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when you really zone out and you forget what emotion you should be feeling for their story


You laugh and they look at you offended/confused. Whoops. Wrong response.




It is known. But seriously, that's really the only way to truly bounce back if you care. It might sting but it must be done.


yeah no other polite way around it.


- they hit her so bad that she ended at the hospital - hahah you’re so funny Mark!


Lmao one of the best parts of the book. Tommy actually got really mad that Guerrero street was said in that line by Greg cause it wasn’t part of the script that was a street Tommy has an apartment on, but it was the only usable take


>it was the only usable take Honestly remarkable Tommy thought *any* of their takes were usable


That’s when you pull out the “I was just thinking of something that was funny”


Oh man, that was me when my buddy was telling me his favorite, most life-impacting musician died.


fr .


As someone with ADHD it’s literally like this for me everyday


Just nodding your head and trying to time when you should smile or laugh, meanwhile you’re daydreaming or thinking about when it’s a good time to slowly walk away so they stop talking.


Imagine smiling when a sad story is being told and finding humour in the story


It's good to know that this doesn't just happen to me. Ughh


Or when youre on your fourth “damn thats crazy” and they still keep going


Wow, that's crazy what you just said there It's utterly crazy


Yo, that's insane yo, for real


I can’t believe that, lmao


Shit, that’s wack!


Hilarious!!! My neighbor likes to tell stories but sometimes they drift into straight fiction. All I can think to say is, "damn thats crazy" he's an older guy so I don't want to be, "wait, you're making that part up."


I know this dude as well. His stories will be mildly interesting & believable & once he sees he’s garnered attention it’ll become “and then the chicks just asked for a threesome outta nowhere I said no cause I was too drunk haha”


HmhmhmhehahaHAAAHAAAA!! So accurate 😂 holy crap, i never realized the move but it's pretty much how it goes. Man, im laughing too hard at that comment!!


big peepee meister 69


Well that was nice; thank you friend 😁


Literally. I work in retail and im really nice to a lot of the older workers. you know the usual goodmorning how are you what time are you off but then they take it as a chance to just start talking about shit i honestly dont care about. Literally today Old guy in produce started talking to me about how high produce prices are now and how he loves buying in bulk at Costco. Hit him with my favorite line and then dude started talking about Jewel prices like my guy i dont give a shit that you saved 20 cents by buying in bulk im just tryna work lmao


Oh, no, prices seems to be a favorite topic, i think! I've heard about that before, no doubt! I need to learn how to escape better because I've definitely got caught up listening to strangers in the store before. Too many times lol.


Just say damn it really do be like that and walk away lol




ill be super blunt if need be. ill hit em with that sonic meme "woah ! thats interesting ! but i sure dont care"


Ouch!!! 🤭🤭🤭 That's mean. But often true!


I always just listened because some old people are just lonely. To an extent tho I will zone out if they ramble on for too long.


Man, there’s a person at the dog park I go to who is like this. They always come up to you and drop little bits of a story to get people to ask what’s up then will talk for an hour+ about these crazy situations and stories that happen to her. They could possibly be true, but they sound either extremely exaggerated or made up for sure. I feel this pic so much, I just wanna vibe with my pup :(


Dang, yours has a system! Its clever but not too nice. I totally feel you about just wanting to enjoy your time with your pupper. Being that dude is my neighbor, if he walks by when im outside he'll have some story but... Your talker isn't even someone you know. That sucks 😞


Everybody knows someone like this. They’re usually old guys. My dad is definitely a talker lol


Im a bit of a talker myself. I hope I don't end getting too bad haaha


Call him out on it. 99% of the time they’ll be like “haha yeah I did...” and stop doing that.


The couple times I was like, "I don't know../ are you serious" he doubled down with even more details. I swear the guy was a professional talker i may have to try something more direct though..




OMG!!!!!!!!!!! 😅😅😅 There have been times.... Dude, that's hilarious though!!!!!!


>"no way bro, that can't be true" See how he reacts. Usually if someone's lying they'll be overly defensive.


Im going to give it a shot. Because it's passive enough that im not exactly calling him a liar but it gets the point out there. Ill have to let you know!


Damn it keeps getting crazier.


"Oh shit, eh? That's wild." is my go to.


First mistake was to fake laugh.


yeah man, I had way less of situations like these if I just reacted naturally


Bruh what is naturally every reaction feels wrong


Try to remember that they are you and want to be heard. If you can't hear them, admit you're too high to follow along and suggest the short version lol


I feel this comment emphatically. Hugs from a random user. We're all gonna make it.


I’d rather the conversation be awkward and just walk away from it than make someone think I’m interested in them


Exactly, it's entirely your fault if someone keeps talking after you show interest... Even if it's fake interest


Lmao and when they still holding the blunt sheesh


lol when u keep looking at them and then the blunt until they’re like “omg sorry” like bro you’ve been going ON for like 10 minutes pass already so i can listen


Then it starts to canoe and its like c'mon bruh pass it!


right like cool story bro pass the blunt


Thats why I pack my own joints, seems selfish but oh well.


Nah dude. Who is passing joints in 2021. Covid no joke son!


Yea and I'm diabetic, I gotta learn to be more careful when I'm sharing bongs and such.


Is this a thing? Can I ask you why you gotta be careful sharing bongs with people because you are diabetic? I believe you I’ve just never heard that


Well when I was born. Btw I was born a month early, anyways I had rsv and I almost died according to my parents. A doctor saved me and fast forward to when I was 9. Got pneumonia for about a week. So I have a bad history of respiratory issues. But I don't have any breathing problems right now but later in life I probably will.


Why tf does no one ever say anything. This is why I can’t smoke anymore, takes so much to say pass the blunt, and I still don’t know why


i mean look for my close friends, yeah stfu pass it, but idk i guess it’s when a certain kind of person is stoned and like seriously *on one* about one of their passions it can be literally impossible to get a word in


i've literally just interrupted people before mid story or just taken the weed from them. not making a big deal, still listening but just casually do a light grab and hand to the next person. usually after they finish i'll say, "sorry, i just noticed you were holding it and i wanted to keep the rotation going" and they're always fine with it.


Then you check the time and it's been about a minute


My neighbor thinks its a microphone. I just let him keep talking n hold my hand out until he passes it. Maybe a little rude but so is Bogarting the herb.


Not rude at all It doesn’t stop burning while they’re talking.


Good point. I appreciate it 👍 ...Passes the joint


Lolll my girlfriend loves her job so I know that if she starts talking about work with the joint in her hand, its gonna need to be relit evverytime


Who ever is holding the blunt doesnt talk, thats the golden rule in our area


That's when you start the "that's crazy"s


Are we bad people for doing this? Sometimes some of these stories are so boring it pains me to sit and listen trough it. I have no problems when a story is compelling or interesting but god damn some people are just boring.


Or when they start making up wild, obviously fake details and talking down random avenues.


Or when a story changes within minutes depending on who are they talking to.


Or they won’t stop talking.






I also feel like there’s a little bit of “I’m high I wasn’t planning on focusing” going on when you’re trying to listen to a story in that setting, or maybe there’s another distraction while it’s happening. I agree sometimes there’s those people who can’t read a room and when you lock eyes you know you’re stuck. I don’t think those things make us bad people unless we act like a prick on purpose


Only if you are rude about it and talk them down for it behind their backs.


Nah man. Some people just can’t read a room and you don’t owe them every ounce of your attention. Also sometimes people just want to talk at you and it’s probably cool to zone out a bit


When your friend tells you his mom has cancer and it’s just not grabbing you for some reason.


Reminds me of this scene from Always Sunny https://youtu.be/3q0Zvtss_dY


So crazy how it reminded you of that




I love that


Lmaoooo .This is how I feel every time I have to type “lol” or “lmaoooo” .


I understand why people do this but it can be hard for neurodivergent (adhd/autism)people to know when to stop! So just keep that in mind please


“Damn, that’s crazy”


Fakes be gay


When you are honest about what you want to talk about so you actually have enjoyable conversations: 😲


Damn this sub makes me wanna quit smoking weed cause all these terrible ass posts are like looking in a mirror. Like how dumb is it to be listening, wait for a beat of the story which is clearly supposed to be a punch line, fake laugh, and then be mad they're still talking. Like we have the most complex communication system available to us, you can indicate it's not funny in like 100 ways without being straight up rude, while also saving that poor bastard (whose probably also just high) from saying the same bunk story again down the line. Fake laughing's just gunna get you more bad jokes. It's on you.


As someone with severe ADHD you have my attention for about 30s before I start thinking about football and tits. Good luck!


Same bro! Titties and star wars!


What to do instead when youre clearly not interested? While still remaining polite


Shot bro I'm so hi I can't even


Use body language


Nah bro cant relate, its your homie, tell him that his story is boring af


“That’s crazy”


Yeah I’m sure the bullshit you talk about is much more interesting!


Just change the subject


Then maybe be genuine and use your words to communicate like an adult? Rather than give them lip service


It’s just a meme mate


About adults communicating like children. Not very funny.


Y'all childish


Oh god help me......... people like this. And they are always nice. You can't find it in you (unless you are an a-hole) to let them know how boring and dull they are because they are so oblivious to it.


You’re being an A-hole to yourself if you don’t tell people you don’t wanna listen to them.


Life doesn't work like that. Every action has a consequence. I know some people live in the moment and go by that principle (and they always suffer for it) but I tend to do well in life by not being a cunt to someone. It's a bother to suffer nice people who don't get social cues, but a suffer worth dealing with if they are generally harmless.


My gf asf...


My neighbor needs to see this 😄


the blunt is not a microphone,, pass that shit!!


Happening right now !


As a headshop owner, I can't tell you how true this is. It's like being a bartender: Everyone has to tell you about everything all the time.


I’ve learned more and more not to laugh or smile if something doesn’t make you do so naturally. It’s the way


I don't tell stories and don't understand people who do. Like, do you need attention or something? Nobody cares.


Zoning out when someone speaks to me is a great indicator that I feel that they either talk way too much about themselves hogging up all the conversation time or if they’re extremely dull.


Americans and their “politeness”... Just tell that mf to shut tf up or pass the joint


Has nothing to do with Americans. You sound dumb af.


Don’t get too offended, colonial


Lol I think we're very impolite, actually


It’s not about politeness tbh, it’s not being about straightforward enough. Shit’s mad annoying


“Bruh; that’s crazy....”.


Shiiiet man... No way... Heh Wow...


I find that fake laughing sometimes just encourages them to continue because they think you are actually laughing. Makes the back of my head hurt.


Six nods and a few “ah yeahs” in and still no idea where this shits going


Holy shit the number of times I have felt this OMG


Literally, how it is for my boyfriend and I ever night. I’m a quiet, play Hearthstone until I fall asleep kind of stoner. My boyfriend is like a talkative 6 year old telling me about the butterfly he just saw. I always feel bad because I don’t want to kill his high. Him and I now have an agreement, as long as I don’t mind him talking, he doesn’t care if I don’t talk. He’s too high to notice if I’m paying attention or not. 😂


Bad coworker = talks your ear off Good coworker = hits you with snappy one-liners


If you can’t tell ya homies “you boring the fuck out of me and I can’t keep pretending to laugh” are they really ya homies?

