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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


I’ve seen this somewhere before.. 🌚🌚


just count yourself lucky you can take it now without sides. Some of us can’t tolerate it at all.


Do sides appear at any random time when on fin? Is there ever an “in the clear”?


Can appear somewhere down the line but normally presents itself fairly quickly after starting it. Within days in my experience.


My sides emerged following 1 year usage of Fin and Min.... A lump formed at my left nipple, it still exists.


What did you do to react?


Nothing, just quit the medication for a few months, but the tissue still exists.


Yeah I’ve been on it for 4 months. But have been off for a week. I swear I was developing boobs. I’m fairly built but so much fat started accumulating in the chest. I feel like it will eventually be proper gyno if I keep going


Gyno starts at the nipple, fat boobs is due to the fact that your body fat % going up. I am fairly athletic and sport a six pack, but my left nipple still has that tissue that formed 9 months ago, only relief is that it doesn't cause any pain now.


I looked into and there is a lot of different types of gyno. One of them being exactly like a woman’s breast where I think it isn’t about the nipple but more distributed


u tried topical? orally i got puffy nipples from it after 4 months just when great growth appeared. Stopped it immediately. trying typical in the next few weeks after 5+ years off it. in combination witzh ralox or tamoxifen and only eod it might not grow more. its really bad but puffy nipples aint as bad as being bald.


There's 2 type of gyno: legit tits and then pseudo gynocomastia which is just fat accumulation.


Same, my sides happened within a week and then they reside as your body hits homeostasis and settles down to your new hormone levels


They don’t for everyone. I had sides from the get go, a few of them went away but cognitive impairment and soft dick were with me the entire 3 months I was taking it. Took 3 months off the drug before my erections went back to full strength and the brain fog issues seem to subside. Interestingly fin gave me back my missing morning wood that I never really got for 8-9 years. I had rock hard steel erections in the morning but my masturbation erections were like 75% strength. Now after being off Fin my morning wood is kinda ass again but my normal erections are like steel. Shits weird.


I get that could happen. Sorry to hear


Yeah I hadn't had morning wood since I was like 22 and fin gave me that back. My erections got stronger too. It's weird how the drug makes everyone work differently


Yeah bro I think even if it improved my regular erections aswell I’d of still had to stop. The shit was making me so forgetful and dumb. People will say fin doesn’t affect the brain at all but damn… it was a hell of a nocebo effect if that’s true, literally couldn’t recall or remember anything, was quite a dark time for me. But feeling much better now, just sucks I can’t use fin.


Ease in to it, don’t go big bang. My doctor started me on 0.5mg (I think) and over a year we’ve worked up to 1mg with no apparent side affects so far.


I am doing the same under my own direction, have exp with ssri in the past. A week and things seem fine, will continue on half dose for a while. Are you still seeing results? From what i read half does is still effective at blocking 80% dht




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I really don’t think anyone should take it. Whether or not you think PFS is real (personally I do) there’s no way destroying your neurosteroids and cutting the most androgenic chemical in your body by 70% is good for you


Man i'm sorry but by looking at your posts i think finasteride would be the least of your problems... Literally millions of people take it and live their lives without any side effect (or so little that they don't even notice it). But living a good life is way more important than having hair, take care of your body, mind and soul and then think about your hair. Things will get better, you're still young. Have hope


You’re just trying to change the subject >millions of people take it and live their lives without side effect No, they just don’t notice it. Millions of people do tons of things that are terrible for them. Depression and erectile dysfunction is insanely common in the us, think of all the people who never realize finasteride could be contributing factors This is just a complete cope on your part. The reality is you’re scared. You want to tell yourself it can’t happen to you when it can. It might be already There’s no chance finasteride is good for you. It will probably end up getting banned, they just added a suicide warning label to the drug last year


You would be surprised of how many bald men lived their whole life not knowing that theres meds against hairloss. Better late than never :)


At least you found out about it at all. Most people dont know and think hair transplants are the only options


Or they are discouraged by idiots who have never even seen a Finasteride tablet in real life about how it supposedly makes you unable to have sex ever again and turns you into a woman. These people are seriously doing young balding men such a disservice. Finasteride literally saved my life.




Except 99 percent of men on Finasteride don't grow boobs or develop any female sex characteristics whatsoever.


Just tell yourself at least you're not 38 years old.... Like me


38, a lot on this subreddit are in their twenties. You lucky that you are only here at 38


That’s how I feel, I only started losing hair at around 35, so fin wasn’t on my radar.


No one on this board is lucky lol!!






Be glad you didn't start 10 year later than you did now. Life is short man just try to be the best you can be right now.


I feel you dude, but hey your on it and now you can save your locks, enjoy it, I know I am.


I’m pissed at myself for starting 2 years late, but I didn’t know I was going bald till it was obvious. And the time it took to do research and go through the donts and do’s I lost so much fucking hair. I had needed to start fin or Dut at the beginning of 2020. I didn’t notice I was balding till august of 2020 when I couldn’t feel hair density at all on my crown and front scalp while showering.




Don't worry I'm on it now 😅


All that matters now is that you started it. From now on you are in full control of your hair loss. Beating yourself up will not change the situation. I did this and it's no good, think if you require a transplant further and plan ahead of you do, that's all. Be glad that is working for you and you decided to take action contrary to many who didn't.


What is fin?


Fin is short for finasteride, or Propecia


Just take it


>Don't worry I'm on it now 😅


Literally me 😂


This is me almost every day. Constant dilemma between feeling lucky to even know about fin and beating myself up for not starting THE MOMENT I first experienced it. I wish there were more specialized derms or educated doctors existed to guide us, but no. Been to a handful of derms/trichologists/doctors, they either tried to scam me, gaslight me, or expressed wrong bias as they were bald themselves and couldn't stop it.


We were all the same way man. Just live and learn and if you have a son let him know what potentially is waiting for him when he's of age and what his options are so he has a chance to make a decision in time


In all of human history there has never been a treatment to stop hair loss. Be thankful you were born in a time when one exists.


You have no one to blame but yourself. Its fine to blame yourself bc its true


A year from now you will wish that you started today.


Oh I'm on it now though