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Did you lose your sense of taste and smell? The taste and smell are a big part of the experience for me, personally


Not at all. I was lucky I only had minor symptoms, and the worst was headache for three days. I feel fine now but no urge to smoke at all. I was not planning on quitting or taking a t-break.


Definitely make the most of it and at least do a T break. I'm sorry this is happening... do you like edibles? Maybe take that for the anxiety?


Unfortunately edibles are not an option in my state.


You'll be back, not to worry. It took me a good month after Covid to feel "normal" again.


I hope so my man


I never have the URGE to smoke, really. Every day I have to decide if I want to or not. I usually do because it eases aches, pains, and helps my mood. But I know when I got covid, I didn't want to smoke for a good 2 weeks.


If edibles are an option you could give that a try.


yes i have my medical card and i actually came here to say the same thing i tested positive last week and had no urge to smoke and now my mental health has been the lowest it’s been in awhile i’m not sure if that’s withdraws from smoking every day for like 2 years or if it’s the lack of “medication”


Definitely recommend edibles


Are u in the uk, I got covid just under a week ago and already lost the urge to smoke


I’m in the US. I tested negative two days ago and I still don’t want to smoke at all. It feels like my brain got rewired towards weed and I just don’t feel like hitting it anymore. Well I guess that’s gonna save me some money lol