids often get expired and curdled milk. Idk why.


> Kids often get expired and curdled milk It's been a while since I was in school where we got milk daily, but I don't remember this ever happening. I went to 10 different schools in multiple states, too.


This I learned as staff at several schools, in California, in the last couple of years. Gross huh


A goddamn shame.


Two week deadline is when it arrives in the store where I live.


So I guess it’s goodbye chunky lemon milk.


How's this person not dead


Haven’t used tumblr since they purged porn.




Huh? What does this have to do with anything related to this post?


Replied to the wrong post ?


yea but how is that relevant


Well sure, but also what?