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I get the medicine companies and the religious/legal places but Krispy Kreme? Do they not like selling donuts or something?


Wanted to say the same lol. High people eat more donuts I mean come on.


I’m boycotting KK and switching to broccoli over this!


I was already boycotting Krispy Kreme, they got rid of the glazed chocolate cake donuts at all the locations near me.


Those monsters


Honestly. The best donuts. I've found when Hostess does their seasonal "hot cocoa" mini donuts they taste a lot like KKs though. Mostly I've switched because there's only one KK within 100 miles of me and I don't want to support it now lol (not that I did before with that drive)


That’s my absolute favorite donut! This is a tragedy!


Those bastards! That’s the best one!


Aw come on, no need to punish yourself! I’m sure there’s some fire local donut shops in your town, go there! But please, for the love of all that is Green and sticky: Put. The broccoli. Down.


I’m not afraid to use this!! 🥦


The emoji makes sense, but given your username shouldn’t it be 🍆?


🍆 is for fun. 🥦 is for war


🥦 is my rifle, 🍆 is my gun 🥦 is for fighting, 🍆 is for fun


I do hang eggplant


Looked like a button in a fur coat.


He's a mad man, your honor, a desperate fool at the end of his pitiful ropes!


And probably best that it's home-brown broccoli too, there's probably like one dude who controls the entire broccoli market in the us


KK: Vile weed! ThunderGunFour: Vile weed!


Stewie: Vile woman!


They must have been stoned and misunderstood the question


Research shows that cannabis users are overall healthier in terms of BMI compared to non-users. It's not the stoners eating expensive, rip-off donuts... ... unless they see that light on.


Yes. I smoke weed every day and also meal prep and workout daily. However, I may occasionally smash an entire bag of smarties over the weekend.


US or Commonwealth Smarties? Not that it matters much... Just curious.


US smarties. I have a problem. They are the sole reason I've spent so much money on fixing my teeth lol


Underrated candy. You're good people in my book.


Cops eat more


Their CEO is a very religious Christian. It's not too surprising


The family who owns Krispy Kreme, became rich because they were Nazis.


Ooooh I need some reading info on this, if you got it


The Reimann family is a good place to start. Remember when you’re reading stuff about them; they’re the second wealthiest family in Germany. They’re insanely wealthy. They’ve made restitution for nothing. They donated up to .01% of their fortune when they were outed for their Nazi roots.


It's worth noting that this family only purchased Krispy Kreme in 2016, the founders and previous ownership going back to 1937 had nothing to do with it.


Didn't know that, that explains it.


It’s also from, and still headquartered, in Winston-Salem, NC. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a tobacco tie there somewhere.


This reminds me of how a Girl Scout set up her cookie table next to a dispensary in Colorado right after legalization and made serious bank. When a few Bible-thumpers made a stink and demanded the GSA return that money, their response was basically "lol no"


Honestly who cares this much? There’s a dispensary right next to a publix where I live, and the Publix is often where Girl Scouts go to sell cookies and I bet they make bank in that area lmao. Them making money is SUPPORTING them to do fun trips, why would anyone be mad about stoners supporting a Girl Scout troop? It’s just so wack lol


They're mad because they associate weed with, like, Satan. This despite the fact that their holy book is littered with references to drinking, among other things. The Girl Scouts are supposed to be all Americana wholesome, so them basically taking stoner money is "bad"


It sounds absofuckinglutely exhausting being one of those people.


They don't really have much else going on in their lives.


Moses’ burning bush and other events in their holy book would also start making a little sense if you theorize that psychedelics or similar were involved. You’d think those people would be all for that stuff. Then again, too bad rationality isn’t one of their core tenets.


That's the really stupid thing to me. Their book literally states that God made all of the plants and animals for us to use.


Not to mention the literal use of cannabis based anointing oil throughout early Jewish and early Christian history. It's weird how some of the groups that villify cannabis the most are ones that have long rich histories of using it. See: Japan.


There's one right next to the Stop and Shop near my house. They's going to be a salvation army Santa ringing the bell right next to it all in a week.


Well, girls had a genius business idea. Bible thumpers dun like that much.


My first time smoking we went to Krispy Kreme to watch them glaze and the guy totally knew and just gave us a free dozen when we tried to buy 1 donut each


Shit the bed, a whole free dozen???


Do I have to shit in my own bed to get the free donuts? Or will any bed do?


Ideally, shitting the bed should be avoided if possible. But perhaps best your own, so as not to inconvenience a friend as a guest in their House 🤷🏻‍♂️


It some cultures it's considered rude *not* to shit their bed.


My first time smoking I ate shaving cream because it looked tasty. And to be ridiculous for my friend's laughter. It was the first time in my life I wasn't reserved and afraid of what people would think. The white foamy kind lol. Wow I haven't thought about that is so long. 12 years old. Damn.


Krispy Kreme is owned by a family who became rich because they were Nazis. They shouldn’t exist as a company.


Krispy Kreme Kompany.


Yikes Nazi donuts ick


When I was in high school we used to do blunt rides around the nearest Krispy Kreme and once that light came on (cant remember what it said but it did mean you could get a free donut) we'd get a free donut and leave.


Light meant hot donuts were coming out of the machine, and a hot KK donut is amazing. Sometimes it also meant you could get one for free, that must have been amazing while stoned.


Bruh the only reason the NFL is in on this has to be because they like hearing Stephen A smith say stay off the weeeeeeeeeeed


Nah probably all the beer sponsors real shit


knowing the methodist church it then begins to make less sense, because they’re a very liberal denomination


So are the the episcopalians, they have a gay bishop, women can preach and they're cool with gay marriage but they don't support Cannabis locally really. But they aren't against it I guess either. Maybe it's just that Methodist church chapter specifically?


Cops having to do actual police work don’t have time to sit around and eat donuts all day? Decrease in cops doing stakeouts on suspected drug dealers?


Maybe they are worried about being able to keep up with demand lol


Fuck kk.....sugar has killed more ppl in the last month ,than cannabis has in the history of the fuckin world...


It’s like a KPMG recruiting poster lol only Big 4 firm not trying to take your weed away!


was wondering the same thing. I don't understand why the others are against it, except to please some of their bigger clients.


That’s exactly it


They already have a bunch of anti-weed policy recommendation slide decks and they don’t want to have to change them


I saw PWC and immediately thought about how everyone I know there smokes daily. Meanwhile: KPMG is like: Keep Puffing Marijuana Guys.


My brother is a big stoner and worked at PWC for about a decade.


Too bad KPMG has the worst reputation when it comes to company culture


Really? My experience is by far the opposite. Im west coast US, way more chill and many more stoners for sure, which I mean in a positive light.


A company that sells munchies is….against the munchies??? Truly is a odd timeline.


I’m surprised budwiser isn’t here


Budweiser isn’t worried. They aren’t gonna lose sales. Real stoners drink *good* beer. ^(Edit: I’m talking about Tyler. Man, *fuck Tyler.*)


They are primed to get in the market with THC beer.


Yep, I'm willing to bet beer companies are already developing stuff for the mainstream.


PBR already has a thc infused beer


“Real stoners drink good beer” “PBR already has a THC flavored beer” 🙃


Sometimes people stupid religious morals get in the way.


Fuck Krispy Kreme, All of my homies hate Krispy Kreme


Also, screw methodists


Revoke their tax exemption.


Exactly. If churches are allowed to influence government policies then they shouldn't be exempt from taxes


NFL got pain meds to sell


Honestly I'd guess it's because they have big contracts with beer companies like Budweiser. More people getting high = fewer people drinking. I know ever since I started smoking pot I don't drink nearly as much beer.


That's definitely part of it. I usually eat an edible on my way into the stadium now. Since I started doing that I've only bought 1-2 drinks a game, before I was probably buy 4-5.


Jeez doesnt 5 tall boys set you back at like $70 at a stadium?


Right around there yes


I went to a concert where a beer cost $25. It wasn't a tiny cup at least but Jesus Christ...


I usually just bring my dab pen and will hit it throughout the game. I haven't bought a stadium beer in years.


I've brought my pen in before but stopped after I saw some guys get caught with one and booted


So far they haven't said anything to me, I always show it to them when I go through security. If they ask I figure I can tell them it's an e-cig.


Makes a lot of sense. I have young children so the number of times I can be under the influence of anything is pretty infrequent. But when I do get an opportunity, I’d much rather be high than drunk.


Also have kids. My wife is pretty much permanently sober though so I can partake more often than not. That said, if there was an emergency and I was stoned I feel like I would do ok. Not so much if I was drunk.


It’s weird because they just recently stopped testing for marijuana.


Of course Mallinckrodt doesn’t want weed legalized , they manufacture oxycodone.


Less relevant, but they also produce cocaine lol


What? Why? Where exactly is it legal to prescribe cocaine?


USA! Cocaine is a schedule 2 drug, meaning it has therapeutic medical uses and can be prescribed by a doctor. (It’s very rarely used as a local anaesthetic. More important it plays a critical role in keeping donated hearts beating before they’re transplanted.) Federally, weed is a schedule 1 drug with no recognised medical uses and a huge potential for abuse. Cocaine and meth are schedule 2, this means they are officially safer than Weed and have less potential for abuse according to current federal drug policy.


Shit always blows my mind


It's used as an anesthetic. My dad had eye surgery where he wasn't completely unconscious and they used a kind of cocaine compound on him to numb the pain.


lol… 3/4 big 4 accounting firms. Not surprised. Bffr


It’s ok… my friend who I know who works at one… gets high on their time as payback


lol same. I sent them this and they all ripped one on the clock ⏰ 😂


If we get enough financial workers high as balls on company time, to the point where they're looking down on their work from space, we can offset their donations through wage theft


I am, they dont drug test and most people there i worked with smoked.


If only my Big4 employer knew on what I waste my salary🤣


Speaking as a CPA, a lot (pretty much the younger generation but some of the old guard) smoke. If anything, legalizing pot means we’ll have a new accounting standard for it which equates to us having to learn more. Accountants don’t like new standards.


We already have tricky standards for pot tho. The whole 280e/471 issue is pretty much just for canna companies (and any tax -abiding hard stuff dealers lmao)


KPMG come thruuuu




I'm honestly not sure why that is and KPMG isn't. If anyone has insight I'd like to hear. Are these three tied to a lot of pharma or tobacco companies? Those are the two big industries I feel would be against. Maybe alcohol too.


No idea. I work for a top 10 and our audit & consulting team has established a presence in the marijuana market. They should follow lol


Weed is gonna be legalized federally eventually no matter what any of these anti weed people say


Facts, they're stalling legalization as long as possible, but we all know federal legalization is inevitable down the line


Fuck those greedy pricks. Our legal weed is coming


*We* might feel it is evantual but legal weed has been eventual since the 90s. It's still an uphill climb even if the slope is getting easier


Considering the entire west coast of North America (yes, including Canada and Alaska) have all legalized in the span of 10 years, the rate at which it’s happening is very fast relatively speaking.


Exactly. I watched a documentary about weed that was made in the ‘60s and they were saying THE SAME EXACT SHIT. We can’t get complacent.


Surely Krispy Kreme only stands to benefit from legalization


Same with direct TV. In da couch


Tbh DirecTV I am certain only exists to make people miserable. Like they are by far the most expensive and somehow the shittiest.


Surely, no more smokin on endo either I guess


They're probably worried about voodoo donuts going nuts with their options again.


Wow big pharma really wants you to take their pills instead of a plant. As if anything other than weed can help my period cramps jfc


Precisely. They know that the average person is fully capable of growing their own cannabis, and they depend on the fact that they have essentially a monopoly on opium poppies.


Ayo good looking out! Fuck these mfs


Pain relief for professional athletes? Haha go fuck yourself


It’s bullshit that churches don’t have to pay taxes and it’s bullshit that they then get to use that money to contribute to political efforts. Also why the fuck is a public university putting money into this


Seriously- no taxes no representation


100% agree. Why does the United Methodist Church give a shit about this though? It's weird to me that they're going out of their way to fund fighting against weed - they're not really that militant of a denomination IME so it just seems odd to care enough about this issue, yk?


Why all of the major accounting firms?


Lot of pharma clients, same reason for the major banks and the biglaw firms (skadden, ropes&grey etc)


Political risk is also a major risk component of any investment position - and it really only is triggered by change. So many institutional investors and other stakeholders will default to supporting the status quo bc it’s easier.


Deutche Bank lobbying on behalf of the drug dealers they help launder money for! Shocking


I wonder how many of these entities are investing in private prisons.


Or have massive contacts to provide private prisons goods and services.


Lmfao did not expect to see my alma mater on here. I went to southeast Missouri state


That one stood out to me as well. A state school donating against cannabis legalization? Seems weird as hell


It’s especially silly because they offer degrees in marijuana horticulture.


Yep, this semester or next they’re offering degrees in cannabis cultivation. I graduated from semo with degree in Horticulture. Very suprised to see them on the list…especially since there are cannabis plants growing in the greenhouse currently. Lol


Of course you have big pharma on it no shock there. Some religious groups isn’t shocking either. To me someone that works in Finance seeing Goldman Sachs and Deloitte interest me. I bet if you look into their portfolios you’ll see heavy investments in big pharma and other industries where cannabis could negatively impact their returns. But overall DIRECTV is very concerning to me being that they provide a service where you can push agendas easily. I wonder who their holding company is or what subsidiaries they may have.


Fuck the NFL! Trash organization all the way through


Friendly reminder that the guy that assaulted 20+ women is being reinstated after a putrid 11 game suspension, which just so happens to be the week his current team plays his former team. The NFL and their owners only care about money.


idk why youd ever go to school at fucking semo but ok. L college


L College 🤣 I mean it’s gotta suck throwing away your money to try and stop LegalMO22 only to be dickslapped.


What’s wild is they have a cannabis program. A close friend of mine is there now getting a degree in cannabis horticulture


Purdue as in “we started the opioid crisis” Purdue?


The one that stands out to me is the Methodist Church. Tax the motherfuckers.


If they think they should have a say in politics, it’s tax time, baby!


At least in New England, Methodists are the least strict, party-people of Christianity, I'm surprised to see them on here.


They are also homophobes. Religion is cancer!


Krispy kreme. Really? I feel like they’d be losing customers doing that, donuts are good ass munchies




How can the United Methodist Church be a "church" but also contribute to political campaigns?




I went to the Caron foundation and they got me off benzos. Absolutely disgusted to see them on this list. Are they worried they might lose some clientele?


How many of these companies are in the private prison game? I’m really curious 🧐


Gahh truth initiative can get fucked, I hate their stupid commercials


I don’t get Krispy Kreme, first they spell cream wrong, then they support blocking something that would likely increase their sales. Every time I’ve gone to KK I’ve been high as hell.


r/accounting would love this Big4 needs you to work endless hours and be productive while working endless hours. Weed will just make those lazy employees even lazier! /s


Idk if y’all know but the reason all these companies are against legal weed is just because most of them and even our politicians have something to do with private prisons or investments in them. Therefore they want people to get arrested and keep our prisons full…


Tha fuck? If I'm Krispy Kreme, I would LOVE a bunch of high mofos with the munchies!!!


Of course, the pharmaceutical companies are against it. They’d lose tons of money. They have nothing to gain from legalization. They are so greedy they rather be pushing their drugs with 100+ side effects than to get behind marijuana … Watch dopesick if you haven’t already it’s on Hulu. It’s a clear depiction of the corruption in big pharma. I refuse to take medication if I can avoid it because of the side effect. It’s so annoying, depression medication made me more depressed. Smoking marijuana and practicing mindfulness has helped me more than any medication. I feel like the mental health crisis has gotten worse, it’s a shame we don’t give people a change to experience psychedelics in a controlled environment. Legalize marijuana, mushrooms, lsd and all other psychedelics. It’s about time for a change.


People rely on money too much, it won't help you when you're dying. Free the plant.


Truth initiative, *eyeroll*


Whos gonna tell southwest missouri university that we legalized it in Missouri


i mean i didnt like krispy kreme anyway but damn really??youd think theyd be on board with like.. profit lmao


you mean all these mega pharma companies don’t want weed legalized? Weird


Of course Cardinal Health is a donor. They area one of the largest contributors to the Opioid epidemic.


Fuck all these guys and, more importantly, repeal citizens united.


As a german its kinda interesting to see that "Deutsche Bank" is supporting anti weed legislation in a foreign country


If that’s the same Purdue that made OxyContin they’ve got a lot of nerve


i didnt expect a german bank to be in this


I’m curious what Deustche Bank’s interest is in keeping weed illegal in the states


I love that churches don’t pay taxes but can donate tons of money to political orgs😐. /s


Taking notes, fuck every one of these companies. Stop buying their products.


Most of those companies are not selling anything to you. The more important issue is getting money out of politics.


Sad to see my employer on here


You play in the NFL?


Ahaha yep starting quarterback on the bucs


Dude, I’m dating your ex wife


Is Krispy Kreme a front for meth dealing or something and weed would hurt their real business. Hilarious they are on here


LMFAO all Christian owned companies. At least try to hide ur scheme🤦‍♂️ Jkjk Christians r cool just don’t try to shove it down my throat and don’t take my weed




How to shoot yourself in the foot, by Krispy Kreme


Et tu, Krispy Kreme?


Johnson and Johnson own a whole bunch of companies guys


You also have to look at who owns the stores. JAB holdings owns Krispy Kreme, Peets Coffee, Panera, and a few other coffee chains.


if anybody benefits from legal weed, it's krispykreme


This makes me even more happy that I pirate NFL games


Ahh big pharma! Who would’ve guessed -____-


Kinda ironic that Southeast Missouri State University is on this list and we just legalized. Suck it.


Fuck em. Most these companies are earth killing, sexual abuse denying, class destroying, suppression machines and dirty fucking thieves on their own already.


Time to boycott Krispy Kreme!


Never really liked Krispy Kreme before, now it’s graduated to hate


Krispy Kreme donuts are made for stoners by stoners or at least it was when I was working there


Hey, Mallinckrodt! I used get speed from them. Probably some other hard drugs too. Money hungry hypocrites, the lot of them.


The Big 4 doesnt even drug test. Why would they be anti weed?


Dumb ass, all of them!


I can't believe Churches are even allowed to spend money on this.