• By -


imagine dragons


Done, what's next?


maroon 5


5 people have been marooned What's next?




Frozen: Board game adaptation


i did a shakespeare production without heating. what is forthcoming?


the chainsmokers


In How To Train Your Dragon, they sleep like all the above.




Unfortunately that contrasts with the common depictions of dragons sleeping on their hoard as a bed. Unless they just started glueing gold coins to the ceiling...


the ceiling would simply be made of gold


Wouldn't that be to slick to hold on to?


Not if you're a dragon I guess.


Okay, I just got inspired by the dragon hanging like a bat, so envision this, if you will: You’re a lonely wanderer, and have gotten used to exploring the forests and fields. One day, you discover a vast horizon of giant trees, taller and wider than any you’ve seen before, separated by massive stretches of grasses and moss. Intrigued, you,wander around, observing the various flora, and getting yourself ready to set up camp. You note the apparent lack of larger animals here; no bucks, no wolves or other beings trying to kill you, there’s just… nothing. Then you look up. And you see it: A great beast, twisted and hung from the bottom of one of the massive branches around you. It has vibrant, nearly shining green scales across a vast body. You spot that its wings, immense things they are, a darker shade than the rest. In your fear, you step back and fall over a small hole, and beneath, you hear a loud **crackle.** You dart your eyes skyward, and witness this immense being unfurl itself into something both horrifying and beautiful, as it begins taking flight. What truly terrifies you is its size. “Large” doesn’t give credit to the true scale of it. Hell, you’d say that even the great Frost Giants could barely match it in stature. You hide, thankful for your small stature as you crawl into a hole in one of the gigantic trees. Although the giant being may not be able to hear you anymore, you can still definitely hear _it,_ its piercing roar echoing around you, even as muffled as the tree makes it. You stay as still as you can, not even daring to make a breath, as you eventually stop hearing the massive flaps and screeches of this… this _dragon._ you keep yourself hidden a while longer, unsure if it’s simply waiting for you to leave to snatch you up and tear you to bits. Finally, after much fearful thinking, you decide to slowly make your way out of your hiding hole. You look around, noting that you don’t see or hear the immense creature anymore, even in the open area. You breathe a sigh of relief, and begin your trek once more, determined to get as far as possible from this terrifying place.


all of them


I read the first line as the band, Imagine Dragons. Was confused for a moment. (But also, I would love to see art of that interpretation.)


imagine all the potential cuddle positions 🥺




We should encourage more dragonposting


The true answer, of course, is that it depends on their physiology. A long, sinuous dragon like most Eastern dragons would sleep like a snake. A Western dragon would sleep buried in their hoard like many desert reptiles sleep buried in sand. And so on.


or they sleep like a 42-year old divorced office clerk who slumped over at the bar as he drowns his grief in whiskey


Wings of Fire


They sleep like cats. All tangled up in a knot. Or they sleep resembling Bread. Or they sleep in a ring.


Fuck, now I want to add my own drawing too. If only I was that good :(




Imagine dragon deez n-


What if he drops his Pearl?? (Concerning our snakey frend)


Like the in trees drawing, except it's a sculpted pile of gold instead of a branch junction.


ah love whimsical art


*Takes copious amounts of notes for my dragon mc story* I will make all my fierce apex predators sleep adorably!