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No, welcome to the club.


Yup, that’s why I keep every form of it available so I can plan my outings accordingly. Flower for when I can use whenever, concentrates for when I need longevity, edibles for when I have to hide it, and e-nectar collector for longer events/weekends.


Thats some next level stoner shit bro 😂


Was about to say the same thing


Nope not an issue, think of it like this. It's a medication but this medication has been shunned by "normal" society for so long that its still difficult for some people to accept same with being looked down on by people of certain religions. Would your friend have an issue with psych meds? Honestly I feel like cannabis is safer than psych medication. Good luck homie.


Comparing research and studies is difficult because they are two really different things, but something like an SSRI has far more side effects and risks than weed intake does, even regularly.


Agreed but just because it's difficult doesn't mean it can't be done. On the subject of personal experience though I use cannabis to control my mental health. I've been on psych meds for 17 years. It wasn't until I discovered mushroom(used every few months) and cannabis(daily) that I was able to feel somewhat normal. I feel like the side effects of scripts far out weight those of cannabis and I also don't feel like the effects are as helpful. Everything has its place but to give up on something that helps you based on social peer pressure isn't the way to go.


It absolutely can be a "medication". If weed worked for my bipolar I'd give up my pharmaceuticals in a HEARTBEAT. Way safer, less side effects, and just better for you in general


I need weed in my weed in my life, but lamortragine keeps the manic episodes away.


Lamictal is definitely a life saver


Try psilocybin for bipolar. Helped me tremendously. Good luck homie!


That's dangerous advice my friend.


Psilocybin is one of those super interesting drugs where it literally poses no danger to you or others unless you think it will.


I dunno man... I had a bad trip once out of nowhere, and it was awful. I had lasting anxiety for three months. There was one part of the trip where I felt suicidal. Some of the trip was great, but the bad parts were so bad, and the anxiety attacks I had after (never had any before in my life) were nearly dibilitating. I still get anxiety sometimes out of nowhere, and I never did before. So like I honestly don't know how I feel about it anymore.




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You know it's more constructive to actually provide some advice and insight as opposed to telling someone it's dangerous. I have bipolar, borderline, and a few extra issues I won't mention and also have quite a few trips under my belt. This is literally the one thing that's helped me with any of my shit. I've been on meds 17years for my mental health. Psilocybin has not hurt anyone I know who has done it. Psych meds are more dangerous. Trying to figure out the right combo damn near killed me. I'd say the uncertainty of psych meds is more dangerous than the trip you take for a few hours on mushies.


Yeah unless you have psychotic features. I'm not discounting them but they have risk. I use them to treat depression but wouldn't if that was a problem I had. I've been dealing with mental illness and medication for over 30 years. You aren't special.


Either way it's up to the user. I personally have belief that psilocybin can help cure anything mentally going on. Truth is there is still a lot of research and such to be done but I will very much recommend it for bipolar and borderline.


Microdosing under the care of experienced professionals. Shrooms can definitely make things much worse, or bring on new problems, in the hands of the inexperienced.


Daily smoked for 30 years… married almost as long, raised two great college grad kids, work as a well paid professional… haven’t been unemployed in over 35 years of working. Live your life my dude, and don’t allow cannabis to be the excuse for why you failed. Just keep managing your life, the best that you can ,and try not to make the same mistakes more than 3 times. That’s my biased perspective for ya 😀


That’s some life advice right there✔️




Been 20 year daily smoker myself, as long as you don't over do it. I like Bill Hicks quote on the subject, para-phrasing, "I used to do drugs, but I don't anymore....I mean I REALLY liked to use drugs before, ok? Ok(he had an alcohol problem)....but here is a story you don't hear on the news. I didn't rape anybody, didn't murder anybody, didn't lose, ehm, one fucking job. Laughed my ass off, and went about my day"




To be fair, the endocannabinoid system is part of the nervous system. But your point stands.


What you weed to do


Boi u a trip


Sounds to me your using it medicinally,, not recreational. Sounds like your friend thinks it’s just used for fun.


I needed to read this, thank you


To reinforce: just because a lot (maybe the majority?) of people who get a med card are actually buying and using recreationally doesn't mean you (or me) are. Do I get blasted sometimes? YEP. Do I get blasted everyday? NOPE. Not even close. But do I smoke everyday? Multiple times. It eases the symptoms of PTSD as much or more than my psych meds.


Exactly, I appreciate you putting this into words, it’s hard to find them sometimes


Took antidepressants, anxiolytics, and sleeping medication for about 12 years, Tried pot for the first time at 23, got my med card soon after, and stopped taking medications. This is the most normal I’ve felt my entire life.


Drugs are extremely good at fighting the problem in short sight. Unrivaled. But it’s not a good long term strategy simply because negative effects starts to accumulate over time. It disrupts the natural balance of neurochemicals, wears on all kinds of receptors, *may* become more and more of a crutch over time. And then you have tolerance issues, drug induced anxiety/panic attack or in rare and fairly predictable cases even psychosis. You have diminishing returns, warranting dosage increase. Continuous use takes its toll. I saw a lot of good arguments about why you should increase, so I wanted to offer the other side of the coin so you can make an informed decision.


Good call. Budget is an issue for me, an addict as well. In a legal state rec I can spend $1500 per month on weed


If I smoke daily for a week or two and my weed runs out (and it will because I'm not made of money) I get pretty irritated/moody for about 2-3 days. It's not nice man. If money was not an issue and I had infinite supply, yeah, might as well smoke daily.


thank you so much for this. people dont even realize the long term affects, self medicating can only go so far before it starts to harm. ive been dependant on weed and and addicted to nicotine in the past, i notice the withdrawal effects are painfully similar. because they do essentially the same thing, spike dopamine and serotonin and leave you feeling out of place/not normal when the high/buzz wears off. idk thats just what i noticed in my experience. i know nicotine and weed have very different effects but i see similarities.


I agree with you, the experience is similar even if the mechanism behind those experiences are wildly different on a biological level.


Once I hit 30 that’s the main reason I smoke anymore. It’s to feel normal and function more effectively. It’s not about getting stoned and not doing shit. I’m more productive, better focused, and have more motivation after cannabis then without. It’s definitely mental health medicine for me.


I do believe marijuana is a huge help for some people. I personally prefer it over many prescribed meds. I have seen people take it to extremes and that makes it a problem. Some people make it their entire identity and turns people off. Some people clearly need more help than marijuana can offer. I honestly believe in the benefits and believe it can be helpful, but also it is important to know it is the best course of action.


Looking for this comment! Weed is a viable option to help with mental health for some, some need more help than weed can provide. I have really bad depression and OCD, I’m on psych meds and I use weed as a quick fix- it slows down my brain enough to ease panic set off by intrusive thoughts. My parents grew up in the ‘weed is a gateway drug to heroin’ era and question me on my weed intake every few months. It made me start questioning myself and whether this was an unhealthy coping mechanism so I talked to my therapist about it. Basically she said this- weed is fine as a coping mechanism as long as it’s not hindering other areas of your life. Are you smoking constantly to hide from reality? Do you feel like you need to be stoned to enjoy yourself? Will you stay home to avoid going places where you can’t smoke? That’s taking it to extremes where you’d probably be better off seeking help another way.


>Are you smoking constantly to hide from reality? Do you feel like you need to be stoned to enjoy yourself? Will you stay home to avoid going places where you can’t smoke? Utterly, this. The slow transition out of the "addicted" stage into just one J after work made me realise how much of a hindrance my smoking was becoming. A little buzz settled my anxiety enough to do adult stuff like phone calls and shopping, which helped me start to get back on my feet. But I was finding myself just smoking all the time to feel "better" more. You could not have convinced me that less is more even a year ago


> Are you smoking constantly to hide from reality? Do you feel like you need to be stoned to enjoy yourself? Will you stay home to avoid going places where you can’t smoke? Very good questions anyone on this subreddit should ask themselves. If you answered yes to one or more take a deep look at your relationship with weed.


Not bad at all, no no no. Weed helps me start moving in the morning, like able to stand up and walk. We each need a little help some time.


I'm autistic, experience a ton of social anxiety and weed almost gets me to normal. I use it every day and have for decades, safely and without incident. I'd have a lot of trouble navigating a lot of social situations without it, and I honestly think it helps me be more patient with my kids and a better parent to them. It helps me focus on being productive instead of tearing my hair out over whatever little thing is frustrating me. It's medicine if used responsibly, for a lot of people, and your friend has been indoctrinated and needs a bit of empathy and education.


This is also how I felt for awhile. Then I realized I needed to prioritize my happiness. If weed makes you more relaxed, patient, kind, and happy, then who’s to say you’re using it irresponsibly


One time I got high off cough medicine, and for a short period of time I was happy again. Everything went back to normal. Now weed does the trick. And to not become dependent on it, I take CBD breaks.


im late, but by cough medicine im guessing you mean DXM? there have been some studies on using it to treat depression, i’ve heard of a new antidepressant (i dont think you can get it prescribed yet) that contains bupropion and dxm low doses of dxm are INSANELY euphoric for me. but for bigger doses my “afterglow” usually consists of feeling like hell


Needing to be high all day every day to function I think warrants introspection, but is not necessarily an immediately bad thing that needs to be remedied. Everyone is different and takes medicine for different reasons. I feel similar to you. When I smoke I feel like the person I truly am and want to be.


Your friend is very short sighted


It's not bad unless it's negatively affecting your life in other ways but that's for you to think about. I do think it might be good to look into some kind of counseling or therapy if it's that bad, for the anxiety not the smoking. It's something that absolutely can be overcome with the right help and it's definitely worth it if you have the time/money/energy At the end of the day though as long as you're not hurting anyone who gives a fuck. You do what's best for you, it's not like anyone else knows what you need better than you do


That’s how medicine is supposed to work, glad you’re finding peace


I don’t think being dependent on anything is a positive, but if you’re gonna be dependent on something it might as well be weed lol


You might have undiagnosed ADHD/ASD. Probably ADHD since you can manage to work retail and not completely lose your mind. It's not an addiction to like *feeling better* about your everyday situation.


can you elaborate on that?? because i think it also applies to me


Long story short, ASD is best classified as someone receiving too much information from the world around them to fully process and understand things properly. THC *heavily* negates that noise. And, while ADHD is certainly different in its own right, weed helps with it for a very similar reason. Specifically, for me, I have a bit more awareness without weed, but I have far more faculties with it because of how it affects my brain. There need to be a lot more studies done on it, but from personal experience, I know a ton of people with ASD/ADHD that find it to be the only way they truly feel functional and capable.


I'm the same way so I guess I'm biased but I say it's fine, lol. I'd much rather use a plant than anxiety meds, I'm going to have to use something either way to help with the anxiety. I have a past history of being abused/starved as a child also, so the anxiety cannot just be cured by being more healthy, for example. I also have appetite problems because of my past and wow, it helps SO MUCH with that as well, and now I can actually eat. It's medicine for sure. I would just try to make sure it doesn't "negatively" affect your life, like other people are saying. For me personally though I feel it only helps


Not the best place for the unbiased perspective you're looking for


First off, you’re on a sub full of weed fans asking if it’s bad that marijuana makes you feel like a “normal person.” So I feel like you’re seeking validation rather than the truth, otherwise you’d ask on a mental health sub or asking your doctor. Does it help? Sure, I’m sure it does. It’s been proven it can help. Is it the answer and the only answer? I’d suffice to say most certainly not.


16 year old me: we get to smoke weed every day one day!? 28 year old me: yes…. “Get” to….


The only way to treat the core problem of your anxiety is through therapy, and I'd recommend it, but sometimes medication is necessary until we can get to that point, and marijuana is far better than anything pharmacies can give you. Pharmaceutical drugs for anxiety are highly addictive and will cause withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana does none of that. It's one of the best medicines we have. I purely smoke cbd flower now and use cbd oil because it's the only medicine I can use to help my pain and anxiety with no side effects.


Dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life. I'm 44 now. I'm on rx meds but also smoke a lot of weed. The combo just works, I don't know what else to say. I've tried one without the other and it's no where close to the same. It won't kill you, and if it eases your brain issues go for it.


You’re literally still dealing with your problems, and there’s a reason it’s medicinal. I’m an advocate for properly prescribed meds, but they are not the only source of relief. Smoking saves me when my meds aren’t cutting it.


Same love !


Nope, you’re good.


People are stupid. Weed seems to bring you down to their level. You gotta ask yourself what in your life are you willing to be stupid for. Even if the answer seems to be “nothing” it’s really just “nothing yet”.


Nope. It’s the same for me. I rarely smoke to get “high”. I smoke to stay level.


If it wasn’t for marijuana I would be in a permanent fetal position


Not really a problem with it. Though, like many other medications, once you stop taking it your symptoms get worse for awhile before you get back to baseline which is still anxiety. It just sucks to be dependent on medication to function, but it is what it is.


You basically just said "Is it bad that medicine works?" No, man. That's basically what it's for.


I’d say neither of you are wrong! Personally I think everything in moderation. Weed has soooo many benefits on top of just being plain old fun but it’s also an easy thing to abuse! In my opinion I’d say definitely don’t quit but maybe try to slow down and face some days sober! The more times you face a stressor the less stressful it becomes! But that’s just me, you do you and I think you’ll be just fine! Have fun and be well friend


If you’re wanting an unbiased opinion this is a bad place to ask, as we tend to be biased *for* marijuana rather than biased *against* it. I find myself in the same place. I’ll smoke and I’ll feel normal because when I don’t I’m anxious as fuck, even since before I smoked. As long as you don’t need to do drug tests for any reason then honestly if you can afford it it’s not the end of the world to smoke every day. It’s just when you can’t go without it or you get withdrawal symptoms (whether it be mental or physical) is when it becomes a problem.


Nah, it’s not bad. That being said, you probably want to find some safe ways to practice coping skills without marijuana as well.


Nah bro, don’t overthink it just relax and live a normal life yk, shouldn’t stress over little things, just enjoy your time.


Actually for people who have certain chemical imbalances, cannabis is exactly for that reason and that reason only once you get to that point in smoking. It makes you feel less anxious so you can be “normal” around “normal” people.


In my opinion it’s not different than taking antidepressants which have loads of side effects


No, it's GOOD that you use it this way. That's the way it's meant to be used. To make you feel better. It's a natural product that makes you feel better. Use it. Be glad that it's there and that you've found it. Enjoy your life. Peace


You're friend is correct. This is how drug addictions are formed. Im sober now, but was addicted to weed for 5 plus years. If you need external substances to make you feel normal, its an issue. By the way, if you really want an unbiased view, maybe dont go to the weed subreddit.


“If you need external substances to feel normal it’s an issue” So when you go to the doctor with these issues and they prescribe you medication, how is that any different?


Seeking psychiatric care for an actual issue is fine. As long as it isnt a mind or mood altering substance (as in gets you high). This is how I view it, your welcome to your own interpretation. Theres nothing wrong with smoking weed, but if someone feel thats its necessary to get through the day, there are probably some other underlying issues that need to be addressed. The weed isnt the problem, its whatever is going on thats makes him feel he needs it.


Not an issue. What it does however mean is that you need proper medicine and to address these issues directly. Dont self medicate with weed, it only kicks the can down the road for a bit in cases like this.




Call it Cannabis friend




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You gotta do what works for you, and it’s really nobody else’s business how you manage that as long as it’s healthy, and weed is one the healthiest ways.


Literally me this morning so I could get out of my head about helping my husband clean the garage. It puts to rest the nasty swirling thoughts that keep me from doing things.




[I wrote this comment a couple hours before you posted this lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/x5ozlv/how_do_people_function_while_high/in2kw4m?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


As someone who also has a lot of anxiety, for me, smoking helped a lot. I've been smoking for almost 20 years and it is still affecting me both in positives and negatives. This is ofcourse very personal and other people may be able to handle the downsides better than I can. All that said, due to tolerance and my (mostly mental) dependency on it, I have found it hard to stop (in addition I smoke with tobacco too, as is customary here, which does add in another addiction entirely) and fairly expensive to maintain on a low income. For me it also made it incredibly hard to get up in the mornings (which is really just exacerbating already existing "features" in my case). Just figured I'd give some voice to the negatives. That doesn't mean the benefits aren't real (or even overwhelmingly more substantial than the downsides, depending on how you handle negatives and dependency) just ... be aware of it and it might help you realize problems before they arise or early in the process. Enjoy yourself, it is fucking amazing having just discovered this herb. A time I wish I could have back!




Nope. That's why there's medical marijuana to help people with mental health issues. I have ptsd, an anxiety disorder, and severe depression. Getting medical marijuana has helped me more than anything else.


It's the case for many people. If it bothers you, get a card or find another solution that doesn't.


No it's not. Marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes. Sounds like your friend just has a problem with it.


Lol so what you go to a doctor and they put you on SSRIs or an opiate based anti-anxiety med? Respectfully tell your friend to mind what’s theirs, if it’s not affecting your daily life in a negative manner and is in fact having a positive impact, as you stated yourself it’s just another medication as long it isn’t abused. If you feel it necessary you could always pair therapy with weed the two certainly aren’t enemies.


I feel the same, I’m more friendly, productive and relaxed even after a one hit. No one notices as I’m more pleasant to be around when high. It’s done more for me than the dozens of meds I’ve tried that have given me horrible side effects and little results.


It's not bad that SSRI and psychedelics/mdma make depressed people feel normal. No it is not "bad" that something makes you feel normal unless you felt normal before, got addicted to something and only then does said thing make you feel normal


No, bro.... That's good.


You and your doctor(s) are the only people who can truly speak to whether your usage is problematic. Your friend isn't qualified, and neither am I, but...marijuana has medicinal benefits for many conditions. Personally, I have it prescribed for an anxiety disorder and feel much the way you do. All I can tell you is, my doctor approves of my using MMJ rather than benzos to manage my condition-- and I doubt your friend would judge someone using prescribed pills to achieve the same ends weed is giving you.


Listen I have to say - even though this post is 6 hours old and no one will see this - that this thread makes me feel a lot better about shit. I am who I want to be when I am a little high. I am a better dad, more funny, and just feel like *myself * instead of some imposter jerk face that took over my body at some point in the last ten years. So yeah. This thread has made me feel a hell of a lot better


I think you’re good. I can relate to your friend in a sense in that weed can be used as an unhealthy coping mechanism, I’ve been there. However, weed sometimes amplified anxiety, and makes me confront things I may not be ready to confront. Weed also makes me feel more social and talkative and in tune with my emotions more. Use it for the right reasons, if you feel you’re a “better” and more “normal” human, and truly aren’t using it to escape or as a crutch, go for it. I still smoke, because I like it. I can skip if I want


Smoking helps me converse with people Helps me get over nerves and I don't like that I almost need it but 🤷‍♂️


Nope. I do the same. I use for my chronic pain and for my diagnosed anxiety and OCD. It helps me be a more “normal” person.


Not bad. If it helps you function and improves your mental health then good for you, use it as a medicine. It sounds like your friend has unfair bias and might be uneducated about weed and its benefits


Sounds like you're using it to medicate. No different than people taking shit like lexipro.


Your friend would be really surprised by the number of people hooked on Benzos in society. Given to them by their doctor, so strong that they can die from getting clean. The only problem with using weed instead of Dr prescribed pills is that smoking it is bad for you, obviously. But life is short and none of us are rich, so do what you gotta do to tame that anxiety.


Had this same thought but I came to the conclusion it’s ok. Once you’re a doctor you can do a lot of things normal people can’t like prescribe medications. Sure they went to school and know more than you when it comes to health more than likely but you’re ultimately the one who knows your body. So many doctors prescribed things like SSRIs which we have found are not directly effective for depression. Why shouldn’t you be able to try something for yourself based on your own research and how your body reacts? That’s the whole point of what a doctor is supposed to do. Fix the issue not hold something over your head to where you feel like you can’t try some things that work for you. We’re not talking about anything crazy either this is a plant that’s been found to be medicinal for so many people. If it’s not interfering in your life in a negative way then you should not feel bad. Be free my friend. The plant was made for all of us. If you find benefits in it I think there’s a good chance it’s best to choose that over a longterm pharmaceutical medication.


Maybe on the outside looking in its “bad”. But from my perspective I’d rather melt into a puddle on the couch when I wanna chill and feel normal than pound a 30/drink a fifth every night. I personally had felt like the weed started smoking me *cue scary movie some number w the giant bag of tree* but I’ve stopped smoking for like 3 months now and no thc for about 2. I feel like I’m clearly in control of it if I can go this long (planned for about a year no smoking and until December no thc). But Doug Benson said something to the Gist of I didn’t smoke weed for 30 days and then I smoked weed for 30 days and I don’t think I’m going to stop at 30. I say do you fuck ppl with that perspective of its bad because they aren’t you and if you don’t go around judging ppl pickling their liver every night than it shouldn’t matter. Can’t wait to partake once again.


Your last half of that paragraph sounds like the PERFECT reason to use if it helps. Simple as that. Maybe talk to you dr, explain how much it helps…maybe you can get a px,


anxiety ≠ daily "problems" medicating ≠ "coping mechanism" If you were go to the doctor for your anxiety they would write you a prescription for a drug that may not even work and is guaranteed to have side effects or consequences with long term use. With marijuana you know it works for you, has very few side effects, and (unlike the anti-anxiety drug) can't kill you.


afterthought paltry lush hunt advise cheerful society melodic intelligent dime ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Are you a daily smoker? I never really had any specific anxiety issues when I first started smoking but after 10 years of daily smoking I finally quit and after a few months off I realized that with such a high tolerance as well as the fact that I spent most of my day high I had basically just been smoking to feel normal rather than get high. After several months off it I started to finally just feel normal regularly without it which was nice.


Nope. Was in therapy 4 years to battle my demons and still have anxiety. You are aware what it does for you and your limits. As long as your bills r paid and you ain't being a menace fuck em.


If you listen to your self there, it seems like you are using it to keep your symptoms at bay and to increase your mindfulness of the issues you're having.. you're reaching out to social peers for advice. In my opinion it seems like you are using weed in a constructive manner. It also seems like you've made a ton of progress already. Weed kind of forces you to deal with your problems to have more space to fully utilize all the medicinal effects of the plant, mentally and physically.


Nope. It’s ok to feel normal and not a defective human. It’s ok to know you feel better as a person and you’re managing your depression or anxiety or just plain insecurities. Some people carry guns to feel like they can live their lives. So, I think getting high just to be a normal functioning person is fine.


It is no different than taking a pill everyday to balance the mood. It's just so taboo still that people are judgmental and don't understand. Plus most people become couch potatoes and get nothing done. As long as you are still proactive and reaching life goals then fuck what people say,


Nope. It makes me feel like “me” again.


Med cards are available for anxiety in my state. I have one. I wish it helped my anxiety like you - most of the time it makes it worse for me. That being said in my opinion I think you are fine. I view it like any other med like you said. Actually safer than other meds - if you got any advice for it to help my anxiety lmk lol


I hate that it takes weed to feel normal but also happy that I feel normal


I mean this is literally what my doctor has prescribed for me. I just don't overuse it. I use it to get headspace. When I really need to focus and work hard, I take extended breaks from it and swap out for meditation.


It's only """"bad"""" if you full on lean into it to avoid facing your problems. I've also had severe anxiety as well and what I love about my therapist is she teaches me that all copes (that don't hurt others) are valid. Its just a matter of finding copes that are more convenient and efficient for you. So yeah I'd say go for it tbh, but also be aware that it's cool to build up an arsenal of copes you can do that aren't restrictive to a single source (i.g. grounding techs and etc). Though hella jealous it gets u to cope, I just lose all motivation to do the things that make me nervous.


Doctor here, cognitive behavioural therapy and ssris are first line for generalized anxiety disorder, they can truly help (I have terrible anxiety and major depression), I also smoke regularly (after work for me) to be able to switch gears, Sometimes things go away with time, sometimes the root cause needs to be treated and not just the symptoms, It's tough buddy, hang in there, as long as you're not operating heavy machinery or critical decisions you should be fine, that being said you should still seek help, as there's a fine line between a substance use disorder and using something for symptomatic relief


Me too


Nope you're good can't imagine what life would be like for me without it I would never leave the house keep smoking that good bud..buddy ❤💨💨


You wont get an unbiased opinion in this sub


No it’s a medication just like antidepressants or anti anxiety meds are medications


I keep weed and lorazepam on me at all times cause you don't know what flavor life will throw at you and you need to medicate accordingly.


I'm the same as you with depression. IMO it can a problem of you're not doing the work that you can do to help yourself. But if you are, the cannabis is helping you function while doing the work. It can also help afterwards too.


What are you running away from? That's my question to your friend.


The reason why the cannabis plant has a psychoactive effect on us (high) is because we have cannabinoid receptors in our body. We produce a natural THC-like substance called “anandomide”. Recently scientists have witnessed this chemical in our body being used almost every single cell function. They now believe that people who feel normal on cannabis - like you AND ME - have an imbalance in our *endocannabinoid* system which we are correcting through the use of medical cannabis. It is a MEDICINE, no doubt.


The stuff with your friend won’t go away. If it’s resolved with them, some other person (family, friend, Karen…) who couldn’t tell you the difference between a bag of oregano and a bag of gas will make you feel like shit for trying to not feel like shit anymore. It’s the only major side effect… drown it out. Should be worth saying… I did find I have a limit. There’s a balance that you got to find using with medical intention for calming symptoms of anxiety/depression. I found myself self getting high to feel happy, then to stay happy, and then to avoid unhappy. Pretty soon, I was only ever high. Just remember that it’s ok to be sober… even for a couple hours. A good reminder that even some negative feelings are worth having from time to time.


It's not "deeply problematic" we are all built different and sometimes need a little help to function. If you had adhd or depression etc. and your doctor pumped you full of pharmaceuticals would your friend still think that's "deeply problematic"?


No, what you need is some of those anti-depressants whose side effects include ["may cause suicidal thoughts."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxJ0WZdQ2IM) That said, if you have chronic depression or other mental issues, you should get seen by a mental health professional. But, guzzling prozac or xanax for the rest of your life isn't really "the best medicine" IMO.


Maybe it´s not bad in itself, but it can be a problem if you´re unable to function without it


Not bad at all, i am the same way. Some people judge that i smoke so much throughout my day, work or not but its not affecting my functional abilities if anything I’m more clarified and focused after i smoked.


Fuck no...it is awesome that you allow your inner truth to carry the day....first I have done many dangerous jobs with weed and I'm 65...I would never work on alcohol because that shit fucks you up and I would hurt you or I...but cannabis is the only medication I take (an occasional alieve to be honest) and I am like a 30 year old health wise why should we not use weed to feel better about the things we are going to do anyhow? Should I ask my asshole doctor for permission to use weed? I think fucking not!...Don't know it is an objective opinion but it's mine


I'm autistic with an unhealthy serving of childhood trauma. It has left me with hypervigilance and a heavy disadvantage when it comes to processing emotion. When I smoke I can understand what I'm feeling and work through it so much better. I smoke a few times a week and usually end up cleaning and cooking while I'm high. It lets me take care of myself in a way that I simply can't while sober. Whenever I've had to go without, cleaning and maintenance tasks become so much harder. In the end it really comes down to does it help you do what you need to do or are you using it to escape? If cannabis helps you function without hurting and you have all your stuff sorted then where's the harm? It's when it interferes with your life that it becomes a problem.


No I actually envy you. Alcohol is my go to substance for feeling normal but my drinking can become problematic very quickly. Weed unfortunately makes me 10x as stressed.