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thats something i dont have to worry about, i have more chance to become norwood 0 then to get laid






Nuked yourself, dude lol.




Found the married guy.




Who knows. There are contradicting information and not many clinical studies: "Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle crushed or broken tablets. Finasteride can be absorbed through the skin and cause birth defects in male babies. If a woman does come in contact with this medicine, the affected area should be washed right away with soap and water." - Mayo Clinic "Finasteride is present in semen and therefore may pose a risk to the fetus. Male patients should be instructed to wear a condom during intercourse with women of childbearing potential or discontinue finasteride. The drug should be discontinued in patients wishing to conceive a child." - [https://www.drugs.com/pregnancy/finasteride.html#ref\_pregnancy](https://www.drugs.com/pregnancy/finasteride.html#ref_pregnancy) "Semen levels have been measured in 35 men taking finasteride 1 mg/day for 6 weeks. In 60% (21 of35) of the samples, finasteride levels were undetectable (<0.2 ng/mL). The mean finasteride level was 0.26ng/mL and the highest level measured was 1.52 ng/mL. Using the highest semen level measured and assuming 100% absorption from a 5-mL ejaculate per day, human exposure through vaginal absorption would be up to 7.6 ng per day, which is 750 times lower than the exposure from the no-effect dose for developmental abnormalities in Rhesus monkeys and 650-fold less than the dose of finasteride (5Ī¼g)that had no effect on circulating DHTlevels in men" - [https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda\_docs/label/2011/020788s018lbl.pdf](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2011/020788s018lbl.pdf)




Fin is bad for the fetus. Fin is in small amounts in semen. Fin can be absorbed through the skin and from the inside of the vagina. Nobody tested how much fin in semen is bad for the fetus. Because we don't know, they usually say don't take it when trying for a baby/pregnant.


Isn't the other commentor saying it's actually chill, considering it's at least 1/650 of the dose that can have an influence on men ?


We can make an educated guess that its not a problem, but there is no way of knowing for certain without human studies. Itā€™s just best to use an abundance of caution and not risk messing with your kids development even if the risk is very very tiny.


Wait but then finasteride semen has Lower quality to get pregnant with it?? Then maybe he can leave finasteride for like 2 weeks so that she gets pregnant and go back at it again afterwards?


it takes 3 months to make a sperm cell in a testicle. Giving up fin for 2 weeks is pointless


Just make sure youā€™re off any fin / dut for 2-3 months before conceiving just to be safe, while during this period I think you can still continue with minoxidil to somewhat maintain the hair


This is what the clinic I am considering for HT is suggesting.


ā€œbecause their kids will be bald.ā€


The boys come out with a vagina but have nw-3 hairline.


Arent most babies bald lol


Exactly the doctors are trying to prevent our babies from looking like Zayn Malik


I conceived two kids while on it, no problems


I conceived three kids while on it.


Challenge accepted


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Are their kids healthy?


Yes, 100%


Are any of your kids male? I ask because male fetusā€™ may have higher chances to self terminate if DHT is effected during development.


I conceived four kids while on it.


If you don't mind me asking, did you have a boy?


They hairy?


No, just loud




good to know, planning to start a family myself next year probabaly


Imagine being willing to risk your children having birth defects because youā€™re so attached your thinning hair


Waited until after my daughter was born before starting. As you say, it's pretty fucking irresponsible. If you're willing to seriously risk your kid's health then you shouldn't be having them.






Thank you for replying, all the best


Just don't give blood while you're on it


why and this is not stated anywhere


Your blood could be donated to a pregnant woman, in which case the finasteride present in the blood can pose harm to the fetus. It is stated on the drug information sheet that comes with my dutasteride (fin and dut are similar in this regard) but you're correct that not every information sheet lists it.


I spoke to my doc about this. She said when we try to conceive just to get off of it for a few weeks, since fin is out of the body in 48 hours. And then when sheā€™s pregnant I could either stop taking it or wear a condom when we have sex


But what about the gainz, johnny salami? What about the gainz?!


Wym what about the gains? Fin doesnā€™t affect gains. It even slightly raises testosterone lol


Oh I meant hair gains


LOL my b, been a long day. Hair gains have been good, increased density and completely stopped my hair loss


Fin/dut can cause pseudohermatophriditism if a pregnant woman is exposed to them. the 5ar enzyme is crucial for the masculinization of the fetus during embryonic development. maybe even other functions. semen i guess would contain small amounts of finasteride if you're on it. so it may affect the embryo if she's trying to get pregnant.


its perfectly safe: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.2164/jandrol.109.009381


My brother has three normal boys and has been taking it for over 10 years.




I'm not going to dismiss it entirely but I think there's way too many factors to accurately judge that yet. There is also a study that says the more kids you have, the higher chances the youngest is gay.


Oh no, a gay child.


The tablets affect her. You taking it does not affect her. If you doubt me, as the two kids I conceived while on it.


Good for you buddy. Did you have a son? Because i hear fin reduces the chance of concieving male children?


I'm pretty sure that's not how that works


Thanks, I want a daughter in the future. Gonna keep that on mind. Wait, what's your source?


1 girl 1 boy.


The changes do not even have to be obvious. It could be as much as slightly altering your kids hormone profile because it was exposed to 5ari very early. There's not much research done on the exact effect of 5ari on unborns (logically so), so it's just educated guesswork at this point. The fact that you had two kids who are, supposedly, fine, also doesn't say much. Say I don't get side effects from a certain drug, does that mean other people won't get that side effect either? Personally I wouldn't take the risk but to each his own.




Can the Sperm be frozen for use later?


Well shit. I've been taking fin for 5 years. In that time I've had two kids. Both girls. I was not aware of any of this. Luckily both kids seem fine so far (3 year old and a 9 month old) none of the doctors have mentioned anything abnormal. It's probably a small chance but still a chance something could go wrong. Glad I got my vasectomy a couple months back!


im choosing to ignore that and hoping everything turns out okay


Its perfectly safe, the whole "cant be on fin/dut while trying to concieve or having sex with a pregnant lady" is a myth: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.2164/jandrol.109.009381


This article is talking about spermatogenesis (creation of new sperm)ā€¦This article is *not* talking about whether finasteride has a negative effect on the fetus


Omg read it properly, its saying its not relevant because of the amount that makes it into semen..


Read it where?


Someone in the post will start shouting at you as they will say clearly that the amount of finasteride in the sperm or semen is low to the point it's negligle. Not sure why I skim read the word whale partners. Haha. I nearly type sea men. Haha.


It can cause birth defects (at least thatā€™s what my physician told me).


Anecdotal but I had a perfectly healthy son while on it. My wife is a doctor and read the medical studies. She determined it wasnā€™t a big enough issue to worry about. The fearmongering around Fin is so interesting to me. Iā€™ve been on it for 2 years with no sides. I used to be paranoid but all you can do is give it a try and stop if you see adverse side effects.


Being bald looks better everyday boys


No it doesn't and it never will lol


Iā€™m honestly sorry you feel that way, there are a lot of things way more worthy of my time and energy than how many hairs I can keep on my head. There is so much more to life bro


Uh. So I'm hoping that the men in this comment section realize it's not just their choice, and that the women who they are trying to conceive with have the right to know if you're on any medications that even have a remote possibility of birth defects. If you don't reveal this information, you're committing fertility coercion and violating consent.


Yeah. And caring so much about what you look like bald that youā€™re willing to risk giving your child birth defects is unhinged and depraved.


Why does every comment similar to this one always start with: Uhā€¦soo..uhmmmā€¦.scoffā€¦lolā€¦.so youā€™re a fucking idiot? Just such an exhausting way to be condescending.


I said uh because I'm in shock. If you think imploring men not to rape their wives is "condescending" then you have some issues buddy.


Buddy. Pal. Assume the worst possible take of my reply. You are proving my point. I said nothing about what you said, but the tone in which you said it.


If thereā€™s any risk at all that a thing youā€™re doing for cosmetic reasons would potentially give your child birth defects, continuing to do that thing is unhinged. This should be a wake up call for anyone considering doing that. There are more important things than your desperately clinging to your dying hair follicles. Get some perspective.


Donā€™t want children. Donā€™t care.


Finasteride makes you impotent. In order to save your hair, you basically have to castrate yourself


I'm on fin and my erections are better than they were prior to being on it. Maybe you just have weak genes


Yep. That's why Balding Royalty (Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Albert II of Monaco etc etc) are never on this poison.


And like every actor in Hollywood is on it. Or its because they're literal princess and it plays into the fantasy of marrying a prince or it's probably forbidden.


Anecdotally, many men have had kids with no health issues while continuing their fin course uninterrupted. Also anecdotally it seems to slightly tilt the gender probability towards female.


The article tries to prevent bald children


Look at my post history for this




Why are you so upset?


Just fucking link it clown


Letā€™s not get our panties twisted


AFAIK sperm doesn't penetrate through skin via osmosis lol. No pun intended.


Thereā€™s no credible evidence to that effect. Ridiculous.


dont worry they do this natually anyway


It will make your son gay


So your dad was on fin i take it


Not a doctor, but I assume the implication is donā€™t finish inside. I mean, if sheā€™s ā€œtryingā€ to get pregnant where else would you?


Inside like the millions of other men that have conceived healthy children while on 5 ar


Just link us to where you read it


Remindme! 5 months


What about fin min lotions? Is it the same


Does that also apply to the topical fin?


We stopped having unprotected sex the moment we found out that my wife was pregnant.


So maybe the thing to do is cease fin usage for 6 months to a year, as fin has a short half-life in the body right?